View Full Version : What's your definition of systemic racism?

06-20-2020, 12:23 AM
This term systemic racism seems to be tossed around so loosely it seems to have lost it's true meaning. It's almost like the word racism is preceded by systemic to sound smart.

What is your personal definition? Explain it to someone completely oblivious to the term

06-20-2020, 12:25 AM
Adam Silver attempting to force the players back during times like these.

06-20-2020, 12:28 AM
Adam Silver attempting to force the players back during times like these.

How is that racism? Unless you're referring to Silver being white afforded that type of power

Patrick Chewing
06-20-2020, 12:34 AM
I’m sorry OP, I cannot give you an answer as such a thing does not exist.

Patrick Chewing
06-20-2020, 12:36 AM
And I’ll follow up by saying this, if such a thing did exist, then how come you don’t hear a peep about it from the Asians, Latinos, Middle Easterners, etc??

06-20-2020, 12:52 AM
Just as the name suggest, to me systemic racism is simply widespread racism by the system.

For example, the system (law) states that incarcerated individuals cannot vote. Since black people are incarcerated at a much higher rate than other races, this COULD be seen as systemic racism. Some believe part of the law's intent is to keep black voters down. Another example would be affirmative action where there's a quota for racial minorities in jobs. This is clearly systemic racism.

06-20-2020, 03:03 AM
And I’ll follow up by saying this, if such a thing did exist, then how come you don’t hear a peep about it from the Asians, Latinos, Middle Easterners, etc??

Your perception is your own reality but it still exist but it’s so clever and so subtle nowadays. I just think that this is just an easy excuse that at some point you gonna have to reflect and be accountable. You can’t keep complaining that police are so aggressive and you keep committing the majority of the violent crime with only 13% of of population. Other minorities at some point do get discriminated but they work harder overcome and change how people perceive them.

06-20-2020, 03:35 AM
Just as5 the name suggest, to me systemic racism is simply widespread racism by the system.

For example, the system (law) states that incarcerated individuals cannot vote. Since black people are incarcerated at a much higher rate than other races, this COULD be seen as systemic racism. Some believe part of the law's intent is to keep black voters down. Another example would be affirmative action where there's a quota for racial minorities in jobs. This is clearly systemic racism.


Just because one race is affected more than others doesn't mean it is racist.
Just because one sex is affected more than the other doesn't mean it is sexist.

We might as well say homicide laws are racist because blacks make up majority of known homicide offenders. This would apply to "critical race theory" being taught in progressive schools. I think you chose a bad example.

Your perception is your own reality but it still exist but it’s so clever and so subtle nowadays. I just think that this is just an easy excuse that at some point you gonna have to reflect and be accountable. You can’t keep complaining that police are so aggressive and you keep committing the majority of the violent crime with only 13% of of population. Other minorities at some point do get discriminated but they work harder overcome and change how people perceive them.

The systemic racism in the US they "overcame" was minuscule in the grand scheme of things.

06-20-2020, 05:21 AM

Just because one race is affected more than others doesn't mean it is racist.
Just because one sex is affected more than the other doesn't mean it is sexist.

We might as well say homicide laws are racist because blacks make up majority of known homicide offenders. This would apply to "critical race theory" being taught in progressive schools. I think you chose a bad example.

The systemic racism in the US they "overcame" was minuscule in the grand scheme of things.

Keep going. This is the closest thing as understandable

06-20-2020, 05:22 AM
And I’ll follow up by saying this, if such a thing did exist, then how come you don’t hear a peep about it from the Asians, Latinos, Middle Easterners, etc??

Explain where there is a case for those race groups

06-20-2020, 05:24 AM
Just as the name suggest, to me systemic racism is simply widespread racism by the system.

For example, the system (law) states that incarcerated individuals cannot vote. Since black people are incarcerated at a much higher rate than other races, this COULD be seen as systemic racism. Some believe part of the law's intent is to keep black voters down. Another example would be affirmative action where there's a quota for racial minorities in jobs. This is clearly systemic racism.

