View Full Version : Nearly half of coronavirus tweets are bots...

05-23-2020, 11:09 AM
Between corporate-funded news and now masses of propaganda bots, the news and internet is an echo chamber of special-interest backed nonsense. Welcome to the future.


Nearly half of Twitter accounts discussing coronavirus are likely bots, researchers say

PITTSBURGH - Nearly half of the Twitter accounts sharing information about the novel coronavirus are likely bots, according to researchers at Carnegie Mellon University.

Researchers analyzed more than 200 million tweets discussing coronavirus or COVID-19 since January. They found that nearly half were sent by accounts that behave more like a convincing bot than an actual human.

05-23-2020, 12:21 PM
Between corporate-funded news and now masses of propaganda bots, the news and internet is an echo chamber of special-interest backed nonsense. Welcome to the future.


Nearly half of Twitter accounts discussing coronavirus are likely bots, researchers say

PITTSBURGH - Nearly half of the Twitter accounts sharing information about the novel coronavirus are likely bots, according to researchers at Carnegie Mellon University.

Researchers analyzed more than 200 million tweets discussing coronavirus or COVID-19 since January. They found that nearly half were sent by accounts that behave more like a convincing bot than an actual human.
A convincing not as opposed to an unconvincing bot? :lol

Doomsday Dallas
05-23-2020, 12:48 PM

05-23-2020, 01:19 PM
This is actually a much bigger deal than most are aware...It's likely Russian bot farms again...the real battlegrounds for the right vs left isn't out in the street, it's on social media

This is how they interfere with elections...they pit us against each other...divide us....transform everything a political mess.

How covid is dealt with shouldn't be a right vs left issue, but here we are at each other's throats instead of trying to help each other.

It was shown that Russia did this with the new Star Wars movies. Millions of bots flooded Social Media trying to make it look like the left ruined Star Wars...got us mud slinging at each other over a fcking Sci-Fi movie. Most Americans aren't even aware of that.


Bay examined a corpus of messages tweeted at Rian Johnson between December 13th, 2017, and July 20th, 2018 — a total of 967 tweets — ran a sentiment analysis (using a tweet’s language to characterize it as positive, negative, or neutral) on them, segmented the results by account, and then analyzed the Twitter accounts themselves. “Overall,” Bay concludes, “50.9% of those tweeting negatively was likely politically motivated or not even human.”

05-23-2020, 01:27 PM
This is actually a much bigger deal than most are aware...It's likely Russian bot farms again...the real battlegrounds for the right vs left isn't out in the street, it's on social media

This is how they interfere with elections...they pit us against each other...divide us....transform everything a political mess.

How covid is dealt with shouldn't be a right vs left issue, but here we are at each other's throats instead of trying to help each other.

It was shown that Russia did this with the new Star Wars movies. Millions of bots flooded Social Media trying to make it look like the left ruined Star Wars...got us mud slinging at each other over a fcking Sci-Fi movie. Most Americans aren't even aware of that.


It is a big deal but Russia? I was thinking China. The globalists are led by the Chinese interests since China is the factory of the world.

05-23-2020, 01:40 PM
It is a big deal but Russia? I was thinking China. The globalists are led by the Chinese interests since China is the factory of the world.

could be both...could be Russians using bot farms in China...but THIS is how other countries try manipulate us...a lot of people are well aware of that, but many aren't

05-23-2020, 01:44 PM
could be both...could be Russians using bot farms in China...but THIS is how other countries try manipulate us...a lot of people are well aware of that, but many aren't

true. and there are many bots pushing us to watch TV shows with lame reactions too. it's not only a military tactic, this is a mainstream propaganda tool for corporate interests from Star Trek Picard, to the Mandalorian to The Last Dance. Even NBA interests.

05-23-2020, 02:03 PM
This is actually a much bigger deal than most are aware...It's likely Russian bot farms again...the real battlegrounds for the right vs left isn't out in the street, it's on social media

This is how they interfere with elections...they pit us against each other...divide us....transform everything a political mess.

How covid is dealt with shouldn't be a right vs left issue, but here we are at each other's throats instead of trying to help each other.

It was shown that Russia did this with the new Star Wars movies. Millions of bots flooded Social Media trying to make it look like the left ruined Star Wars...got us mud slinging at each other over a fcking Sci-Fi movie. Most Americans aren't even aware of that.


