View Full Version : Fox News has Biden up by 12 points vs Trump in latest poll.

06-19-2020, 12:40 PM

06-19-2020, 12:49 PM
Biden should change his name to "Not Trump". He'd have a better shot at winning.

06-19-2020, 02:17 PM
Trump getting desperate. He is begging Biden for extra extra debates :oldlol:

Patrick Chewing
06-19-2020, 02:19 PM
That's it, it's over. :(

06-19-2020, 02:44 PM
Biden should change his name to "Not Trump". He'd have a better shot at winning.

Funny because it's true :oldlol:

That's really his only selling point

06-19-2020, 03:47 PM
I think we all agree Biden wasn't the best nor the only choice. He's being voted on because he's not Trump. People want Trump out at all cost even if it's Biden. Also, isn't Fox News polls very accurate?

I'm not a fan of polls either way. Bidens VP will be Kamala and that'll seal all black voters especially what happened this year with BLM movement. How much voters did Trump lose? His base is sticking to him but I'm sure some fell off based on COVID-19. Many lives were impacted by the virus regardless of race.

How this all plays out will stun the nation regardless.

Edit: The supreme court also plays a big role in this as well. With their recent decisions can either boost the votes or not.

06-19-2020, 03:56 PM
I How much voters did Trump lose? His base is sticking to him but I'm sure some fell off based on COVID-19.
yep older conservatives have to take covid seriously

I think the one single thing that Trump needs more than anything else is for covid to clear up SPECIFICALLY in the swing states

Florida, Arizona, N Carolina are swing states all surging with covid right now

Texas is spiking hard too

but who knows how it will look in just a few months...covid could be gone in that time

06-19-2020, 05:05 PM
you morons don't learn shit lol

06-19-2020, 05:11 PM
Running on “I’m not Trump” is a losing strategy. The fact that Biden might actually win is hilarious given his hideous track record and deteriorating mind. I’m not voting for either of these old clowns. Lmao at anyone stanning either of them. Have some self respect.

06-19-2020, 05:16 PM
It's going to be more fun this time watching the left implode. They don't learn anything.

06-19-2020, 05:19 PM
you morons don't learn shit lol

What I’ve learned is that Republicans here claim polls don’t matter and they will win no matter what. They did it with Romney acting like it was a liberal media fabrication and nobody wanted Obama back. Winning an election with millions of less votes doesn’t totally invalidate the system of asking people who they may vote for.

If Biden wins republicans will be saying polls don’t matter in 2024 again anyway.

Patrick Chewing
06-19-2020, 05:22 PM
A million ticket requests for Trump's rally tomorrow in Tulsa.

Meanwhile, Biden hasn't had a press conference in months.

But yeah, the polls have Biden winning....:oldlol:

06-19-2020, 05:32 PM
Trump is up 20 points in Oklahoma and has millions of obsessed supporters many of them in the south. Why wouldn’t he have massive attendance in a rally? He had massive attendance in rally’s in places he lost in 2016. For the first time in decades a republican lost Dallas, San Antonio, Houston, and Austin. He’d get 100k in an appearance in any of those places tomorrow. Obviously there’s no direct correlation.

Patrick Chewing
06-19-2020, 05:41 PM
Trump is up 20 points in Oklahoma and has millions of obsessed supporters many of them in the south. Why wouldn’t he have massive attendance in a rally? He had massive attendance in rally’s in places he lost in 2016. For the first time in decades a republican lost Dallas, San Antonio, Houston, and Austin. He’d get 100k in an appearance in any of those places tomorrow. Obviously there’s no direct correlation.

Show me the same support and fervor for Biden. I don't see it. All I see are poll numbers which were proven to be bogus in 2016.

This is why Hillary lost. They are just relying on the big cities again and forgetting that the Electoral College reigns supreme.

06-19-2020, 05:55 PM
Show me the same support and fervor for Biden. I don't see it. All I see are poll numbers which were proven to be bogus in 2016.

This is why Hillary lost. They are just relying on the big cities again and forgetting that the Electoral College reigns supreme.

Clinton still won the popular vote by 2 points, polls had her ahead by 3 points right before the election, they weren't far off. Clinton never had a 10+ point lead over Trump in the polls like Biden does now.

06-19-2020, 06:00 PM
welp, theres always the chance the government will let ISH alt accounts vote which could even out these polls.

06-19-2020, 06:02 PM
yep older conservatives have to take covid seriously

I think the one single thing that Trump needs more than anything else is for covid to clear up SPECIFICALLY in the swing states

Florida, Arizona, N Carolina are swing states all surging with covid right now

Texas is spiking hard too

but who knows how it will look in just a few months...covid could be gone in that time
:biggums: You actually think covid is gonna be gone by the election :oldlol:

06-19-2020, 06:07 PM
Polls push a media narrative, and since the media generally favors the Democrats, you get results like this. Especially now where Trump supporters have to keep a very low profile as you can lose your job for simply stating that you support Trump. Also, polls are done in cities where there tends to be more Democrats. I dont buy it.

06-19-2020, 06:12 PM
Show me the same support and fervor for Biden. I don't see it. All I see are poll numbers which were proven to be bogus in 2016.

This is why Hillary lost. They are just relying on the big cities again and forgetting that the Electoral College reigns supreme.

Poll numbers in general are not proven to be bogus or correct because of any single outcome....especially ones where for only like the 3rd time in 250 years the winner got less votes.

Clinton had no “fervor” and still got way more votes. Just off having the r and d both will get 60+ million votes. You don’t need “fervor”. Trump won with like 8 million less votes than Obama. He could lose by 20 million and still pull massive numbers at a rally off the passion of the minority.

Republicans got Less votes in 2016 and almost 10 million less in the midterms. The largest margin ever counted.

Its not out of line to think a poll could favor democrats when we are in an obvious minority rule situation due to us not having a direct democracy.

06-19-2020, 06:23 PM
Everyone knows Fox News is fake news. CNN prob has Trump winning the polls.

06-20-2020, 01:51 AM
Funny how Trumptards love to point out the polls in 2016 but conveniently forget about 2018

06-20-2020, 07:17 AM
how much further ahead (or behind) is joe compared to hillary vs trump at this same time in 2016?

06-20-2020, 09:14 AM
Someone else just said it, Trump needs to hope COVID-19 cases drop in swing states. While I believe Florida won't flip, Texas is very flippable right now and that's the race I want to see the outcome of.

If a solution to COVID-19 comes out before election this will favor Trump. If the economy continues to go back up which I have no doubt it will, it will favor Trump.

People are afraid of the economy. If my numbers are right we've added $1 Trillion towards our national debt since March each month.

I think we should also stop talking about polls and popularity and worry more about the swing states, the party is going there. Trump lost the popular vote and it won't do anything for Democrats.

The fact that Trump won't leave DACA alone despite an overwhelming 75% of voters on both sides wanting DACA recepients to be left alone is going to cost Republicans thousands if not millions of votes from Latinos.

While Trumps game plan is showing his base he's sticking true to his base to the very end including limiting police reform and not catering to BLM in any way along with Pence saying All Lives Matter, it left little to no wiggle room to gain voters.

I really wonder how this will play out. The win for the LGBTQ community is big and those votes were locked in from the jump but I think DACA will play a larger role in this election than we realize if he continues to aim at it before election as he has planned.

The country is in desperate need of real immigration reform but in an economy that's struggling thousands of DACA recepients are on the front line including health care workers during the pandemic serving as a backbone to the nation in a time of need.

Latino voters being the larger group impacted by the Supreme Court decision will become hardliners come election.

06-20-2020, 09:41 AM
polls mean shit

06-20-2020, 04:57 PM
I highly doubt Trump wins this one. 2016 was a huge shock to most people across the country. You don't get huge surprise like that twice, especially not with a moron like Trump. His incompetence has come through time and time again while he was president so people have seen it all. That led to a blue wave in 2018. Same blue wave is coming this November.

As for the economy, there is a long way to go. It's much more than the stock market. Having said that, I expect the market to drop significantly sooner or later. It is being artificially held up by the Feds buying ETFs, bonds and indexes along with millennials at home on unemployment pumping billions. Just wait until the extra $600 stops in July. Feds already pumped trillions and can do couple more trillion but can't do it forever. I am cashing out around that point in mid-July as the stock market comes down tumbling.

06-20-2020, 06:37 PM
Funny how Trumptards love to point out the polls in 2016 but conveniently forget about 2018

isn't the pattern that the midterms don't correlate with the next presidential election ?

06-20-2020, 06:40 PM
I highly doubt Trump wins this one. 2016 was a huge shock to most people across the country. You don't get huge surprise like that twice, especially not with a moron like Trump. His incompetence has come through time and time again while he was president so people have seen it all. That led to a blue wave in 2018. Same blue wave is coming this November.

As for the economy, there is a long way to go. It's much more than the stock market. Having said that, I expect the market to drop significantly sooner or later. It is being artificially held up by the Feds buying ETFs, bonds and indexes along with millennials at home on unemployment pumping billions. Just wait until the extra $600 stops in July. Feds already pumped trillions and can do couple more trillion but can't do it forever. I am cashing out around that point in mid-July as the stock market comes down tumbling.

none of that is trump's fault .. this virus has fkd everyone worldwide .. the fact is he had the economy humming before all this shit .. the question of course is how many will blame him for it or actually have rational sense to know better .. the midterms don't mean anything .. presidents get reelected after losing seats in midterms

06-20-2020, 06:47 PM
Trump getting desperate. He is begging Biden for extra extra debates :oldlol:

and this moron thinkS dialogue is a bad thing for the voter. TDS in full effect

06-20-2020, 06:57 PM
Is this supposed to be bad news for Trump? The world is falling apart but he only trails by 12 points?

06-20-2020, 07:03 PM
I live In Massachusetts, a Democrat stronghold, and I'm not seeing the support for Biden. What I am seeing more and more is American flags everywhere, pro-police demonstrations, etc.

06-20-2020, 07:11 PM
none of that is trump's fault .. this virus has fkd everyone worldwide .. the fact is he had the economy humming before all this shit .. the question of course is how many will blame him for it or actually have rational sense to know better .. the midterms don't mean anything .. presidents get reelected after losing seats in midterms

Yes, virus isn't Trump's fault, but lets not act as if Trump didn't drop the ball or downplay/mock it for 2.5 months after he found out about it. That will be running on ads around the clock.

Stock market is not the whole economy. It's a very small slice. Regardless, it has been artificially propped up and is coming tumbling soon. Just wait until the $600/week extra stops at end of July. The incentive to not work will go away and extra income will stop. We will also be in the heart of the 3rd quarter, which is expected to be when the coronavirus fallout hits.

2018 mid-terms had a historical blue wave with massive turnouts that you don't see, especially not in non-presidential elections. 2016 had fairly low turnout relative to 2018 because many Democrats/liberals/left-leaning people expected Hillary to win easily. Those people all showed up in 2018, 2020 should see massive number of turnout even if it's vote through absentee ballot.

and this moron thinkS dialogue is a bad thing for the voter. TDS in full effect

It has always been 3 debates leading up to presidential election. Why change that now because Trump is in danger? You have TDS in full effect. Get your tongue out of Trump's ass

06-20-2020, 08:19 PM
Because nothing about 2020 has been normalcy. There has been very little fundraising, campaigning rallies etc for either side because of the obvious. Do I really I have to explain that? Let’s not forget Obama started his fundraising in March in 2012 and his first rally was in the first week of May.

Only to the left is dialogue between two candidates a bad thing... I wonder why?

how is wanting to see the two talk about current affairs TDS? You’re the one unwilling to even want such an event only because it hasn’t in history. Why are you so against another debate? Do you not want to hear what they have to say?

up for question is Biden’s mental capacity, are you not wanting to see that? Surely if he’s not cognitively capable you’d pick what’s best for this nation right?

