View Full Version : Free market capitalism is the only way for a healthy society

07-20-2020, 11:17 PM
Free market capitalism is not only natural, but the best possible solution for fair markets in society. Free market guarantees that every transaction between two people is fair and voluntary. If you aren't willing to pay a high price for something, then don't. If it's humanly possible to produce something at a cheaper price so that it can be sold to you, somebody will come along and do so in order to make some money for themselves. Companies will constantly have to be competing with each other and push profits towards 0 to do so. Under a pure free market society, profits are near 0. It's hard to imagine, because no market in the world today is anywhere near a free market because of government intervention and protections. Same goes for labor. If you don't want to work at $7.50 an hour, then don't. If nobody is willing to work at that price, then the wage will go up and you can get paid $10.00 per hour for the same job. You are forcing companies to compete for your labor. Any deviation from this hurts society. Minimum wage? Well now companies can't afford to produce their good at a reasonable price for the consumer and many people miss out on the benefit they could've gotten from buying that product. Overbearing patent laws, government regulations not allowing new Telecom businesses into their city, laws requiring cars to be sold only from car dealerships? This creates monopolies where corporations make huge profits at the expense of the consumer.

07-20-2020, 11:41 PM
Free market capitalism is not only natural, but the best possible solution for fair markets in society. Free market guarantees that every transaction between two people is fair and voluntary. If you aren't willing to pay a high price for something, then don't. If it's humanly possible to produce something at a cheaper price so that it can be sold to you, somebody will come along and do so in order to make some money for themselves. Companies will constantly have to be competing with each other and push profits towards 0 to do so. Under a pure free market society, profits are near 0. It's hard to imagine, because no market in the world today is anywhere near a free market because of government intervention and protections. Same goes for labor. If you don't want to work at $7.50 an hour, then don't. If nobody is willing to work at that price, then the wage will go up and you can get paid $10.00 per hour for the same job. You are forcing companies to compete for your labor. Any deviation from this hurts society. Minimum wage? Well now companies can't afford to produce their good at a reasonable price for the consumer and many people miss out on the benefit they could've gotten from buying that product. Overbearing patent laws, government regulations not allowing new Telecom businesses into their city, laws requiring cars to be sold only from car dealerships? This creates monopolies where corporations make huge profits at the expense of the consumer.

All that would be nice if money was still linked to quantifiable products instead of projected values of companies.

Without patent laws there would be no incentive to invent stuff. Why should people not be paid for their knowledge? Rarely the inventor has the infrastructure to also produce.

Also reality shows that social market economies produce the healthiest societies.

07-20-2020, 11:51 PM
All that would be nice if money was still linked to quantifiable products instead of projected values of companies.

Without patent laws there would be no incentive to invent stuff. Why should people not be paid for their knowledge? Rarely the inventor has the infrastructure to also produce.

Also reality shows that social market economies produce the healthiest societies.

The U.S. had the lowest poverty when our government was the smallest. That’s a fact. The government for the U.S. was designed to protect people’s rights. Not whatever it’s doing now

07-20-2020, 11:57 PM
The U.S. had the lowest poverty when our government was the smallest. That’s a fact. The government for the U.S. was designed to protect people’s rights. Not whatever it’s doing now

Still free market capitalism doesn't work anymore. Reality is that people who can invest unreal amounts of money are preying on companies and people alike?

Product = good, people will buy isn't the motor of the economy anymore. Shit like facebook that doesn't provide anything tangible created billions of dollars out of nothing. How is this linked to your simplicistic offer & demand ideology? Of course the US was its best before the dawn of the internet.

07-21-2020, 12:00 AM
You have Apple offering low-end iphones, you have a thriving Android eco-system. Market-wise things are flourishing but theres a wealth gap that seems to be showing a control mechanism at the top of the pyramid...

07-21-2020, 06:13 AM
Now all investments are going into the air. People make money out of thin air and spend money on air. Money is already air. Material values remained in the last century.

Can I buy your Diablo sword?

I need your devil sword for my video game.

