View Full Version : I feel the lefts are elite and will win November

Walk on Water
06-02-2020, 11:09 PM
I am neutral but If Trump won, it would be a very sad day for the nation. Riots would be even worse than now. But if Biden wins, so many are gonna be celebrating like they won the lottery. It’s gonna be considered a wonderful day for the nation.

Trump doesn’t have enough elites or celebrities supporting him. So many would vote for a democratic president. Bill Gates, Justin Timberlake, Taylor Swift, Beyonce, all the NBA players.. if you say you support Trump on social media, everyone things you’re racist.

Even twitter just joined black lives matter. All the celebrities, all the elites are for the left.

Even when Trump won, he lost the popular vote by 2 million. He’s just not popular as much as he is hated. I don’t believe the majority of the nation consists of conspiracy theorists and hillbillies.

Furthermore the riots continue and the coronavirus is getting worse and if the riots ever die down, the coronavirus is gonna hit the news like never before with the 2nd wave.

As long as Trump is president these days of chaos will never end. Only when he’s out is when life returns to somewhat normal.

That’s how I see it. The black lives matter movement is too powerful right now. That’s on top of the coronavirus that he failed to address.

Trump will not overcome all this. The left has the big states. Trumps only chance is the swing states. But the world is not going in the republican direction. It’s going in the progressive direction and so are all the elites. Black lives matter, Bill Gates, people who hate the virus, LGBT, social media and mainstream is all for the left. Trump won’t beat it. The world is controlled by the elites and they won’t let him.

06-02-2020, 11:11 PM

06-02-2020, 11:23 PM
Agreed all the cool kids support Biden. If you like Trump ur probably just mad no one is following you on twitter :lol

06-02-2020, 11:27 PM
I'd say the quiet voters outnumber the loud ones.

Patrick Chewing
06-02-2020, 11:29 PM
Agreed all the cool kids support Biden. If you like Trump ur probably just mad no one is following you on twitter :lol

Joe Biden: 5.8 Million Twitter followers

President Trump: 81.5 Million Twitter followers


06-02-2020, 11:29 PM
Taiwan cries. Hong Kong cries

Winnie the pooh laughs

06-02-2020, 11:41 PM
Trump winning the looter vote.

'You mean as long as trumps the president we can steal shit and blame it on him? Sign me up.'

06-02-2020, 11:44 PM
I understand your point, but I think this is helping Trump.

The way I see it. Trump is truly his own man. Didn't need to pay favors in order to get into office. As such, CNN and all the major News Channel, especially Fox News at the time were heavily smearing him. These major networks are controlled by the same powerful group. They pick and choose who's going to represent them. They force them into blackmail material too. Trump knows this, and he hates them. He hates Hillary and such people for what they happily are willing to do for their power. When you need puppets, those puppets have to be willing to do very evil things to prove that they will stay in line.

This same group is very opportunistic, and used the Floyd situation to incite violence. The media is very good at this, by omitting things and showing certain things. By making Michael Brown into a victim, and then finally showing his criminal side when the riots became too much. But aside from that, you have people that are not part of the protests trying to incite violence. Like I wrote in another post.

But Trump is a very high IQ individual. Especially in the social IQ department. (I also think Walk on Water has a high social IQ.) Most other Presidents would had looked bad with these riots, and the media is certainly showing it to be the case. But Trump smartly distances himself from the looters, calls them thugs, and insinuates that they should be shot.

Most Trump haters are going to hate him regardless, and the media is highlight them. But the rest of the country are going to be like, "You know what? I kind of agree with Trump." And the more looting, destruction of property, destruction of small businesses, the more of that that goes on, the more on Trump side people are going to lean.




06-03-2020, 01:27 AM
I am neutral

Stopped reading there

06-03-2020, 01:32 AM
No chance. Trump had it in the bag once Bernie bowed out.

06-03-2020, 01:51 AM
No chance. Trump had it in the bag once Bernie bowed out.


With all of the chaos and uncertainty in the US right now, its def possible that Trump loses in 2020... but Bernie is the only one out of the 20+ dem candidates who could have beaten Trump without needing any help from a global pandemic, an economic crisis, and mass riots/looting.

But we cant have Bernie, because the dem establishment would rather lose to Trump than nominate a candidate who wants to end the gravy train for the pointless and parasitic middlemen in the private health insurance industry.

06-03-2020, 02:00 AM

Walk on Water
06-03-2020, 02:28 AM

With all of the chaos and uncertainty in the US right now, its def possible that Trump loses in 2020... but Bernie is the only one out of the 20+ dem candidates who could have beaten Trump without needing any help from a global pandemic, an economic crisis, and mass riots/looting.

But we cant have Bernie, because the dem establishment would rather lose to Trump than nominate a candidate who wants to end the gravy train for the pointless and parasitic middlemen in the private health insurance industry.

So it sounds like you’re making excuses. The global pandemic affected the whole world. It’s not a United States thing only, but it got worse because Trump was slow. That’s on him.

The mass riots are because people hate him and racist people. It’s not fake.

06-03-2020, 02:37 AM
So it sounds like you’re making excuses. The global pandemic affected the whole world. It’s not a United States thing only, but it got worse because Trump was slow. That’s on him.

The mass riots are because people hate him and racist people. It’s not fake.


It sounds like you're mentally retarded. You try to can blame the pandemic and riots on Trump if you want... if you're lucky, enough americans are retarded enough to agree with you and vote for Biden (a segregationist who wrote the crime bill that created our current situation of mass incarceration of blacks)