06-20-2020, 08:54 PM

06-20-2020, 09:13 PM
National polls aren't useful for predicting since we use an electoral college. Instead, look at swing states.

We're looking at two incredibly weak presidential candidates again. Trump doesn't have the energy behind him like he did in 2016. His speeches in 2015 and 2016 really resonated with people... this speech is boring and confusing.

There's a lot of time left before the election, so the hot topics may be different, but I have little confidence in Trump winning in November.


Please stop posting.

Signed, Everyone.

06-20-2020, 09:26 PM
I have no respect for people who say they will not vote for Biden or Trump. Unless you're some sort of big shot environmental/political activist voting for Green party - you're just a santcimonious piece of shit who won't take responsibility for what needs to be done. In other words - you're a massive f*cking p*ssy.

06-20-2020, 10:14 PM
I have no respect for people who say they will not vote for one of the two senile, racist, rapist, warmongering, corrupt, corporate stooges.

06-20-2020, 10:22 PM
I have no respect for people who say they will not vote for Biden or Trump. Unless you're some sort of big shot environmental/political activist voting for Green party - you're just a santcimonious piece of shit who won't take responsibility for what needs to be done. In other words - you're a massive f*cking p*ssy.

meh. ho hum.

06-20-2020, 11:00 PM


he also seems to have forgotten the election isn't determined by popular vote; a lot of us live in states that are 60%+ blue or red. why not take an opportunity to vote for someone who aligns more with your own views instead of choosing lesser of two evils :confusedshrug:

06-20-2020, 11:27 PM

he also seems to have forgotten the election isn't determined by popular vote; a lot of us live in states that are 60%+ blue or red. why not take an opportunity to vote for someone who aligns more with your own views instead of choosing lesser of two evils :confusedshrug:
Exactly. Trump has my state in the bag. Me voting Green isn’t doing anything to hurt Sleepy Joe.

06-21-2020, 12:51 AM
I live In Massachusetts, a Democrat stronghold, and I'm not seeing the support for Biden. What I am seeing more and more is American flags everywhere, pro-police demonstrations, etc.

06-21-2020, 02:04 AM
Exactly. Trump has my state in the bag. Me voting Green isn’t doing anything to hurt Sleepy Joe.

Not everyone is in that situation so I wouldn't advertise that position or try to convince people to take, especially in the battleground states. In those states, it absolutely matters and makes a difference. 2000 Florida was won by Bush by something like 600 voters IIRC

06-21-2020, 03:56 AM
I have no respect for people who say they will not vote for Biden or Trump. Unless you're some sort of big shot environmental/political activist voting for Green party - you're just a santcimonious piece of shit who won't take responsibility for what needs to be done. In other words - you're a massive f*cking p*ssy.

Sounds like voter intimidation dude.

I voted third party in 2016 and you know what I actually liked about Trump? He wasn't telling me I was voting for Hillary by voting third party. He didn't even care if you voted third party. :oldlol:

All I heard from Dems, Hillary and Obama was voting for anybody but Hillary was a vote for Trump. And these guys go on and on about "democratic values."

06-21-2020, 08:19 AM
You all see the actual attendance after the supposed million ticket requests? Not only did they cancel the outside portion for the expected overflow crowd they couldn’t sell out the inside. They tore down the 360 stage and moved cameras so you couldn’t see how much empty space there was but people inside took footage. I’m reading that a bunch of people requested tickets just trolling....possibly kids motivated by a popular tic tok video. They had 12 thousand people show in a 19k arena. Pretty solid trolling by the kids if that story is true.

06-21-2020, 09:42 AM
12,000 people during this coronavirus time is still a strong turnout, especially considering the shenanigans by the left. Most political rallies get a few thousand people at best.

06-21-2020, 10:03 AM

06-21-2020, 10:07 AM
12,000 people during this coronavirus time is still a strong turnout, especially considering the shenanigans by the left. Most political rallies get a few thousand people at best.

Long as you aren’t talking historic attendance, insane ticket requests, getting a bigger arena, and setting up massive overflow areas with cameras to cover the multitudes who couldn’t get in. Barring all that yes....good number of people.

Zero people could show and both sides still get 60+ million votes. These things don’t really matter.

06-21-2020, 01:33 PM
I live In Massachusetts, a Democrat stronghold, and I'm not seeing the support for Biden. What I am seeing more and more is American flags everywhere, pro-police demonstrations, etc.
Lol yeah what a surprise. One of the most racist cities in the country with their Trump support.


06-21-2020, 01:38 PM
Not everyone is in that situation so I wouldn't advertise that position or try to convince people to take, especially in the battleground states. In those states, it absolutely matters and makes a difference. 2000 Florida was won by Bush by something like 600 voters IIRC
Meh. Biden and Trump have a lot of similarities. Your life probably won’t change much with either of them. If Trump wins again, I think the Dems will be forced to run progressives if they ever want to win again. If Biden wins, a smarter Trump might come along in 2024.

06-21-2020, 02:14 PM

06-21-2020, 02:29 PM
Meh. Biden and Trump have a lot of similarities. Your life probably won’t change much with either of them. If Trump wins again, I think the Dems will be forced to run progressives if they ever want to win again. If Biden wins, a smarter Trump might come along in 2024.


Trump talks a lot of anti-establishment policy, but hardly implements it. Biden would have done the same thing as Trump in regards to the recent riots/looting. The only thing that will change with Biden in charge is the media narrative.

While I watching the rally I kept thinking back to his 2016 rallies. His major promises included:

Repeal and replace Obamacare
End the forever wars

...4 years later and none of those were accomplished.

06-21-2020, 04:31 PM
You all see the actual attendance after the supposed million ticket requests? Not only did they cancel the outside portion for the expected overflow crowd they couldn’t sell out the inside. They tore down the 360 stage and moved cameras so you couldn’t see how much empty space there was but people inside took footage. I’m reading that a bunch of people requested tickets just trolling....possibly kids motivated by a popular tic tok video. They had 12 thousand people show in a 19k arena. Pretty solid trolling by the kids if that story is true.

Apparently it wasn't even 12k people but just over 6k :lol

06-21-2020, 05:06 PM

Trump talks a lot of anti-establishment policy, but hardly implements it. Biden would have done the same thing as Trump in regards to the recent riots/looting. The only thing that will change with Biden in charge is the media narrative.

Here's the thing:

Every time he even brought up the idea of these things, he received MAJOR backlash from: Republicans (establishment), Democrats, media, and a huge swath of the mouth-foaming population.

He clamps down on immigration? The media runs twisted, sensational stories about him "caging brown kids for fun" which millions of idiots like RMWG lap up eagerly. He's made out to be an evil demon for trying to protect the borders.

Troop withdrawal? Mattis blasts him publicly, media criticizes him for being careless about the timing and not listening to generals (who are obvious war mongers), and all the average DEMOCRAT voters who were shrieking about George W. Hitler, are now fervent war hawks, simply because they can't let Trump get any positive press for withdrawing troops. They dont care about war or not war, they care about "republican at war is bad, republican ending war is bad. Republican man bad." This is the textbook doublethink Orwell wrote about. This is genuinely how the masses think.

The sheer fact that Bush, Obama, Clinton, and the whole cartel are after Trump the way no President has ever been attacked is a massive indicator that the establishment fears his potential populism. By consolidating their efforts against him, they HAVE managed to weaken him, largely because Trump has nowhere else to turn. He's not going to burn every single business and political bridge he has for the sake of a population that is HANGING AND BURNING EFFIGIES OF HIM.

The guy loves going against the grain and I believe he would do more IF he had more public support. But he's not gonna take on the world alone. It's a death wish.

The average Trump hating dummy has been goaded by all the wolves in sheeps clothes to fear Trump, when in reality Trump presents far less of a threat to their interests than Neocon Republicrats. I'm not saying Trump is any kind of savior or hero, and certainly he's far from a policy genius... But he was a step AWAY from the establishment, which COULD have been an enormous step if the public were intelligent enough to leverage that momentum instead of destroy it.

But the dumb, gullible masses are easily frenzied and misinformed by media and public opinion. The media can create narratives and manufacture mobs, which those of middling cognizance will always feel safer joining than opposing. Think about all the people you never heard discuss politics before, who suddenly became enraged and passionate and anguished about Donald Trump, like they were programmed by a computer script. That's the power of the media. They make insecure people feel the need to pick a side, even if they're completely ignorant of how anything really works. The media did such a smear job on Trump that ANYONE who can't calmly, and competently, and confidently explain why they support him, will be intimidated into simply joining the safer chorus of "fvck orange man" by default.

Trump WOULD HAVE done more anti-establishment stuff IMO, if he had more support for it.

But he's not gonna throw his own life and career away by himself for a dumb and ungrateful public.

Can't blame him.

06-21-2020, 05:17 PM
Trump isn’t actually a populist at heart. He’s just simple enough politically to come off that way. Trump doesn’t give a shit about the average American any more than the average GOP voter does.

He’s more worried about profiting off his presidency.

He is literally exactly like his voters in essence which makes me wonder why they think that means he’d make any sacrifices to benefit the public. The exact opposite of what the Republican Party stands for.

06-21-2020, 05:22 PM
Poor Starface still desperately clinging to the delusion that Trump is anti-establishment. Surely one day he’ll rise up against the meany pants Democrats and Neocons! He just needs to pass one more tax cut for the rich and destroy the environment just a liiiiiiiitle bit more. Oh and continue aiding in the genocide in Yemen. After he does all that, then surely he’ll start doing populist stuff!

06-21-2020, 05:42 PM
Trump isn’t actually a populist at heart. He’s just simple enough politically to come off that way. Trump doesn’t give a shit about the average American any more than the average GOP voter does.

He’s more worried about profiting off his presidency.

He is literally exactly like his voters in essence which makes me wonder why they think that means he’d make any sacrifices to benefit the public. The exact opposite of what the Republican Party stands for.

Youre absolutely right he doesnt care about it in a vacuum and he doesnt sit around with a twisted gut over the plight of the working man.

But he has an big ego and he cares greatly about his public image and persona. He IS willing to fight battles on behalf of America in order to gain praise. And so what? Thats a GOOD THING. It should be harnessed. But typical uneducated masses are so indoctrinated with the simple democrat vs republican paradigm that they cant amend their thinking when a unique situation comes along. Moreover, a lot of generic, irrelevant dopes resent guys like Trump simply out of spite for his success and their own impotence. They hate seeing the “favorite” succeed just like people hate seeing the Patriots, Yankees, Lakers etc succeed. The motivations of the average pleb are simple and petty.

Trump loves the spotlight and he would play the hero role to whatever extent he can comfortably do so. But the less support he has, the less he can push.

Petty, dumb, gullible masses threw away a golden opportunity because they were fearful of more complicated and fluid narratives where they have to stay sharp and pay attention. Those situations arent for the masses. They feel more secure with concrete platitudes like “Orange Man Bad Forever!!!!”

06-21-2020, 06:21 PM
Youre absolutely right he doesnt care about it in a vacuum and he doesnt sit around with a twisted gut over the plight of the working man.

But he has an big ego and he cares greatly about his public image and persona. He IS willing to fight battles on behalf of America in order to gain praise. And so what? Thats a GOOD THING. It should be harnessed. But typical uneducated masses are so indoctrinated with the simple democrat vs republican paradigm that they cant amend their thinking when a unique situation comes along. Moreover, a lot of generic, irrelevant dopes resent guys like Trump simply out of spite for his success and their own impotence. They hate seeing the “favorite” succeed just like people hate seeing the Patriots, Yankees, Lakers etc succeed. The motivations of the average pleb are simple and petty.

