View Full Version : OT: NFL says "We Were Wrong" on Player Protests

06-05-2020, 07:54 PM

06-05-2020, 08:47 PM

They weren't really wrong though. They're a buisness and even though kap wasn't doing anything morally or illegal wrong what he was doing was effecting their bottom line. I personally dont think it should have. I wish alot of people weren't as ignorant as they were on the subject but they were unfortunately. It would of been cool if the nfl stood up for the cause and not cared about offending their viewers but they're wel within their rights to not want to do that.

06-05-2020, 09:34 PM
They weren't really wrong though. They're a buisness and even though kap wasn't doing anything morally or illegal wrong what he was doing was effecting their bottom line. I personally dont think it should have. I wish alot of people weren't as ignorant as they were on the subject but they were unfortunately. It would of been cool if the nfl stood up for the cause and not cared about offending their viewers but they're wel within their rights to not want to do that.

They were wrong. Kap kneeling peacefully was only a big deal because Cadet Bonespurs started whining about it to appeal to his base. Any of us who love to watch African Americans play sports and yell about why the such rich athletes can't shut up and play ball, should remember that those young men, and their friends, and their families, and everyone they know throughout their lives has to deal with conscious and unconscious racism day after day, year after year.

Time for sports leagues to grow up. Take a stand, grow a backbone. Don't let the Divider in Chief scare you. He's impotent if Americans just unite to do the right thing. The NFL can, in fact, be an amazing, hard driving sports league and take a stand for racial justice -- in fact it makes good business sense to do so. Glad to see the Commish finally start to do that. Better late than never.

Lion's pride
06-06-2020, 01:07 AM
GOD dang it, I have such a simple solution to which everyone should, but won't, agree..

Everyone stands for the national anthem… then everyone locks arms and kneels after to show solidarity...

a win win in my opinion..

06-06-2020, 01:35 AM
GOD dang it, I have such a simple solution to which everyone should, but won't, agree..

Everyone stands for the national anthem… then everyone locks arms and kneels after to show solidarity...

a win win in my opinion..

Or just let people do whatever they want. This isn't North Korea.

06-06-2020, 01:37 AM
Don't bother to watch that BS league. Not fun to watch and fake.

Kaepernick is an eye-roll inducing diva and attention seeker—but he should be perfectly free to kneel if he wants to. They shouldn't have made a big deal of it and had a team hire him if he was good enough on the field. Shutting him out just showed they have no respect for the freedoms people supposedly have in the country. Same thing happened to Tebow. The NFL though simply didn't want to have anything to do with players who had the potential to be bigger than the game.

06-06-2020, 03:19 AM
Don't bother to watch that BS league. Not fun to watch and fake.

Kaepernick is an eye-roll inducing diva and attention seeker—but he should be perfectly free to kneel if he wants to. They shouldn't have made a big deal of it and had a team hire him if he was good enough on the field. Shutting him out just showed they have no respect for the freedoms people supposedly have in the country. Same thing happened to Tebow. The NFL though simply didn't want to have anything to do with players who had the potential to be bigger than the game.

Yep. And THIS is the reason people get annoyed when athletes speak out. Not because "critics are all teh racists!!!" but because most athletes, just like most PEOPLE, have no clue what they're talking about. They don't support their positions with coherent reasons, and don't engage other viewpoints in genuine back and forth discussions. They spew some feel-good emotional rhetoric and hope to be labeled a 'leader.'

People dont want to be led by idiots. People dont want to hear idiots speak. People want idiots to shut up and compete in the area they're proficient in. That's WHY athletes get paid tens of millions of dollars. That's WHY money and free agency rights have gotten BETTER as players have gotten BLACKER. Because people appreciate what the best athletes bring to the league. Revenue has gone up. Thus pay has gone up. Amenities have gotten better. These leagues started out as mostly WHITE, and had low pay and limited freedom of movement. "But but but the owners think its teh slave plantation." Yeah, that's why everything has gotten better for players as the talented pool has shifted minority. If only we were all so lucky to endure such slavery. Those poor, 1% wealthy slaves.

When Colin Kaepernick is the only one in the whole stadium kneeling during the pre game patriot song, that's a pretty big "pay attention to me" gesture. So he'd BETTER provide serious, coherent, incisive points about his cause. Instead he provides vague SJW rally slogans about "teh social justice," plays the race card without evidence to back it up, and never engages an actual public dialogue with intellectual honesty. He's trying to play hero, and people see it as lame and selfish.

But of course dumb people think it's some real profound martyr shit. The NFL and most businesses right now are betting on the youth of the future being more dumb than reasonable, and theyre putting their eggs in that basket.

Hard to blame em. But I'm through watching, that's sure enough.

06-06-2020, 07:12 AM
Yep. And THIS is the reason people get annoyed when athletes speak out. Not because "critics are all teh racists!!!" but because most athletes, just like most PEOPLE, have no clue what they're talking about. They don't support their positions with coherent reasons, and don't engage other viewpoints in genuine back and forth discussions. They spew some feel-good emotional rhetoric and hope to be labeled a 'leader.'

