View Full Version : Charles Barkley keeps it real: ZERO chance NBA finishes the season

07-04-2020, 07:00 AM

I'm starting to come around to his line of thinking

07-04-2020, 07:06 AM
26 days

Brick Stains like....


07-04-2020, 07:25 AM
I don't think people understand how this works. New Zeland has more or less completely got rid of covid-19 in their country. If they can do it to a country, they can do it to a small area. Just because the area around you is swarming with the virus does not mean you will get it. We know today how to isolate a group of people, it's not that hard. Especially with all the testing they can do. Just look at the UFC. They have had one case of the corona. They don't have a bubble or anything as far as I am aware.

07-04-2020, 08:32 AM

07-04-2020, 08:44 AM
Spot on. This isn’t happening and shouldn’t be happening. We don’t need to endanger countless lives for some meaningless exhibition games in Disney. Just shut it down and start preparing for next season.

07-04-2020, 09:15 AM
They're hanging on by a thread. Player after player coming down with Covid isn't good the closer we get to resuming. The second they resume games and someone gets it, they're done.

07-04-2020, 09:38 AM
Trump has the best plan , just let it all happen , who gets it deserved to get it

Controlling everyone in an out of the contact of players can work , but heard that some personnel can go out of the players bubble..
that doesn't sound good..

07-04-2020, 09:40 AM
Issue is that too many guys are already sitting out. That's the issue.

Trump has the best plan , just let it all happen , who gets it deserved to get it

Controlling everyone in an out of the contact of players can work , but heard that some personnel can go out of the players bubble..
that doesn't sound good..

Shutting the shit up is your best plan.

07-04-2020, 09:46 AM
I don't think people understand how this works. New Zeland has more or less completely got rid of covid-19 in their country. If they can do it to a country, they can do it to a small area. Just because the area around you is swarming with the virus does not mean you will get it. We know today how to isolate a group of people, it's not that hard. Especially with all the testing they can do. Just look at the UFC. They have had one case of the corona. They don't have a bubble or anything as far as I am aware.

you are comparing an island country with border security/control with some imaginary bubble in florida where hundreds if not thousand of disney workers are going to be coming in and out of on a daily basis?


07-04-2020, 09:50 AM
you are comparing an island country with border security/control with some imaginary bubble in florida where hundreds if not thousand of disney workers are going to be coming in and out of on a daily basis?


Not to mention the players themselves breaking the bubble. Anyone really think all these guys are just going to sit in hotel rooms for 3 months or whatever? HAHAHAHA.

COVID-19 will 100% penetrate their bubble. It is a guarantee. It is not an if. It is a when.

The only interesting thing left to discuss is whether it results in the cancellation of the season or not... which I suspect it will based off of the hysterical reactions to it.

07-04-2020, 10:02 AM
They're hanging on by a thread. Player after player coming down with Covid isn't good the closer we get to resuming. The second they resume games and someone gets it, they're done.

They have plans for that too lol, they won't end shit. No one is endangered.

07-04-2020, 10:17 AM
They have plans for that too lol, they won't end shit. No one is endangered.

It's not about if people are endangered or not.

It's about their reactions to contracting it and what that looks like once multiple active players are diagnosed. Given the level of contagiousness and the proximity they will be to one another, it's likely they will nearly all get it.

Charlie Sheen
07-04-2020, 12:30 PM
I think it will go on as long as the worst case scenario is isolating for 14 days with a fever. If a player or staff end up hospitalized on a vent, I think it will change enough minds to end the season.

07-04-2020, 01:01 PM
you are comparing an island country with border security/control with some imaginary bubble in florida where hundreds if not thousand of disney workers are going to be coming in and out of on a daily basis?


Well, it is not a bubble if hundreds or thousands are going in and out on a daily basis. My understanding of this is that the workers, meaning food prep, hotel management etc. will also live isolated in this bubble. The only thing that will come in is food and necessary supplies. I think they made it clear that once you are in the bubble you can't leave and then come back in again.

In Norway where I live we have had only 250 deaths. The big difference is that we trust our government and do as they say. We also have the economy to support this. If we can do that while people still live pretty active lives, the NBA can isolate a couple of thousands of people.

07-04-2020, 01:03 PM
They're hanging on by a thread. Player after player coming down with Covid isn't good the closer we get to resuming. The second they resume games and someone gets it, they're done.

Well, they are not allowed into the bubble without first getting tested and then have their result back. I don't understand how you will get the virus into the bubble if no person brings it in.

07-04-2020, 01:22 PM
It's not about if people are endangered or not.

It's about their reactions to contracting it and what that looks like once multiple active players are diagnosed. Given the level of contagiousness and the proximity they will be to one another, it's likely they will nearly all get it.


Every prediction you make goes horribly wrong. Stop.