View Full Version : I don’t understand why basketball players decline so fast

Walk on Water
05-21-2020, 05:42 PM
I’m in my 30s and I can ride my bike further than in my 20s. I haven’t lost any strength. I haven’t been fast in a long time so can’t compare. Flexibility is the same. I don’t feel much different. In some ways I feel stronger because I have more workout experience.

But athletes should be able to have better longevity than normal people, not worse longevity. I don’t get how athletes just start declining and getting hurt in their early 30s. Basketball players are just playing basketball. When I was in school, we played basketball everyday and never got hurt. Duncan lasted quite a while, so you don’t need tons of speed. You need skills and fundamentals.

I just think it’s kinda sad. Tiger Woods was able to come back and win the Masters. He’s in his 40s. But when I see athletes become bums in their early 30s, it seems like such a waste. They may have had athleticism in their mid 20s, but then you need time to hone your skill. I just think burning out at 30 is a waste, because by that time you had time to hone your skills. And now you’re done?

Like I said, pro athletes should last longer than regular people. Maybe it’s about dedication. I see hockey players in their 40s and they play a much tougher sport. Golfers aren’t even as fit and they play in their 50s or beyond.