View Full Version : NY Times: Russia stoking up U.S. racial tensions ahead of the election

06-01-2020, 09:55 PM

Can anyone explain to me how these guys think their stories have any coherence whatsoever?

For anyone that doesn't get it... we heard for years that Trump is colluding with Russia... so given that, how could elevated U.S. racial tensions benefit Donald Trump's re-election chances? Like what the ****? LOL.

Do these guys even give a shit what they print any more or what is going on exactly? Are these guys even trying to hide their lies any longer?


06-01-2020, 10:07 PM
I haven't read the article - but angry white people vote for donald trump that's obvious.

Looking at the article they state that Russians may or not be attempting to help Trump through these efforts and its unclear what their understanding of american politics is.

06-01-2020, 10:22 PM
Shogon wrong as usual. It's more complex. Think about it.

06-01-2020, 11:06 PM

Can anyone explain to me how these guys think their stories have any coherence whatsoever?

For anyone that doesn't get it... we heard for years that Trump is colluding with Russia... so given that, how could elevated U.S. racial tensions benefit Donald Trump's re-election chances? Like what the ****? LOL.

Do these guys even give a shit what they print any more or what is going on exactly? Are these guys even trying to hide their lies any longer?


Nobody believes these fake news sites anymore except for brainwashed idiots

06-01-2020, 11:10 PM
The idea that Russia spreads misinformation and funds conspiracy theory peddlers to stir up shit goes all the way back to JFK and the moon landing.

06-01-2020, 11:12 PM
I would group Antifa, Chinese political interests, leftist democrats and even conservatives trying to make Trump look good all in the same group that could intellectually profit off of chaos. All of these groups can each influence more chaos right now. That's wild.

06-01-2020, 11:17 PM
Yeah, this is pure propaganda even for the NYT. Most people don't read this trash but they'll see the headline and believe it. The authors of course quote a bunch of unnamed officials and the Alliance for Securing Democracy which is a neocon front group aimed at Russia with Michael Chertoff and William Kristol as council members.

06-02-2020, 04:34 AM
The idea that Russia spreads misinformation and funds conspiracy theory peddlers to stir up shit goes all the way back to JFK and the moon landing.

it goes a lot further than that. the us govt has been using anti russian propaganda on its people since the bolshevik revolution... pretty much ever since we invaded them in 1918 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1mC1bmzbgxY

06-02-2020, 06:11 AM
Without believing in conspiracy theories a common reason for both actions could be the destabilization of US politics.

06-02-2020, 07:52 AM
Shogon wrong as usual. It's more complex. Think about it.

No shit, right?

I mean at this point it's completely obvious that Russia is interferring in our politics and stoking hatred and division upon this country. To deny this is to deny factual information put forth by all of our national intelligence agencies.

06-02-2020, 08:10 AM
It's about spreading misinformation and destabilizing the country

Where already at the point where nobody knows what to believe in the news anymore

06-02-2020, 08:57 AM
It's about spreading misinformation and destabilizing the country

Where already at the point where nobody knows what to believe in the news anymore

So is Russia in control of our media news outlets?

Give me a ****ing break. The reason that the media is perceived to be dishonest as **** is because they are. It's not about reporting factually accurate information without painting narratives.

It's about painting narratives to drum up ratings. Basically they want more money. It's not hard to figure out and you don't need to go any deeper into it than that.

Narratives that play on your emotions = higher ratings = more $$ for them. Pretty simple.

The advent of the internet basically has meant that everyone is plugged in all the time... so how do media outlets compete for your attention and with one another in such an environment? Just by reporting factually accurate information with no agendas whatsoever? Of course not. In a world this interconnected it's all about being first and capturing your attention. They're competing for money... and that's it. It really is that simple. Don't make it something it isn't.

And if you want to go the route of the Russians ****ing up our media... well that shit started decades ago because of the leftist world view that penetrated our universities which we are still seeing the effects of to this day... in fact it's really coming to a head now more than ever. Common sense has long since sailed out the window. Basically anyone that has received a college education and had their political beliefs shaped around what their professors have been telling them is brainwashed to the point of no return. There is no hope for them, and thus there is no hope for us as a whole, either. They're clueless ****ing morons that don't have the slightest bit of an idea of how the real world actually ****ing works. Elon Musk said it best... "if you don't make stuff, there's no stuff." That's about as close to the core of the left vs right's conflicting fiscal world views. I'm not talking about the politicians at this point... both parties are leftists financially despite the right claiming they're not. And financial policy matters because that's basically damn near the heart of every other problem.

06-02-2020, 09:10 AM
No shit, right?

I mean at this point it's completely obvious that Russia is interferring in our politics and stoking hatred and division upon this country. To deny this is to deny factual information put forth by all of our national intelligence agencies.


06-02-2020, 09:18 AM
No shit, right?

I mean at this point it's completely obvious that Russia is interferring in our politics and stoking hatred and division upon this country. To deny this is to deny factual information put forth by all of our national intelligence agencies.

The media are the ones stoking hatred and division in this country. Not the Russians. Shut up, dolt.

And by the way... they're doing it for money. Ratings = money. It's that simple. Most of these guys and gals in the media are sociopaths of the highest order.

Im Still Ballin
06-02-2020, 09:19 AM
Shogon wrong as usual. It's more complex. Think about it.

Good post -- on the money.

Russia has strategically destabilized the United States political sphere. They had a significant hand in the 2016 general election.

Here's a rundown of how they helped Trump get into office...

- Social media bots/trolls
- Podesta hack
- DNC hack
- Targeting of voting blocs/institutions
- intrusion into state election systems
- Money funneled into NRA
- Russian oligarch financing

We've had over 7 major intelligence reports/analyses on Russia's influence...

The US Senate released 2 committee reports (2018, 2020)

We've got dossiers, links connecting Trump associates with KNOWN Russian officials...

- Paul Manafort
- Michael Flynn
- George Papadopoulous
- The Veselnitskaya meeting

But the conspiracy theorist lunatics would have you believe there was no connection...

It's simply not accurate.

06-02-2020, 09:21 AM
ISB you are a troll account of the highest order. Pick a different username to enter any discussions. Until then, nothing you say will ever be taken seriously by anyone that has paid attention to this board for more than 30 seconds.

06-02-2020, 01:54 PM
Russia/Putin's greatest adversary and opponent standing in the way of return to USSR is USA & NATO. They need to sow discord to derail the global influence America has by destabilizing America & taking apart NATO. Russia will do whatever they can to sow that discord and inflame things when they can. To think Russia is an angelic country that never involves itself in these sorts of activities is naive and ignorant. Why wouldn't they? We have done it to a lot of countries so of course Russia would. China would too I bet, North Korea if they had the capability, Iran/Venezuela if they could. These adversaries of ours benefit from sowing discord and splintering the most powerful country on Earth.