View Full Version : House passes Bill declaring Washington Dc as the 51st State

06-28-2020, 12:27 AM
They are planning to call the State New Columbia. Just read it on Congressman Joe Kennedy facebook page

06-28-2020, 12:47 AM
Pretty sure this would require a change in the constitution?

I don't like the idea of a bunch of people working for the federal government or for a contractor working for the federal government getting federal representation. It's a massive conflict of interest.

Not to mention that DC holds some of the highest income earning counties in the US. I think it tops the list.

06-28-2020, 01:47 AM
Pretty sure this would require a change in the constitution?

I don't like the idea of a bunch of people working for the federal government or for a contractor working for the federal government getting federal representation. It's a massive conflict of interest.

Not to mention that DC holds some of the highest income earning counties in the US. I think it tops the list.

So because they are educated and wealthy - the US citizens of Washington DC should not be represented in the federal gov't despite paying a lot in taxes because of their wealth/what job they have? :lol

You do realize that politicians are still citizens? Presidents can literally vote for themselves in elections.

06-28-2020, 02:29 AM
So because they are educated and wealthy - the US citizens of Washington DC should not be represented in the federal gov't despite paying a lot in taxes because of their wealth/what job they have? :lol

You do realize that politicians are still citizens? Presidents can literally vote for themselves in elections.

They are wealthy because they vote themselves work. Ridiculous that the highest paying areas also coincide with where the federal government is. That's corruption. I'm not as worried about politicians - they run for election every 2, 4 or 6 years so they can't technically vote themselves into a job even if they can vote. It's the bureaucratic swamp and federal contractors I'm talking about. You think they'll vote for a politician who wants to scale down government and cost them their job?

Sure - they pay a lot in taxes. Where does their salary come from again? :lol

But hey - let's see where you're at. Currently, as a US citizen abroad I have zero representation in Congress yet US law dictates that I have to file a federal tax return every year, report all my worldwide US income to the IRS and report all my non-US bank accounts as well. Every foreign bank is also required to report my bank account to the IRS too.

No taxation without representation right? Let's end citizenship based taxation and all money made overseas is not subject to tax.

The majority of the US doesn't want to see DC become a state.


06-28-2020, 03:30 AM
Vote will always go along party lines so unless if Democrats control both branches of Congress and Executive branch, it will never pass. Republican party stand to lose power in a heavily Democrat area, and we already know the Republican party is shrinking quickly (Trump is helping speed it up). They will fight tooth and nails, including in court where Trump has assigned lots of Republican judges for many years to come. It will not pass anytime soon