View Full Version : If LeBron wins his 4th title this year, who'd be your prime candidate to abandon

Uncle Drew
05-29-2020, 06:21 PM
their account? We all know about infamous and poor Pickernroller and ever so poor egokiller, but who would win the 2020 version?

Uncle Drew
05-29-2020, 06:23 PM
Thanks for the 5 stars, I appreciate it! :cheers:

05-29-2020, 06:25 PM
34-24 Footwork


05-29-2020, 07:05 PM
What's a 4th title going to change? A 4th colluded one at that?

Before he colluded in 2011, Lebron's career equaled AI, Kidd or Dwight with 1 Finals run.. only after forming a super-team in a conference that weak teams were routinely winning did he start his Finals "streak" - it's the definition of a manufactured resume... Completely diluted by forming super-team in conference that weak teams were routinely winning

Only lebron hopped onto teams favored to win in Year 1 (11', 15') - easiest path possible - MJ had to BUILD favorite status over several years (hardest path)

All that work you saw in the doc - lebron SKIPS that development process - the hard stuff.. he's a talent-based winner - he doesn't take time to develop organic chemistry or teammate development (rookies into stars)

05-29-2020, 07:09 PM
What's a 4th title going to change? A 4th colluded one at that?

Before he colluded in 2011, Lebron's career equaled AI, Kidd or Dwight with 1 Finals run.. only after forming a super-team in a conference that weak teams were routinely winning did he start his Finals "streak" - it's the definition of a manufactured resume... Completely diluted by forming super-team in conference that weak teams were routinely winning

Only lebron hopped onto teams favored to win in Year 1 (11', 15') - easiest path possible - MJ had to BUILD favorite status over several years (hardest path)

05-29-2020, 07:11 PM
4th title only?


05-29-2020, 07:14 PM

It's an accurate explanation why lebron's path is a joke compared to MJ

Wade was the #2 player in 2010 - lebron teamed up with the best help possible but mostly lost and was underdog... then kyrie used an equal number of possessions as Lebron in the 16' Playoffs and Finals - he played better than anyone MJ ever had

05-29-2020, 07:25 PM
If LeBron doesn’t win a 4th ring it’s because he underachieved (again with an all time great team) I would be more concerned about Bran not winning FMVP. He already is a 2nd fiddle to AD. AD winning fmvp would solidify what we know.

05-29-2020, 07:26 PM
Won't be 3ball this dude is possibly approaching 100k posts doing his thing, he's definitely not a quitter.

All that work you saw in the doc - lebron SKIPS that development process - the hard stuff.. he's a talent-based winner - he doesn't take time to develop organic chemistry or teammate development (rookies into stars)
I know with your mental instability issues this may prove difficult....but maybe just maybe Lebron is doing exactly what his era makes possible? Mj didn't have the ability to do so for most of his career and didn't have the imagination to do so once it was somewhat viable by league rules. Lastly there wasn't necessarily a need to do so seeing as he already had THE best possible sidekick in tow already. Fast forward to this era where shorter contracts and more available money make it increasingly less likely for a cast to stay put. I dunno perhaps its almost like we live in a a different era with different cba rules.....by the way the year is 2020.

05-29-2020, 07:37 PM
I would move him ahead of moses malone for the 11th spot.

05-29-2020, 07:39 PM
Won't be 3ball this dude is possibly approaching 100k posts doing his thing, he's definitely not a quitter.

I know with your mental instability issues this may prove difficult....but maybe just maybe Lebron is doing exactly what his era makes possible? Mj didn't have the ability to do so for most of his career and didn't have the imagination to do so once it was somewhat viable by league rules. Lastly there wasn't necessarily a need to do so seeing as he already had THE best possible sidekick in tow already. Fast forward to this era where shorter contracts and more available money make it increasingly less likely for a cast to stay put. I dunno perhaps its almost like we live in a a different era with different cba rules.....by the way the year is 2020.

Curry molded Klay in his own image, just like MJ did Pip.. furthermore, both curry and mj brought unique team offenses to the forefront that they developed into the best winning systems of their era.

Otoh, Lebron didn't have to develop anyone like Klay or Pip - he was GIFTED a 22/5/5 combo guard and 1st team defender in 06'.. and lebron could've developed Love or Bosh into 1st ballot HOF's... .. so lebron had shit-tons of opportunities but under-achieved them all.. and of course he had underwhelming offenses given his goat offensive help - nowhere near MJ or Curry's offenses despite more offensive help

Btw, Larry Hughes fancied himself a PG and he got to do that sometimes alongside great shooter Arenas in Washington... MJ would've also let him play a ball-handling role like he did Pippen - an MJ/Hughes backcourt would LOCK DOWN defensively.. they'd beat Spurs easily, since they almost won 3 games with Bron playing like, Hughes

05-29-2020, 07:48 PM
Curry molded Klay in his own image, just like MJ did Pip.. furthermore, both curry and mj brought unique team offenses to the forefront that they developed into the best winning systems of their era.

Otoh, Lebron didn't have to develop anyone like Klay or Pip - he was GIFTED a 22/5/5 combo guard and 1st team defender in 06'.. and lebron could've developed Love or Bosh into 1st ballot HOF's... .. so lebron had shit-tons of opportunities but under-achieved them all.. and of course he had underwhelming offenses given his goat offensive help - nowhere near MJ or Curry's offenses despite more offensive help

Don’t forget LeBron was also gifted Jamison in 09 which was another 20+ppg player

05-29-2020, 08:01 PM
Don’t forget LeBron was also gifted Jamison in 09 which was another 20+ppg player

Lebron added Jamison (22/9) and older Shaq to a 66-win favorite and lost in 2nd round

Weak teams were rountinely winning the conference, yet he failed in 09/10 - so he formed a super-team in the weak conference to ensure Finals runs - this avoided him ceding easy runs to Dwight or an ancient Celtics

05-29-2020, 08:39 PM
PickerNRaped is still around?

05-29-2020, 08:40 PM
PickerNRaped is still around?

Also known as 20four

05-29-2020, 08:46 PM
Lebron added Jamison (22/9) and older Shaq to a 66-win favorite and lost in 2nd round

Weak teams were rountinely winning the conference, yet he failed in 09/10 - so he formed a super-team in the weak conference to ensure Finals runs - this avoided him ceding easy runs to Dwight or an ancient Celtics

Imagine talking to yourself and even lying to yourself at that.

Jamison was a 18.7 and 8.4 player the year before he joined. He joined LeBron at age 33. Then did 18 and 7 in Cleveland. So not 22 and 9, moronic liar. But wait, there's more. He did 15 and 6 in the playoffs. Isn't this the numbers you cry about with Pippen when he did even better?

Imagine down playing Pippen's 21/7/7 with elite defense and hyping up Jamison's 15/6/4 with shit defense. Terrible clown. Roasted again.