View Full Version : Woj joins Lebron 'Qing James' in defending China...

07-10-2020, 11:36 AM

NBA's and ESPN's love affair with CCP China continues. Woj is big mad at a politician writing the NBA about it's pro China stance. They definitely like China more than their own country.

07-10-2020, 11:58 AM
"Senator Hawley was either misinformed or not really educated on the situation."
- LeBron James

LeGod standing up to evil politicians :applause:

07-10-2020, 02:24 PM
LeBron is a proud Communist and doesn’t listen to bullshit CIA propaganda :applause:

What a leader

07-10-2020, 02:25 PM
Woj just issued an apology.

07-10-2020, 02:28 PM
Woj had a TV show on a Chinese station. That's where his priorities lie.

Patrick Chewing
07-10-2020, 03:13 PM
The "Tolerant" Left :oldlol:

Nothing more than apologists for Communist China and their inhumane treatment.

07-10-2020, 07:48 PM
Woj had a TV show on a Chinese station. That's where his priorities lie.

Was it called 'treason - special guest L.B.Jjjjjjjjjjjj'

07-10-2020, 08:10 PM
So he promotes ching huh

07-10-2020, 08:11 PM

07-10-2020, 08:18 PM
it isn't just the cops like Chauvin who murder blacks

but it's everything in between - less severe mistreatment that ultimately "overjails" blacks.. vastly

cops harass blacks and i hate the cops.. their departments should be reduced by 50% or more.. it doesn't take half the city's budget to respond to emergencies..

go watch the sandra bland police stop.. thats STANDARD... she was pulled over for changing lanes without using her blinker

the cops try to escalate things with blacks to "show them who's in charge".. its so horrible and i've been a victim of this many times

1 of 3 blacks are in the criminal justice system, mostly for misdemeanors.. it's horseshit

big ups to King Woj .. he goes up in my estimation... "defend the blue"??? lol f*ck no

tbh, being a cop should require prior military experience, so the cops are actually tough and don't need to prove it

Lion's pride
07-10-2020, 09:55 PM

:roll: times 100 !!

07-10-2020, 10:02 PM
LeMao ZeJames :rockon:

07-10-2020, 10:03 PM
You took a 5 year hiatus and since returning all you've done is cry about GOAT LeBron.

Is everything okay sweetheart?

07-10-2020, 10:21 PM
You guys are not thinking about the long game.

China has already accepted large portions of Western Capitalism and every day they're on the defensive. If we want our influence to continue to expand we have to continue to infiltrate and subvert.

We would not have been able to change China and Russia by maintaining them as absolute enemies.

07-10-2020, 10:40 PM
it isn't just the cops like Chauvin who murder blacks

but it's everything in between - less severe mistreatment that ultimately "overjails" blacks.. vastly

cops harass blacks and i hate the cops.. their departments should be reduced by 50% or more.. it doesn't take half the city's budget to respond to emergencies..

go watch the sandra bland police stop.. thats STANDARD... she was pulled over for changing lanes without using her blinker

the cops try to escalate things with blacks to "show them who's in charge".. its so horrible and i've been a victim of this many times

1 of 3 blacks are in the criminal justice system, mostly for misdemeanors.. it's horseshit

big ups to King Woj .. he goes up in my estimation... "defend the blue"??? lol f*ck no

tbh, being a cop should require prior military experience, so the cops are actually tough and don't need to prove it

Can you stop defending the young dumb minds that turned their neighbourhoods into warzones? 6% of the US population are black men, responsible for 48% of murders
in the whole country. You seen how many black children were killed the past 2 weeks by black thugs? And the rest?
More than cops killing a black person in 2 years.
Talking about racism like Africans and millions others around the world wouldn't trade places with one of you spoiled lazy americans.. They know the reality,
white people take better care of you then your own people, government and leaders. Talking about reducing police departement by 50%,
are you a ****ing animal? There's racism, hate and prejudice in every race, especially in the black community, shamelessly, from childhood..
loud arogant mothers raising they're men into thinking white man is evil, turning men into emotional, sensitive, violent and hypocritical people,
complaining and crying about white cops stopping you to check your ID, "oppression" "i'm a grown man complaining about white people" Imagine that.
Bringing up slavery like the africans didn't sell you and whites didn't free you at some point.. Real men should not ignore the 50 years of black on
black murders, but you guys did, saving face was important towards the outside people, the whole world saw it tho, but we were silent because the
black community was silent.. now you guys want us to scream BLM and focus on white cops?? Who killed 20 people in the past year compared to 8000 by black men??
What a circus show, bunch of females, frauds.

