View Full Version : will you think less of players who decide to not show up to the bubble and play?

06-12-2020, 11:34 AM
there's talk that 40-50% of players are uncomfortable with playing in the bubble. will any of them actually not show? is this a weak move?

Turbo Slayer
06-12-2020, 11:37 AM
No. Players should be able to decide for themselves, not the fans. If they want to stay home, fine. It's their decision to make, not the league nor the fans. Don't force the issue.

I don't view it as a weak move because they are trying to protect themselves and their family.

06-12-2020, 12:07 PM
so NBA and team's upper management decided on the date on when the nba is going to resume and publish it on the media w/out consulting these players?

If most of these players decided not to go there, they'll will look like primadonnas to the public and these upper management will look like a hero who just want to give fans entertainment :facepalm

What are these dudes soldiers? place them on a battlefield and let's just watch them fight and die :facepalm

06-12-2020, 12:37 PM
so NBA and team's upper management decided on the date on when the nba is going to resume and publish it on the media w/out consulting these players?

If most of these players decided not to go there, they'll will look like primadonnas to the public and these upper management will look like a hero who just want to give fans entertainment :facepalm

What are these dudes soldiers? place them on a battlefield and let's just watch them fight and die :facepalm

Theyre not soldiers dude they're just entertainers. Its a legit concern not only for them but for others around them. Im sure the last thing they're worrying about is entertaining us.

06-12-2020, 01:08 PM
Don't pay them :confusedshrug:

I think they're being ****ing babies tbh. We made meatpackers go to work to make sure we all had food. Transportation workers stayed on to make sure our entire system didn't collapse. These guys will have the best care and precaution money can buy, and they're still scared to play? It's weak. Some D Leaguers will jump on the opportunity.

I went in to work :confusedshrug: we took precautions and didn't whine.

Im so nba'd out
06-12-2020, 01:17 PM
No, if they are worried about catching the virus or giving it to someone in their family they shouldnt have to play.

To the ppl who secretly hate the players because they are black, or rich, or because u dont have a choice to not go back to work, or because you're miserable with the way your life turned out or w/e the reason is why you hate the players that you probably dont even know why.They are not getting paid if they dont play, so you should be happy to hear that but im sure you will still find a reason to still get angry because you are you....

06-12-2020, 01:55 PM
No, if they are worried about catching the virus or giving it to someone in their family they shouldnt have to play.

To the ppl who secretly hate the players because they are black, or rich, or because u dont have a choice to not go back to work, or because you're miserable with the way your life turned out or w/e the reason is why you hate the players that you probably dont even know why.They are not getting paid if they dont play, so you should be happy to hear that but im sure you will still find a reason to still get angry because you are you....


Le-WHOA-ke (the k is silent)

06-12-2020, 02:16 PM
Not less as players. That isn’t much of a factor. Perhaps softer as general humans....but that’s a whole other thing.

This is one of the few situations you have no real risk of transmission to say....an elderly family member. You get tested all the time and your potentially at risk family can’t come. The poorest real players make half a million a year plus good insurance and pensions....there is no “They have to provide” element really. If you’re in the nba and your kids won’t eat if you are incapacitated or even gone you’re too bad with money to be a long term provider anyway.

If I had concerns as an nba vet I establish trust funds for the kids then go play. Not that they shouldn’t have money aside you can’t touch already.

Only the absolute mouth breathers in the league wouldn’t already have their people set up. And yes...I know that’s probably a lot of them. But anyone that stupid? I don’t trust them to have a good grasp of this situation to begin with.

Ive had the option of weeks of paid leave since day one and I’m only now taking some of my regular PTO. Just worn out from months of long days making up for people taking advantage of the option pretending to have valid concerns. Dudes out 4 weeks and come back now....when there are even more cases than when they left.....all of them still fine.

The virus is real. Obviously. Just no more worthy of panic than all the other things killing us. Just new and scary to people not really thinking it all through. It’sa legit concern to our already at risk population. I wouldn’t send my mom into the bubble to work. I’d go myself. Especially knowing they test before, during, and after. Take my ass to costa rica for a month after if the family is worried. Just me and a small tested staff. FaceTime from the beach.

06-12-2020, 02:26 PM
Theyre not soldiers dude they're just entertainers. Its a legit concern not only for them but for others around them. Im sure the last thing they're worrying about is entertaining us.

Hey dumb@ss, improve your effin reading comprehension.

I'm talking on the side of the upper management perspective about putting these people out there like a solider. I use that term figuratively :facepalm ofcourse these people are there to entertain us :facepalm what a dumb@ss

06-12-2020, 02:31 PM
Nah, I'm not thinking any less of them. Everyone has the right to take the level of concern that makes them feel safe. Personally I haven't missed a day of work throughout the ordeal, I'm fine and I don't have near the level of safety the bubble situation should provide.

06-12-2020, 02:34 PM
Yeah as long as they don't get paid. Don't work, don't get paid.

06-12-2020, 03:37 PM
No. Players should be able to decide for themselves, not the fans. If they want to stay home, fine. It's their decision to make, not the league nor the fans. Don't force the issue.

I don't view it as a weak move because they are trying to protect themselves and their family.

