View Full Version : Another reason MJ is GOAT: Kobe and Lebron have admitted it over and over again

05-03-2020, 11:07 AM
The two players who were "next in line" to truly challenge Jordan basically have said their whole careers that they are chasing Jordan and that Jordan is the GOAT.

Kobe literally did his best to turn himself into a clone of MJ on AND off the court. Lebron, while not as direct as Kobe, has also based everything he does in life as a way to chase MJ...from wear 23 to making a stupid fuking sequel to Space Jam.

Kobe and Lebron are OBSESSED with MJ, moreso than anyone else on this planet. Lebron referred to meeting MJ like it was meeting God. You think Kobe or Lebron think that way about Magic, Bird, Shaq, Kareem? Hell no.

I'm a big Kobe/Lebron fan as well as MJ fan, so I can see clearly unlike all you pathetic, insecure losers on this board who are so stuck in your negative feelings.

I mean, the amount of mental gymnastics Lebron stans are currently pulling is clinically insane.

05-03-2020, 11:11 AM

The Top Three


05-03-2020, 11:13 AM
LeBron never admitted shit


05-03-2020, 11:15 AM
In some way it's a testament to him being, GOAT, but also think about it: They grew up on watching Jordan play. They will(not in Kobe's case) idolize Jordan. Future generations won't.

It's just like music. If you went through your formative years listening to the Beatles they'll always be GOAT, or Zep or whoever. You came of age in the 80s? Chances are you love Queen, The Cure or anyone popular back then. Of course a late 2010 kid might tell you Cardi B's the shit and that's wherein the problem lies. Some generations will crown their inferior product as best ever.

We'll see what comes up after Lebron - the 20-30 year olds' guy.

05-03-2020, 11:23 AM
In some way it's a testament to him being, GOAT, but also think about it: They grew up on watching Jordan play. They will(not in Kobe's case) idolize Jordan. Future generations won't.

It's just like music. If you went through your formative years listening to the Beatles they'll always be GOAT, or Zep or whoever. You came of age in the 80s? Chances are you love Queen, The Cure or anyone popular back then. Of course a late 2010 kid might tell you Cardi B's the shit and that's wherein the problem lies. Some generations will crown their inferior product as best ever.

We'll see what comes up after Lebron - the 20-30 year olds' guy.

Music is a lot more subjective. Also the Lebron stans absolutely losing their minds are not 20-30. Try 15-23.

05-03-2020, 11:29 AM
LeBron never admitted shit


This was a low moment for Lebron and an admission of his insecurity when it comes to MJ. Lebron didn't even feel comfortable saying that he is the GOAT because he knows he is forcing it (However, I don't believe he is insecure about his abilities/legacy compared to anyone else besides MJ). Remember, I am a huge Lebron fan and I've watched Lebron more than any other player...Lebron is very clever about his legacy and marketing. He KNOWS enough time has passed where we legit have new generations of casual NBA fans who never saw MJ play...so he is being aggressive (moreso than any other NBA legend) about marketing himself as the GOAT. This is doubly so with the crazy about of media marketing and advertising channels we have now compared to the 90's/

Only dumb, insecure people like you Manny who NEVER got to watch MJ play hold on to these kind of vapid statements that Lebron made. Also, I can post plenty of other videos where Lebron was OFTEN saying to the media that he wants to be the best player ever and that he is chasing the "ghost" of MJ...

I mean, if Kobe and Lebron have MJ as the GOAT they are chasing...well that's just even more evidence of MJ being GOAT.

Stanley Kobrick
05-03-2020, 11:31 AM
i have Kareem as he goat. that's my goat

05-03-2020, 11:32 AM
I can say OP isnt a *** over and over again and it wont make it true.

its moreso about the facts and who had pippen dragging their weight.

05-03-2020, 11:35 AM
I can say OP isnt a *** over and over again and it wont make it true.

its moreso about the facts and who had pippen dragging their weight.

Anytime someone mentions Pippen as an argument for why MJ isn't GOAT then you've lost. You've resorted to insecure trolling. Why can't people be objective about their favorite players?

05-03-2020, 11:37 AM
Anytime someone mentions Pippen as an argument for why MJ isn't GOAT then you've lost. You've resorted to insecure trolling. Why can't people be objective about their favorite players?

how's that trolling? I just said OP is a *** and that pippen dragged a lot of weight which is a fact.

its not like I'm making any of that up.

05-03-2020, 11:41 AM
how's that trolling? I just said OP is a *** and that pippen dragged a lot of weight which is a fact.

its not like I'm making any of that up.

