View Full Version : Bull / Jazz game 6 on ESPN

05-20-2020, 09:35 PM
I hope the dudes who talk about the quality of 90’s basketball are watching this game in ESPN. It’s one thing to watch highlights of 90’s games with clever editing and dramatic music but it’s another to actually watch a game. The first quarter is nearly over and no one is going to score 25 points. The pace is brutally slow, the shooting has been bad, & there have been some really bad turnovers. This is absolute trash to watch. I’m sure someone will say this is just a bad game but geez this awful.

05-20-2020, 09:41 PM
In simple terms, back then different teams had different styles, ran different plays. Different styles, different matchups. It will look very different to people who are more used to drive layup, drive kickout 3. They won't be able to noticed the polish of the plays that Utah for example is running. The chemistry. They're going to be more like, "What the hell is going?" Just won't be able to relate.

05-20-2020, 09:59 PM
Its why they changed the rules to make it easier to score. If that pace and style now guys would only average 15 ppg for the superstar.

05-20-2020, 10:26 PM
Hey, beauty is in the eye of the beholder they say. Im enjoying the game and I'm also able to enjoy the modern game.....because i love basketball. Crazy isn't it?

05-20-2020, 10:29 PM
If you really think it is bad and thus, assuming also that it doesn't please you at all so you wouldn't mind about it, then what's the point of making this thread?

05-20-2020, 10:45 PM
For a month I’ve heard how great the Bulls were. I regularly hear how great 90’s NBA was. I’m just surprised at how the game was played. Watching Curry or Lebron is enjoyable to me. The offenses have such a flow. Watching this game, it just seems like both teams are grinding. Not much finesse.

05-20-2020, 11:56 PM
You're a dumbass if you think this is indicative of the entire 90s era.

This an old team gassed on the last leg of a threepeat playing another older squad.

05-21-2020, 04:50 AM
You're a dumbass if you think this is indicative of the entire 90s era.

This an old team gassed on the last leg of a threepeat playing another older squad.

To be fair there's no such thing as pretty 90s ball.....the 80s has long been considered the golden age of the nba. That said 90's guys shouldn't be surprised people like today's game more, it's the coldest thing we've had to 80s ball since, despite it's shortcomings.

05-21-2020, 05:27 AM
For a month I’ve heard how great the Bulls were. I regularly hear how great 90’s NBA was. I’m just surprised at how the game was played. Watching Curry or Lebron is enjoyable to me. The offenses have such a flow. Watching this game, it just seems like both teams are grinding. Not much finesse.

It was a grind it out era. Alot of the leagues big stars were older ( Jordan, Malone, Pip, Barkley, Hakeem, Robinson). You had a few young buck stars/up and comers like Hill and Penny pre injury, Shaq, Kobe coming in, Garnett, but it wasn't their league yet. So yeah, alot of slow it down, grind it out half-court games with hardly any spacing to operate. Utah and Chicago in particular had deeply entrenched offensive styles with the Stockon-Malone PnR and the triangle. You've have dug your eyes out at some of those 75-73 Knicks-Pacers royal rumbles in the mid 90s.

Today's spaced out courts make for an entirely different game.

05-21-2020, 05:42 AM
That game

MJ +2
Pippen +16

Yet MJ somehow gets all the credit and praise for this game:facepalm

05-21-2020, 05:46 AM
That game

MJ +2
Pippen +16

Yet MJ somehow gets all the credit and praise for this game:facepalm
You could do this for so many games

2016 Game 7

LeBron +4
Love +19

05-21-2020, 05:55 AM
You could do this for so many games

2016 Game 7

LeBron +4
Love +19


05-21-2020, 05:57 AM
To be fair there's no such thing as pretty 90s ball.....the 80s has long been considered the golden age of the nba. That said 90's guys shouldn't be surprised people like today's game more, it's the coldest thing we've had to 80s ball since, despite it's shortcomings.

There is no singular "90s ball" to begin with. The early half of the 90s is very different from the later half of the 90s.

A lot of people complain about today's game just being a bunch of baskets being traded back and forth and no intensity.

05-21-2020, 06:10 AM
There is no singular "90s ball" to begin with. The early half of the 90s is very different from the later half of the 90s.

A lot of people complain about today's game just being a bunch of baskets being traded back and forth and no intensity.

and alot of guys see the 90s as an era where if you couldn't guard something throw an elbow at it. I know the truth is somewhere in the middle of both extremes.

