View Full Version : Blacks should be given a space in America for THEMSELVES. Who disagrees with this??

06-04-2020, 05:52 PM
Not a LEGALLY enforced segregation, but a space people recognize as a black repatriation. Just like Israel has for jews. We donate billions to Israel every year, why cant we do the same for blacks?

Are too many big corporatists dependent on black consumers, and fear the idea of a concentrated black population supporting rival upstart businesses run by blacks themselves?

No black person would be required to live there, just like jews arent required to live in Israel. But if they feel they are persecuted or oppressed where they are, they have a home to go to with black judges, black district attorneys, black policemen, and so on.

This is the kind of thing Black Muslims used to espouse not so long ago. It’s obvious now that blacks were integrated wholesale for the purpose of being exploited by wealthy corporatists, and young liberal shmoos without a logic gene were goaded into supporting it as a moral crusade because it gave them a way to feel better than their parents or some shit.

*Waits for timid, fearful SJW cucks to avoid thread like the plague because they wont discuss ideas that dont have mainstream approval yet*

06-04-2020, 06:01 PM
I say go for it. In recent years they have demanded segregated areas for themselves; places where they would be safe from racist people.

Let's allocate a place for them so they can build a new "Black Wall Street" since they've been complaining about the old one for a hundred years. There they can be left to their own devices, raise their own taxes, build their own school districts, be in charge of the justice system...

Success or failure would only fall on their own shoulders. No more blame game.

06-04-2020, 06:05 PM
Creates more problems than it solves. Would you force non-black people to vacate the space? What space would you give to black people? You can be sure that wealthy areas with lots of white people would refuse to become this space for black repatriation. In creating Isreal the United States caused a horrible decades-long dispute. People don't take kindly to the government telling them this land no longer is for them. No Republican would support this idea. As for whether this would be beneficial to Black people? Probably not. There already exist predominately black areas of the country thanks to housing discrimination. There are universities that were historically black schools that are still mainly black today. The way forward is to further integrate - fight back against racist policies that have caused the housing/class/health differences we see today. That is how the racial divide in this country must be addressed.

06-04-2020, 06:11 PM
Creates more problems than it solves. Would you force non-black people to vacate the space? What space would you give to black people? You can be sure that wealthy areas with lots of white people would refuse to become this space for black repatriation. In creating Isreal the United States caused a horrible decades-long dispute. People don't take kindly to the government telling them this land no longer is for them. No Republican would support this idea. As for whether this would be beneficial to Black people? Probably not. There already exist predominately black areas of the country thanks to housing discrimination. There are universities that were historically black schools that are still mainly black today. The way forward is to further integrate - fight back against racist policies that have caused the housing/class/health differences we see today. That is how the racial divide in this country must be addressed.

The Southeast, which already has the highest black populations.

Nobody would be forced to vacate or sell their land, but with the support of NFL dollars and Soros Open Society etc, some of the wealthiest institutions on Earth who all CLAIM to be for racial progress, the amount that could be offered to people for their land should be pretty convincing. Of course some may choose to stay and live as a minority, which would be completely within their rights.

No problem.

06-04-2020, 06:14 PM
We donate billions to Israel every year, why cant we do the same for blacks?

we already do.

big time.

06-04-2020, 06:15 PM
Creates more problems than it solves. Would you force non-black people to vacate the space? What space would you give to black people? You can be sure that wealthy areas with lots of white people would refuse to become this space for black repatriation. In creating Isreal the United States caused a horrible decades-long dispute. People don't take kindly to the government telling them this land no longer is for them. No Republican would support this idea. As for whether this would be beneficial to Black people? Probably not. There already exist predominately black areas of the country thanks to housing discrimination. There are universities that were historically black schools that are still mainly black today. The way forward is to further integrate - fight back against racist policies that have caused the housing/class/health differences we see today. That is how the racial divide in this country must be addressed.