So your definition is afforded rights. Some people think it's an ingrained belief. What's the difference?

06-20-2020, 05:29 AM
Your perception is your own reality but it still exist but it’s so clever and so subtle nowadays. I just think that this is just an easy excuse that at some point you gonna have to reflect and be accountable. You can’t keep complaining that police are so aggressive and you keep committing the majority of the violent crime with only 13% of of population. Other minorities at some point do get discriminated but they work harder overcome and change how people perceive them.

So does this apply race by race? Or does every race have same opportunity when they strive in the same invironment?

06-20-2020, 09:46 AM

Just because one race is affected more than others doesn't mean it is racist.
Just because one sex is affected more than the other doesn't mean it is sexist.

We might as well say homicide laws are racist because blacks make up majority of known homicide offenders. This would apply to "critical race theory" being taught in progressive schools. I think you chose a bad example.

Isn't that what I said?

06-20-2020, 09:59 AM
So your definition is afforded rights. Some people think it's an ingrained belief. What's the difference?

I'm not sure what you mean because they're different things. But could be connected. Afforded rights could be the result of ingrained belief of system makers.

Im Still Ballin
06-20-2020, 10:08 AM
Practices by the state (public) or private sector that unfairly treat people of a specific demographic/ethnic group.

Great examples;

- Felony disenfranchisement

In the south, black people were targeted more harshly for petty crimes (read up on "black laws")

- Redlining

Home loans not being given to black people, even when white people of equal socioeconomic status get them

- Gerrymandering

Tactics to help suppress black voting power

Those are just a few examples to name...

06-20-2020, 10:22 AM
this guy could probably tell you.


Patrick Chewing
06-20-2020, 10:50 AM
Explain where there is a case for those race groups

I think if anything there is systemic stereotyping. The racist term has been so polluted and has had its meaning changed throughout the years that it's embarrassing how it gets used today. And systemic stereotyping isn't a bad thing. There are certain groups of people, ethnicities, and yes even races that are better or worse at certain things than others.

I've worked and lived in two heavily diverse cities in Miami and NYC and I can tell you, I've come across more diversity in the workplace than anywhere else. The case for these other race groups is the same case Blacks tend to make out for themselves. That they are being held back, denied opportunities, or singled out due to their race. But I just don't see it.

We have more college funds, Black only colleges, programs, for Black Americans than any other race it seems. I could be wrong on that of course, but I've never heard of any Latino or Asian college funds, much less a college that is solely for them.

06-20-2020, 01:53 PM

Just because one race is affected more than others doesn't mean it is racist.
Just because one sex is affected more than the other doesn't mean it is sexist.

We might as well say homicide laws are racist because blacks make up majority of known homicide offenders. This would apply to "critical race theory" being taught in progressive schools. I think you chose a bad example.

The systemic racism in the US they "overcame" was minuscule in the grand scheme of things.

History begs to defer. The exclusion era had a lot of rulings that deemed Asians as undesirable group. Asians started coming here from the 1830s and the gold rush but it took over 100 years for Asian immigrants to become naturalized citizen and over 60 years for American born Asian to become a citizen by birth. As just like our brothers, People vs Hall also did not allow them to testify in the court justice. There’s also a lot of rulings for Mexicans on their lands and suffered a great deal of mass deportation during Great Depression.

06-20-2020, 02:07 PM
History begs to defer. The exclusion era had a lot of rulings that deemed Asians as undesirable group. Asians started coming here from the 1830s and the gold rush but it took over 100 years for Asian immigrants to become naturalized citizen and over 60 years for American born Asian to become a citizen by birth. As just like our brothers, People vs Hall also did not allow them to testify in the court justice. There’s also a lot of rulings for Mexicans on their lands and suffered a great deal of mass deportation during Great Depression.