05-21-2020, 06:25 AM
Early 90's ball was still mostly higher scoring affairs. The top scoring teams were doing 115-120 just like it was in 1985. It took a decade for half the teams in the league to score under 100 a game and scoring just gradually depressed once they started adding the expansion squads. It also didn't help the image of 90's ball that the league's most visible star and team( MJ and the Bulls) were primarily challenged by the Knicks doing their best badboy Pistons impression in the most notable rivalry. So that defined the decade, but the majority of teams back then did *not* play like that. Yes it was generally more physical, but there's a difference between general physicality, and this:


Then again, who can forget this:


05-21-2020, 06:51 AM
Early 90's ball was still mostly higher scoring affairs. The top scoring teams were doing 115-120 just like it was in 1985. It took a decade for half the teams in the league to score under 100 a game and scoring just gradually depressed once they started adding the expansion squads. It also didn't help the image of 90's ball that the league's most visible star and team( MJ and the Bulls) were primarily challenged by the Knicks doing their best badboy Pistons impression in the most notable rivalry. So that defined the decade, but the majority of teams back then did *not* play like that. Yes it was generally more physical, but there's a difference between general physicality, and this:


Then again, who can forget this:


Pippen getting ****ed up always gives me a good laugh :roll:

05-21-2020, 08:22 AM
It was just weird to see players walk up the court and go a half court offense. Rarely did they push the ball. Just such a contrast from modern games. Watching an actual game is much different than just watching highlights.

05-21-2020, 08:26 AM
You could do this for so many games

2016 Game 7

LeBron +4
Love +19

Lol, bodied.

05-21-2020, 08:27 AM
:oldlol: at that pippen gif

05-21-2020, 08:52 AM
Early 90's ball was still mostly higher scoring affairs. The top scoring teams were doing 115-120 just like it was in 1985. It took a decade for half the teams in the league to score under 100 a game and scoring just gradually depressed once they started adding the expansion squads. It also didn't help the image of 90's ball that the league's most visible star and team( MJ and the Bulls) were primarily challenged by the Knicks doing their best badboy Pistons impression in the most notable rivalry. So that defined the decade, but the majority of teams back then did *not* play like that. Yes it was generally more physical, but there's a difference between general physicality, and this:


Then again, who can forget this:


Right, but see when you post truthfully it goes against the narrative of the 90s being a non stop gladiator Coliseum that today's stars wouldn't survive. Modern game has hard fouls as well, just more penalized than before the Bulls started winning. Too many narratives and generalizations thrown about eras.....

05-21-2020, 09:20 AM
You could do this for so many games

2016 Game 7

LeBron +4
Love +19


05-21-2020, 12:12 PM
MJ had one assist. I'm watching the game right now, and he's looked off open shooters at least 3 times (kukoc twice, and Kerr in the corner once). I'm still in the 1st half.

The commentary is going on and on about how "If MJ doesn't carry the load, who will?"

Blegh. Pass the ****ing ball and you won't need to hit a game winner.

05-21-2020, 12:14 PM
MJ had one assist. I'm watching the game right now, and he's looked off open shooters at least 3 times (kukoc twice, and Kerr in the corner once). I'm still in the 1st half.

The commentary is going on and on about how "If MJ doesn't carry the load, who will?"

Blegh. Pass the ****ing ball and you won't need to hit a game winner.

What people forget is Kukoc had 30 points in the previous game, filling the void of the injured Pippen. Meanwhile Hornacek and Stockton were averaging 10.7 PPG and 9.7 PPG on the other side. :oldlol:

05-21-2020, 12:16 PM
You could do this for so many games

2016 Game 7

LeBron +4
Love +19


05-21-2020, 12:21 PM
MJ had one assist. I'm watching the game right now, and he's looked off open shooters at least 3 times (kukoc twice, and Kerr in the corner once). I'm still in the 1st half.

The commentary is going on and on about how "If MJ doesn't carry the load, who will?"

Blegh. Pass the ****ing ball and you won't need to hit a game winner.

I don't even know what to make of this. I guess being able to throw the ball to MJ all over the floor and guarantee a 50% post up shot against a good defense is really valuable, but it seems limiting compared to running an offense that gets more ball and player movement.

Edit: looks like that's what Phil told them at halftime lol.

05-21-2020, 12:30 PM
Right, but see when you post truthfully it goes against the narrative of the 90s being a non stop gladiator Coliseum that today's stars wouldn't survive. Modern game has hard fouls as well, just more penalized than before the Bulls started winning. Too many narratives and generalizations thrown about eras.....

I think if the Pistons hadn't been so successful with that brand of ball you likely wouldn't have seen other teams attempt to do it. The 90s just would have been an extension of the 80s but team scoring still would have declined due to expansion. What we got were a few teams without alot of scoring talent beyond one or two people resorting to bruiser ball defense to keep scores low and give themselves a punchers( literally) chance.

05-21-2020, 01:41 PM
Jordan and Malone both had 20+ in the first half. It was a bunch of iso-ball back then, and obviously a match-up of Jordan vs Malone is going to be slow-paced with both teams running a bunch of post-ups. MJ was on his last legs and Scottie was injured and barely running, so they had to keep the pace low.