07-10-2020, 10:50 PM
fyi for those who don't know Holocaust 2.0 is happening in China: https://twitter.com/auighur/status/1266387295625764865

good to see 1 person in the country at least speak out against genocide and slavery today

"Injustice Anywhere Is A Threat To Justice Everywhere- Our Lives Begin To End The Day We Become Silent About Things That Matter" -Josh Hawley

07-11-2020, 03:31 PM
Can you stop defending the young dumb minds that turned their neighbourhoods into warzones? 6% of the US population are black men, responsible for 48% of murders
in the whole country. You seen how many black children were killed the past 2 weeks by black thugs? And the rest?
More than cops killing a black person in 2 years.
Talking about racism like Africans and millions others around the world wouldn't trade places with one of you spoiled lazy americans.. They know the reality,
white people take better care of you then your own people, government and leaders. Talking about reducing police departement by 50%,
are you a ****ing animal? There's racism, hate and prejudice in every race, especially in the black community, shamelessly, from childhood..
loud arogant mothers raising they're men into thinking white man is evil, turning men into emotional, sensitive, violent and hypocritical people,
complaining and crying about white cops stopping you to check your ID, "oppression" "i'm a grown man complaining about white people" Imagine that.
Bringing up slavery like the africans didn't sell you and whites didn't free you at some point.. Real men should not ignore the 50 years of black on
black murders, but you guys did, saving face was important towards the outside people, the whole world saw it tho, but we were silent because the
black community was silent.. now you guys want us to scream BLM and focus on white cops?? Who killed 20 people in the past year compared to 8000 by black men??
What a circus show, bunch of females, frauds.
Why are you so angry and threatened by people demanding the police department sworn to protect and serve them does there job and doesn't abuse a group of citizens based on race? The European migration to the New World "America" occurred for this very reason.
The first settlers who came from Europe to America came here to avoid tyranny and prejudice. Have you ever read the The Declaration of Independence? It states
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

Crimes committed by black people do not go unpunished. This is not the case for police officers. Police officers have qualified immunity and due to their position of authority can commit crimes with impunity.
This is what people are protesting about, if you don't support it that's fine, but why criticize people who think it's important to stand up against this injustice.

07-11-2020, 03:32 PM
Can you stop defending the young dumb minds that turned their neighbourhoods into warzones? 6% of the US population are black men, responsible for 48% of murders
in the whole country. You seen how many black children were killed the past 2 weeks by black thugs? And the rest?
More than cops killing a black person in 2 years.
Talking about racism like Africans and millions others around the world wouldn't trade places with one of you spoiled lazy americans.. They know the reality,
white people take better care of you then your own people, government and leaders. Talking about reducing police departement by 50%,
are you a ****ing animal? There's racism, hate and prejudice in every race, especially in the black community, shamelessly, from childhood..
loud arogant mothers raising they're men into thinking white man is evil, turning men into emotional, sensitive, violent and hypocritical people,
complaining and crying about white cops stopping you to check your ID, "oppression" "i'm a grown man complaining about white people" Imagine that.
Bringing up slavery like the africans didn't sell you and whites didn't free you at some point.. Real men should not ignore the 50 years of black on
black murders, but you guys did, saving face was important towards the outside people, the whole world saw it tho, but we were silent because the
black community was silent.. now you guys want us to scream BLM and focus on white cops?? Who killed 20 people in the past year compared to 8000 by black men??
What a circus show, bunch of females, frauds.

White people never took care of blacks, America was literally built off the backs of slaves. Who do you think built the White House, The original Wall Street In NY? Slaves were backbone of all of America's agricultural industry from cotton, tobacco to sugarcane. Blacks weren't given freedom, slaves fought in the Revolutionary War to gain freedom. This is why you had a large population of Freed Slaves in the North. Blacks also fought in the Civil War, which is why
after the civil war Lincoln issued a special order which redistributed 400,000 acres of land to ex slaves for fighting in the Civil war. This is where the term 40 acres and a mule originated from. Whenever blacks thrived building their own prospering communities like in Tulsa OK "Black Wallstreet" , Rosewood Florida and Wilmington NC whites felt compelled to destroy the cities and steal the land.
I don't know where you live but you clearly don't know American history. Maybe you should educate yourself before weighting in on subjects you do not understand or grasp.

07-11-2020, 04:16 PM
You took a 5 year hiatus and since returning all you've done is cry about GOAT LeBron.

Is everything okay sweetheart?

Huh? I've made like 2-3 threads about LeBron and like 20 non LeBron threads. I'm perfectly fine beautiful.

07-11-2020, 08:47 PM
Huh? I've made like 2-3 threads about LeBron and like 20 non LeBron threads. I'm perfectly fine beautiful.
And he made tons of threads ridiculing jordan :roll:

07-12-2020, 03:40 AM
White people never took care of blacks, America was literally built off the backs of slaves. Who do you think built the White House, The original Wall Street In NY? Slaves were backbone of all of America's agricultural industry from cotton, tobacco to sugarcane. Blacks weren't given freedom, slaves fought in the Revolutionary War to gain freedom. This is why you had a large population of Freed Slaves in the North. Blacks also fought in the Civil War, which is why
after the civil war Lincoln issued a special order which redistributed 400,000 acres of land to ex slaves for fighting in the Civil war. This is where the term 40 acres and a mule originated from. Whenever blacks thrived building their own prospering communities like in Tulsa OK "Black Wallstreet" , Rosewood Florida and Wilmington NC whites felt compelled to destroy the cities and steal the land.
I don't know where you live but you clearly don't know American history. Maybe you should educate yourself before weighting in on subjects you do not understand or grasp.
Did you really say black on black murders don't go unpunished? You saw the statistics? Lol! See what i mean? You sound like a female, blind defending everything black.. no honesty in your posts. Just lies and a history lesson like Africa and Arabs didn't own and sell african slaves first. We know slaves helped in building the country and fought in the civil war? What are you protesting about? What are you outraged by? Is this hypocritical circus show something you're proud of? Is this what you're teaching your son? Being a victim because there's a small percentage you'll meet a piece of shit cop one day? Co founders of blm are lesbians, blm is all about taking over the white house and focusing on the rare white on black crimes to anger black folks, keepingbthe single parent homes is also one of their missions, showering the single mother with welfare, unemployment cheques for their vote in return. You're telling me i should go bat shit crazy over george floyd's death than i should over 8 year old Royta Giles for example? And many many many many more in a month than what cops did in 2 years? You think like a spoiled female and i understand why. Shame.

