View Full Version : Amazon VP quits, calls Amazon CHICKEN SHIT for firing woke employees in retaliation

05-04-2020, 04:17 PM
Even the Amazon VP doesn't respect the company's retaliation against employees who have been putting their life in danger for an extra $2 per hour. Employees should sue Amazon for life endangerment and retaliation for whistleblowing in a hostile work environment.


05-04-2020, 04:19 PM
If the warehouse workers don't want to work, they can quit like this guy did.

05-04-2020, 04:25 PM
amazon is third world sweat shop standards brought to the first world. ditto walmart.

These massive conglomerates rack in so much money for top end shareholders and executives, yet force their own employees to go on welfare. While recieiving massive tax breaks themselves.

Singelhandedly, currently, bankrupting the US dollar harder than the bullshit wars of the past did with both schemes.

05-04-2020, 04:28 PM
**** that guy. welcome to unemployment.

his corporate gang will take care of him tho

05-04-2020, 04:38 PM
amazon is third world sweat shop standards brought to the first world. ditto walmart.

These massive conglomerates rack in so much money for top end shareholders and executives, yet force their own employees to go on welfare. While recieiving massive tax breaks themselves.

Singelhandedly, currently, bankrupting the US dollar harder than the bullshit wars of the past did with both schemes.

Pretty much. The worst part is they essentially have a monopoly on their business model. They make it easy to shop from home and have built a fan base over the past decade (Remember when Amazon was books only?). Now they profit so much that they can afford to lower profit margins on all of their products to the point that nobody can compete with them. They are taking everyone else out of business.

I don't see Walmart being able to compete with them in big picture. Walmart is still physical store and costly to run. Only reason why they compete is because of food produces and cheap garbage from China. Amazon is gaining on Walmart there too. It won't be more than a few years until Amazon takes out Walmart..

05-04-2020, 04:56 PM
amazon is third world sweat shop standards brought to the first world. ditto walmart.

These massive conglomerates rack in so much money for top end shareholders and executives, yet force their own employees to go on welfare. While recieiving massive tax breaks themselves.

Singelhandedly, currently, bankrupting the US dollar harder than the bullshit wars of the past did with both schemes.

I once worked at an Amazon fullfilment center briefly.

It’s quite a freakshow.

The education levels, the competence, the hygiene... it’s basically the dregs. These are not majestic birds whose wings have been clipped by Amazon. Many are simple mole people who are not capable of doing anything else.

How much do replaceable NPCs with no qualifications for any other work deserve? Like how much does society owe them simply for existing, while providing little else?

More importantly, do you really care about them, or do you simply resent the people who got rich from them?

Is this about justice, or jealousy?

I would think long, hard, and thick about that question tpols.

05-04-2020, 07:23 PM
Is woke a good term or a bad term now? We used to call someone woke when the swallowed too much of the blue pill. Now it seems to have a more positive perception.

05-04-2020, 07:28 PM
Is woke a good term or a bad term now? We used to call someone woke when the swallowed too much of the blue pill. Now it seems to have a more positive perception.

woke has become Karen status

05-04-2020, 08:10 PM
I once worked at an Amazon fullfilment center briefly.

It’s quite a freakshow.

The education levels, the competence, the hygiene... it’s basically the dregs. These are not majestic birds whose wings have been clipped by Amazon. Many are simple mole people who are not capable of doing anything else.

How much do replaceable NPCs with no qualifications for any other work deserve? Like how much does society owe them simply for existing, while providing little else?

More importantly, do you really care about them, or do you simply resent the people who got rich from them?

Is this about justice, or jealousy?

I would think long, hard, and thick about that question tpols.


This was too easy bro but all in good fun man. Warehouse jobs always used to be pretty well paid from other companies.

05-04-2020, 08:36 PM
woke has become Karen status
What does that mean?

05-04-2020, 08:40 PM
amazon is third world sweat shop standards brought to the first world. ditto walmart.

These massive conglomerates rack in so much money for top end shareholders and executives, yet force their own employees to go on welfare. While recieiving massive tax breaks themselves.

Singelhandedly, currently, bankrupting the US dollar harder than the bullshit wars of the past did with both schemes.
They provide work and benefits for unskilled people with no experience. 15+ an hour isn't sweat shop status. Nobody forces you to work for Amazon. That's the beauty of America. You can be a bitch and complain about 15+ an hour packing boxes or you can do something different.

