View Full Version : What happens to lebron and others if he had lost in game 6 of the 2012 Ecf

06-10-2020, 11:05 AM
'For LeBron, he would have been knocked out and ended his final streak way sooner then he did in real life, and the criticism of him would have been unreal if he and Heat were 0 and 2 in getting a title. As a result, maybe the Big three is broken up, and both Wade and Bosh are dealt to other teams which would change the Heat's future and LeBron's as well maybe Lebron never rejoins the Cavs in 2014 if he has only one ring up to that point and joins another team as a result.

For OKC maybe they beat the Celtics in the finals. Harden more then likely stays as a result of them winning the title For durant he not only has a Finals MVP at the age of 22. He would have had a great chance to get more in the future with Okc. Therefore maybe as a result of having a title already in 2016 perhaps he never leaves to the Warriors and stays in Okc for the rest of his career.

For the warriors, they have to face the three-headed monster of Kd Wb and harden, and as a result, maybe they never reach the finals in 2015 and 2016 and win 73 games and win a title. How would curry get viewed if he never wins a ring

For the Spurs maybe they Don't make the finals in 2013 and 2014 if Okc keeps their core together as a result of winning in 2012 so Duncan never gets his five-rings which swings the Kobe and Duncan debate primarily to Kobe's favour.

If Chris Paul still wants to be traded in 2017 with the rockets not having harden where does he go.

it's strange that one game might have changed the future of the NBA for the next ten years and changed many player's legacies.

Turbo Slayer
06-10-2020, 11:09 AM
LeBron would have NEVER come back after that failure. Most likely he would have never been considered top 10 alltime. More like top 25.

06-10-2020, 11:12 AM
LeBron would have NEVER come back after that failure. Most likely he would have never been considered top 10 alltime. More like top 25.

No way that is way too harsh of a knee jerk reaction he would still likely be a top ten player ever through as maybe he still gets his three rings in another way as the Heat retool by dealing Wade and Bosh for other great player and maybe Lebron wins back to back titles with the Heat in 2013 and 2014

Turbo Slayer
06-10-2020, 11:15 AM

06-10-2020, 11:23 AM

Why is it unlikely please tell me

Turbo Slayer
06-10-2020, 11:28 AM
LeBron and the retooled Heat is going to have to face the Spurs one of the greatest teams of alltime. Don't forget that chemistry plays a part. It usually takes new teams to adjust by 2 years. I only see 1 title in 2014. That's it.