07-12-2020, 03:51 AM
A rapper just died an hour ago. How many is that the past 2 months?? Even goddamn public figures, still no outrage. "Defund the cops!!" :facepalm

Uncle Drew
07-12-2020, 03:58 AM
A rapper just died an hour ago. How many is that the past 2 months?? Even goddamn public figures, still no outrage. "Defund the cops!!" :facepalm


07-12-2020, 04:13 AM
Some rapper named lil marlo, just saw it on social media. I see it almost every day it seems, i can't be the only one that thinks this isn't "normal"?

07-12-2020, 04:20 AM

07-12-2020, 04:24 AM

Rapper yes. Public figure, rapper. If he was white singer i didn't know, i would've said "a singer". Focus on the real issue momma's boy.

07-12-2020, 04:40 AM

07-12-2020, 01:04 PM
Looks like WOj just got China'd by ESPN

Is this the end of Woj?


(these are funny times)

07-12-2020, 03:12 PM
Looks like WOj just got China'd by ESPN

Is this the end of Woj?


(these are funny times)

I bet they would love to import this guys contact list and disappear his ass. USSR style.

07-12-2020, 05:03 PM


07-13-2020, 11:38 AM
The senator is actually right here. NBA has been pretty hypocritical trying to come across as the social justice league and they look pretty bad as a result whenever China comes up.

They really should stop trying to get so involved in these issues. Don’t stop or punish the players on the court or off the court expressing however they feel about it the way the NFL did, but they shouldn’t go out of their way officially as a league to promote it. They really aren't in a moral position to do that. The whole jersey situation is a fiasco cause by only letting them to say specific phrases and address specific issues, its basically restricted freedom of speech which is not actual freedom of speech.

Again, they really got into some shit with the whole China thing, where now its basically impossible for them to actually look genuine as a league. It makes sense for individual players to take up whatever cause they want and express themselves on that – that’s their right as citizens. But as an organization as a whole, NBA should stay away from it.

Barkley was also right – these stupid issues like what they can say on a jersey takes away and distracts from the real issues. Being able to send a message on certain issues or trying to erase everything that’s offensive i.e. team names, Aunt Jemima, etc., pales in comparison to more serious issues that require more effort such as police reform, better economic opportunities for minorities, etc.

The Hick
07-13-2020, 12:09 PM
fyi for those who don't know Holocaust 2.0 is happening in China: https://twitter.com/auighur/status/1266387295625764865

good to see 1 person in the country at least speak out against genocide and slavery today

"Injustice Anywhere Is A Threat To Justice Everywhere- Our Lives Begin To End The Day We Become Silent About Things That Matter" -Josh Hawley

China ain't stupid. They've seen what's going on in the US and Europe. 50 years from now they don't want the same problems. Nip it in the bud.

07-13-2020, 12:13 PM
LeMao ZeJames :rockon:


07-13-2020, 03:53 PM
Did you really say black on black murders don't go unpunished? You saw the statistics? Lol! See what i mean? You sound like a female, blind defending everything black.. no honesty in your posts. Just lies and a history lesson like Africa and Arabs didn't own and sell african slaves first. We know slaves helped in building the country and fought in the civil war? What are you protesting about? What are you outraged by? Is this hypocritical circus show something you're proud of? Is this what you're teaching your son? Being a victim because there's a small percentage you'll meet a piece of shit cop one day? Co founders of blm are lesbians, blm is all about taking over the white house and focusing on the rare white on black crimes to anger black folks, keepingbthe single parent homes is also one of their missions, showering the single mother with welfare, unemployment cheques for their vote in return. You're telling me i should go bat shit crazy over george floyd's death than i should over 8 year old Royta Giles for example? And many many many many more in a month than what cops did in 2 years? You think like a spoiled female and i understand why. Shame.

Yes I said black on black murders do not go unpunished. Blacks are racially profiled and stopped at a higher rate than any other racial group. Blacks are sent to prison with longer prison sentences than any other racial group but you claim these crimes go unpunished. Are you threatened by Females and Lesbians? Sorry if you have Mommy issues but that has nothing to do with a police officer choking the life out of George Floyd.

07-13-2020, 03:57 PM


07-13-2020, 08:49 PM
Coincidentally, both bran and mao were born in late december. To be specific, their birthdates are only four days apart. :lol