View Full Version : New York Times: These Places Could Run Out of Hospital Beds as Coronavirus Spreads

06-12-2020, 09:34 PM
These Places Could Run Out of Hospital Beds as Coronavirus Spreads (nytimes.com/interactive/2020/03/17/upshot/hospital-bed-shortages-coronavirus.html)

If coronavirus spreads quickly, many hospitals could become overwhelmed.
Published March 17, 2020

Predictions for number of US adults hospitalized

Mild scenario: 10 million. Moderate scenario: 21 million. Dire scenario: 31 million

Actual number thus far: 0.29 million (CDC (https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/covid-data/covidview/index.html))

They were off by a factor of 100, but by all means, let the same level of hysteria continue.

06-12-2020, 10:48 PM
NOP NOPE, Fauci estimated 100k to 200k https://www.npr.org/sections/coronavirus-live-updates/2020/03/29/823517467/fauci-estimates-that-100-000-to-200-000-americans-could-die-from-the-coronavirus

MY LINK IS RIGHT ON THE MONEY!! HA HA, I GOT YOU! Now what? We going to fight over whose estimate is more self-righteous? There were hundreds of other estimates from hundreds of people.

If you are looking for the most extreme, there was some epidemiologist who said the entire human population can eventually be infected by covid-19. That's what? 7.5 billion infected? Why don't you just use that estimate? Start a new thread titled "Scientists estimate 7.5 billion people will get coronavirus"

06-12-2020, 10:50 PM
OP acting like coronavirus has been eliminated. Just because you want to ignore coronavirus doesn't mean it isn't still among us. I wouldn't count my eggs before they hatch. That count keeps going up everyday.

06-12-2020, 10:53 PM
Once again, you've missed the point completely.

I'll repeat: our goal is to prevent hospitals from being overwhelmed. Our policies were directed towards slowing the spread, not reducing it. Notice how the area under the curve is the same with steps to slow the spread.

If we "could" be overwhelmed with 10 million hospitalizations, there's no f'ing way we're being overwhelmed with 0.29 million.


06-12-2020, 10:55 PM
OP acting like coronavirus has been eliminated. Just because you want to ignore coronavirus doesn't mean it isn't still among us. I wouldn't count my eggs before they hatch. That count keeps going up everyday.

I'm not acting like it's been eliminated.

I'm acting like our policies should be based on our goal at large: prevent hospitals from being overwhelmed. These policies need to be based on data; not fear and hysteria.

06-13-2020, 12:36 AM
One High School good friend just lost her father to the virus 2 days ago
A High School friend just lost his mother last week to the virus, ventilator couldn't save her, nicest guy I know and he's fairly poor
My wife lost her grandmother over a month ago to the virus
My father in law was on the ventilator from it and was in BAD condition until they did the plasma treatment, he recovered
11 of her family members in the household had it
Her and I had it, I had symptoms for 3-5 days and that was it, she had none

We can't ignore this is a deadly virus - for those that survived it will more than likely not catch it again and if they do won't be as bad, viruses mutate for the good or bad

Just don't go sniffing someones ass as much as you used to and take caution

06-13-2020, 12:37 AM
they blew it up for political gain.

you sackless chumps need to just accept that.

06-13-2020, 12:43 AM
One High School good friend just lost her father to the virus 2 days ago
A High School friend just lost his mother last week to the virus, ventilator couldn't save her, nicest guy I know and he's fairly poor
My wife lost her grandmother over a month ago to the virus
My father in law was on the ventilator from it and was in BAD condition until they did the plasma treatment, he recovered
11 of her family members in the household had it
Her and I had it, I had symptoms for 3-5 days and that was it, she had none

We can't ignore this is a deadly virus - for those that survived it will more than likely not catch it again and if they do won't be as bad, viruses mutate for the good or bad

Just don't go sniffing someones ass as much as you used to and take caution

Right. I'm not saying people haven't died with the virus.

Here's what we did:

40 million unemployed
7.5 million small business closed forever
$Trillions to big banks/businesses
2.3 million cancer surgeries canceled
28 million total procedures canceled
43% adult obesity, gyms made illegal
Liberty taken away from 300 million citizens
Mental health/depression spike
Protests illegal, except for BLM protests to defund the police
And many more...

And none of it helped save those people you just mentioned.

Here's what I am saying:

The goal of our policies is to prevent hospitals from being overwhelmed by slowing the spread.

Nothing you said has anything to do with slowing the spread so our hospitals aren't overwhelmed.