Trump loves the spotlight and he would play the hero role to whatever extent he can comfortably do so. But the less support he has, the less he can push.

Petty, dumb, gullible masses threw away a golden opportunity because they were fearful of more complicated and fluid narratives where they have to stay sharp and pay attention. Those situations arent for the masses. They feel more secure with concrete platitudes like “Orange Man Bad Forever!!!!”
All of these are idiotic strawmen, there are plenty of real conservatives who have legitimate reasons for dumping on this fraud. 3 straight years of military budget increases with tax reductions, leading to ~4.5 trillion dollar deficits. Expansion of executive power, doling out billion dollar bailouts to farmers through his executive agencies instead of running them through congress to counteract his tariffs which hurt farmers.
Trump's latest antics also prove he's incapable of reading the nation and way to eager to destroy government norms coopting military and religion for political purposes. Face it, Trump isn't capable of the job, and your entire post is just a rationalization for why so many from both ends of the spectrum don't support him.

06-21-2020, 06:27 PM
Meh. Biden and Trump have a lot of similarities. Your life probably won’t change much with either of them. If Trump wins again, I think the Dems will be forced to run progressives if they ever want to win again. If Biden wins, a smarter Trump might come along in 2024.

Lol maybe you could try to explain this to those idiots like blade and max who think their lives will magically turn around as soon as trump leaves the office :lol

06-21-2020, 06:29 PM
The system is just about too far gone there, you'd almost need a coup / replace the entire system.

06-21-2020, 06:33 PM

While it's undeniable that Trump has lost some support, add to that that his most rock solid base also happens to be the very group of people most likely to be affected by covid19, hence it's understandable his rallies won't have as much people as in 2016.

06-21-2020, 06:53 PM
Lol maybe you could try to explain this to those idiots like blade and max who think their lives will magically turn around as soon as trump leaves the office :lol
I was literally responding to Blade with that post...

06-21-2020, 07:59 PM
Meh. Biden and Trump have a lot of similarities. Your life probably won’t change much with either of them. If Trump wins again, I think the Dems will be forced to run progressives if they ever want to win again. If Biden wins, a smarter Trump might come along in 2024.

With Biden, I expect less corruption and revolving door that has been the Trump administration. There is zero consistency in Trump administration because nobody sticks around. People around Trump tend to get fired, resign, or rotate from position to position. There is no stability or consistency of any kind.

As for corruption, the Trump presidency is run by the whims of Trump based on his mood that morning or that hour. There have been rumors that he watches Fox News each morning to dictate his day-to-day dealings on various issues. Also, he takes seriously whoever sucks up to him. He also has his family members (namely Ivanka & Jared) in his ear constantly because he put his family in such position. I expect less of that with Biden.

Patrick Chewing
06-21-2020, 08:38 PM
What has been corrupt about the Trump administration? How did that Russian collusion investigation turn out? It feels like it was so long ago that I’ve forgotten about the outcome.

Help me remember, blade.

06-21-2020, 08:46 PM
I have no respect for people who say they will not vote for Biden or Trump. Unless you're some sort of big shot environmental/political activist voting for Green party - you're just a santcimonious piece of shit who won't take responsibility for what needs to be done. In other words - you're a massive f*cking p*ssy.

Totally agree. I don't think I've met anyone in person who has this mindset. But, I've seen polls in Twitter trending where people voted on the poll who they'll vote for. A large majority didn't go to either party but to a party where the vote is absolutely not going to count for shit.

If you support Trump or Biden I have more respect that you've made a decision that'll impact yourself and everyone else but if you aren't choosing either to be vindictive then that's selfish. Of course, that's unless you truly stick to your base because of your strong beliefs to that party are binded.

06-21-2020, 09:02 PM
Totally agree. I don't think I've met anyone in person who has this mindset. But, I've seen polls in Twitter trending where people voted on the poll who they'll vote for. A large majority didn't go to either party but to a party where the vote is absolutely not going to count for shit.

If you support Trump or Biden I have more respect that you've made a decision that'll impact yourself and everyone else but if you aren't choosing either to be vindictive then that's selfish. Of course, that's unless you truly stick to your base because of your strong beliefs to that party are binded.

The entire corrupted system is predicated on the idea that people will always pick from the choices presented to them instead of thinking outside the box.

As long as the people in charge control the choices the public is given, which they usually do with the exception of Trump, theyll always generally get their way. Theyll have to make a few adjustments to the appearance of how it’s achieved based on whether the public picks Democrat or Republican. But as long as the establishment is picking the candidates on both sides, power is in their hands.

Picking between establishment candidates is meaningless because it will produce the same outcome either way. The difference will not be in the endgame, just in the appearance of how it’s achieved.

If you genuinely prefer a third party candidate, but capitulate to the two party system... youre basically endorsing your own fate of being pissed on.

It’s a very cuckoldish thing to do IMO.

06-21-2020, 09:22 PM
What has been corrupt about the Trump administration? How did that Russian collusion investigation turn out? It feels like it was so long ago that I’ve forgotten about the outcome.

Help me remember, blade.

Here, Bolton will remind you..

In an exclusive interview with ABC News, Bolton offered a brutal indictment of his former boss, saying, "I hope (history) will remember him as a one-term president who didn't plunge the country irretrievably into a downward spiral we can't recall from. We can get over one term -- I have absolute confidence, even if it's not the miracle of a conservative Republican being elected in November. Two terms, I'm more troubled about."

In the interview with ABC News Chief Global Affairs Correspondent Martha Raddatz and in his new book, "The Room Where It Happened," Bolton paints Trump as "stunningly uninformed," making "erratic" and "irrational" decisions, unable to separate his personal and political interests from the country's, and marked and manipulated by foreign adversaries.

"The president isn't worried about foreign governments reading this book. He's worried about the American people reading this book," Bolton added, saying he was "very conscious" to avoid including classified information, but, "The people of the country need to hear the reality."

Pressed by Raddatz on his own support for Trump, Bolton called it a "mistake."https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/bolton-hopes-trump-term-president-warns-country-imperiled/story?id=71320449


06-21-2020, 09:27 PM
As for Ukraine:

"The defense of the president was, he cares about the general corruption in the Ukraine, and that was on his mind -- that's utter nonsense," Bolton told ABC News, adding the Ukrainian government "fully understood" the connection.

"He was bargaining to get the investigation, using the resources of the federal government, which I found very disturbing," Bolton said.

He heard it from Trump himself on Aug. 20, he claimed, when Trump "directly linked the provision of that assistance with the investigation."

Trump has denied that, tweeting in January, "I NEVER told John Bolton that the aid to Ukraine was tied to investigations into Democrats, including the Bidens."

Bolton said Trump is lying, "and it's not the first time either."

According to Bolton, that connection was "widely understood at senior levels in the government," too, including the White House, State Department, Pentagon and Department of Justice.

Specifically, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Defense Secretary Mark Esper, and Attorney General Bill Barr were all aware and equally "alarmed" as he, according to Bolton, who also said he had conversations about the legality of it with the White House counsel's office and Barr -- something Barr's spokesperson has denied.

Bolton said they all were actively working to convince Trump to separate the aid from any Ukrainian probe.

"People in the aftermath, in light of the impeachment investigation thought that those of us like Pompeo and Esper and myself should have been sort of junior woodchuck FBI agents looking for evidence of impeachable offenses. What we were all trying to do was get the assistance released to the Ukraine because it was in America's interests to do so."

Beyond his critiques of Trump's foreign policy or philosophy, Bolton takes aim at Trump's decision-making, at the man himself: "The president's thought process is a random walk that never stops. I mean, it's like a random walk meets Groundhog Day."

"I couldn't tell from day to day in the White House what was gonna happen," he added, calling the president "stunningly uninformed" and saying it was "very difficult, therefore, to have sustained conversations about policy development over a period of time."

According to Bolton, Trump spoke about as much as he listened during his intelligence briefings, which were far less frequent than other presidents. He listened to unknown outside advisers who gave him, what Bolton describes as "inaccurate" information that was not vetted by the professional staff, and he could not grasp "bits of history that help to inform the current context of a lot of situations. And we just never made headway on many of them," Bolton said.

"It's one thing to be erratic and impulsive and episodic and anecdotal on day-to-day stuff. It's when you get into crisis situations or very high-stakes circumstances where it becomes not only important, but potentially dangerous if the president doesn't maintain the focus on what's in front of him," Bolton said.

Corrupt and not suitable to be president of the US..

06-21-2020, 09:32 PM
People vote with their time and money. No need to pick sides in the clown show.

06-21-2020, 11:20 PM
The national numbers don’t matter.

Florida, Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Wisconsin. Show me numbers in counties Trump won in 2016 that Democrats won in the 2018 midterms in those states four months from now. Then I’ll be interested in what polls say.

Patrick Chewing
06-21-2020, 11:25 PM
Here, Bolton will remind you..



You notice that there’s a pattern there, right? The flunkies that Trump fires end up turning on him and conveniently always have a book coming out. It’s comical how most of you who trashed Bolton as a war criminal are suddenly on your knees sucking this guy’s d*ck. Have you all no shame??

06-21-2020, 11:40 PM
You notice that there’s a pattern there, right? The flunkies that Trump fires end up turning on him and conveniently always have a book coming out. It’s comical how most of you who trashed Bolton as a war criminal are suddenly on your knees sucking this guy’s d*ck. Have you all no shame??

And Trump keeps hiring them. Everyone Trump hires turns on him at one point or another.. but it's never Trump that's the problem?? :facepalm

06-21-2020, 11:58 PM
With Biden, I expect less corruption and revolving door that has been the Trump administration. There is zero consistency in Trump administration because nobody sticks around. People around Trump tend to get fired, resign, or rotate from position to position. There is no stability or consistency of any kind.

As for corruption, the Trump presidency is run by the whims of Trump based on his mood that morning or that hour. There have been rumors that he watches Fox News each morning to dictate his day-to-day dealings on various issues. Also, he takes seriously whoever sucks up to him. He also has his family members (namely Ivanka & Jared) in his ear constantly because he put his family in such position. I expect less of that with Biden.
Biden is also corrupt and guilty of nepotism, though. :confusedshrug:

I agree there would be less turnover though. I’d certainly prefer Biden to Trump in many areas, but there are areas Trump is better in as well. Overall both of them are quite evil and should be in prison. I refuse to support either.

Patrick Chewing
06-22-2020, 12:06 AM
And Trump keeps hiring them. Everyone Trump hires turns on him at one point or another.. but it's never Trump that's the problem?? :facepalm

Had you never heard of Donald Trump before he became President??

He had a show where he fired people all the time. :lol

It’s almost as if the only REAL problem you guys have with Trump is that he’s not “Presidential”.

06-22-2020, 05:38 AM
blade:lol what a total f@ggot

06-22-2020, 06:45 AM
Had you never heard of Donald Trump before he became President??

He had a show where he fired people all the time. :lol

It’s almost as if the only REAL problem you guys have with Trump is that he’s not “Presidential”.

I realize you don’t generally but seriously.....

A president hiring a bunch of people he later tells us we’re overrated, scumbags, stupid, or just got the job because they said nice things about him....

That not something you take issue with when these people are in positions of national security or with access to classified information?

Doesnt bother you that he keeps hiring people he apparently thinks are garbage to do this important work? Having ****ing reality tv contestants in the situation room recording conversations between the chief of staff and the generals? How does that happen?

How many disloyal, scumbag, incompetent, criminal, sycophants can a man hire before the problem is who gets to hire them?