05-04-2020, 08:43 PM

This was too easy bro but all in good fun man. Warehouse jobs always used to be pretty well paid from other companies.

Well, no company has ever required as much warehouse work as Amazon. Presumably when companies have fewer positions to hire for, they increase hiring standards at least slightly and thus offer better pay. The Amazon fulfillment center was literally a show-up-to-the-mass-interview, as-long-as-you're-not-visibly-drunk-you-can-start-immediately situation. The center is huuuuge, and you can basically just show up and start working. Every single day there are big groups of new-employee orientations walking around. Your work history, your competence, none of that matters. They just need to plug in mass amounts of available bodies with arms and legs to keep the shipments moving.

I mean you can raise the wages for all these workers, but all the design and all the innovation and all the administration it takes to keep Amazon such a popular company, it doesnt come from these people. So if there's no incentive for the executives and investors etc to make a good living, they wont bother and Amazon wont exist.

A lot of folks just dont accept that people will go wherever their talents are best compensated. If someone works for 7 bucks an hour and cant find anything better, that should be a wake up call as far as their talents and value to society. I left because it was a shit job with weak pay, and I realized I could make a lot more in the gig economy. But if other people wanna wait around for "life to be fair" instead of getting better and competing for better work.... well, those are the people who end up stuck in the Amazon fulfillment center. I'm not sure why tpols and co. think they're owed more than that. They can also get food stamps, police protection, public education, and everything else America's taxes currently provide. That $350 a week doesnt even have to go toward any essentials. If all youre capable of is moving boxes from here to there at Amazon... how much more are you really entitled to??

05-05-2020, 12:01 PM
I think the more and more people start moving away from Amazon, the more and more leverage other companies have an opportunity to diversify the market.

While Amazon does a great job at what it does for a service, this might be the first and biggest company to fall flat one day purely based on backlash from employees and consumers.

This may bring way to eBay coming back if they're smart enough to capitalize on Amazon's losses.

We just need more people to quit their subscription services and stop purchasing from them. My friend who works for a big tech company (Outbrain) is also stopping. No more purchases are being made from Amazon from his company and himself when placing orders just because of this.

I don't think this is getting more awareness than it should be but if it does, people tend to forget the power of social media.

05-05-2020, 02:35 PM
I think the more and more people start moving away from Amazon, the more and more leverage other companies have an opportunity to diversify the market.

While Amazon does a great job at what it does for a service, this might be the first and biggest company to fall flat one day purely based on backlash from employees and consumers.

This may bring way to eBay coming back if they're smart enough to capitalize on Amazon's losses.

We just need more people to quit their subscription services and stop purchasing from them. My friend who works for a big tech company (Outbrain) is also stopping. No more purchases are being made from Amazon from his company and himself when placing orders just because of this.

I don't think this is getting more awareness than it should be but if it does, people tend to forget the power of social media.

You forget the part where customers love Amazon and prime has over a 90% renewal rate. The data suggests that nobody gives a **** about the alleged working conditions if products are delivered in a timely and hassle free manner.

Amazon will continue to dominate for the next 50 years minimum.

05-05-2020, 02:48 PM
I once worked at an Amazon fullfilment center briefly.

that doesnt surprise me in the least. :roll:

listen... i understand the people that work there are "you" types. I believe you deserve to at least make a decent living if your overlords ares swimming in billions of cash, and only getting stronger with the pandemic. I'd like you to not be pushed on food stamps because your wealthy employer didnt want 1 trillion in profit instead of 1.1 trillion.

i understand they will game the system as hard as possible in the short term... but in the long term it wont work. The currency they rely on to be wealthy will collapse if they dont allow people to earn an honest living and circulate money. the economy is like a body and they are the clot. Thats why monopoly laws exist... to break up the clot that overwhelmed and clogged the system.

Hey Yo
05-05-2020, 02:55 PM
You forget the part where customers love Amazon and prime has over a 90% renewal rate. The data suggests that nobody gives a **** about the alleged working conditions if products are delivered in a timely and hassle free manner.

Amazon will continue to dominate for the next 50 years minimum.
When you're competing with other companies, you do dumb shit like offer free next day shipping. They thought the delivery business would be easy, but came back to bite them in the ass.

Fedex quit delivering their stuff late last year cause they saw them as a competitor when Amazon decided to deliver some of their own stuff. They'd be fu@ked if UPS dropped them

Use to see a lot of Amazon delivery Van's up until about 3mos. ago. Not so much anymore.