I'll be more clear. The systemic racism that minorities are "overcoming" today is minuscule in the grand scheme of things.

06-20-2020, 02:54 PM
I'm not sure what you mean because they're different things. But could be connected. Afforded rights could be the result of ingrained belief of system makers.

I ask on behalf of a person who can't tell the difference. Some people believe that ingrained beliefs IS the systemic racism. No the cause of

06-20-2020, 03:48 PM
I'll be more clear. The systemic racism that minorities are "overcoming" today is minuscule in the grand scheme of things.

Hmm. Today are reflection of the past. Asians have been long considered the model minorities. If you want to be pragmatic, they laid out the blueprint on how to overcome systemic racism. This is a process.

06-20-2020, 04:02 PM
Hmm. Today are reflection of the past. Asians have been long considered the model minorities. If you want to be pragmatic, they laid out the blueprint on how to overcome systemic racism. This is a process.

especially japanese americans after what happened to them in 1942.

06-20-2020, 04:02 PM
Would most of you agree the act of stereotypic is not systemic?

06-20-2020, 05:33 PM
I ask on behalf of a person who can't tell the difference. Some people believe that ingrained beliefs IS the systemic racism. No the cause of

Well I suppose if this ingrained beliefs can be reasonably proven, not just assumed, then it's as good as systemic racism. For example, if the entire judiciary branch consist of KKK members, then we can reasonably say, there is systemic racism.

06-20-2020, 05:42 PM
When the Johnny white boy yes sir no sir act gets you out of a traffic ticket but doesn’t work for a minority

06-20-2020, 05:45 PM
When the Johnny white boy yes sir no sir act gets you out of a traffic ticket but doesn’t work for a minority

Always worked for me even when I was out of pocket. Might be the city though, there aren't any pitbulls where I live.

06-20-2020, 07:43 PM
Always worked for me even when I was out of pocket. Might be the city though, there aren't any pitbulls where I live.

No shit, you guys ate them all.

06-20-2020, 07:52 PM
When the Johnny white boy yes sir no sir act gets you out of a traffic ticket but doesn’t work for a minority

You mean basic politeness?

Ive exercised that plenty and Ive still gotten dozens of tickets in my life. :confusedshrug:

I think it does help tho with preventing things from escalating to the point where youre just making things worse for yourself.

So others may want to take note.

06-20-2020, 07:53 PM
No shit, you guys ate them all.

:lebronamazed: :lebronamazed: :lebronamazed:

06-20-2020, 07:59 PM
Coddling and singling out the black community

We are literally treating them like helpless creatures with all this blm press.

Embarrassing and pathetic for blacks who don't want to be stereotyped for being weak and needing ridiculous amounts of help and attention for all the wrong reasons. The left is so unbelievably racist.

06-20-2020, 09:17 PM
LMAO@the obviously racist posters throwing their oh so innocent 2 cents in

06-20-2020, 09:30 PM
You mean basic politeness?

Ive exercised that plenty and Ive still gotten dozens of tickets in my life. :confusedshrug:

I think it does help tho with preventing things from escalating to the point where youre just making things worse for yourself.

So others may want to take note.

Dozens of tickets? You should be killed fool, you’re obviously a menace 2 society putting everyone at risk.

Also the politeness schtick doesn’t work if the cop is a different race than you.

06-20-2020, 09:34 PM


Employer callbacks for resumes that were whitened fared much better in the application pile than those that included ethnic information, even though the qualifications listed were identical. Twenty-five percent of black candidates received callbacks from their whitened resumes, while only 10 percent got calls when they left ethnic details intact. Among Asians, 21 percent got calls if they used whitened resumes, whereas only 11.5 percent heard back if they sent resumes with racial references.

Video series on the subject:

Did you know that no matter what else is going on in America, year in and year out for the last 60 years, Black unemployment is always about twice as high as white unemployment? And even if you just look at Black college graduates, they're still almost twice as likely to be unemployed as white college graduates? And if you just apply for a job with a white sounding name, you're 50% more likely to get a callback than with a Black sounding name?