06-22-2020, 01:19 PM
I realize you don’t generally but seriously.....

A president hiring a bunch of people he later tells us we’re overrated, scumbags, stupid, or just got the job because they said nice things about him....

That not something you take issue with when these people are in positions of national security or with access to classified information?

Doesnt bother you that he keeps hiring people he apparently thinks are garbage to do this important work? Having ****ing reality tv contestants in the situation room recording conversations between the chief of staff and the generals? How does that happen?

How many disloyal, scumbag, incompetent, criminal, sycophants can a man hire before the problem is who gets to hire them?


Make no mistake, Trumptards are fully aware that Trump himself isn't the manager he claims to be :facepalm

06-22-2020, 01:39 PM

Make no mistake, Trumptards are fully aware that Trump himself isn't the manager he claims to be :facepalm

I don't think any of us Trump supporters care who he fires and doesn't fire. What we care about is policy and how it affects us.

I personally have benefited from Trump's presidency, I want to see that extended four years. It's as simple as that... Call me a trumptard all you want, you're not doing yourself any favors.

06-22-2020, 03:40 PM
I don't think any of us Trump supporters care who he fires and doesn't fire. What we care about is policy and how it affects us.

I personally have benefited from Trump's presidency, I want to see that extended four years. It's as simple as that... Call me a trumptard all you want, you're not doing yourself any favors.

You expecting more tax cuts?

06-22-2020, 03:44 PM
You expecting more tax cuts?

No, but lower taxes would be nice.

06-22-2020, 04:11 PM
National polls aren't useful for predicting since we use an electoral college. Instead, look at swing states.

We're looking at two incredibly weak presidential candidates again. Trump doesn't have the energy behind him like he did in 2016. His speeches in 2015 and 2016 really resonated with people... this speech is boring and confusing.

There's a lot of time left before the election, so the hot topics may be different, but I have little confidence in Trump winning in November.

I find myself agreeing with this. Covid19 has manifested itself as "the virus" and the mental connection between covid and Trump is there on a pretty wide scale as well.

It'll be back to the regular agenda of globalism and industries working with China.

06-22-2020, 04:25 PM
I realize you don’t generally but seriously.....

A president hiring a bunch of people he later tells us we’re overrated, scumbags, stupid, or just got the job because they said nice things about him....

That not something you take issue with when these people are in positions of national security or with access to classified information?

Doesnt bother you that he keeps hiring people he apparently thinks are garbage to do this important work? Having ****ing reality tv contestants in the situation room recording conversations between the chief of staff and the generals? How does that happen?

How many disloyal, scumbag, incompetent, criminal, sycophants can a man hire before the problem is who gets to hire them?

Fair opinion, but do want to point out that for this specific position, Trump neither gave Bolton a lot of praise nor did he criticize the guy he replaced, quite the oposite.

I am pleased to announce that, effective 4/9/18,
will be my new National Security Advisor. I am very thankful for the service of General H.R. McMaster who has done an outstanding job & will always remain my friend. There will be an official contact handover on 4/9.

https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/976948306927607810?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5E tweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E976948306927607810&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Ftime.com%2F5212129%2Fjohn-bolton-hr-mcmaster-donald-trump%2F

06-22-2020, 06:26 PM


Trump sucks dick. Idiot with no tact.

He’s a simple idiot. An emotional idiot like 70% of the population, no matter how intelligent.

He cannot at all handle the scrutiny of being a president. Not the laws. Or the responsibilities. At-best he’s a nice rubber stamp of GOP policy and a guy who’s emotional instincts overlap with his base’s 100%. That’s it. What the hell is he actually doing as president either? I don’t even hear about executive orders, any new legislation, the little workshop programs al presidents have that they let their wife promote...

He has got to be one of the worst politicians to ever be president. A guy like Bannon is a great politician for instance. Newt Gingrich. A guy who can do...something. Or even appear to do something.

If America wasn’t in the shitter with COVID, social dysfunction, and the economy he could actually coast on America just functioning as it should as a “not horrible” president but with even just a little adversity he crumbles on Twitter.

I don’t know what I thought about him in 2017 as a politician because he was new to it but I didn’t expect this.

Republicans should have higher standards on their cult of personality’s.

Hey Yo
06-22-2020, 07:06 PM

06-22-2020, 07:35 PM

Trump sucks dick. Idiot with no tact.

He’s a simple idiot. An emotional idiot like 70% of the population, no matter how intelligent.

He cannot at all handle the scrutiny of being a president. Not the laws. Or the responsibilities. At-best he’s a nice rubber stamp of GOP policy and a guy who’s emotional instincts overlap with his base’s 100%. That’s it. What the hell is he actually doing as president either? I don’t even hear about executive orders, any new legislation, the little workshop programs al presidents have that they let their wife promote...

He has got to be one of the worst politicians to ever be president. A guy like Bannon is a great politician for instance. Newt Gingrich. A guy who can do...something. Or even appear to do something.

If America wasn’t in the shitter with COVID, social dysfunction, and the economy he could actually coast on America just functioning as it should as a “not horrible” president but with even just a little adversity he crumbles on Twitter.

I don’t know what I thought about him in 2017 as a politician because he was new to it but I didn’t expect this.

Republicans should have higher standards on their cult of personality’s.

It's clear as day that the argument from him and Trumpeters on November 5 will be "The absentee ballots were fake & filled by illegals" and declare victory himself no matter what the numbers say. It's the abyss that we are all being led towards, and nobody seems to notice it. I worry Republicans in Congress will fall right in line with that insanity.

I posted it last week..

Potential scenario:

Democrats/independents are taking coronavirus more seriously while Republicans are exact opposite. Democrats/independents will be much more likely to vote by mail, Republicans will be more likely to vote in-person. Trump wins in-person ballot on election day and declares victory while paper ballots take few days extra to get counted. Once paper ballots are finished being counted, Biden is winner.

Lil Donny would of course cry bloody mary and yell voter fraud. Now the question remains what would he & Trumpeters do next??

06-22-2020, 07:55 PM
Joe Biden's eye's are so close together.

im legit starting to think he has down syndrome... it's absolutely unbelievable he is the USA's top candidate compared to EU and Asian nations.

there couldnt be a more obvious puppet for capitalist interests if they tried.

06-23-2020, 11:15 AM
it’s comical how i trashed trump as crooked and incompetent am suddenly on my knees sucking this guy’s d*ck. Have i no shame??


Patrick Chewing
06-23-2020, 11:18 AM

Are you part of the bet? You can join your friends.

06-23-2020, 11:27 AM
Are you part of the bet? You can join your friends.

Offer me terms that expose you to additional risk. You are truly a moron, all that belly fat must be drawing oxygen away from your brain. Why would I bet you something that I have nothing to gain from?

Patrick Chewing
06-23-2020, 11:43 AM
Offer me terms that expose you to additional risk. You are truly a moron, all that belly fat must be drawing oxygen away from your brain. Why would I bet you something that I have nothing to gain from?

So you're not confident that Trump will lose....gotcha.

06-23-2020, 11:50 AM
Chewy trying to scam people again. What a thug.

Patrick Chewing
06-23-2020, 11:54 AM
Chewy trying to scam people again. What a thug.

At least you're an honest man. What was our bet again? A picture in a Trump/Biden shirt?

06-23-2020, 11:56 AM
Trump hat for me, BLM shirt for you. I hate Biden. He is too close to you politically for it to be that humiliating.

Patrick Chewing
06-23-2020, 12:03 PM
Trump hat for me, BLM shirt for you. I hate Biden. He is too close to you politically for it to be that humiliating.


06-23-2020, 12:12 PM
Can’t wait to see you wearing it :cheers:

Long Duck Dong
06-23-2020, 03:55 PM
Can’t wait to see you wearing it :cheers:

This is unfair. You have nothing to lose. You already proudly posted a photo of yourself wearing a "beta male" t-shirt. Or was it "bottom male". I can't remember but the point still stands. You have no self respect

Patrick Chewing
06-23-2020, 04:08 PM
This is unfair. You have nothing to lose. You already proudly posted a photo of yourself wearing a "beta male" t-shirt. Or was it "bottom male". I can't remember but the point still stands. You have no self respect


06-23-2020, 04:17 PM
This is unfair. You have nothing to lose. You already proudly posted a photo of yourself wearing a "beta male" t-shirt. Or was it "bottom male". I can't remember but the point still stands. You have no self respect
That shirt says "Pentagram". It's a doom metal band. Not my fault Gastric Bypass Chewing is obsessed enough to spend hours editing my pics.

Long Duck Dong
06-23-2020, 04:19 PM
That shirt says "Pentagram". It's a doom metal band. Not my fault Gastric Bypass Chewing is obsessed enough to spend hours editing my pics.

Did he edit your hair too?

Patrick Chewing
06-23-2020, 04:21 PM
That shirt says "Pentagram". It's a doom metal band. Not my fault Gastric Bypass Chewing is obsessed enough to spend hours editing my pics.

Nah man my shtick is I post gifs. I don't know how to photoshop or edit anything. That wasn't me, but whoever did it has some serious skill. If you Google search it, you can find the original post where it was posted.

06-23-2020, 04:33 PM
Did he edit your hair too?
Nope, although my hair is much shorter now. Apparently it wasn't Fatrick. Probably Phong, he always loved photoshop.

06-23-2020, 04:38 PM
So you're not confident that Trump will lose....gotcha.

So you think people are as dumb as you....gotcha. Give me real stakes Fatrick Chewtoy

06-25-2020, 03:14 PM
A half dozen new swing-state polls released Thursday morning suggest that not only would President Donald Trump lose if the election were held today, he would lose in a landslide.

The surveys, conducted by The New York Times and Siena College, show Trump trailing former Vice President Joe Biden by double digits in Michigan (Biden +11), Wisconsin (Biden +11) and Pennsylvania (Biden+ 10) and by mid-single digits in North Carolina (Biden +9), Arizona (Biden +7) and Florida (Biden +6).
Trump won every one of those states in the 2016 election. Switch them from red to blue and you can quickly see just how bad hings look for Trump at the moment.


06-25-2020, 04:18 PM
I suspect Trump still wins North Carolina, Arizona, and Florida. Having returned from it recently I’m more sure than ever that all the parts of Florida you wouldn’t set out to vacation to are just South Alabama. Florida is country as hell till you get to a Miami or Orlando.

06-25-2020, 05:46 PM
Keep believing those polls, lol.


^Serious question: Does Biden even know what planet he's on?

06-25-2020, 05:56 PM
Keep believing those polls, lol.


^Serious question: Does Biden even know what planet he's on?
Lol, this is pretty pathetic...y'all reduced to make Biden much worse than Trump. It's literally all. you. have. ROFL.

Can't run on jobs, can't run on the stock market, can't run on the economy, can't run on the fantastic job of containing covid19, can't run on uniting the country...why exactly do you want Trump again???

06-25-2020, 05:59 PM
I suspect Trump still wins North Carolina, Arizona, and Florida. Having returned from it recently I’m more sure than ever that all the parts of Florida you wouldn’t set out to vacation to are just South Alabama. Florida is country as hell till you get to a Miami or Orlando.

south west jersey might as well be alabama. rural is rural.

06-25-2020, 06:00 PM
Keep believing those polls, lol.


^Serious question: Does Biden even know what planet he's on?

Eh, I believe Biden is a shit candidate, but the vid stops when he seems to be correcting himself, that's lame.

06-25-2020, 06:11 PM
Eh, I believe Biden is a shit candidate, but the vid stops when he seems to be correcting himself, that's lame.
Obviously he misspoke, but hey, that's all the Trumptards got.