06-13-2020, 12:53 AM
NOP NOPE, Fauci estimated 100k to 200k https://www.npr.org/sections/coronavirus-live-updates/2020/03/29/823517467/fauci-estimates-that-100-000-to-200-000-americans-could-die-from-the-coronavirus

MY LINK IS RIGHT ON THE MONEY!! HA HA, I GOT YOU! Now what? We going to fight over whose estimate is more self-righteous? There were hundreds of other estimates from hundreds of people.

If you are looking for the most extreme, there was some epidemiologist who said the entire human population can eventually be infected by covid-19. That's what? 7.5 billion infected? Why don't you just use that estimate? Start a new thread titled "Scientists estimate 7.5 billion people will get coronavirus"

Cleverness mentioned number of hospitalizations, while you refer to number of deaths attributed to covid19. You didn't "got" anyone.

07-18-2020, 01:50 PM
Hospitalizations update:

Mild scenario: 10 million
Moderate scenario: 21 million
Dire scenario: 31 million

Reality so far: 0.35 million (source (https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/covid-data/covidview/index.html))

The scenario we are living in is far less than the Mild one (understatement), but somehow the hysteria is kept at the Dire level.

Also, COVID-19 hospitalizations are being inflated. Here's one reason: HHS To Begin Distributing $10 Billion in Additional Funding to Hospitals in High Impact COVID-19 Areas (https://www.hhs.gov/about/news/2020/07/17/hhs-begin-distributing-10-billion-additional-funding-hospitals-high-impact-covid-19-areas.html)

Hospitals will be paid $50,000 per eligible admission.

The first round of funding was based on a formula that distributed funds to hospitals with 100 or more COVID-19 admissions between January 1 and April 10, 2020 and paid $76,975 per eligible admission.

It makes a lot more sense why every "suspected probable COVID" hospitalization is being counted. Even sprained ankles are counted as COVID-19 hospitalizations. https://twitter.com/pryto5/status/1262184346703802373

07-18-2020, 01:52 PM
Today is day 124 of 15 days to flatten the curve.


Patrick Chewing
07-18-2020, 02:52 PM
That massive ship sent to New York, only to treat like seven people. :facepalm

07-18-2020, 03:33 PM
If what y'all saying is 100% legit, why doesn't Trump or his administration ever bring this up? If there is one thing the Don loves, it's a conspiracy theory and so far I haven't seen him trying to make this case Cleverness is obsessed about...either Trump and his administration are too moronic/dopey/stupid/retarded to figure this out (unlikely) or they themselves are in on it? Those are realistically you're only viable options.

So which is it?

07-18-2020, 03:38 PM
Right. I'm not saying people haven't died with the virus.

Here's what we did:

40 million unemployed
7.5 million small business closed forever
$Trillions to big banks/businesses
2.3 million cancer surgeries canceled
28 million total procedures canceled
43% adult obesity, gyms made illegal
Liberty taken away from 300 million citizens
Mental health/depression spike
Protests illegal, except for BLM protests to defund the police
And many more...

And none of it helped save those people you just mentioned.

Here's what I am saying:

The goal of our policies is to prevent hospitals from being overwhelmed by slowing the spread.

Nothing you said has anything to do with slowing the spread so our hospitals aren't overwhelmed.


Patrick Chewing
07-18-2020, 03:40 PM
If what y'all saying is 100% legit, why doesn't Trump or his administration ever bring this up? If there is one thing the Don loves, it's a conspiracy theory and so far I haven't seen him trying to make this case Cleverness is obsessed about...either Trump and his administration are too moronic/dopey/stupid/retarded to figure this out (unlikely) or they themselves are in on it? Those are realistically you're only viable options.

So which is it?

What you mean jelly bean?? Trump continuously takes the credit for keeping the Covid deaths to the levels they are today, and not the 2.2 million count that the doom and gloomers were predicting back in March.

Trump saved millions of people.

And you dare besmirch the man?? Shameful and foolhardy!

07-18-2020, 04:01 PM
What you mean jelly bean?? Trump continuously takes the credit for keeping the Covid deaths to the levels they are today, and not the 2.2 million count that the doom and gloomers were predicting back in March.

Trump saved millions of people.

And you dare besmirch the man?? Shameful and foolhardy!
No Carlos, you missed the point of my question entirely. What Cleverness argues is that the media is hyping the virus and its effects and causing mass hysteria. He's claiming that hospitals are nowhere near stretched to max capacity, even when the nightly news have doctors and nurses claiming they are running out of ICU beds and are being overworked with the amount of sick people they are treating. ..why doesn't Trump argue that's not what's actually happening since Cleverness is always putting up charts claiming hospitals are nowhere near to full capacity as the media/hospitals,/mayors/doctors/nurses claim? Simple question, bro.

