View Full Version : Besides the kids here. What new info have you learned from the last dance?

04-27-2020, 06:15 AM
I know kids are eating up those Krause stories, MJ being mean, broken foot, poor pippen underpayed, rodman story,.. it's all over social media and here. It surprised me, but are there older fans here that saw anything that blew them away? I was hyped before it aired but it feels underwhelming compared to the hype.

04-27-2020, 06:19 AM
From 85-93', MJ shot 40% on threes in games where he took 4+ attempts (was in a rhythm), compared to less than 30% on the remaining threes (mostly bailout threes).

MJ has an entire 12 minute video (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=AJzbrBUFB4Y&t=02m10s) dedicated to bailout threes because those were most of the threes he took.. otoh, I doubt lebron has a bailout three video because he probably doesn't take many (defers to teammates)

So if MJ played today and took 10+ threes a game, he'd be in rhythm every game and shoot 40% or better - that's what he did during his career anytime he was in rhythm (took 4+ attempts)

04-27-2020, 06:34 AM
From 85-93', MJ shot 40% on threes in games where he took 4+ attempts (was in a rhythm), compared to less than 30% on the remaining threes (mostly bailout threes).

MJ has an entire 12 minute video (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=AJzbrBUFB4Y&t=02m10s) dedicated to bailout threes because those were most of the threes he took.. otoh, I doubt lebron has a bailout three video because he probably doesn't take many (defers to teammates)

So if MJ played today and took 10+ threes a game, he'd be in rhythm every game and shoot 40% or better - that's what he did during his career anytime he was in rhythm (took 4+ attempts)
Hi 3ball. Ltns

04-27-2020, 06:38 AM
Hi 3ball. Ltns

It's interesting because I listened to broussard say MJ would be an above average 3-point shooter today, but "not Curry or Klay level"

But I'm like, why not?

He was every bit the prolific jumpshooter that they were, on more volume and greater contests, with better form... He simply didn't shoot the volume from deep that they did, so he wasn't getting in a rhythm like they do.

But I went back and looked at all the games where MJ took 4+ attempts from 85-93', and MJ shot 40% in those games.

If MJ was taking 10+ threes today, he'd make 4.. that's standard anytime he took 10 shots of any kind

04-27-2020, 04:18 PM
Magic had some suspect dribbling skills. I haven’t watched him a ton but he looked pretty weak to me. Definitely would be a guard today. I’m not sure what he’d be. Couldn’t match up with modern power forwards.

04-27-2020, 05:08 PM
How important Scottie really was to the Bulls. Like I can understand 2nd option, but this guy was 1b to MJ's 1a. Then add Rodman to do even more dirty work?? All MJ had to worry about was scoring.

04-27-2020, 05:11 PM
Magic had some suspect dribbling skills. I haven’t watched him a ton but he looked pretty weak to me. Definitely would be a guard today. I’m not sure what he’d be. Couldn’t match up with modern power forwards.

Check again, trust me bro.

04-27-2020, 05:15 PM
The stuff surrounding "The shot" in Cleveland. Harper's reaction was hilarious

04-27-2020, 05:17 PM
The stuff surrounding "The shot" in Cleveland. Harper's reaction was hilarious

Yeah that was cool, it made sense and cool of mj to be honest about it.

04-27-2020, 07:10 PM
It's interesting because I listened to broussard say MJ would be an above average 3-point shooter today, but "not Curry or Klay level"

But I'm like, why not?

He was every bit the prolific jumpshooter that they were, on more volume and greater contests, with better form... He simply didn't shoot the volume from deep that they did, so he wasn't getting in a rhythm like they do.

But I went back and looked at all the games where MJ took 4+ attempts from 85-93', and MJ shot 40% in those games.

If MJ was taking 10+ threes today, he'd make 4.. that's standard anytime he took 10 shots of any kind
I like the cute response. uwu

04-27-2020, 07:14 PM
Loved how MJ "roasted" burell on camera, half joking, half serious wanting him to cut the bs because he wanted his 6th ring badly.

04-27-2020, 07:17 PM
I like the cute response. uwu

If I was allowed to.post threads, I'd show the stats each year (regular season and playoffs) for games where MJ took 4+ threes

It would show that he shot 40.3% in games with 4+ threes (aka in rhythm) from 85-93'

Most of his threes were bailouts, so his volume was usually low... Otoh, we know lebron avoids contested jumpers so he doesn't take bailouts often, and therefore doesn't have a 12 minute bailout-three video like the goat does

04-27-2020, 07:18 PM
Many casuals now rank Pippen as a top 10 legend, and rightfully so

04-27-2020, 07:19 PM
If I was allowed to.post threads, I'd show the stats each year (regular season and playoffs) for games where MJ took 4+ threes

It would show that he shot 40.3% in games with 4+ threes (aka in rhythm) from 85-93'

Most of his threes were bailouts, so his volume was usually low... Otoh, we know lebron avoids contested jumpers so he doesn't take bailouts often, and doesn't have a 12 minute bailout-three video like the goat does
Don't. Everybody already knows about your persistent reputation here.

04-27-2020, 08:05 PM
Pippen was cold asf

. Scottie was the one who balanced everything out." - Steve Kerr
.Pippen was the best player in the world in 93, 94, 95" - Dennis Rodman

04-27-2020, 09:23 PM
The trivial petty shit doesn't interest me very much. Other than that stuff, nothing new really. After two underwhelming episodes I'm not sure whether to even watch the rest. It's another one of those Netflix things that aren't very well made yet people flock to imdb and give it a 10 after 2 mediocre episodes. The old corny docos of his that I still own are more entertaining.

04-27-2020, 09:40 PM
Michael Jordan got along well with Doug Collins (some people here said they clashed). But that was not true, MJ LOVED doug because he ran all these isolation plays for him. MJ didnt like PJ at first because he didn't want to do team work

Celtics did to Detroit what Detroit did to the Bulls

MJ flew all the way down to Vegas, got Rodman who was banging Carmen at that time. dragged him by the nose ring back to Chicago to do practice. And he was still in better shape than everyone LOL

MJ made a lot of fat jokes to Krause

Rodman loved it when Pippen was out, so he could spend more time with MJ

most of these personal shit is new. all the game stuff wasnt new.

97 bulls
04-27-2020, 11:38 PM
I was actually shocked to hear about Krause and how much hindsight he actually had. The man was a genius.

I was also amazed to also hear that Krause hired Winter, then hired Collins. And basically had Winter mentor Jackson to be the coach to take the place of Doug Collins.

04-27-2020, 11:39 PM
I like what I saw about Phil and Rodman.

04-27-2020, 11:45 PM
I was actually shocked to hear about Krause and how much hindsight he actually had. The man was a genius.

I was also amazed to also hear that Krause hired Winter, then hired Collins. And basically had Winter mentor Jackson to be the coach to take the place of Doug Collins.
Krause also being responsible for breaking up the dynasty team.

Well, shit happens.

04-27-2020, 11:58 PM
I still haven't watched it, but in the aftermath I learned a lot more about the Pippen contract. I knew it was bad, but didn't know how it was affecting things beyond that. The same thing with Krause. It really painted how the Bulls run ended prematurely and Jordan could of had 7, 8 rings.

04-28-2020, 12:33 AM
Ive had NBA TV for almost 2 decades now, nothing here is new except for the interviews. I stopped watching after episode 3, this documentary is pretty much for the kids who dont know who MJ is