View Full Version : Horace Grant Was Going Behind Pippen and Jackson's Back Yapping To Media In '93

05-24-2020, 03:20 PM
The media in spring 1993 was all over the Bulls of course trying to get negative stories to print, surprise, surprise guess who was giving the media then ammo for that cause, none other than Horace Grant:


Calls Pippen arrogant and unable to handle fame, Phil Jackson is manipulative. Is that something the Bulls needed at that time?

Horace isn't the angel he's painted out to be, he was always a bit of a malcontent that would go crying to the press or could be suckered by the press into giving them something.

Also all the crap that Jordan takes for 92-93 Bulls "only winning 57 games", well that's the only Bulls team he played on in the 90s that didn't hit 60+ wins, and really its mainly Scottie and Horace's fault ... their play dropped off noticeably from 91-92, not Jordan. His numbers went up.

05-24-2020, 03:24 PM
Horace is a poor man's Al Horford with Steve Urkel goggles, very average player who needs to know his role and shut the hell up. He got swept with prime Shaq\Penny on his team.

05-24-2020, 03:27 PM
I'm not saying Horace was a bad player ... but I would take with a major grain of salt his claim of not telling Sam Smith anything. He was a loose mouth with the media in the 90s, this stuff is largely swept under the rug now or not remembered but he did stuff like this fairly regularly.

He was yapping about the Bulls to the press after signing with Orlando also.

05-24-2020, 03:29 PM
Everything in the doc was accurate!!!!

Grant was a snitch... Pippen selfish and a choker

Jordan a tyrant and wild gambler

Krause lucky he could surround jordan with the weakest-scoring cast in Finals history

05-24-2020, 07:55 PM
It’s common knowledge Grant was one of Smiths sources. So that wasn’t a lie and you can tell by his reaction he’s guilty

However, Phil Jackson was also a source

But it’s worth noting that Horace himself admitted recently that a lot of the “stories” in Smiths book were made up. So it is what it is. It’s still a pretty interesting book regardless

Turbo Slayer
05-24-2020, 07:56 PM
Interesting story.

05-24-2020, 08:28 PM
It’s common knowledge Grant was one of Smiths sources. So that wasn’t a lie and you can tell by his reaction he’s guilty

However, Phil Jackson was also a source

But it’s worth noting that Horace himself admitted recently that a lot of the “stories” in Smiths book were made up. So it is what it is. It’s still a pretty interesting book regardless

It's actually very obvious if you've read the book Horace was one of the sources, lol. It goes into Grant's personal life including his relationship with his wife at the time and him looking down on Scottie for getting divorced for example and still wanting to go out to clubs, there's no way Sam Smith got all that information from someone other than Horace. One of the coaches (or several of them) too.

Really there's nothing that salacious or outrageous in the book anyway.

05-24-2020, 08:42 PM
Horace in 1993 was not a happy camper. Part of the problem is that Jackson intentionally used him as a "whipping boy" so the team would rally around him - this was a suggestion of one of the assistants who knew Grant well and said he could "handle it." But from Grant's perspective he was the only one being constantly attacked while Jordan and Scottie were blameless. On top of that there were double standards with team rules that applied to everyone except Jordan, which irritated him. On top of that he felt that he wasn't being given any credit for Chicago winning as part of their "big three" (yes, jordan, pippen and grant were referred to as a big three in the early 90's).

05-24-2020, 08:49 PM
It's actually very obvious if you've read the book Horace was one of the sources, lol. It goes into Grant's personal life including his relationship with his wife at the time and him looking down on Scottie for getting divorced for example and still wanting to go out to clubs, there's no way Sam Smith got all that information from someone other than Horace. One of the coaches (or several of them) too.

Really there's nothing that salacious or outrageous in the book anyway.

The most salacious thing in the book is probably how Cartwright, Grant, King and even BJ Armstrong at one point constantly fought with Jordan. Safe to say that some hated him. They argued with him all the time mainly for wanting to score all the points and never giving anyone else credit. Jordan fired back at all of them with basically the same attack - "you suck, you have no talent so stfu." At the time it was very salacious because Jordan was seen as a good guy, perfect gentleman that everyone loved.

05-24-2020, 09:03 PM
The most salacious thing in the book is probably how Cartwright, Grant, King and even BJ Armstrong at one point constantly fought with Jordan. Safe to say that some hated him. They argued with him all the time mainly for wanting to score all the points and never giving anyone else credit. Jordan fired back at all of them with basically the same attack - "you suck, you have no talent so stfu." At the time it was very salacious because Jordan was seen as a good guy, perfect gentleman that everyone loved.

The NBA in the 80s/90s under Stern was under tight control. The idea of Jordan for example casually swearing in an interview as he does in the doc today ... back then that would have been a no-no.