If this is a media fabricated crisis, why isn't Trump calling it out, that's right up his alley, no?

Patrick Chewing
07-18-2020, 04:32 PM
No Carlos, you missed the point of my question entirely. What Cleverness argues is that the media is hyping the virus and its effects and causing mass hysteria. He's claiming that hospitals are nowhere near stretched to max capacity, even when the nightly news have doctors and nurses claiming they are running out of ICU beds and are being overworked with the amount of sick people they are treating. ..why doesn't Trump argue that's not what's actually happening since Cleverness is always putting up charts claiming hospitals are nowhere near to full capacity as the media/hospitals,/mayors/doctors/nurses claim? Simple question, bro.

If this is a media fabricated crisis, why isn't Trump calling it out, that's right up his alley, no?

How many times does Trump have to say "Fake News" in reference to the media before it finally sets in for you people??


07-18-2020, 05:05 PM
How many times does Trump have to say "Fake News" in reference to the media before it finally sets in for you people??


I recall him and Cuomo fighting about the lack of ventilators in NY but I'm asking a different question...please provide a link showing Trump contesting the media and doctor's claims about running out of ICUs in America's biggest covid19 hotspots, something recent, like from the last 2 weeks...I honestly haven't seen him contest the claims.

This could potentially be a game changer, Cleverness needs to notify the administration, Trump's presidency is on the line! The media claims are fake, Cleverness has graphs, damn it!!!

07-18-2020, 05:15 PM
How many times does Trump have to say "Fake News" in reference to the media before it finally sets in for you people??


that phrase doesn't hold any weight with trump because he just throws it out there whenever he hears something he doesn't like. that doesn't mean he's not right about it sometimes, but he just uses it as a simple excuse.

07-18-2020, 05:32 PM
Hospitalizations update:

Mild scenario: 10 million
Moderate scenario: 21 million
Dire scenario: 31 million

Reality so far: 0.35 million (source (https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/covid-data/covidview/index.html))

The scenario we are living in is far less than the Mild one (understatement), but somehow the hysteria is kept at the Dire level.

Also, COVID-19 hospitalizations are being inflated. Here's one reason: HHS To Begin Distributing $10 Billion in Additional Funding to Hospitals in High Impact COVID-19 Areas (https://www.hhs.gov/about/news/2020/07/17/hhs-begin-distributing-10-billion-additional-funding-hospitals-high-impact-covid-19-areas.html)

It makes a lot more sense why every "suspected probable COVID" hospitalization is being counted. Even sprained ankles are counted as COVID-19 hospitalizations. https://twitter.com/pryto5/status/1262184346703802373

@TheMan because Trump is an idiot who has let the scientists at the Dept of Hysteria run things this entire time. FYI I'm not a Trump supporter; I just call out the hypocrisy when I see it. Attack him for shit he actually ****s up on (ie not doing jack shit besides tweet/speeches while the cities were burning during the riots).

The only he did on his own seems to be the travel bans, which would have made sense if CDC/FDA didn't take 2 months to get testing underway. By late March it was too late to eradicate, so we went with half-ass lockdowns to flatten the curve. Those lockdowns turned into "let's try to prevent all death" with zero achievable goals/objectives, no cost/benefit analysis, yet have caused massive destruction to the lives of hundreds of millions as well as future generations. As for hospitals, I've addressed that too many times to count in the official thread, pretty much debunking the myth that they're overwhelmed from COVID.

07-18-2020, 10:16 PM

08-06-2020, 12:00 AM



11-18-2020, 09:16 PM
These Places Could Run Out of Hospital Beds as Coronavirus Spreads (nytimes.com/interactive/2020/03/17/upshot/hospital-bed-shortages-coronavirus.html)

If coronavirus spreads quickly, many hospitals could become overwhelmed.
Published March 17, 2020

Predictions for number of US adults hospitalized

Mild scenario: 10 million. Moderate scenario: 21 million. Dire scenario: 31 million

Actual number thus far: 0.29 million (CDC (https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/covid-data/covidview/index.html))

They were off by a factor of 100, but by all means, let the same level of hysteria continue.


The cumulative number of hospitalizations with COVID-19 is now 0.7 million (https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/covid-data/covidview/index.html) over 37 weeks.

Will we reach the Mild scenario?

Note: 2017-2018 flu hospitalized 810,000 (https://www.cdc.gov/flu/about/burden/2017-2018/archive.htm#ref1) over ~16 weeks.