View Full Version : So you can't be a part of the movementif you...

06-03-2020, 05:44 PM
Didn't participate in the #blackouttuesday
Say #alllivesmatter instead of #blacklivesmatter

I thought this movement was about unity? So because people aren't in uniform to what the social media trends are they are against the movement? I literally have people on my social media feeds calling others "embarassing" by not participating and using the #alllivesmatter hastag

See how snowflakes cause divisiveness?

06-03-2020, 05:46 PM
This question calls for the profound insights of #ItsMillerTime.

Because somehow I just know Orange Man is at the root of it all.

06-03-2020, 05:48 PM
Snowflakes cause divisiveness because they're white.

06-03-2020, 05:49 PM
The "tolerant" left love to shame people; it's almost a fetish at this point. It's the most intolerant thing I've ever seen. From cancelling people over words to hitting pro-life protestors because their feelings got hurt. It's like ruining people's lives is a hobby to them, despicable behavior.

Stanley Kobrick
06-03-2020, 05:55 PM
all lives don't matter until black lives matter

06-03-2020, 05:58 PM
yes!...this thread is going to unite us all...I can feel it!

06-03-2020, 06:01 PM
instead of black lives matter or all lives matter can we just agree on "**** the pigs" ?

06-03-2020, 06:04 PM
most of your threads have to do with social media apps :lol

maybe a break is in order.

06-03-2020, 10:02 PM
yes!...this thread is going to unite us all...I can feel it!

It never will as long as lefties feel the need to be morally superior

06-03-2020, 10:03 PM
instead of black lives matter or all lives matter can we just agree on "**** the pigs" ?

This is what it should have been all about it the first place. We could have all been united under the premise of police abuse of power and exposed racism through that channel.

06-03-2020, 10:04 PM
"they can call each other ni**a, why can't i say ni**er" :cry:

06-03-2020, 10:04 PM
most of your threads have to do with social media apps :lol

maybe a break is in order.

I wish I could. IG has been amazing promoting my new supplement line. Unfortunately I have to filter my way through all the self righteous and self promoting bull-ish

06-03-2020, 10:04 PM
Gay lives matter.

Like Chewing and Highwey

06-03-2020, 10:08 PM
Didn't participate in the #blackouttuesday
Say #alllivesmatter instead of #blacklivesmatter

I thought this movement was about unity? So because people aren't in uniform to what the social media trends are they are against the movement? I literally have people on my social media feeds calling others "embarassing" by not participating and using the #alllivesmatter hastag

See how snowflakes cause divisiveness?

Idk i don't use twitter. But saying all lives matter is emphatically tone-deaf in a time when society is not showing that black lives matter. White lives have and always will matter. While blacks are disproportionately the victims of police violence society is not living up to the phrase - black lives matter. That is why it is important to support black lives matter - not detract from their message. Kobrick summed it up well.

06-03-2020, 10:08 PM
Didn't participate in the #blackouttuesday
Say #alllivesmatter instead of #blacklivesmatter

I thought this movement was about unity? So because people aren't in uniform to what the social media trends are they are against the movement? I literally have people on my social media feeds calling others "embarassing" by not participating and using the #alllivesmatter hastag

See how snowflakes cause divisiveness?

Are you one of the looters burnt sausage?

You want to progress yet you saying rascist sht calling us snowflakes, just because I said facts!

06-03-2020, 10:09 PM
Are you one of the looters burnt sausage?

You want to progress yet you saying rascist sht calling us snowflakes, just because I said facts!

Sorry bro, your name means you have no right to speak on this subject

06-03-2020, 10:16 PM
[QUOTE=sd3035;14017539]Sorry bro, your name means you have no right to speak on this subject.

So you don’t believe the movement should be all lives matter? Cuz it’s all about one race in this world right?

06-03-2020, 10:17 PM
Are you one of the looters burnt sausage?

You want to progress yet you saying rascist sht calling us snowflakes, just because I said facts!

Ummm....I'm defending you :confusedshrug:

06-03-2020, 10:31 PM
all lives don't matter until black lives matter

Black lives will matter when you stop killing eachother and doing stupid sht like opportunistic crimes during a time of grieving for george Floyd and a fight for progression of black society status.

Long Duck Dong
06-03-2020, 10:36 PM
Not even other people of color are allowed to say they are part of this fight now. Ellen got slayed on Twitter today so bad she had to delete her post, revise and say she was donating a big sum of money.

Her crime? For saying she supported "people of color" in this fight. The response was swift and brutal. Apparent this is ONLY a black thing. When she revised her tweet, she replaced "people of color" with "black" as well as the promise of a big BLM donation.

Even a decade ago people would be laughing at us on how stupid we've become.

06-03-2020, 10:40 PM
Not even other people of color are allowed to say they are part of this fight now. Ellen got slayed on Twitter today so bad she had to delete her post, revise and say she was donating a big sum of money.

Her crime? For saying she supported "people of color" in this fight. The response was swift and brutal. Apparent this is ONLY a black thing. When she revised her tweet, she replaced "people of color" with "black" as well as the promise of a big BLM donation.

Even a decade ago people would be laughing at us on how stupid we've become.

Thanks for highlighting how retarded black people are in their fight for progression.

Long Duck Dong
06-03-2020, 10:48 PM
Thanks for highlighting how retarded black people are in their fight for progression.


For the record I do not 100% support how you phrased that :oldlol:

06-03-2020, 10:51 PM

For the record I do not 100% support how you phrased that :oldlol:

Why? Nothing I said is wrong or in-accurate.

06-04-2020, 01:28 AM
White pride. I hope they shoot all the white privilege snowflakes out there making fools of themselves..

