View Full Version : Jaylen Brown, Brogdon, and Anderson led a peaceful protest in Atlanta.

05-31-2020, 03:57 AM
I hope Police Brutality in the US finally stops.

05-31-2020, 04:28 AM
I hope Police Brutality in the US finally stops.

I do too but this is putting the cart before the horse.

We have way too much violent crime in the US in general. Police brutality or otherwise.

We ask officers to do their jobs in EXTREMELY tense and dangerous environments, and expect them not to make mistakes.

What Derick Chauvin did was egregious. But this dude was a long time cop, who was involved in numerous confrontations of armed suspects, people whacked out on drugs, general scum of the earth types. I can see how a man’s humanity and compassion for drugged out, arrest resisting suspects is eroded.

Im NOT excusing his failure to show proper regard for the human life in his custody. He deserves to be tried for his crime and appropriately sentenced. But I wonder why we tolerate some of the situations we ask officers to constantly interact in.

But if you care about police brutality, that implies a concern for the welfare of people in general. And we dont do enough about violent crime in this country. Because if it aint someone you know getting popped, you dont really care.

Unless they looked like you. Then its a personal, emotional thing where you take offense to the idea of being stereotyped MORE than you really care about the loss of life. Or maybe resent the fact that someone was arrogant enough to use their authority in a selfish way. Then it’s an outrage. But we dont care when a drug dealer 10 neighborhoods over kills an innocent person.

These are natural but ultimately counter productive priorities.

Humans are far more emotional than they are rational. So I dont see productive solutions forthcoming.