06-25-2020, 06:19 PM
Lol, this is pretty pathetic...y'all reduced to make Biden much worse than Trump. It's literally all. you. have. ROFL.

Can't run on jobs, can't run on the stock market, can't run on the economy, can't run on the fantastic job of containing covid19, can't run on uniting the country...why exactly do you want Trump again???

The economy you say? The economy was going gangbusters before this bogus covid pandemic. Trump can hardly be faulted for that.

I want Trump because I dont want a senile puppet like Biden in office. I dont want police defunded and crime to skyrocket. I dont want statues and monuments desecrated and American history erased. I dont want leftist insurrectionists to gain any more sway and escape justice for their crimes.

Trump isn't perfect. The left is anti-American, and just plain sick.

06-25-2020, 06:21 PM
if trump is a C+, biden is a D.

or F.

06-25-2020, 06:29 PM
The economy you say? The economy was going gangbusters before this bogus covid pandemic. Trump can hardly be faulted for that.

I want Trump because I dont want a senile puppet like Biden in office. I dont want police defunded and crime to skyrocket. I dont want statues and monuments desecrated and American history erased. I dont want leftist insurrectionists to gain any more sway and escape justice for their crimes.

Trump isn't perfect. The left is anti-American, and just plain sick.
Biden isn't even close to being on the left.

06-25-2020, 06:33 PM
Biden isn't even close to being on the left.


He is basically center right.

06-25-2020, 06:40 PM
The economy you say? The economy was going gangbusters before this bogus covid pandemic. Trump can hardly be faulted for that.

I want Trump because I dont want a senile puppet like Biden in office. I dont want police defunded and crime to skyrocket. I dont want statues and monuments desecrated and American history erased. I dont want leftist insurrectionists to gain any more sway and escape justice for their crimes.

Trump isn't perfect. The left is anti-American, and just plain sick.

Boo hoo hoo, the economy was going gangbusters until the pandemic wrecked shit up...voters dgaf how the economy was doing a week, month, year ago. It's how it's doing NOW and the only saving grace for Trump is that the election ain't today. You and other Trumptards can pretend the virus isn't a thing, y'all are the decided minority on that. I truly hope Trump tries to call the pandemic fake :lol He'll lose by historic proportions.

06-25-2020, 06:47 PM
Boo hoo hoo, the economy was going gangbusters until the pandemic wrecked shit up...voters dgaf how the economy was doing a week, month, year ago. It's how it's doing NOW and the only saving grace for Trump is that the election ain't today. You and other Trumptards can pretend the virus isn't a thing, y'all are the decided minority on that. I truly hope Trump tries to call the pandemic fake :lol He'll lose by historic proportions.

Do you know anyone who has covid? I dont. A bunch of old people died. Largely from stuff other than covid.

06-25-2020, 06:47 PM
Boo hoo hoo, the economy was going gangbusters until the pandemic wrecked shit up...voters dgaf how the economy was doing a week, month, year ago. It's how it's doing NOW and the only saving grace for Trump is that the election ain't today. You and other Trumptards can pretend the virus isn't a thing, y'all are the decided minority on that. I truly hope Trump tries to call the pandemic fake :lol He'll lose by historic proportions.

You need a mental health evaluation.

Are those available in MX?

06-25-2020, 06:54 PM
Do you know anyone who has covid? I dont. A bunch of old people died. Largely from stuff other than covid.

thats factually incorrect.

06-25-2020, 06:54 PM
Do you know anyone who has covid? I dont. A bunch of old people died. Largely from stuff other than covid.
Yes I do.

My doctor has a friend living in Canada who had a rough time with it, fortunately she got through it but a couple of family members of my doctor weren't so lucky, they passed away. She (my doctor) told me covid19 was a serious matter and to not take it lightly, this was back in March or so. The father of the husband of my wife's cousin also passed away from covid19.

06-25-2020, 06:56 PM
You need a mental health evaluation.

Are those available in MX?

Aww, this is cute, Starface standing by his man...

https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn%3AANd9GcRPfSibNYkNNKX1THQmwA9N_UXUVVb Tn-eYww&usqp=CAU

06-25-2020, 06:59 PM
Aww, this is cute, Starface standing by his man...

https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn%3AANd9GcRPfSibNYkNNKX1THQmwA9N_UXUVVb Tn-eYww&usqp=CAU

I’m saying this as your ISH peer.

I’m concerned for your mind state.

It seems like nothing matters to you except needing to see Donald Trump fail somehow. It’s all you think about.

There’s no joy in you. No calm. Youre fixated rabidly on Donald Trump. You need him to lose in order to feel any sort of personal satisfaction. It’s the only thing you have that can make you feel happy.

It isnt healthy. Youve become way unhinged.

I hope youre able to get well.

06-25-2020, 07:15 PM
I’m saying this as your ISH peer.

I’m concerned for your mind state.

It seems like nothing matters to you except needing to see Donald Trump fail somehow. It’s all you think about.

There’s no joy in you. No calm. Youre fixated rabidly on Donald Trump. You need him to lose in order to feel any sort of personal satisfaction. It’s the only thing you have that can make you feel happy.

It isnt healthy. Youve become way unhinged.

I hope youre able to get well.

No, you are dead wrong. I was open to voting for him strictly on the fact that he is anti abortion and he hadn't started any new wars and I even praised him on that here. I supported him taking out that Iranian military leader and his criminal justice reform so no I don't have TDS, I can see the good shit he has done. I have even said that he isn't the worst president in my lifetime, GWB still takes that one easily.

I just don't like being lied too on a record level amount about the tiniest shit that doesn't even matter like crowd sizes for example. Trump thinks we are low IQs and that we will believe anything he says, it's insulting and if you had any sense at all, you'd feel insulted too. His ridiculous lies and the fact that he thinks most of us are too stupid to figure it out is what makes me oppose him the most...he is also terrible for the environment.

I won't get into his obvious character flaws and lack of leadership skills, if y'all can't see those for yourselves, then I ain't even gonna try.

06-25-2020, 07:19 PM
perfect time for a Trumpwave


06-25-2020, 07:20 PM
No, you are dead wrong. I was open to voting for him strictly on the fact that he is anti abortion and he hadn't started any new wars and I even praised him on that here. I supported him taking out that Iranian military leader and his criminal justice reform so no I don't have TDS, I can see the good shit he has done. I have even said that he isn't the worst president in my lifetime, GWB still takes that one easily.

I just don't like being lied too on a record level about the tiniest shit that doesn't matter like crowd sizes for example. Trump thinks we are low IQs and will believe anything he says, it's insulting and if you had any sense at all, you'd feel insulted too. His ridiculous lies and the fact that he thinks most of us are too stupid to figure it out is what makes me oppose him the most...he is also terrible for the environment.
Starface thinks everyone who doesn't obsessively suck Trump's **** like him has TDS. When he "took me off his ignore list" to debate with me about whether or not Trump is establishment or not, I gave him a reasonable post that detailed why Trump is establishment, and he proceeded to start shrieking at me and put me "back on ignore" because he had a complete hissy fit that he couldn't argue with my legitimate points. If you are an actual leftist who criticizes the Democrats as well as the Republicans (like me), he has no talking points and resorts to personal insults. He is too cowardly to argue with anyone besides people who are (or that he at least perceives to be) stereotypical liberal voters. When people have legitimate rebuttals, he devolves into a 12 year old. Here is that thread where he started throwing a tantrum when I gave him legitimate criticisms about Trump and explained why he is establishment: http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/showthread.php?480732-Cabinet-members-of-quot-Ex-Hitler-quot-GEORGE-W-BUSH-form-Super-PAC-to-support-JOE-BIDEN/page5

06-25-2020, 07:36 PM
No, you are dead wrong. I was open to voting for him strictly on the fact that he is anti abortion and he hadn't started any new wars and I even praised him on that here. I supported him taking out that Iranian military leader and his criminal justice reform so no I don't have TDS, I can see the good shit he has done. I have even said that he isn't the worst president in my lifetime, GWB still takes that one easily.

I just don't like being lied too on a record level amount about the tiniest shit that doesn't even matter like crowd sizes for example. Trump thinks we are low IQs and that we will believe anything he says, it's insulting and if you had any sense at all, you'd feel insulted too. His ridiculous lies and the fact that he thinks most of us are too stupid to figure it out is what makes me oppose him the most...he is also terrible for the environment.

I won't get into his obvious character flaws and lack of leadership skills, if y'all can't see those for yourselves, then I ain't even gonna try.

Look at the post you made that I responded to.

Youre trying to shovel blame onto Trump for the economic impact of corona, without any kind of rational explanation for why it’s his fault. Youre just desperately insisting he must take the blame, and voters MUST give him the blame. The desperation in your post, combined with the lack of sane, intelligent supporting arguments, is a clear sign of TDS.

“Trump has to take the blame for the economy. Doesnt matter what it looked like before an unprecedented global panic generated largely by Trump’s political rivals!!! The economy is bad now, voters have to vote that way. If Trump doesnt fix the economy by himself by November, hes out!!! HES OUT!!!!!”

You just... sound unhinged dude.

It always sounds personal with you when it comes to Trump.

You sound like a classic “jealous hater.”

06-25-2020, 07:55 PM
This is unfair. You have nothing to lose. You already proudly posted a photo of yourself wearing a "beta male" t-shirt. Or was it "bottom male". I can't remember but the point still stands. You have no self respect


06-25-2020, 08:23 PM
Whether you like Biden or not, country will be less divided under him than the moron in the White House Lil Donny. Unfortunately, Trump won't go quietly and will not accept the results of the absentee ballots/election when he loses. Things will get bit messy for a bit, but I expect it to be temporary. 2021 will be a better year once Oompa-loompa is gone

06-25-2020, 08:29 PM
Whether you like Biden or not, country will be less divided under him than the moron in the White House Lil Donny. Unfortunately, Trump won't go quietly and will not accept the results of the absentee ballots/election when he loses. Things will get bit messy for a bit, but I expect it to be temporary. 2021 will be a better year once Oompa-loompa is gone
Biden won't fix any of the real issues in our country, dude. He's a corporate piece of shit who may well start another war. **** him. That said, some more progressives got elected to congress the other day. The Democrats won't be able to keep preventing a Progressive from getting the nomination for much longer. I have a feeling AOC will run for President soon enough, she has by far the biggest name recognition and national profile of any of the progressives besides Bernie.

06-25-2020, 08:35 PM
Whether you like Biden or not, country will be less divided under him than the moron in the White House Lil Donny. Unfortunately, Trump won't go quietly and will not accept the results of the absentee ballots/election when he loses. Things will get bit messy for a bit, but I expect it to be temporary. 2021 will be a better year once Oompa-loompa is gone

Youre so low IQ it hurts.

06-25-2020, 09:50 PM
Biden won't fix any of the real issues in our country, dude. He's a corporate piece of shit who may well start another war. **** him. That said, some more progressives got elected to congress the other day. The Democrats won't be able to keep preventing a Progressive from getting the nomination for much longer. I have a feeling AOC will run for President soon enough, she has by far the biggest name recognition and national profile of any of the progressives besides Bernie.

God help us if she becomes president. Serious. God ****ing help us.

06-25-2020, 10:10 PM
God help us if she becomes president. Serious. God ****ing help us.

It’s almost a certainty at this point that normal people will eventually have to flee the US.

The “white people owned slaves” justification is being used for increasingly gross acts of hostility TOWARD white people, and it’s never going away. It will always be exploited as political leverage. Just as historical jewish privilege was used by Nazis to justify discrimination towards jews under the Nazis. As whites become more of a minority, and the younger generations are being increasingly conditioned to become self hating cucks who will tolerate such abuses, it will eventually reach a fever pitch.