Did you know that in 2010 Black Americans made up 13% of the population but had only 2.7% of the country's wealth? That the median net worth for a white family was $134,000, but the median net worth for a Hispanic family was $14,000, and for a Black family it was $11,000? That the median wealth for a single white woman has been measured at $41,000, while for Hispanic women it was $140, and for Black women, $120? Did you know that? Do you know what that's called? Systemic Racism, and yes, it's really a thing.

Did you know that over 40% of drug arrests are not for selling any drugs but just for possession of marijuana? And that White and Black Americans are about equally likely to use marijuana, but Blacks are 3.7 more likely to be arrested for it? And that even if they don't get convicted of a crime that arrest can stay on their record and affect their chances at good jobs, housing and bank loans for the rest of their lives?

Did you know that even though America’s infant mortality rate has gone way down in the last 50 years, Black babies are still almost 2.5 times more likely to die before reaching their 1st birthday? Did you know that Black mothers are 3 three times as likely to die during childbirth, that Black and Hispanic mothers are more than twice as likely not to receive proper prenatal care and Native American mothers are more than 3 times less likely to receive proper care?

My definition of systematic racism is that you have set up your society with rules that produce racially disparate outcomes in outcomes that you'd expect to be primarily determined by the material conditions of the present - although the material conditions of the past always play a role as well.

06-20-2020, 10:16 PM


Employer callbacks for resumes that were whitened fared much better in the application pile than those that included ethnic information, even though the qualifications listed were identical. Twenty-five percent of black candidates received callbacks from their whitened resumes, while only 10 percent got calls when they left ethnic details intact. Among Asians, 21 percent got calls if they used whitened resumes, whereas only 11.5 percent heard back if they sent resumes with racial references.

Video series on the subject:

Did you know that no matter what else is going on in America, year in and year out for the last 60 years, Black unemployment is always about twice as high as white unemployment? And even if you just look at Black college graduates, they're still almost twice as likely to be unemployed as white college graduates? And if you just apply for a job with a white sounding name, you're 50% more likely to get a callback than with a Black sounding name?

Did you know that in 2010 Black Americans made up 13% of the population but had only 2.7% of the country's wealth? That the median net worth for a white family was $134,000, but the median net worth for a Hispanic family was $14,000, and for a Black family it was $11,000? That the median wealth for a single white woman has been measured at $41,000, while for Hispanic women it was $140, and for Black women, $120? Did you know that? Do you know what that's called? Systemic Racism, and yes, it's really a thing.

Did you know that over 40% of drug arrests are not for selling any drugs but just for possession of marijuana? And that White and Black Americans are about equally likely to use marijuana, but Blacks are 3.7 more likely to be arrested for it? And that even if they don't get convicted of a crime that arrest can stay on their record and affect their chances at good jobs, housing and bank loans for the rest of their lives?

Did you know that even though America’s infant mortality rate has gone way down in the last 50 years, Black babies are still almost 2.5 times more likely to die before reaching their 1st birthday? Did you know that Black mothers are 3 three times as likely to die during childbirth, that Black and Hispanic mothers are more than twice as likely not to receive proper prenatal care and Native American mothers are more than 3 times less likely to receive proper care?

My definition of systematic racism is that you have set up your society with rules that produce racially disparate outcomes in outcomes that you'd expect to be primarily determined by the material conditions of the present - although the material conditions of the past always play a role as well.

Difference in outcomes doesn't equal discrimination. Your communism is showing.

Funny you mention black babies - do you care about the ones that are aborted?


06-20-2020, 10:37 PM
Well I suppose if this ingrained beliefs can be reasonably proven, not just assumed, then it's as good as systemic racism. For example, if the entire judiciary branch consist of KKK members, then we can reasonably say, there is systemic racism.