You are seething...yikes. Ad hominem and a Pippen deflection.

05-03-2020, 11:46 AM
You are seething...yikes. Ad hominem and a Pippen deflection.

OP I wont ban you but I'll definitely let you know that you're on thin ice.

please boost your IQ or I wont have a choice thanks.

05-03-2020, 11:48 AM
OP I wont ban you but I'll definitely let you know that you're on thin ice.

please boost your IQ or I wont have a choice thanks.

Hey, I think normally we agree on a lot of things. Can't remember exactly but I'm pretty sure of it.

I'm just confused why you came into this thread so clearly mad about MJ being the best player ever? Did you not enjoy watching MJ play? The guy is the most entertaining basketball player ever at a minimum.

I mean, Kobe and Lebron themselves have MJ as the GOAT. Why can't you?

05-03-2020, 11:50 AM


05-03-2020, 12:00 PM
Kobe is irrelevant to any GOAT discussion, bringing him up makes you look retarded

Saying a players opinion is a reason for someone being the goat is retarded. You can bring it up, but its not a reason in and of itself. An opinion is not a reason. And as mentioned LeBron has never outright said Jordan is better than him, so you're literally lying about something that even if true wouldn't matter anyways.

This thread is cancer

05-03-2020, 12:06 PM
Kobe is irrelevant to any GOAT discussion, bringing him up makes you look retarded

Saying a players opinion is a reason for someone being the goat is retarded. You can bring it up, but its not a reason in and of itself. An opinion is not a reason. And as mentioned LeBron has never outright said Jordan is better than him, so you're literally lying about something that even if true wouldn't matter anyways.

This thread is cancer

Read the thread title, it's ANOTHER reason MJ is GOAT. Just another reason on a long list.

The two players themselves, who have the biggest stanbases, think MJ is the GOAT. That speaks volumes.

Also Lebron HAS earnestly mentioned plenty of times that he is chasing the "ghost" of MJ. I've seen at least three videos of Lebron stating this back when he was on the Heat and the second stint Cavs. We KNOW he mentioned this plenty of times during his first stint on the Cavs. I mean, just look at the ACTIONS of Lebron and Kobe. They have built their lives with the sole purpose of trying to beat MJ...that's it.

That video Lebron put out of him calling himself the GOAT is just pure marketing and advertising. ACTUALLY look at Lebron when he is saying it. He looks SO uncomfortable just talking to his friends about it and he is obviously forcing it.

05-03-2020, 12:12 PM
Kobe is irrelevant to any GOAT discussion, bringing him up makes you look retarded

Saying a players opinion is a reason for someone being the goat is retarded. You can bring it up, but its not a reason in and of itself. An opinion is not a reason. And as mentioned LeBron has never outright said Jordan is better than him, so you're literally lying about something that even if true wouldn't matter anyways.

This thread is cancer

Kobe > LeQuit

Common knowledge. Not even close

05-03-2020, 12:12 PM
Read the thread title, it's ANOTHER reason MJ is GOAT. Just another reason on a long list.

The two players themselves, who have the biggest stanbases, think MJ is the GOAT. That speaks volumes.

Also Lebron HAS mentioned plenty of times that he is chasing the "ghost" of MJ. I mean, just look at the ACTIONS of Lebron and Kobe. They have built their lives with the sole purpose of trying to beat MJ...that's it.
Nice backpeddle

Players opinions or alleged 'actions' are not reasons for anything

LeBron is the GOAT because he's a better basketball player, has more impact, and much better longevity

Those are reasons. Saying Kobe liked Jordan growing up isn't a reason for anything

Jordan was popular. This isn't groundbreaking news kid

05-03-2020, 12:14 PM
Kobe > LeQuit

Common knowledge. Not even close
Kobe is irrelevant to any GOAT discussion

Not even a tragic death at a young age can propel him into the debate

05-03-2020, 12:15 PM
Nice backpeddle

Players opinions or alleged 'actions' are not reasons for anything

LeBron is the GOAT because he's a better basketball player, has more impact, and much better longevity

Those are reasons. Saying Kobe liked Jordan growing up isn't a reason for anything

Jordan was popular. This isn't groundbreaking news kid

Kid, just admit that you born after MJ retired from the 98 Bulls and you never even saw him play. Admit it.

05-03-2020, 12:18 PM
Kid, just admit that you born after MJ retired from the 98 Bulls and you never even saw him play. Admit it.
Its OK kiddo, your thread fell flat and people are mocking you for it

Come back better next time with something more substantial and relevant. Good luck

05-03-2020, 12:20 PM
Its OK kiddo, your thread fell flat and people are mocking you for it

Come back better next time with something more substantial and relevant. Good luck

Got it, so you admit that you never saw MJ play.