The angry masses already loot and attack people in cities where they have the numbers to safely do so. The only thing preventing them from going farther out into the suburbs right now is how many gun owning normal people are still concentrated out there and ready to defend themselves. There is no ethical or legal imperative that stops them from rioting in residential areas and assaulting residents. If they could, they would.

The people at the top have no loyalty to white or black, hispanic or asian, etc. Their only goal is to create and exploit division for their own maintenance of power. They want to pit the lower class vs the middle class in order to prevent them both from targetting the ruling elite.

I believe this is why corporate governers endorse ludacris, far left messages. It will be easy to control and direct dumb kids like rr3, bladefd, itsmillertime etc to act in dumb ways and support dumb ideas, and the sane, normal middle class folks will be the ones who will speak out against these things and attempt to defend them from the hordes of loser betas who are united in a mindless mob. The fight will remain between the ignorant and incapable masses, and normal middle class decent folks. The upper class will be farthest away from the chaos, profiting all the while.

The mindless mobs are a collective, unconscious weapon. Youve heard people like Real MenWear Gren and TheMan talk about politcs before. Theyre not lucid, contemplative thinkers. Theyre repeaters, followers, belongers. Theyll move whichever way the group moves. Theyre up for grabs as a social weapon, and the elites want those brainless WMDs in their hands.

It’s the people up top who control the people at the bottom.

Those of us in the middle will eventually have to bolt. It’s almost a certainty.

06-25-2020, 10:11 PM
God help us if she becomes president. Serious. God ****ing help us.

eh. it's not like she'd get anything significant passed, even the dems would cockblock her. best shit she'd do is social justice stuff.

06-25-2020, 10:15 PM
God help us if she becomes president. Serious. God ****ing help us.
Socialist woman bad amirite.

06-25-2020, 10:16 PM
Starface thinks everyone who doesn't obsessively suck Trump's **** like him has TDS. When he "took me off his ignore list" to debate with me about whether or not Trump is establishment or not, I gave him a reasonable post that detailed why Trump is establishment, and he proceeded to start shrieking at me and put me "back on ignore" because he had a complete hissy fit that he couldn't argue with my legitimate points. If you are an actual leftist who criticizes the Democrats as well as the Republicans (like me), he has no talking points and resorts to personal insults. He is too cowardly to argue with anyone besides people who are (or that he at least perceives to be) stereotypical liberal voters. When people have legitimate rebuttals, he devolves into a 12 year old. Here is that thread where he started throwing a tantrum when I gave him legitimate criticisms about Trump and explained why he is establishment: http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/showthread.php?480732-Cabinet-members-of-quot-Ex-Hitler-quot-GEORGE-W-BUSH-form-Super-PAC-to-support-JOE-BIDEN/page5
Quoting again for Starface, who's the biggest coward on this board.

06-25-2020, 10:23 PM
Socialist woman bad amirite.


better than the gal from last of us

06-25-2020, 10:26 PM
eh. it's not like she'd get anything significant passed, even the dems would cockblock her. best shit she'd do is social justice stuff.

And that would probably be the worst shit she’d do, because it would likely have nothing to do with real justice. It would be illegal and discriminatory exploitation of identity politics.

She would just inverse Jim Crow shit to start applying to white people, to appease a statistically and politically significant growing population of “coloreds and cucks.” And the justification would be they did it first. Tons and tons of people will eventually accept and support that reasoning. It will likely become an eventuality if history is any indication.

Shit’s gonna go downhill quickly. For real.

06-25-2020, 10:29 PM
Lol at people thinking AOC is one of those fake woke neoliberals :roll:

She's similar to Bernie in that she is worried about the economic issues destroying our country, and not hyperfocused on pointless theatrics like Pelosi. Socialist woman scary doe.

06-25-2020, 10:32 PM
Socialist woman bad amirite.

She's as low IQ as it gets.

I don't think she'll get close to becoming president though. She'll just be another Sheila Jackson Lee and Maxine Waters. Swampy career democrat politicians.

06-25-2020, 11:22 PM
It’s almost a certainty at this point that normal people will eventually have to flee the US.

The “white people owned slaves” justification is being used for increasingly gross acts of hostility TOWARD white people, and it’s never going away. It will always be exploited as political leverage. Just as historical jewish privilege was used by Nazis to justify discrimination towards jews under the Nazis. As whites become more of a minority, and the younger generations are being increasingly conditioned to become self hating cucks who will tolerate such abuses, it will eventually reach a fever pitch.

The angry masses already loot and attack people in cities where they have the numbers to safely do so. The only thing preventing them from going farther out into the suburbs right now is how many gun owning normal people are still concentrated out there and ready to defend themselves. There is no ethical or legal imperative that stops them from rioting in residential areas and assaulting residents. If they could, they would.

The people at the top have no loyalty to white or black, hispanic or asian, etc. Their only goal is to create and exploit division for their own maintenance of power. They want to pit the lower class vs the middle class in order to prevent them both from targetting the ruling elite.

I believe this is why corporate governers endorse ludacris, far left messages. It will be easy to control and direct dumb kids like rr3, bladefd, itsmillertime etc to act in dumb ways and support dumb ideas, and the sane, normal middle class folks will be the ones who will speak out against these things and attempt to defend them from the hordes of loser betas who are united in a mindless mob. The fight will remain between the ignorant and incapable masses, and normal middle class decent folks. The upper class will be farthest away from the chaos, profiting all the while.

The mindless mobs are a collective, unconscious weapon. Youve heard people like Real MenWear Gren and TheMan talk about politcs before. Theyre not lucid, contemplative thinkers. Theyre repeaters, followers, belongers. Theyll move whichever way the group moves. Theyre up for grabs as a social weapon, and the elites want those brainless WMDs in their hands.

It’s the people up top who control the people at the bottom.

Those of us in the middle will eventually have to bolt. It’s almost a certainty.
Lol, the only thing I took away from this mindless rant is that you really believe the word ludicrous is spelled ludacris, like the rapper :oldlol:


06-25-2020, 11:35 PM
Lol, the only thing I took away from this mindless rant is that you really believe the word ludicrous is spelled ludacris, like the rapper :oldlol:


So you were taking nothing away from it..

Yet you still read on to the fifth paragraph, at which point you leapt at the chance to point out an obvious typo I made while hastily writing out a lengthy post on my phone.

You read through my whole post which wasnt even directed toward you, and youre all excited to “aha!” me by highlighting a typo.

Youre... unhinged dude. It’s that simple. I can tell you are not in a good place mentally.

06-25-2020, 11:37 PM
So you were taking nothing away from it..

Yet you still read on to the fifth paragraph, at which point you leapt at the chance to point out an obvious typo I made while hastily writing out a lengthy post on my phone.

Youre unhinged dude. It’s that simple.

Youre clearly not in a good place mentally.
Lol, how do you typo ludacris? You seriously thought that was the way it was spelled, stop lying.

06-25-2020, 11:44 PM
Lol, how do you typo ludacris? You seriously thought that was the way it was spelled, stop lying.


All you have to do is google “insidehoops” “fultznationrise” “ludicrous”


You get even more examples if you use the name Akrazotile.

How could you not have thought to check that before hitching your wagon to such a stupid accusation??

This is why you ARE what I always SAY YOU ARE.

Youre that guy. Angry. Emotional. Not very bright.

Thats why you are what you are politically. Food for people who want to manipulate you. Thats all you are.

Youre nothing more than that under the sun.

06-25-2020, 11:52 PM
https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/proxy/Qg8x0XzDpa4Nzy9eBRccOldqHVBgBWdTkliLQ_s0y9DhFWz9hX ePQv6lsJumqIXlWw8XNdQJyPXibxFiT4-ryGZKxWuXyS4iXUCFMa-_vT6b=w443-h332

06-26-2020, 12:01 AM
Youre a walking L.


Got you riled up, huh Chrissy


06-26-2020, 12:23 AM

Got you riled up, huh Chrissy


Well, yes, and though youll play it off as intentional, we both know that isnt so.

What riles me up is your genuine ignorance, and the danger it presents to normal society. People like you are the reason for social tumult. As I said, your ignorance and the insecurity it fosters, make you a loaded political weapon for people with nefarious intentions. You hate Trump, Republicans, Americans, etc with this wild and emotional passion, but you cant logically explain why.

I can explain why tho. You dont fit in here, and you dont really fit in there in Mexico. So youre looking for something stable to cling to. It doesnt matter to you if it’s rational and reasonable and “intellectual.” You have more basic needs that require addressing. Hating Trump helps you deal with them. “Orange Man Bad” is something simple you can believe is true and unchanging without having to put in a lot of mental legwork. It’s something you can believe without often being challenged on, because so many other sheep are on the same frequency. Intellectual stuff isnt your thing. You know that. And it isnt most of your peers’ either. OMB is a maxim you can all agree to without conflict, and bond over. OMB is LCD.

But there are people with worse intentions than Trump who want to exploit your dumb nature and insecure motivation. And that’s a threat to all of us. So of course it concerns me.

It’s great that youre not a hard danger, like crackheads who run into homes to rob and rape. But being such an emotionally delicate ignoramus does make you something of a soft danger to normal society. Because your personal feelings and emotions can be weaponized politically without you even realizing it.

So that’s why I got a lil riled up.

But truthfully, I want to stop getting into negative arguments with individuals. I want to be able to just say what I have to say, and let it go if there are plebs who disagree.

Im working on it. It’s extremely difficult, but I am working on it.

06-26-2020, 01:02 AM
Well, yes, and though youll play it off as intentional, we both know that isnt so.

What riles me up is your genuine ignorance, and the danger it presents to normal society. People like you are the reason for social tumult. As I said, your ignorance and the insecurity it fosters, make you a loaded political weapon for people with nefarious intentions. You hate Trump, Republicans, Americans, etc with this wild and emotional passion, but you cant logically explain why.

I can explain why tho. You dont fit in here, and you dont really fit in there in Mexico. So youre looking for something stable to cling to. It doesnt matter to you if it’s rational and reasonable and “intellectual.” You have more basic needs that require addressing. Hating Trump helps you deal with them. “Orange Man Bad” is something simple you can believe is true and unchanging without having to put in a lot of mental legwork. It’s something you can believe without often being challenged on, because so many other sheep are on the same frequency. Intellectual stuff isnt your thing. You know that. And it isnt most of your peers’ either. OMB is a maxim you can all agree to without conflict, and bond over. OMB is LCD.

But there are people with worse intentions than Trump who want to exploit your dumb nature and insecure motivation. And that’s a threat to all of us. So of course it concerns me.

It’s great that youre not a hard danger, like crackheads who run into homes to rob and rape. But being such an emotionally delicate ignoramus does make you something of a soft danger to normal society. Because your personal feelings and emotions can be weaponized politically without you even realizing it.

So that’s why I got a lil riled up.

But truthfully, I want to stop getting into negative arguments with individuals. I want to be able to just say what I have to say, and let it go if there are plebs who disagree.

Im working on it. It’s extremely difficult, but I am working on it.

https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/proxy/Qg8x0XzDpa4Nzy9eBRccOldqHVBgBWdTkliLQ_s0y9DhFWz9hX ePQv6lsJumqIXlWw8XNdQJyPXibxFiT4-ryGZKxWuXyS4iXUCFMa-_vT6b=w443-h332

06-26-2020, 01:13 AM
The left cant meme.

06-26-2020, 01:20 AM
The left cant meme.

The right gets easily triggered

Got you writing walls of text...




06-26-2020, 01:23 AM
left cant meme

06-26-2020, 01:36 AM
:oldlol: You should psychoanalyze why you're so obsessed with explaining why people don't like trump. You have Trump's **** so far down your throat you're writing essays on a basketball forum.