No, I mean an ingrained belief, like assuming because I'm Filipino I like Karaoke. Is that systemic?

06-20-2020, 11:17 PM
Dozens of tickets? You should be killed fool, you’re obviously a menace 2 society putting everyone at risk.

Also the politeness schtick doesn’t work if the cop is a different race than you.


What grade level is your reading comprehension?

I just told you that I myself have been ticketed NUMEROUS TIMES by white officers despite responding to them with a polite demeanor.

Have you ever been in traffic court? There are countless mild mannered, middle class white people. You think they all got tickets cause they busted out some “Yo what da FUQ u want, pig??” shit on some crackaz-wit-attitude stylee??

Youre making up fairy tales to make minorities seem more persecuted than they actually are.

Wtf would psychologically motivate you to do that?? Shit is so weird to me.

06-20-2020, 11:22 PM
Employer callbacks for resumes that were whitened fared much better in the application pile than those that included ethnic information, even though the qualifications listed were identical. Twenty-five percent of black candidates received callbacks from their whitened resumes, while only 10 percent got calls when they left ethnic details intact. Among Asians, 21 percent got calls if they used whitened resumes, whereas only 11.5 percent heard back if they sent resumes with racial references.

So what? People wanna work with folks they understand and relate to.

Nobody is owed a job. If they wanna go by a strange name and fill their identity with all sorts of non traditional markers, that’s their right.

It’s also anyone’s right not to hire them.

Nobody forces ANYONE to name their kid Daniqri’a.

Nobody has to apologize for hiring or not hiring people at their business with cultural associations theyre unfamiliar or uncertain about.

Even if it makes sensitive little social justice losers cry and piss their panties.

Free country.

06-20-2020, 11:33 PM

What grade level is your reading comprehension?

I just told you that I myself have been ticketed NUMEROUS TIMES by white officers despite responding to them with a polite demeanor.

Have you ever been in traffic court? There are countless mild mannered, middle class white people. You think they all got tickets cause they busted out some “Yo what da FUQ u want, pig??” shit on some crackaz-wit-attitude stylee??

Youre making up fairy tales to make minorities seem more persecuted than they actually are.

Wtf would psychologically motivate you to do that?? Shit is so weird to me.

Why do you get baited so easy. Lol.

06-20-2020, 11:35 PM
Why do you get baited so easy. Lol.
Very sensitive fella. Definitely has some anger issues.

06-20-2020, 11:38 PM
Why do you get baited so easy. Lol.

I am aware “ThatCoolKid” is a gimmick, but the issue of so-called whitened resumes hasnt been mentioned on here in a minute, at least not that Ive seen, and I wanted to make a general comment on it. Im not going to go back and forth with the guy.

06-21-2020, 12:55 AM
Hmm. Today are reflection of the past. Asians have been long considered the model minorities. If you want to be pragmatic, they laid out the blueprint on how to overcome systemic racism. This is a process.

so they are discriminated against but also long considered the model minorities?

did you not see Phong's post earlier? asian ppl came here on boats with nothing, barely spoke english, but their values made them successful - hard work, resilience, education, family, discipline.

asians may actually be the strongest candidate for evidence of systemic racism, since colleges require higher gpas/SAT scores to get into college. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lOuYN-Fz6tQ

but overall "systemic racism" ain't holding people back from becoming successful today

06-21-2020, 12:59 AM
No, I mean an ingrained belief, like assuming because I'm Filipino I like Karaoke. Is that systemic?

Do you own a magic Mike?

06-21-2020, 01:24 AM
so they are discriminated against but also long considered the model minorities?

did you not see Phong's post earlier? asian ppl came here on boats with nothing, barely spoke english, but their values made them successful - hard work, resilience, education, family, discipline.

asians may actually be the strongest candidate for evidence of systemic racism, since colleges require higher gpas/SAT scores to get into college. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lOuYN-Fz6tQ

but overall "systemic racism" ain't holding people back from becoming successful today

ThatÂ’s not a contradictory but validation so to speak. By 1960, they are already outpacing the white by median income. It took them over 130 years but they got there and thatÂ’s why I called it a process.

