View Full Version : So we can see how groups tend to hate the shitheads among their own.

06-03-2020, 05:34 PM
One interesting thing about these protests, is you see a lot of normal black people with jobs and lives facepalming the black rioters and looters and suggesting they're the biggest obstacle for the black community, not the police.

At the same time, you're seeing tons of normal, well adjusted, sane white people laughing and cheering when freakshow whites like ItsMillerTime try to show off their wokeness in bizarre and fake-tough ways, and it ends up exploding in their face, literally.

Groups like seeing the subversive and counterproductive members of their own community get gone. Seems natural enough.

And the massive irony here is that it's the minority of Soy Whites who basically shield and help to proliferate the minority of Thug Blacks, via social/political policy. Not just during the riots, but I mean in general. They join and even lead movements against common sense laws that deter violence, delinquency, joblessness, child neglect. They claim it "disproportionately effects the black community." But in turn, the least socially acceptable blacks then have more kids, whom they raise in worse environments, which perpetuates stereotypes that ultimately impact normal blacks. Massive cycle of irony.

The normal black community would be 10000x better off by simply cutting bait with the bottom 20% of scumbags whom they all hate anyway and simply happen to share a skin color with. And frankly the white community could stand to prune a bit of its own dead weight as well. Not saying any of this should be done by specific act of government intervention - of course not. But basically stop CAPITULATING to the shrill, neurotic nonsense of the most pathetic losers. Basically, make it so theyll WANT to either get adjusted or just go away. Stop letting politicians funded by Soros give them a chance to fester.


06-03-2020, 06:16 PM
This time it only took until the second rambling sentence to mention my name. Normally it's hidden towards the bottom of your post when you forgot what you're saying so you just throw out a knee-jerk "IDIOTS LIKE MILLERTIME"

You're getting better you baby back bitch!

06-03-2020, 06:20 PM
This time it only took until the second rambling sentence to mention my name. Normally it's hidden towards the bottom of your post when you forgot what you're saying so you just throw out a knee-jerk "IDIOTS LIKE MILLERTIME"

You're getting better you baby back bitch!


It’s because Im making a concerted effort at this point to highlight what an anti-intellectual cuckolding reject you are.

So expect more of the same in the coming weeks.

06-03-2020, 06:24 PM

It’s because Im making a concerted effort at this point to highlight what an anti-intellectual cuckolding reject you are.

So expect more of the same in the coming weeks.


06-03-2020, 06:38 PM


06-03-2020, 06:40 PM
Well said.

I was positively surprised to see Emily Ratajwjatever‘s dumb IG post in favor of protests get crushed

06-03-2020, 06:42 PM
This time it only took until the second rambling sentence to mention my name. Normally it's hidden towards the bottom of your post when you forgot what you're saying so you just throw out a knee-jerk "IDIOTS LIKE MILLERTIME"

You're getting better you baby back bitch!

Rambling? You don‘t agree with him? Are you retarded and in favor of looting?

06-04-2020, 06:11 AM
Suburbs vs Antifa


06-04-2020, 10:45 PM
this may be the video you're looking for

starts around 540*