05-03-2020, 12:21 PM

The Top Three


This is true, didn't think you had it in you. Nice username by the way, very good.

05-03-2020, 12:22 PM
OP is a dumb piece of shit

Id love to strangle him.

05-03-2020, 12:29 PM
OP is a dumb piece of shit

Id love to strangle him.

Strangle me with your top 10 list.

05-03-2020, 12:37 PM
Having your peers respect is great. Don't think its a big deal when you debate "GOATs" tho.

Like...if both of them had said Kareem was greater. Would that suddenly make Jordan any less of a basketball player? lol

05-03-2020, 12:40 PM
LeBron never admitted shit


Confirmation goat viewing

05-03-2020, 12:44 PM
This is true, didn't think you had it in you. Nice username by the way, very good.

Thank you

Croix means dagger so

La Croix = Le Croix = LeDagger

05-03-2020, 12:44 PM
The trend seems to be whenever a player says MJ is GOAT it is treated as gospel but whenever a player selects another GOAT that player gets ripped to shreds by the same people (amusingly, because humans can change their minds, sometimes it is the same person going from feted to discredited). Do player opinions matter or not?

05-03-2020, 12:47 PM
The trend seems to be whenever a player says MJ is GOAT it is treated as gospel but whenever a player selects another GOAT that player gets ripped to shreds by the same people (amusingly, because humans can change their minds, sometimes it is the same person going from feted to discredited). Do player opinions matter or not?

That is a very good question. Yours doesn’t though, we know that much for sure.

05-03-2020, 12:50 PM
Thank you

Croix means dagger so

La Croix = Le Croix = LeDagger

I think Croix means Cross.

It's better just as a play on words of LaCroix

05-03-2020, 12:51 PM
The trend seems to be whenever a player says MJ is GOAT it is treated as gospel but whenever a player selects another GOAT that player gets ripped to shreds by the same people (amusingly, because humans can change their minds, sometimes it is the same person going from feted to discredited). Do player opinions matter or not?


05-03-2020, 12:54 PM
The trend seems to be whenever a player says MJ is GOAT it is treated as gospel but whenever a player selects another GOAT that player gets ripped to shreds by the same people (amusingly, because humans can change their minds, sometimes it is the same person going from feted to discredited). Do player opinions matter or not?

MJ has the greatest combination of stats, advanced stats, and impact in the modern era, especially when you look at the playoffs and finals. Then you combine that with the eye test and you get GOAT. I don't even factor in "rings".

That's why when someone says a guy like Kobe is GOAT, I can't help but cringe. Lebron is in the top 3 though.

05-03-2020, 01:17 PM
MJ has the greatest combination of stats, advanced stats, and impact in the modern era, especially when you look at the playoffs and finals. Then you combine that with the eye test and you get GOAT. I don't even factor in "rings".

That's why when someone says a guy like Kobe is GOAT, I can't help but cringe. Lebron is in the top 3 though.

The bolded is wrong for 2 different reasons

1. MJ didn't play in the modern era, late 80's and 90's ball is closer to the 60's than it is to current basketball. This is inarguable and proves MJ didn't play in the modern era

2. What impact? His team winning 60 without him is GOAT impact? That's actually WOAT impact for an all-time great. MJ had the worst impact of any top 5-10 all-time great

05-03-2020, 01:46 PM
I think Croix means Cross.

It's better just as a play on words of LaCroix

yes its double meaning

la croix for the drink

le croix

but croix could mean dagger as well so ledagger and le croix double win thanks homie !! :cheers:

05-03-2020, 01:47 PM
yes its double meaning

la croix for the drink

le croix

but croix could mean dagger as well so ledagger and le croix double win thanks homie !! :cheers:

05-03-2020, 02:08 PM
Damn LeGoat stans fighting among each other......What a meltdown.....6 more episodes to go tho.........:(

05-03-2020, 02:13 PM
MJ has the greatest combination of stats, advanced stats, and impact in the modern era, especially when you look at the playoffs and finals. Then you combine that with the eye test and you get GOAT. I don't even factor in "rings".

That's why when someone says a guy like Kobe is GOAT, I can't help but cringe. Lebron is in the top 3 though.

None of this is relevant to the hypocrisy we hear based on whether someone is for or against MJ as GOAT.

Jordan has a case but it isn't clear cut as the MJ crowd pretends it is. Kareem has better prime stats and lasted as an elite player much longer than MJ did, for example. Wilt has by far the best prime stats.