All the players were presented as squeaky clean or "attitude/bad ass" players like Barkley. Rodman pushed the limits but by the late 90s, I think the NBA was smart enough to understand that was selling to the audience and they didn't have to be so restrictive.

But stuff like Magic having an outrageous sex life, prior to the retirement, stuff like that wasn't really known. Today it would be everywhere.

05-24-2020, 09:13 PM
Horace "the Rat" Grant

05-24-2020, 09:41 PM
I’m shocked by Grant’s tough guy act.

He and Pip used to literally cry tears due to MJ’s toughness.

Their bond grew tight because MJ bullied them to rely on each other.

05-24-2020, 09:51 PM
Horace "Yapping" Grant

Is this a script from the 30s?

05-24-2020, 10:00 PM
Was anything he said wrong? What did he say that was out of line? There are some things he shouldn't be a source for but from the comments on the front page he is perfectly entitled to say what he did.

05-25-2020, 09:34 AM
I’m shocked by Grant’s tough guy act.

He and Pip used to literally cry tears due to MJ’s toughness.

Their bond grew tight because MJ bullied them to rely on each other.

Grant was a biznatch. It's not commonly talked about but the Pistons used to beat up on Grant as well and he wouldn't fight back either.

05-25-2020, 09:54 AM
Horace was always the most underappreciated player on those teams , and history has shown that he was as efficient a player who has ever played in the frontcourt.

in 91-92 he had a 20.6 per, with a 15.5 usage rate. That is insane.

05-26-2020, 10:49 PM
Horace in 1993 was not a happy camper. Part of the problem is that Jackson intentionally used him as a "whipping boy" so the team would rally around him - this was a suggestion of one of the assistants who knew Grant well and said he could "handle it." But from Grant's perspective he was the only one being constantly attacked while Jordan and Scottie were blameless. On top of that there were double standards with team rules that applied to everyone except Jordan, which irritated him. On top of that he felt that he wasn't being given any credit for Chicago winning as part of their "big three" (yes, jordan, pippen and grant were referred to as a big three in the early 90's).

That makes me think that he would have left the Bulls in the summer of 94 if MJ was there or not.

05-26-2020, 10:57 PM
Grant was a known cuck, MJ was lucky to carry that scrub

05-26-2020, 10:58 PM
damn grant's taking a significant beating in this thread, something you dont see often since it's usually pippen lol. character flaws aside, he was a pretty big contributor. Draymond in 2015 before he became a great passer was getting compared to him and anyone who knows shit about bball knows draymond's impact on winning is large.

I'll also put it this way. The 2nd 3peat bulls technically had a big 4 with rodman and kukoc really which the 1st 3peat bulls dont have yet there's not a huge chasm between say the 91-92 teams and 96-97 teams. Yes I'm implying grant is quite a bit more impactful than either rodman or kukoc which he doesnt get credit for.

Jordan being better during the 1st 3peat shouldnt be enough alone to make up that talent difference unless you also want to get into the difference in strength of the league and the role players etc but I personally dont think those factors are enough either(the 2nd 3peat team likely has better role players)

05-27-2020, 05:33 AM
I thought Pippen was Grant's best friend on the team? Them being drafted the same year and developing their games together.

05-27-2020, 09:48 AM
damn grant's taking a significant beating in this thread, something you dont see often since it's usually pippen lol. character flaws aside, he was a pretty big contributor. Draymond in 2015 before he became a great passer was getting compared to him and anyone who knows shit about bball knows draymond's impact on winning is large.

I'll also put it this way. The 2nd 3peat bulls technically had a big 4 with rodman and kukoc really which the 1st 3peat bulls dont have yet there's not a huge chasm between say the 91-92 teams and 96-97 teams. Yes I'm implying grant is quite a bit more impactful than either rodman or kukoc which he doesnt get credit for.

Jordan being better during the 1st 3peat shouldnt be enough alone to make up that talent difference unless you also want to get into the difference in strength of the league and the role players etc but I personally dont think those factors are enough either(the 2nd 3peat team likely has better role players)
Yeah seems like he was a very impactful in a low key way. He had a great year in 1992. 14.2/10.0/2.7/1.2/1.6 on 61.8 TS%, 5.3 BPM

05-27-2020, 10:42 AM
Yeah seems like he was a very impactful in a low key way.

Look at how much worse the Bulls got after losing Horace Grant (going from battling for 1st to battling for 5th in the East), which in fact was a larger decline than they had the previous year after losing MJ. That tells you his value.

Grant wasn't some scrub. He was the third highest paid player in the NBA for a reason.

damn grant's taking a significant beating in this thread, something you dont see often since it's usually pippen lol

Whenever Grant, Rodman come up the same thing happens. They just aren't targeted daily like Pippen is. :lol