06-26-2020, 01:51 AM
:oldlol: You should psychoanalyze why you're so obsessed with explaining why people don't like trump. You have Trump's **** so far down your throat you're writing essays on a basketball forum.

Feb 2020

You should psychoanalyze what kind of a life leads someone to create literally hundreds of alts with which to anonymously engage a dude on the internet.

I live inside your head at ALL times.

06-26-2020, 02:27 AM
Yet you still read on to the fifth paragraph, at which point you leapt at the chance to point out an obvious typo I made while hastily writing out a lengthy post on my phone.

Maybe if you stopped writing lengthy posts on your phone your list of life accomplishments would be more impressive than:

1.failed actor
2.failed women's shoe salesman
2.failed author
3.failed cheap razor hawker.
4.failure of a son

I actually feel a little sorry for you. You have delusions of grandeur. You are basically Charlie Zelenoff without the felony assaults. You've spent half your life pounding out walls of text on a third rate message board that could have filled the pages of Encyclopedia Britannica from A to Z. Maybe it's time to do something more productive with your life? I hear plumbers and sanitation workers make good money. Just a thought, but you do you sweetheart.

06-26-2020, 02:32 AM
Maybe if you stopped writing lengthy posts on your phone you would have more accomplishments than failed actor, failed women's shoe salesman, failed author and failed razor hawker. In that time you've posted enough to write War and Peace several times over. Maybe it's time to do something more productive with your life? I hear plumbers and sanitation workers make good money. Just a thought, but you do you sweetheart.

That was a quick alt-switch jizzo.

Ofc as usual it was the catty, always-slightly-gay-tinged bitterness that was the giveaway.

You actually remind me of a drag queen I worked with in women’s shoes. True story.

His name was Grant. He lived as a mild mannered “boy” during the day (albeit a very girly one) but would go out in drag at night, and apparently when he drank he would get super angry and self loathing and bitter and would cuss out everyone around him then sit and mope into his drink.

Youve always reminded me of him.

06-26-2020, 02:33 AM
Maybe if you stopped writing lengthy posts on your phone your list of life accomplishments would be more impressive than:

1.failed actor
2.failed women's shoe salesman
2.failed author
3.failed cheap razor hawker.
4.failure of a son

I actually feel a little sorry for you. You have delusions of grandeur. You are basically Charlie Zelenoff without the felony assaults. You've spent half your life pounding out walls of text on a third rate message board that could have filled the pages of Encyclopedia Britannica from A to Z. Maybe it's time to do something more productive with your life? I hear plumbers and sanitation workers make good money. Just a thought, but you do you sweetheart.

At least Im not so obsessed as to write out the same posts word for word and post them consecutively :biggums:

06-26-2020, 02:38 AM
Biden won't fix any of the real issues in our country, dude. He's a corporate piece of shit who may well start another war. **** him. That said, some more progressives got elected to congress the other day. The Democrats won't be able to keep preventing a Progressive from getting the nomination for much longer. I have a feeling AOC will run for President soon enough, she has by far the biggest name recognition and national profile of any of the progressives besides Bernie.

Leadership is not just about solving issues but trying to unite/lead people rather than divide. Someone who is continuously trying to divide and constantly spout anger rage at everyone is not who you want leading. Obama with whatever 3-4 faults he had was a respectable leader on the world stage. His staff was respected. I expect similar presidency as Obama, which gave stability.

I voted for Bernie in primary, but I realize he is done. A 3rd party person is never going to win an election with the way our political system is setup. A 3rd party member has never won presidency in US history. That leaves one other option for me.

Yeah, that person is not going to fix the bigger issues we have, but we will at least have some semblance of stability with competent cabinet/advisors that are not revolving in & out the door with always one foot partially out the door. They realize they are always walking on egg shells with fear of Trump yelling at them or backstabbing others to the media. I don't want an executive branch run that way. It's out of control and lacking in pragmatism.

06-26-2020, 02:40 AM
Not reading through all the posts but I've seen TheMan say "**** it. I'm voting for Trump" at one point in time.

06-26-2020, 02:41 AM
Leadership is not just about solving issues but trying to unite/lead people rather than divide. Someone who is continuously trying to divide and constantly spout anger rage at everyone is not who you want leading. Obama with whatever 3-4 faults he had was a respectable leader on the world stage. His staff was respected. I expect similar presidency as Obama, which gave stability.

I voted for Bernie in primary, but I realize he is done. A 3rd party person is never going to win an election with the way our political system is setup. A 3rd party member has never won presidency in US history. That leaves one other option for me.

Yeah, that person is not going to fix the bigger issues we have, but we will at least have some semblance of stability with competent cabinet/advisors that are not revolving in & out the door with always one foot partially out the door. They realize they are always walking on egg shells with fear of Trump yelling at them or backstabbing others to the media. I don't want an executive branch run that way. It's out of control and lacking in pragmatism.

Obama didn't unite people on the right on his agenda. It was portrayed that way on the media but he never did. I don't see how you can say he didn't try to divide.

Obama's commentary on Jordan not endorsing a democrat in NC further proves my point on this.

06-26-2020, 02:58 AM
Obama didn't unite people on the right on his agenda. It was portrayed that way on the media but he never did. I don't see how you can say he didn't try to divide.

Obama's commentary on Jordan not endorsing a democrat in NC further proves my point on this.

Obama was a pragmatic person. He didn't call names, trash people he worked with, rage rant at 4am or just be an all-around narcissistic douchebag. He was an actual adult in the room.

You know what the real problem was with Republicans/conservatives? The problem conservatives had was that he happened to be black and had a Muslim middle name. Majority of them didn't even think the guy was an American. Gee wiz, a non-American black Muslim leading the country.. That's the devil for white conservative Republicans in the South/countryside.

06-26-2020, 03:05 AM
Not reading through all the posts but I've seen TheMan say "**** it. I'm voting for Trump" at one point in time.

Well, considering TheMan’s general politics, it was probably a reaction to one of the least relevant/important aspects of Trump’s policy. But good for him anyhow.

That said... I dont expect Trump to win. The establishment has the generic masses by the balls, and the unprecedented, calculated upheaval of 2020 will probably be enough. Without it, Trump smokes Biden on merit.

But the plan has been crafted by the Kagans and Soros’ and Bushs and Clintons and enough powerful people to get the unpredictable populist out and put a tame, obedient oligarch servant back in. The public gets what they deserve.

Unlike the sissy libs who all threatened to leave every time Bush, Trump etc were elected but never had the balls to actually make a move, I definitely will bounce at some point if things stay this silly. Not saying it’s automatically tied to a Biden victory, but if the coming years prove to be as low IQ as 2020’s been Ill definitely be out of here.

06-26-2020, 03:07 AM
Obama was a pragmatic person. He didn't call names, trash people he worked with, rage rant at 4am or just be an all-around narcissistic douchebag. He was an actual adult in the room.

You know what the real problem was with Republicans/conservatives? The problem conservatives had was that he happened to be black and had a Muslim middle name. Majority of them didn't even think the guy was an American. Gee wiz, a non-American black Muslim leading the country.. That's the devil for white conservative Republicans in the South/countryside.

Republicans impeached Bill Clinton.

I know youre 20 years old, but republican-democrat animosity FAR predates Barack Obama.

Also, your attachment to Obama’s “demeanor” rather than his policy is PROOF you react emotionally not rationally to political cues.

You are the epitome of a generic, face-in-the-crowd sheep.

“The Renaissance Man” :roll:

06-26-2020, 03:08 AM
People want Trump to win to rub it into the Libs faces. People want Biden to win because it's not Trump. Our country has turned into a Saved By The Bell episode. What a shitty premise to vote upon. We are all losers.

06-26-2020, 03:11 AM
Because of this new poll I do believe Trump's Swan Song will be of epic proportion. Either to win this election or an act of the ultimate troll move. We all know he's egotistical enough to bow out dramatically

06-26-2020, 03:22 AM
Because of this new poll I do believe Trump's Swan Song will be of epic proportion. Either to win this election or an act of the ultimate troll move. We all know he's egotistical enough to bow out dramatically

Frankly his ego is the only reason he’s even running again, just as it was the main reason he ran in the first place.

His life will be much easier without another term as President. He just wants to win the election for pride. I think if he loses, he’ll have no qualms about heading back to Mar a Lago. The idea that he would put up some sort of fight and try to remain in charge as a dictator is preposterous IMO. It’s a complete misread of Trump.


06-26-2020, 03:39 AM
Trump didn't expect to win in the first place. It was about publicity.

06-26-2020, 04:41 AM
The Democrats won't be able to keep preventing a Progressive from getting the nomination for much longer.

Yes they will. Bernie supporters launched a class action lawsuit against the DNC for colluding against Bernie in the 2016, and the case was thrown out after DNC lawyers pointed out the fact that the DNC is a private organization and they have no obligation to run a fair priamary - source

On August 25, 2017, Federal Judge William Zloch, dismissed the lawsuit after several months of litigation during which DNC attorneys argued that the DNC would be well within their rights to select their own candidate. “In evaluating Plaintiffs’ claims at this stage, the Court assumes their allegations are true—that the DNC and Wasserman Schultz held a palpable bias in favor Clinton and sought to propel her ahead of her Democratic opponent,” the court order dismissing the lawsuit stated.

The Court continued, “For their part, the DNC and Wasserman Schultz have characterized the DNC charter’s promise of ‘impartiality and evenhandedness’ as a mere political promise—political rhetoric that is not enforceable in federal courts.

The DNC rigged 2020 to an even more extreme level than 2016. First they tried to rig to rig the Iowa caucus (and failed, lol)... after that, Bernie performed below his exit polls in every single state (non caucus), while Biden performed above his exit polls in every single state.

According to the exit poll data gathered by CNN -

In California, Bernie performed at -11.1% versus his exit polls, while Biden was at +15.3%
In Texas, Bernie performed at -11.8% versus his exit polls, while Biden was at +11%
In Massachusets, Bernie performed at -12.4% versus his exit polls, while Biden was +16.2%.
In Vermont, Bernie performed at -11% versus his exit polls, while Biden was +26.1%

There was not a single state in the entire country where Bernie outperformed his exit polls, and there was not a single state in the entire country where Biden underperformed his exit polls... the discrepancies all favored one candidate. Statistically speaking, the chance that the exit polls would be off in every single state by ~10%, and always in favor of one candidate, is zero.

I live in Oregon, a state full of hardcore Bernie bros. In 2016, Bernie beat Hillary in Oregon 56% to 44%... despite the fact that it was clear that Bernie had lost by the time Oregon was voting. In 2020, Biden won Oregon by a margin of 67% to 21%... and yet I have literally never seen a single Biden yard sign or bumper sticker, and I dont know a single person who says they voted for him in the primary. Elizabeth Warren also won 10% in Oregon, despite the fact that she wasnt even on the ballot... I guess were supposed to believe that for every 2 people that voted for Bernie, one person wrote-in for Warren? :oldlol:

I have a feeling AOC will run for President soon enough, she has by far the biggest name recognition and national profile of any of the progressives besides Bernie.

The only way she wins is if she abandons her progressive stances and embraces the DNCs corporate overlords... the party is completely corrupt and they will never allow a candidate who would attempt to help the public at the expense of the wealthy/corporations.

06-26-2020, 10:17 AM
Feb 2020

You should psychoanalyze what kind of a life leads someone to create literally hundreds of alts with which to anonymously engage a dude on the internet.

I live inside your head at ALL times.