To be fair, this is mostly because the left is violently shutting down attempts at debate in the street. :(

05-23-2020, 02:47 PM
To be fair, this is mostly because the left is violently shutting down attempts at debate in the street. :(

the left:


(dreaming of beyonce)

Doomsday Dallas
05-23-2020, 05:15 PM
could be both...could be Russians using bot farms in China...but THIS is how other countries try manipulate us...a lot of people are well aware of that, but many aren't

Out of all the conspiracy theories you choose to buy into... it's the one that makes the Alt. Right, Russia, & possibly China look bad.

it's never the United States Government, MSM, corporate & military interests, or democrats... no, not them. It's the conspiracy theory attacking the left and the conspiracy that's from another country.

So.... just here me out, The propaganda machine that I've been trying to point out since 2007 didn't matter until it attacked leftist polices and came from another country. It's never the US doing it to it's own citizens. It's only Russia and NeoConservatives manipulating us?

Even if Trump did shoot somebody on 5th Avenue, The Left has been so horrendously shameful the past 4 years, Trump would still feel like the better choice in 2020.

That's how bad the Democrats are right now. They are bad enough to make Trump look attractive. It doesn't take a Russian Bot in the Last Jedi comment section to manipulate us into seeing this.

I mean think about it... If the comment section of the Last Jedi could psychologically manipulate the masses... imagine what the movie it's self could accomplish?.... but Hollywood is never guilty of political propaganda and mass manipulation I see, It's the bots on twitter that talk about those films that is more politically manipulative.

So, to summarize... Lady Gaga gets a pass for being entertainment, but the Russian Bots on twitter criticizing the liberalism in the latest Star Wars film is to be exposed?

Sorry but you cannot convince me that the Trump supporting Russian robots on the internet have more political influence than Colin Kaepernick's Nike commercial.

You want to talk about political and cultural influence... you need look no further than the Entertainment Industry and the Corporations surrounding this industry... including the MSM.... believe me, they play both sides of the coin and definitely have bots of their own. We had a bot here on ISH about a week ago promoting a movie:


05-23-2020, 05:31 PM
doesnt matter if its the left string or right string

its the same swampy hand



05-23-2020, 06:19 PM
@Dooms...Russian interference via social media isn't a 'theory' at all, it's a fact that is acknowledged by the US Gov...it isn't something that came from Alex Jones or a random YouTube vids. If it was just a 'theory' I wouldn't give it any thought at all.

MSM, the US Gov, ect DO have their own conspiracies...I have no problem acknowledging that. Celebs use their celeb power to influence people, they don't even deny it...Kaep is trying to influence us, that isn't even hidden. Generally speaking, the conspiracies that come from you that I won't acknowledge are any involving Illuminati, Satanists in the Gov, Mass shootings being acted out, Elvis being a fcking Wizard (that's below tabloid level) etc...it's that kind of ridiculous horse shit that gets a SMH from me.

05-23-2020, 06:55 PM
@Dooms...Russian interference via social media isn't a 'theory' at all, it's a fact that is acknowledged by the US Gov...it isn't something that came from Alex Jones or a random YouTube vids. If it was just a 'theory' I wouldn't give it any thought at all.

MSM, the US Gov, ect DO have their own conspiracies...I have no problem acknowledging that. Celebs use their celeb power to influence people, they don't even deny it...Kaep is trying to influence us, that isn't even hidden. Generally speaking, the conspiracies that come from you that I won't acknowledge are any involving Illuminati, Satanists in the Gov, Mass shootings being acted out, Elvis being a fcking Wizard (that's below tabloid level) etc...it's that kind of ridiculous horse shit that gets a SMH from me.

Didn't a bunch of people in government 'acknowledge' Trump colluding with Russia...?

Until they tried to prove it and it turned out to be a northingburger :(

05-23-2020, 07:08 PM
I think the russian interference is overblown by those that don't want to look inward at why Trump is president. Simply want to blame Russia instead of themselves.

Doomsday Dallas
05-23-2020, 07:17 PM
@Dooms...Russian interference via social media isn't a 'theory' at all, it's a fact that is acknowledged by the US Gov...it isn't something that came from Alex Jones or a random YouTube vids. If it was just a 'theory' I wouldn't give it any thought at all.