Their values are understatement but I digress.

Every system have a loophole, smart people usually find them and use that to their advantage. They donÂ’t complain and make noises and excuses. They move in silence and execute when the time is right.

Princeton did a game changer back in the 90s to make their campus look diversified . So underpresented minorities like blacks and Latinos have equal chance but SAT/ACT itself is example of systemic racism. Case in point, A brother from the hood might have a perfect GPA but without a good teacher to prepare them better, standardized test will be a problem . A middle class brother usually received better teaching and have the money to take all the prep class so of course he will do much better. Asians have been done that that and understand whatever it takes. I agree that they get discriminated and so does the white male.

06-21-2020, 01:55 AM
ThatÂ’s not a contradictory but validation so to speak. By 1960, they are already outpacing the white by median income. It took them over 130 years but they got there and thatÂ’s why I called it a process.

Their values are understatement but I digress.

Every system have a loophole, smart people usually find them and use that to their advantage. They donÂ’t complain and make noises and excuses. They move in silence and execute when the time is right.

Princeton did a game changer back in the 90s to make their campus look diversified . So underpresented minorities like blacks and Latinos have equal chance but SAT/ACT itself is example of systemic racism. Case in point, A brother from the hood might have a perfect GPA but without a good teacher to prepare them better, standardized test will be a problem . A middle class brother usually received better teaching and have the money to take all the prep class so of course he will do much better. Asians have been done that that and understand whatever it takes. I agree that they get discriminated and so does the white male.

Sounds like you have a problem with teachers unions and lack of school choice. Good.

Black students in K-12 do not take education seriously because education is not taken seriously in their home.

Asian students in K-12 take education seriously because education is taken seriously in their home.

I'll go one step further: systemic racism is not the reason one group takes education seriously in the home and the other group does not.

06-21-2020, 02:57 AM
No, I mean an ingrained belief, like assuming because I'm Filipino I like Karaoke. Is that systemic?

That's personal stereotyping isn't it? I guess if we're counting that as systemic (and maybe we could in semantics), that's an okay systemic racism. Not all systemic racism is bad. Like affirmative action, although clearly a systemic racism, if done correctly with proper limitations and time frame could be a positive overall for society.

06-21-2020, 03:04 AM
Sounds like you have a problem with teachers unions and lack of school choice. Good.

Black students in K-12 do not take education seriously because education is not taken seriously in their home.

Asian students in K-12 take education seriously because education is taken seriously in their home.

I'll go one step further: systemic racism is not the reason one group takes education seriously in the home and the other group does not.

Education drives social mobility. You can find exceptions but thatÂ’s the norm. If one race does not value that then time to reflect and prioritize what value is more important . If this is not taught at home then the problem is deeply rooted. IÂ’ve said that 67% of African American are raised by single parent household and only 14% have bachelors degree. At some point, there are gonna be shortcomings on values that will be necessary to learn and grow and be cultured. Or have that Mamba work ethic, I supposed.

Lol about your projections. I just said that because 1/3 of underpresented minoritities with 3.5 or above ended up in community colleges. Some above average are getting shortchange because of standardized testing and poor teaching. 75% of the elite universities are made up of white and Asians even though those colleges require a higher SAT/ACT and GPA for the group. And thatÂ’s not even guarantee an admission but just a foot on the door. Anyone thatÂ’s been there and done that should know . Anyone that have the ability to hold on opposite ideas at the same time and still function.

06-21-2020, 09:45 AM
this guy could probably tell you.


I hate onions...

06-21-2020, 10:01 AM
Cleverness is a racist conspiracy theorist. The post Rooster quoted says it all. Don't know why people are bothering typing words to him.