TONS of grassroots republicans would support this. The republican political puppets can get on board, or we can provide their addresses to ‘demonstrators.’

Also, poor black people may be concentrated in isolated segments of each city. But middle class and professional blacks are not concentrated. Giving them a space to do so, along with blacks who are currently trying to climb their way out of poverty, would increase black cooperation and productivity all around.

06-04-2020, 06:18 PM
so a reservation? :roll:

OP triggered AF.

Native Americans and Jews are afforded a government sanctioned safe space.

Why not blacks?

Are you mocking natives and jews for wanting safe spaces?

Because if you are we can find out whatever there is to find out about your business, and CANCEL YOU.

So watch what you say, Alan...

06-04-2020, 06:18 PM
we already do.

big time.

Yes but this time we can donate in such a way that encourages blacks to be self sustaining and stop them being exploited as political pawns by the US Govt.

06-04-2020, 06:22 PM
This would be even more heartbreaking than indian reservations.
Not trryna be a dick, but yo......
Let's be real, the majority of black americans in 2020 are not ready to govern themselves autonomously in the western world without food/housing assitance, and it would be a heartbreaking disaster which brought multi-generational shame.

But I'm all for the idea in theory, as i believe self-determination is the most FAIR way for any people to navigate the world.

06-04-2020, 06:24 PM
I say go for it. In recent years they have demanded segregated areas for themselves; places where they would be safe from racist people.

Let's allocate a place for them so they can build a new "Black Wall Street" since they've been complaining about the old one for a hundred years. There they can be left to their own devices, raise their own taxes, build their own school districts, be in charge of the justice system...

Success or failure would only fall on their own shoulders. No more blame game.This is a very dangerous game, and I think most black americans would not accept such a fate, and prefer to stay with current system when given this alternative.

06-04-2020, 06:26 PM
This is a very dangerous game, and I think most black americans would not accept such a fate, and prefer to stay with current system when given this alternative.

But many of them are rioting over the current system. And theyve been rioting for 60 years.

The riots going on today essentially send the message outright, “YESTERDAYS SOLUTIONS DIDNT WORK.”

So what are the new solutions?

06-04-2020, 06:32 PM
But theyre rioting over the current system. And theyve been rioting for 60 years.

The riots going on today essentially send the message outright, “YESTERDAYS SOLUTIONS DIDNT WORK.”

So what are the new solutions?Sometimes, someone complains, but when given a worse alternative, they have a moment of clarity. Black america is at a historic crossroads going forward from this protest turned destructive riot. How they navigate going forward will be a significant risk of undoing all the progress of the last 50 years, in the eyes of the world.

06-04-2020, 06:33 PM
first off, you're the one mocking this situation. the idea of making a rez for anyone is not a good idea. i have friends who have lived there and they all say there's a lack of jobs. there;s other issues with the idea. it's quite obvious that reservations don't pan out.

and this economy is pretty damn close to cancelling me already.

So you believe Indian reservations should be formally unrecognized by the government?

And the state of Israel as well?

06-04-2020, 06:35 PM
The Southeast, which already has the highest black populations.

Nobody would be forced to vacate or sell their land, but with the support of NFL dollars and Soros Open Society etc, some of the wealthiest institutions on Earth who all CLAIM to be for racial progress, the amount that could be offered to people for their land should be pretty convincing. Of course some may choose to stay and live as a minority, which would be completely within their rights.

No problem.

So you will give them likely low property value land in places where black people already largely live. And you want wealthier black people to move to these poor neighborhoods? And you think this will help them? Alright dude.

06-04-2020, 06:40 PM
So you will give them likely low property value land in places where black people already largely live. And you want wealthier black people to move to these poor neighborhoods? And you think this will help them? Alright dude. The value of properties is determined by what's sit on it. You can give them Beverly Hills, but as soon as all the white folks vacate the place with high end stores in tow, the value will plummet.