No, it is a "theory" because of the left's accusation of how heavily Trump & Republicans are involved.... Russia is not the theory, it's Russia & US Republicans that is the theory... and because it's an attack on the left you took interest in it.

I've posted several FACTS before when comes to subject of conspiracy. I realize that you'll never see the spiritual motive behind many of those conspiracies, but there is a legit demoralization of America taking place, and it's not just coming from Russia... it's coming from our own entertainment industry and corporate interests that run them. Spiritual Demoralization being passed off as "normal" when the truth is it's due to our own media's influence.

As far as the MSM and CNN... I could sit here for days and explain all their Israeli connections... but it's dismissed as conspiracy because it's an attack on our MSM.

See... when it comes to Israel's influence over our nation it's dismissed. Russia's & Alt Right involvement in the 2016 election... accepted.

I can assure you that Israel has far more political influence over us than Russia will ever have.... but we all know that Israeli interference via mainstream media and entertainment industry will always remain a "conspiracy theory" when it should damn near be a fact of life.

05-23-2020, 07:33 PM
Yeah Trump being involved is a 'theory'...and I don't buy into that theory, does that make you happy?

I don't think Trump or anyone within our Gov would be involved with THESE 'covid bots' either

we need to stop throwing stones at each other (which is what the bots are trying to accomplish) and start looking at THEM

Doomsday Dallas
05-23-2020, 07:39 PM
Satanists in the Gov

I got a conspiracy theory on this one....

The NYPD was about to expose some of this but:

9+ of 12 who saw Weiner's laptop now dead + 4th NYPD Suicide this Month!

I dug into this a while ago and there were links to the darkweb that supposedly hosted some clips from the laptop, the clips were taken by a cellphone while the video was being played on his laptop. It was supposedly pedophilia related and snuff film stuff, in an extreme fashion and IIRC, there might have been canabalism in it as well. I didn't go to any of the links or see it, it was people reporting back on reddit and youtube and some other sites and the people who came back strongly urged people to not watch it and wanted the links removed. I was glad I didn't follow them after reading the posts. IDK if these were truthful or if they were trying to drum up interest in the topic, so I left it at that.

Is that so outrageous to believe? That people within our government are into some very sick $hit?

You may have a problem calling it Satanism... but it's definitely some kind of spiritual sickness... and they do work in groups, Epstein should make that obvious.

In other words: Yes, I do believe the $hit we see in True Detective exists, and very much embedded in our Government... I don't see how it's an outrageous conspiracy theory either.


Doomsday Dallas
05-23-2020, 08:16 PM
we need to stop throwing stones at each other (which is what the bots are trying to accomplish) and start looking at THEM

yea, but you're acting like Divide and Conquer isn't a strategy the MSM has used against us for years.

Not only that... it's leftists keeping us classified in groups based on Race, Age, Sex, Religion, you name it... why can't we just all be American's? We can't because Nationalism is now a bad word.

The constant attacks exchanged between FOX & CNN have more divisive consequences than the fake bots on Twitter.

I mean, I don't dismiss that Russia is doing that... The entire Civil War Avengers movie was about a Russian using the Winter Soldier to get the Avengers to tear themselves apart.

but it goes beyond internet trolls... If Russia will go to the lengths of using fake twitter accounts, why wouldn't they hire people in the Antifa crowd to spark a little chaos?

Why does George Soros get a free pass? If there are fake protests on the internet why can't there be fake protesters on the street?

05-23-2020, 09:03 PM
The constant attacks exchanged between FOX & CNN have more divisive consequences than the fake bots on Twitter.

It's impossible to know what is more divisive, but my gut feeling is that this is false. We the People...spend all of our time on social media. Pretty much all of us, especially during a lock down. We are internet addicts, a good % of Americans spend their entire fcking day on Facebook...Insta...Twitter...YouTube (you)...etc

They know that is how to get to Americans....social media....that's where we are.

I had read some article a while back (can't find it) showing that a good % of political memes had origins outside of the US.

05-23-2020, 10:14 PM
They are all over abovetopsecret.com. There is no ****ing hope for these people.

05-27-2020, 02:02 PM