People dont want to be led by idiots. People dont want to hear idiots speak. People want idiots to shut up and compete in the area they're proficient in. That's WHY athletes get paid tens of millions of dollars. That's WHY money and free agency rights have gotten BETTER as players have gotten BLACKER. Because people appreciate what the best athletes bring to the league. Revenue has gone up. Thus pay has gone up. Amenities have gotten better. These leagues started out as mostly WHITE, and had low pay and limited freedom of movement. "But but but the owners think its teh slave plantation." Yeah, that's why everything has gotten better for players as the talented pool has shifted minority. If only we were all so lucky to endure such slavery. Those poor, 1% wealthy slaves.

When Colin Kaepernick is the only one in the whole stadium kneeling during the pre game patriot song, that's a pretty big "pay attention to me" gesture. So he'd BETTER provide serious, coherent, incisive points about his cause. Instead he provides vague SJW rally slogans about "teh social justice," plays the race card without evidence to back it up, and never engages an actual public dialogue with intellectual honesty. He's trying to play hero, and people see it as lame and selfish.

But of course dumb people think it's some real profound martyr shit. The NFL and most businesses right now are betting on the youth of the future being more dumb than reasonable, and theyre putting their eggs in that basket.

Hard to blame em. But I'm through watching, that's sure enough.

Sorry, but that's a complete overreaction. No one rightfully says Kap is a martyr. But getting blackballed by the league for taking a stand for social justice primarily b/c Cadet Bonespurs, who's never sacrificed anything in his pampered life, wants to make a whiny political statement? That's BS. I have a feeling a lot of young posters on ISH would change their tunes if they were the ones being harrassed and having to fear any interaction with the police, if it was their friends and family members dying on the street.

06-06-2020, 09:50 AM
Anyone who would quit watching football over being butthurt by the kneeling thing is either borderline pathological in their degree of patriotic nostalgia, or wasn't that much of a football fan to begin with.

Now, if you stop watching because they're changing the rules to take the big hit out of the game, that I can understand.

06-06-2020, 11:26 AM
They were wrong. Kap kneeling peacefully was only a big deal because Cadet Bonespurs started whining about it to appeal to his base. Any of us who love to watch African Americans play sports and yell about why the such rich athletes can't shut up and play ball, should remember that those young men, and their friends, and their families, and everyone they know throughout their lives has to deal with conscious and unconscious racism day after day, year after year.

Time for sports leagues to grow up. Take a stand, grow a backbone. Don't let the Divider in Chief scare you. He's impotent if Americans just unite to do the right thing. The NFL can, in fact, be an amazing, hard driving sports league and take a stand for racial justice -- in fact it makes good business sense to do so. Glad to see the Commish finally start to do that. Better late than never.

Yeah well said if thats case. I remember hearing alot about their bottom line being effected but i agree that it shouldn't be and even if it is it be nice if nfl stood up for what is right. I still dont think they did anything wrong though. If they dont want to have their place of buisness used as a platform for protest then they're within there rights to do so.

06-06-2020, 12:22 PM
Yep. And THIS is the reason people get annoyed when athletes speak out. Not because "critics are all teh racists!!!" but because most athletes, just like most PEOPLE, have no clue what they're talking about. They don't support their positions with coherent reasons, and don't engage other viewpoints in genuine back and forth discussions. They spew some feel-good emotional rhetoric and hope to be labeled a 'leader.'

People dont want to be led by idiots. People dont want to hear idiots speak. People want idiots to shut up and compete in the area they're proficient in. That's WHY athletes get paid tens of millions of dollars. That's WHY money and free agency rights have gotten BETTER as players have gotten BLACKER. Because people appreciate what the best athletes bring to the league. Revenue has gone up. Thus pay has gone up. Amenities have gotten better. These leagues started out as mostly WHITE, and had low pay and limited freedom of movement. "But but but the owners think its teh slave plantation." Yeah, that's why everything has gotten better for players as the talented pool has shifted minority. If only we were all so lucky to endure such slavery. Those poor, 1% wealthy slaves.

When Colin Kaepernick is the only one in the whole stadium kneeling during the pre game patriot song, that's a pretty big "pay attention to me" gesture. So he'd BETTER provide serious, coherent, incisive points about his cause. Instead he provides vague SJW rally slogans about "teh social justice," plays the race card without evidence to back it up, and never engages an actual public dialogue with intellectual honesty. He's trying to play hero, and people see it as lame and selfish.

But of course dumb people think it's some real profound martyr shit. The NFL and most businesses right now are betting on the youth of the future being more dumb than reasonable, and theyre putting their eggs in that basket.

Hard to blame em. But I'm through watching, that's sure enough.

the worst thing about kaep is that he only started doing it AFTER his value as a player had already tanked. so he pivoted to a new angle to be relevant.

before he grew out that silly afro, he looked like a tan white guy more than black, wouldnt be able to tell from a distance, and he grew up in the burbs with a white family.

06-06-2020, 12:24 PM
Sorry, but that's a complete overreaction. No one rightfully says Kap is a martyr. But getting blackballed by the league for taking a stand for social justice primarily b/c Cadet Bonespurs, who's never sacrificed anything in his pampered life, wants to make a whiny political statement? That's BS. I have a feeling a lot of young posters on ISH would change their tunes if they were the ones being harrassed and having to fear any interaction with the police, if it was their friends and family members dying on the street.

kaepernick didnt grow up in the hood dude.

he definitely didnt face the same struggle as ghetto youth that are being affected have.