Can't you build up your own neighborhood to be desirable? :confusedshrug:

06-04-2020, 07:27 PM
The value of properties is determined by what's sit on it. You can give them Beverly Hills, but as soon as all the white folks vacate the place with high end stores in tow, the value will plummet.

Can't you build up your own neighborhood to be desirable? :confusedshrug:
They prob could but white people have had a 250 year head start. I know OP likes to troll and he is not racist, he just plays it up. But you, you're something else dude.

06-04-2020, 07:30 PM
Name one successful country in Africa

06-04-2020, 07:33 PM
Or the ones who don't like it here could get free flights to Wakanda

06-04-2020, 07:40 PM
Name one successful country in Africa

06-04-2020, 07:56 PM
I don't know that I am against this idea...but question, are half-blacks allowed? what about 1/4th?...what's the cut off?...sorry if that was already brought up in here, didn't read through all the replies

06-04-2020, 08:01 PM
I don't know that I am against this idea...but question, are half-blacks allowed? what about 1/4th?...what's the cut off?...sorry if that was already brought up in here, didn't read through all the replies

It’s not about “allowed” per se because it isnt enforced by any legal mechanism. Anyone can move there and businesspeople can hire whomever they want.

It would simply be a matter of raising the funds to get these communities started. The funds would be put into black owned organizations, who could theoretically hire whomever they want, but realistically very few white people are gonna actively look to relocate there. More importantly, it would be a place where the local justice systems would be concentrated with black judges, attorneys and black law enforcement etc., so that there would be far less disruptions to black citizens who are trying to work, study, and socialize in peace.

06-04-2020, 08:03 PM
It’s not about “allowed” per se because it isnt enforced by any legal mechanism. Anyone can move there and businesspeople can hire whomever they want.

It would simply be a matter of raising the funds to get these communities started. The funds would be put into black owned organizations, who could theoretically hire whomever they want, but realistically very few white people are gonna actively look to relocate there. More importantly, it would be a place where the local justice systems would be concentrated with black attorneys and black law enforcement etc., so that there would be far less disruptions to black families in children who are trying to work, study, and socialize in peace.

You'd have to make certain jobs black at first then let them decide. Like all government jobs, police, etc

06-04-2020, 08:03 PM
It’s not about “allowed” per se because it isnt enforced by any legal mechanism. Anyone can move there and businesspeople can hire whomever they want.

It would simply be a matter of raising the funds to get these communities started. The funds would be put into black owned organizations, who could theoretically hire whomever they want, but realistically very few white people are gonna actively look to relocate there. More importantly, it would be a place where the local justice systems would be concentrated with black judges, attorneys and black law enforcement etc., so that there would be far less disruptions to black citizens who are trying to work, study, and socialize in peace.

So you have to be black to start a business there then?

06-04-2020, 08:05 PM
So you have to be black to start a business there then?

Pretty much, yes.

Which isnt a problem because it would not be government money being used.

Woke institutions worth hundreds of billions like Hollywood, the NFL, Soros Open Society, would all eagerly contribute.


06-04-2020, 08:06 PM
You'd have to make certain jobs black at first then let them decide. Like all government jobs, police, etc

This is true, jobs in the justice system would have to be affirmatively given to black professionals.

06-04-2020, 08:11 PM
Pretty much, yes.

Which isnt a problem because it would not be government money being used.

Woke institutions worth hundreds of billions like Hollywood, the NFL, Soros Open Society, would all eagerly contribute.


I mean, it's a radical idea... and I'm sure people would find ways to be offended by it...and I've given this a whole 5 minutes of thought...but so far can't say I dislike the idea

06-04-2020, 08:15 PM
I mean, it's a radical idea... and I'm sure people would find ways to be offended by it...and I've given this a whole 5 minutes of thought...but so far can't say I dislike the idea


The thing is, it’s literal empowerment of blacks.