05-03-2020, 02:30 PM
None of this is relevant to the hypocrisy we hear based on whether someone is for or against MJ as GOAT.

Jordan has a case but it isn't clear cut as the MJ crowd pretends it is. Kareem has better prime stats and lasted as an elite player much longer than MJ did, for example. Wilt has by far the best prime stats.

Adjust for pace

05-03-2020, 02:33 PM
None of this is relevant to the hypocrisy we hear based on whether someone is for or against MJ as GOAT.

Jordan has a case but it isn't clear cut as the MJ crowd pretends it is. Kareem has better prime stats and lasted as an elite player much longer than MJ did, for example. Wilt has by far the best prime stats.

Even if you ignore stans, the most knowledgeable basketball minds will have a consensus that MJ is the GOAT. Of course he has CHALLENGERS, I don't think anyone can deny that some players have reached MJ's level here and there for a short time.

Kareem and Lebron have the best arguments as challengers, and I for one think Kareem is extremely underrated.

Kareem is the leading all-time scorer, top 4 in rebounds AND blocks, and is number one in career assists for centers (actually has more than MJ). On top of that, he has the most MVPS ever (6), and if you want to look at rings, he has 6 with 2FMVP.

Even if you wanted to claim that "longevity" is overrated when it comes to comparing MJ and Kareem...Kareem STILL 26/12/4/1/3 on 56% from age 22-38 which is crazy...it's not like he played 6-7 extra years at a low level like Vince Carter is doing.

As big of a Lebron fan that I am, I've actually been hesitant to put him ahead of Kareem for second best all time. The only knock for me with Kareem is that his prime technically did happen when the NBA was still pre-modern. That's a big knock as his competition wasn't as tough as it would be if his prime was in the 80's/90's. WITH that being said, Kareem out of his peak was STILL a very good player in the 80's (23/8/3 age 33-38) so I think he'd still be amazing in his prime, but would like to have at least seen him go up against that comp.

A lot of the younger, dumber Bran stans want to claim Lebron has GOAT longevity when in actuality Kareem still has that title. Lebron needs to be elite for another 3-4 years to take that claim.

05-03-2020, 05:51 PM
Even if you ignore stans, the most knowledgeable basketball minds will have a consensus that MJ is the GOAT.

They will declare MJ as GOAT by acclimation. Notice you rarely see a case for him being the GOAT over other challengers. When you do, it often is gibberish like "killer instinct" and "mentality."

Kareem and Lebron have the best arguments as challengers, and I for one think Kareem is extremely underrated.

I think Kareem, Wilt, Russell all have stronger cases than LeBron. LeBron is the weakest of the legit challengers, yet he is the only one the media will entertain as a GOAT candidate. Kareem, Wilt, Russell are #1 in at least one key measure of greatness. LeBron, like MJ, is not #1 in anything. Maybe LeBron gets there on longevity but right now Kareem still has that won easily.

he only knock for me with Kareem is that his prime technically did happen when the NBA was still pre-modern. That's a big knock as his competition wasn't as tough as it would be if his prime was in the 80's/90's.

That is arbitrary, though. You can make the same claim about MJ. There were few international players when MJ played, the game was completely different with no threes taken, a lack of spacing, unsophisticated defenses (compared to today), etc. People will use eras against KAJ, Wilt, Russell but then not do the same with MJ. It is ironic since KAJ and MJ overlapped for several years. Did the game drastically change from 1980 and 1988 when KAJ won his last MVP and MJ his first?

Kareem out of his peak was STILL a very good player in the 80's (23/8/3 age 33-38) so I think he'd still be amazing in his prime, but would like to have at least seen him go up against that comp.

A lot of the younger, dumber Bran stans want to claim Lebron has GOAT longevity when in actuality Kareem still has that title. Lebron needs to be elite for another 3-4 years to take that claim.

Agreed. The keep saying 17th season but LeBron and Kobe in their 17th season is not the same as Kareem in his 17th because they started so young. Compare KAJ to MJ, Wilt, Russell, Duncan, Shaq, Hakeem, Bird, Magic in year 17 and you can see where Kareem crushes them.

To me MJ and KAJ are tied prime for prime but KAJ's much greater superiority puts him #1 and MJ #2. That said, I don't begrudge anyone saying MJ is GOAT. He has as strong a case as anybody. The problem is the myths that his stans, including some in the media, go around promoting. Like the BS about him scoring 50 if he played today (which has now been upped to 60, apparently).

05-03-2020, 06:02 PM
Care to explain how Kareems prime is superior to Mike’s? You can make it a quick version of you want.