Sure, they are also making the choice to forfeit their contract completely and give money back to the NBA. This isn't a game my man. Hundreds of billions are at stake. I can make the choice to not come to work too and I'll be fired. There is a clause in the CBA saying they can basically rip up contracts during a pandemic. The players have ZERO leverage right now and if a new CBA is forced now they are going to get destroyed. Not to mention 2020+2021 will be lost most likely.

06-12-2020, 03:39 PM
What makes me more mad about these fake woke players is their reasons for push back is returning during "racial unrest" and actually having to stay inside the bubble to PROTECT them and their families. If the outrage was fear of getting sick fine, but that's not it.

06-12-2020, 04:25 PM
Pretty much already said. It's wrong to not hear someone out in their concerns.

But at the end of the day, they'll be tested ad nauseum.

I also don't ignore what priorities people do have. Won't assume, but these are things you can be somewhat forthcoming over, and in that case the teams will deal with it. But your pay will be affected. You're not in the position of the average person, so I don't accept it without reason.

06-12-2020, 05:20 PM
Hey dumb@ss, improve your effin reading comprehension.

I'm talking on the side of the upper management perspective about putting these people out there like a solider. I use that term figuratively :facepalm ofcourse these people are there to entertain us :facepalm what a dumb@ss

damn touchy touchy lol. What did i say that offended you so much? Dude? My bad i meant bitch or fakkit:facepalm

06-12-2020, 05:28 PM
damn touchy touchy lol. What did i say that offended you so much? Dude? My bad i meant bitch or fakkit:facepalm

"touchy touchy" who the F use that term? what are you 9 year old kid?

Something's fundamentally wrong with you dude. Go get some help.

Turbo Slayer
06-12-2020, 05:36 PM
"touchy touchy" who the F use that term? what are you 9 year old kid?

Something's fundamentally wrong with you dude. Go get some help. You are one of the worst posters on this site. Why you keep attacking everyone that sways from your POV? **** off.

Reported. Hope that makes you happy.

06-12-2020, 05:38 PM
You are one of the worst posters on this site. Why you keep attacking everyone that sways from your POV? **** off.

Reported. Hope that makes you happy.

"It's all about winning"

6/6 > 3/9

Turbo Slayer
06-12-2020, 05:43 PM
"It's all about winning"

6/6 > 3/9 Lol at you taking one of my previous quotes literally. I meant winning as a team.

For example, if we took 10 random guys off the street and put them against a NBA team competing for a championship 10 times (so essentially 10 games) most likely the NBA team will sweep and win 10-0.

Does anyone put blame on the random guys picked off the street? No, because it's hard to blame them when they are facing a NBA team that are 1000X better than the average Joe. It's not the random guys fault, it's just they happened to play against a WAY superior team.

And quoting Finals records is hilarious because it doesn't take into account competition, injuries, and quality of teammates.

Soooo is Kareem and Russell better than Jordan? I mean, 6-4 and 11-1 is better than 6-0

or Finals records only matters or applies when we are discussing LeBron and MJ?

06-12-2020, 05:45 PM
"touchy touchy" who the F use that term? what are you 9 year old kid?

Something's fundamentally wrong with you dude. Go get some help.

Its a joke dude. Lighten up bruh. This forum isnt that serious.

06-12-2020, 06:29 PM
No, if they are worried about catching the virus or giving it to someone in their family they shouldnt have to play.

To the ppl who secretly hate the players because they are black, or rich, or because u dont have a choice to not go back to work, or because you're miserable with the way your life turned out or w/e the reason is why you hate the players that you probably dont even know why.They are not getting paid if they dont play, so you should be happy to hear that but im sure you will still find a reason to still get angry because you are you....

I bet LeBron thinks the same way I do. You think he's going to respect guys who chicken out from playing, or got out of shape in the time off? Some folks hold themselves to high standards, and expect others to as well.

06-12-2020, 06:43 PM
I bet LeBron thinks the same way I do. You think he's going to respect guys who chicken out from playing, or got out of shape in the time off? Some folks hold themselves to high standards, and expect others to as well.

You talking bout the same lebron that quit in crunch time of the finals and had to get carried off because of cramps?

06-12-2020, 11:08 PM
there's talk that 40-50% of players are uncomfortable with playing in the bubble. will any of them actually not show? is this a weak move?

For the sake of the players safety, I would hope no one shows up and risks getting infected with the coronavirus like other NBA players and coaches already have.

There's also a big problem going on in the world that needs the full attention of the nation and needs to be addressed: systematic racism.

Both of these things are bigger than basketball.

06-13-2020, 12:26 AM
Sigh more softness from this generation.

I didn't go to war and back just to see kids scared of a virus in a protected environment away from the people that they are worried that they're gonna infect in the first place.

Weak. None of these players could have walked a mile in my shoes.

06-13-2020, 05:09 AM
Sigh more softness from this generation.

I didn't go to war and back just to see kids scared of a virus in a protected environment away from the people that they are worried that they're gonna infect in the first place.

Weak. None of these players could have walked a mile in my shoes.

I hope nba lockout happens. No pay so 'stars' have to get 9-5 jobs and work for a living.

No doubt nba is work and would be tough but it is disproportionately well paid and comes with more fame than the guys sweeping floors, fixing toilets, and managing office politics.