The only reason people would resist it is feeling “offended” that it could be represented as a means of getting rid of them. Some will take that so personally as to be willing to stymie their own advancement purely for spite :lol

But hey, parents kick their own kids out of the house when its time. Doesnt mean they want them to fail or dont want to see them. Just means a time has come to move forward.

And of course this would not be mandated on anyone. Just provided as an alternative.

06-04-2020, 08:29 PM
tiddy is at the same time a sjw and segregationist... hahaha

Patrick Chewing
06-04-2020, 08:33 PM
If Blacks want to be segregated because the site of cops and White people triggers them, then hey, let's go full throttle and regress back into Segregation.

I have a question. Are there any wealthy and successful predominantly Black countries in the world? I'm curious to know the answer.

06-04-2020, 08:35 PM
tiddy is at the same time a sjw and segregationist... hahaha

Well its not any kind of legally enforced segregation. It’s optional.

And the reality is, most liberals already live nowhere near the “black community” they champion.

If theyre gonna #StandWithFloyd while keeping residential distance... they can at least support some new communities suited to black affairs, rather than continuing to have blacks crammed into the armpit of a bunch of major cities run by rich whites.

06-04-2020, 08:36 PM
If Blacks want to be segregated because the site of cops and White people triggers them, then hey, let's go full throttle and regress back into Segregation.

I have a question. Are there any wealthy and successful predominantly Black countries in the world? I'm curious to know the answer.

I have heard Wakanda mentioned but I have not verified this personally.

06-04-2020, 09:26 PM
They prob could but white people have had a 250 year head start. I know OP likes to troll and he is not racist, he just plays it up. But you, you're something else dude.

Phong is legitimately racist. There's no point talking to him.

06-04-2020, 09:31 PM
Phong is legitimately racist. There's no point talking to him. You constantly refuse to bear any responsibility for your own failures and always blame others. I can't think of anyone but children who act that way. :confusedshrug:

If you were given the opportunity to make it on your own, you wouldn't dare take it. You're too comfortable complaining about whiteys and getting their scraps.

06-04-2020, 09:56 PM
You constantly refuse to bear any responsibility for your own failures and always blame others. I can't think of anyone but children who act that way. :confusedshrug:

If you were given the opportunity to make it on your own, you wouldn't dare take it. You're too comfortable complaining about whiteys and getting their scraps.

:lol you don't know anything about me. Not only are you racist - you're also delusional

06-04-2020, 09:58 PM
:lol you don't know anything about me. Not only are you racist - you're also delusional The pronoun you can refer to a person or a group of people.

As soon at the OP presented his idea, you started whining that free land is not good enough lol... give us free shit but it better be expensive.

06-05-2020, 12:03 AM
Creates more problems than it solves. Would you force non-black people to vacate the space? What space would you give to black people? You can be sure that wealthy areas with lots of white people would refuse to become this space for black repatriation. In creating Isreal the United States caused a horrible decades-long dispute. People don't take kindly to the government telling them this land no longer is for them. No Republican would support this idea. As for whether this would be beneficial to Black people? Probably not. There already exist predominately black areas of the country thanks to housing discrimination. There are universities that were historically black schools that are still mainly black today. The way forward is to further integrate - fight back against racist policies that have caused the housing/class/health differences we see today. That is how the racial divide in this country must be addressed.

I agree with the first part, but the second part has to happen naturally, not by government-forced integration.

Pretty much, yes.

Which isnt a problem because it would not be government money being used.

Woke institutions worth hundreds of billions like Hollywood, the NFL, Soros Open Society, would all eagerly contribute.


So you have to be black.. what about half black? 25% black? 12.5% black? ... this idea seems stupid

06-05-2020, 12:35 AM
They have one. It's called Africa.

06-05-2020, 12:36 AM
Liberia didn't end well with that idea.

06-05-2020, 12:49 AM
I agree with the first part, but the second part has to happen naturally, not by government-forced integration.