You follow Trump like a dog, in defending him and projecting like him. You admit to creating alts in this thread and fall back to it. Keep sticking it to the left with thousand word posts, you dick swallowing "conservative."

06-26-2020, 10:48 AM
Yes they will. Bernie supporters launched a class action lawsuit against the DNC for colluding against Bernie in the 2016, and the case was thrown out after DNC lawyers pointed out the fact that the DNC is a private organization and they have no obligation to run a fair priamary - source

The DNC rigged 2020 to an even more extreme level than 2016. First they tried to rig to rig the Iowa caucus (and failed, lol)... after that, Bernie performed below his exit polls in every single state (non caucus), while Biden performed above his exit polls in every single state.

According to the exit poll data gathered by CNN -

In California, Bernie performed at -11.1% versus his exit polls, while Biden was at +15.3%
In Texas, Bernie performed at -11.8% versus his exit polls, while Biden was at +11%
In Massachusets, Bernie performed at -12.4% versus his exit polls, while Biden was +16.2%.
In Vermont, Bernie performed at -11% versus his exit polls, while Biden was +26.1%

There was not a single state in the entire country where Bernie outperformed his exit polls, and there was not a single state in the entire country where Biden underperformed his exit polls... the discrepancies all favored one candidate. Statistically speaking, the chance that the exit polls would be off in every single state by ~10%, and always in favor of one candidate, is zero.

I live in Oregon, a state full of hardcore Bernie bros. In 2016, Bernie beat Hillary in Oregon 56% to 44%... despite the fact that it was clear that Bernie had lost by the time Oregon was voting. In 2020, Biden won Oregon by a margin of 67% to 21%... and yet I have literally never seen a single Biden yard sign or bumper sticker, and I dont know a single person who says they voted for him in the primary. Elizabeth Warren also won 10% in Oregon, despite the fact that she wasnt even on the ballot... I guess were supposed to believe that for every 2 people that voted for Bernie, one person wrote-in for Warren? :oldlol:

The only way she wins is if she abandons her progressive stances and embraces the DNCs corporate overlords... the party is completely corrupt and they will never allow a candidate who would attempt to help the public at the expense of the wealthy/corporations.
They are going to continue losing to right wing populists if they don’t run progressives. The Democrats are EXCEEDINGLY lucky that Coronavirus and the death of George Floyd and subsequent protests happened when they did, because it allowed the media to control the narrative and act like Trump released the pandemic himself and that he invented racism. I’m not saying he handled these issues well, before any liberal attacks me, but they exist independently of Trump. We should all be praying Shahid Buttar primaries that ghoul Pelosi.

Patrick Chewing
06-26-2020, 10:50 AM
Trump didn't expect to win in the first place. It was about publicity.

Wrong. It was about ego. Trump didn't need more publicity. He's Donald Trump.

06-26-2020, 10:53 AM
They are going to continue losing to right wing populists if they don’t run progressives. The Democrats are EXCEEDINGLY lucky that Coronavirus and the death of George Floyd and subsequent protests happened when they did, because it allowed the media to control the narrative and act like Trump released the pandemic himself and that he invented racism. I’m not saying he handled these issues well, before any liberal attacks me, but they exist independently of Trump. We should all be praying Shahid Buttar primaries that ghoul Pelosi.


amen to that... especially the bit about pelosi, that old witch has got to go

06-26-2020, 11:13 AM
Leadership is not just about solving issues but trying to unite/lead people rather than divide. Someone who is continuously trying to divide and constantly spout anger rage at everyone is not who you want leading. Obama with whatever 3-4 faults he had was a respectable leader on the world stage. His staff was respected. I expect similar presidency as Obama, which gave stability.

I voted for Bernie in primary, but I realize he is done. A 3rd party person is never going to win an election with the way our political system is setup. A 3rd party member has never won presidency in US history. That leaves one other option for me.

Yeah, that person is not going to fix the bigger issues we have, but we will at least have some semblance of stability with competent cabinet/advisors that are not revolving in & out the door with always one foot partially out the door. They realize they are always walking on egg shells with fear of Trump yelling at them or backstabbing others to the media. I don't want an executive branch run that way. It's out of control and lacking in pragmatism.
Obama had more than 3-4 faults dude.

•Liar (went back on campaign promises)
•Corporate (bailing out the banks)
•Indifferent to environmental suffering (fracking, Flint water crisis, pipelines)
•Weak (didn’t fight hard for universal healthcare or a Supreme Court Justice)

There’s 5 faults. Want me to keep going?

06-26-2020, 11:14 AM

amen to that... especially the bit about pelosi, that old witch has got to go

06-26-2020, 11:50 AM
Obama had more than 3-4 faults dude.

•Liar (went back on campaign promises)
•Corporate (bailing out the banks)
•Indifferent to environmental suffering (fracking, Flint water crisis, pipelines)
•Weak (didn’t fight hard for universal healthcare or a Supreme Court Justice)

There’s 5 faults. Want me to keep going?

I can list all 5 of those issues underneath Trump, Bush jr, Clinton, Bush Sn, Reagan, carter, ford, and nixon going back 50 years. From those 8 presidents, I would take Obama over 6 of them, maybe 7 if I include Reagan but I will give Reagan the benefit of the doubt just to appease the right-wingers.

Keep in mind that any comparison you make is only relative to his predecessors. Bernie didn't become president so I won't compare Obama to what President Sanders "would" have done. Coulda, woulda, shoulda. I can only compare Obama to those who held office and we have to judge but I would also consider the era/issues of their times/responses.

06-26-2020, 11:54 AM
Well, considering TheManÂ’s general politics, it was probably a reaction to one of the least relevant/important aspects of TrumpÂ’s policy. But good for him anyhow.

That said... I dont expect Trump to win. The establishment has the generic masses by the balls, and the unprecedented, calculated upheaval of 2020 will probably be enough. Without it, Trump smokes Biden on merit.

But the plan has been crafted by the Kagans and SorosÂ’ and Bushs and Clintons and enough powerful people to get the unpredictable populist out and put a tame, obedient oligarch servant back in. The public gets what they deserve.

Unlike the sissy libs who all threatened to leave every time Bush, Trump etc were elected but never had the balls to actually make a move, I definitely will bounce at some point if things stay this silly. Not saying itÂ’s automatically tied to a Biden victory, but if the coming years prove to be as low IQ as 2020Â’s been Ill definitely be out of here.

Again, you're dead wrong.

I considered voting for Trump on two things, his anti abortion stance but more importantly, the fact that he hasn't led us into another new war. That's a pretty big deal IMO.

I'm still open to vote for him just based on those two things but the chances on me actually voting for him are about 10% right now. He could still win though, Biden is just not a good candidate BUT let's be honest, Trump's chances at reelection got a real kick in the nuts so far in 2020, I just don't like the way he handled the first real crisis of his presidency (and by far most Americans agree with me)...it's Biden's to lose rn but don't discount the Democrats ability to grab defeat at the jaws of victory.

06-26-2020, 12:47 PM
Biden sucks but he really isn’t terrifying for anybody. The right doesn’t even care about him. They don’t rally around defeating him. He’s the Romney of Democrats. And that’s more than enough to beat Trump.

Biden is also especially more charismatic than ****ing Hilary.

Republicans is I’ll try to fire up the campaign drama but there’s really nothing there like with Hilary who was attacked relentlessly even before she ever got involved with politics. People STILL care about Hilary.

Biden has the rape accusation but the people who care about that are not gonna be inclined to go for Trump of all people in comparison.

Biden is pretty likely to coast through this without having to be overly good.

06-26-2020, 12:51 PM
They are going to continue losing to right wing populists if they don’t run progressives. The Democrats are EXCEEDINGLY lucky that Coronavirus and the death of George Floyd and subsequent protests happened when they did, because it allowed the media to control the narrative and act like Trump released the pandemic himself and that he invented racism. I’m not saying he handled these issues well, before any liberal attacks me, but they exist independently of Trump. We should all be praying Shahid Buttar primaries that ghoul Pelosi.

I don't think the coronavirus and protests have hurt Trump much because the Dems have responded so poorly themselves. Not to mention Biden is the worst Dem candidate in my lifetime.

06-26-2020, 01:57 PM

06-26-2020, 02:04 PM


Scarborough Suggests Trump is Tanking on Purpose: Looks Like a ‘Deliberate Attempt to Drive His Campaign Into the Ground’

06-26-2020, 02:36 PM
is trump Tanking?


06-26-2020, 02:52 PM
I like how the media just forgot about that.

06-26-2020, 03:01 PM
I don't think the coronavirus and protests have hurt Trump much because the Dems have responded so poorly themselves. Not to mention Biden is the worst Dem candidate in my lifetime.
It seems to have hurt him based on polling and his ratings. And sure Democratic mayors and governors have handled these things terribly, but the media outside of Fox News and right wing websites doesn’t talk about that and anyone seriously consuming those media sources was never even considering Biden anyways. The narrative is that Trump is leading us to the brink of a race war and is literally Hitler. That said, I wouldn’t count Trump out though he still could easily win.

I honestly think Trump winning is probably better for progressives in the long run (refuse to vote for him though, just like I refuse to vote for Biden), the only reason I considered voting for Biden is environmental, and he has a bad record there as well, so I’ll be voting third party for the first time ever.

06-26-2020, 03:35 PM

amen to that... especially the bit about pelosi, that old witch has got to go

I think you guys are underestimating how quickly politicians flip once theyre in a position of power. I’m sure they believe much of their idealism while theyre campaigning or even holding small time office. Once they get in the big leagues and it’s join the establishment to move up or get railroaded and head back to tending bar at Moe’s Tavern... most people tend not to go backward. It’s human nature.

Trump took his foot off the gas on certain populist issues because nobody in Washington was willing to cooperate. Bernie capitulated to the DNC after being openly sabotaged twice. He was also pro gun as senator of a gun state, anti gun while campaigning nationally.

People go into politics to forge careers. Special interests make or break them.

Ideally the public would come up with candidates for political office who arent actually running/campaigning, but would be willing to accept a leadership position if nominated.

Of course, that’s a pipe dream as well.

06-26-2020, 03:41 PM
I don't think the coronavirus and protests have hurt Trump much because the Dems have responded so poorly themselves. Not to mention Biden is the worst Dem candidate in my lifetime.

I disagree.

The whole point of this was to frenzy the youth/black vote into actually getting to the booth. That is always a HUGE obstacle for Dems, and thats what this riot outbreak has been about. There are countless idiots whove been fired up into believing Trump “metaphorically” killed Floyd George or some shit. The media wreaks havoc on the sheep mind.

Corona has tipped the economic canoe, again on purpose probably, and many simpleton voters will think “economy bad, need change president.” You may be underestimating how many Americans lack any greater depth than that.

The Bush Cartel and the DNC Machine (pretend enemies who are all part of the oligarchy) are united in ousting Trump. All the people who crafted the Iraq War, the Patriot Act etc are involved in the game plan. To suggest this kind of election year upheaval is beneath their dignity or beyond their malice is naivety.

06-26-2020, 03:42 PM
opinion of a liberal hack who's wife was ethered by trump lol ok

06-26-2020, 05:14 PM
I don't think the coronavirus and protests have hurt Trump much because the Dems have responded so poorly themselves. Not to mention Biden is the worst Dem candidate in my lifetime.

Democrats dropped the ball by nominating Biden, but I am just glad he is going against Trump. Had it been say McCain or Romney, I highly doubt Biden would have been the favorite. Trump alongside coronavirus, economy falling apart, protests, constantly fueling the flames of division and very high unemployment rate to go with the 2018 blue wave we saw makes me believe Biden has this one in the bag. There is still plenty of time though so I won't say Biden has it guaranteed, but it's looking good for him.