Stop being puss.ies and be proud of who you are. Sentence that cop to death for taking a life for no reason and move on.. or throw him in gen pop with plenty of darkies

06-04-2020, 01:39 AM
White pride. I hope they shoot all the white privilege snowflakes out there making fools of themselves..

Stop being puss.ies and be proud of who you are. Sentence that cop to death for taking a life for no reason and move on.. or throw him in gen pop with plenty of darkies

I love being white and instead of feeling guilty because my people are the most successful, I'm very proud of them

Except for the liberal cucks but I don't know any in real life so I don't care

06-04-2020, 06:42 AM
I love being white and instead of feeling guilty because my people are the most successful, I'm very proud of them

Except for the liberal cucks but I don't know any in real life so I don't care


06-04-2020, 07:51 AM
instead of black lives matter or all lives matter can we just agree on "**** the pigs" ?

yes! f*ck a damn cop (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_maMp3rwsQ4).

06-04-2020, 08:15 AM
Blacks are the most racist people in the world, always playing victim and racist card.

06-04-2020, 08:22 AM
Blacks are the most racist people in the world, always playing victim and racist card.


06-04-2020, 08:43 AM
Blacks are the most racist people in the world, always playing victim and racist card.

Says the rando living in Poland. :biggums:

06-04-2020, 08:47 AM
Says the rando living in Poland. :biggums:

I don't have to go to zoo to know animals and they behavior in there.

06-04-2020, 09:04 AM
Didn't participate in the #blackouttuesday
Say #alllivesmatter instead of #blacklivesmatter

I thought this movement was about unity? So because people aren't in uniform to what the social media trends are they are against the movement? I literally have people on my social media feeds calling others "embarassing" by not participating and using the #alllivesmatter hastag

See how snowflakes cause divisiveness?

Leftist/globalist has found a very effective way to insert these movements into society, and it's through technology that they are able to create a huge echo chamber.

Widespread support/acceptance for angry riots was created much in the same way as support for covid19 lockdowns. There are two main elements.

1) Create an environment of public shaming for non participants. This happens both for individual people in all levels of society, like you've experienced, but also for corporations.

2) Exclusion of information that brings to light viewpoints not supporting the general stance.

For the first point, we have tons of examples even here on ISH. Leftists complaining that people on the right don't care enough about Floyd's death, even though everyone here has condemned the murder.
If you want examples of this happening with celebs, you can check out Lebron James most recent answer to Drew Bees, or the statement Lewis Hamilton put out a few days ago about "he knows who they are", referring to other formula 1 drivers not expressing their support on Twitter or the like.
Same strategy for Covid19, if people didn't believe in the official narrative, they were killing others and didn't care about it.
In MSM they do the shaming daily.

For the second point, big tech took the public stance to exclude all information that wasn't in line with the general information coming from the WHO. That means that while we're under the appearance that we have access to all information, a bunch of it is actually not coming out to us, but we can't see what doesn't make it.
Conservative viewpoints have been excluded in many cases from the big tech platform, and now we even see Twitter as a company wanting to put their label on policy decisions made by the US president.
The_Donald was even taken off reddit a while ago through the same argument. This means that no conservative information posted to that site, has any chance of making it to the general reddit, the top 10 rising or whatever, creating the appearance that no one believes in this opinion because "reddit is an open forum".

All in all, the echo chamber creates the appearance, that in general "everyone" is against Trump and "everyone" supports the riots, simply because information doesn't come to you from people with different viewpoints.

In general, most people want to fit in. So when everyone from your friends on facebook, all your favorite celebrities, as well as your favorite ice cream company Ben and Jerry's, as well as all other companies Tweet about it as well, it's hard not to get affected, especially if you're young.

Obviously there are a lot more specifics to it, but that's the general outline of how these movements are made, making it possible to go from shaming everyone not agreeing with covid19 measures, to not shaming anyone at all for running around in public all day and blowing off all guidelines they themselves would call you a cold hearted killer for not agreeing with just a few weeks ago.

06-04-2020, 10:02 AM
I wish you guys would stop using leftists as a synonym for liberals.

As a leftist myself I think a lot of the social media stuff is performative. When you have massive corporations tweeting out black squares, it’s clearly for likes and good PR. Same case for many individuals. My Instagram feed was filled with black squares the other day, but I also saw liberals upset about people only posting black squares as if people owe it to the world to constantly post about racial injustice on their social media. Ridiculous.

06-04-2020, 10:08 AM
I wish you guys would stop using leftists as a synonym for liberals.

As a leftist myself I think a lot of the social media stuff is performative. When you have massive corporations tweeting out black squares, it’s clearly for likes and good PR. Same case for many individuals. My Instagram feed was filled with black squares the other day, but I also saw liberals upset about people only posting black squares as if people owe it to the world to constantly post about racial injustice on their social media. Ridiculous.

Nah that's not happening, we're called right wingers all the time and there's a blanket perception of racism towards that term.

06-04-2020, 10:15 AM
Who is “we”? What is your political affiliation?

06-04-2020, 10:22 AM
Who is “we”? What is your political affiliation?

I don't have a specific political affiliation, but I'm referring to people who mostly believe in conservative values.

06-04-2020, 10:31 AM
I don't have a specific political affiliation, but I'm referring to people who mostly believe in conservative values.
People with a lot of conservative values are generally on the right, unless they are leftists economically. Still there are plenty of Democrats who have conservative values.

06-04-2020, 10:36 AM
People with a lot of conservative values are generally on the right, unless they are leftists economically. Still there are plenty of Democrats who have conservative values.

Doesn't change that there is a blanket perception between the term right winger and racist.

Same and even worse with the term nationalist, which somehow became white nationalist. Blanket perception of nazi on that one.