So you have to be black.. what about half black? 25% black? 12.5% black? ... this idea seems stupid

You dont “have” to be anything, but REALISTICALLY most people who would be interested in repatriating black communities are going to have some connection to the colored community already.

Youre not gonna get a ton of white people signing up to go live in Blacktown. So you dont have to worry about any identity “cut offs.”

You start by funding some black businesses and concentrating black legal professionals and law enforcement. And then let others show up and find work as desired.

What sort of problems does that create...?

06-05-2020, 12:54 AM
there already is, it's called africa.
but even snoop dog doesnt wanna go there.

06-05-2020, 12:55 AM
They have one. It's called Africa.

lol same thought

06-05-2020, 01:53 AM
there already is, it's called africa.
but even snoop dog doesnt wanna go there.
The op points out that they should have one in America

06-05-2020, 02:52 AM
So where would all the wealthy black people live? 95 percent of Blacks move Into White or Mixed communities as soon as possible. Name one black celebrity that lives in a black neighborhood.�� This Idea could have worked in the 1960s. And actually IT was exactly what people Like Malcolm X and Muhammad Ali were demanding. However, todays IT IS obviously not doable anymore.

06-05-2020, 02:57 AM
Not a LEGALLY enforced segregation, but a space people recognize as a black repatriation. Just like Israel has for jews. We donate billions to Israel every year, why cant we do the same for blacks?

Are too many big corporatists dependent on black consumers, and fear the idea of a concentrated black population supporting rival upstart businesses run by blacks themselves?

No black person would be required to live there, just like jews arent required to live in Israel. But if they feel they are persecuted or oppressed where they are, they have a home to go to with black judges, black district attorneys, black policemen, and so on.

This is the kind of thing Black Muslims used to espouse not so long ago. It’s obvious now that blacks were integrated wholesale for the purpose of being exploited by wealthy corporatists, and young liberal shmoos without a logic gene were goaded into supporting it as a moral crusade because it gave them a way to feel better than their parents or some shit.

*Waits for timid, fearful SJW cucks to avoid thread like the plague because they wont discuss ideas that dont have mainstream approval yet*
Don't we already have this, albeit in smaller scale?

06-05-2020, 08:49 AM
Fultz wtf :lol

06-05-2020, 09:15 AM
Lets be honest, no one, including blacks would want to live there.

06-05-2020, 11:53 AM
Not a LEGALLY enforced segregation, but a space people recognize as a black repatriation. Just like Israel has for jews. We donate billions to Israel every year, why cant we do the same for blacks?

Are too many big corporatists dependent on black consumers, and fear the idea of a concentrated black population supporting rival upstart businesses run by blacks themselves?

No black person would be required to live there, just like jews arent required to live in Israel. But if they feel they are persecuted or oppressed where they are, they have a home to go to with black judges, black district attorneys, black policemen, and so on.

This is the kind of thing Black Muslims used to espouse not so long ago. It’s obvious now that blacks were integrated wholesale for the purpose of being exploited by wealthy corporatists, and young liberal shmoos without a logic gene were goaded into supporting it as a moral crusade because it gave them a way to feel better than their parents or some shit.

*Waits for timid, fearful SJW cucks to avoid thread like the plague because they wont discuss ideas that dont have mainstream approval yet*

I'd argue that there are already places where blacks congregate. They're called ghettos.

06-05-2020, 12:03 PM
OP should acquaint himself with somewhere called Liberia.

06-05-2020, 12:23 PM
I'd argue that there are already places where blacks congregate. They're called ghettos.
Those aren't necessarily under the authority of black cops, district attorneys, judges and mayors.

06-05-2020, 12:45 PM
Lets be honest, no one, including blacks would want to live there.

Funny and true

06-05-2020, 02:38 PM
they just did .. black dc mayor just changed a street name by the white house to black lives matter plaza and had a 2 block stretch painted in yellow blm letters .. can't make this shit up .. a mayor ordering this .. this is why you can't have these low iq emotional children running a city/state