07-21-2020, 01:49 PM
Why do people think there's a mystical wealth gap? The lower class in this country is better off than normal life around the globe. Smartphones, cars, and jobs are accessible to everyone.

The wealth gap is bigger when there's more regulation anyway lmao the larger the government the larger the wealth gap and that's in all human history ever.

07-21-2020, 01:53 PM
Why do people think there's a mystical wealth gap? The lower class in this country is better off than normal life around the globe. Smartphones, cars, and jobs are accessible to everyone.

The wealth gap is bigger when there's more regulation anyway lmao the larger the government the larger the wealth gap and that's in all human history ever.

Exactly. That’s why people immigrated here to begin with. The government was originally designed to protect the individual (rights) now it controls and takes away just that

07-21-2020, 02:09 PM
Why do people think there's a mystical wealth gap? The lower class in this country is better off than normal life around the globe. Smartphones, cars, and jobs are accessible to everyone.

The wealth gap is bigger when there's more regulation anyway lmao the larger the government the larger the wealth gap and that's in all human history ever.

And upper class has enough wealth to buy half the world. At the very least, they have enough to buy off our politicians to do their bidding.

Lower/middle class does not have the resources or money to go into a bidding war with the upper class. They would never win or even have a shot.

That certainly makes a meaningful difference in the long term. I don't have a right solution, but just telling you things are not as simple as you say.

07-21-2020, 02:18 PM
Tell that to kids in africa sitting in mines all day busting up rocks looking for shiny ones while making nothing.

If government doesn't dislaw it, every capitalist society will eventually turn into a system of slavery as the owners acquire more power and negotiation leverage.

07-21-2020, 02:37 PM
Tell that to kids in africa sitting in mines all day busting up rocks looking for shiny ones while making nothing.

If government doesn't dislaw it, every capitalist society will eventually turn into a system of slavery as the owners acquire more power and negotiation leverage.

That’s only true if people are willing to work for that amount. We have corporate slavery today as it is

07-21-2020, 03:17 PM
The freer the Market, the freer the people :rockon:

Capitalism freed millions from poverty and allows you to make something out of nothing.

Anyone who opposes free market capitalism their is something wrong with you, especially if you are a far left communist

07-21-2020, 03:24 PM
Why do people think there's a mystical wealth gap? The lower class in this country is better off than normal life around the globe. Smartphones, cars, and jobs are accessible to everyone.


07-21-2020, 03:27 PM
Yup you have to end all patents, copyrights, and trademarks. Intellectual property is one of the states greatest sins. We need to have a free for all for extrapolating on ideas.

07-21-2020, 04:11 PM
That’s only true if people are willing to work for that amount. We have corporate slavery today as it is

That's exactly the point. In pure capitalist society the worker doesnt have any choice but to be "willing to work for that amount". It's either that or starve since hypothetically there is no government welfare or support. You either work the theoretical mines for a pittance, or... starve. That's capitalism end stage.

07-21-2020, 04:12 PM
That's exactly the point. In pure capitalist society the worker doesnt have any choice but to be "willing to work for that amount". It's either that or starve since hypothetically there is no government welfare or support. You either work the theoretical mines for a pittance, or... starve. That's capitalism end stage.
How do you identify politically?

07-21-2020, 04:21 PM
That's exactly the point. In pure capitalist society the worker doesnt have any choice but to be "willing to work for that amount". It's either that or starve since hypothetically there is no government welfare or support. You either work the theoretical mines for a pittance, or... starve. That's capitalism end stage.

What do you mean? If a company is offering more than another company than that will force the hand. You don’t have to work for anything

07-21-2020, 04:36 PM
Why do people think there's a mystical wealth gap? The lower class in this country is better off than normal life around the globe. Smartphones, cars, and jobs are accessible to everyone.

The wealth gap is bigger when there's more regulation anyway lmao the larger the government the larger the wealth gap and that's in all human history ever.

Western and northern europe is more regulated than the US and people still have the same amount of wealth.

What do you mean? If a company is offering more than another company than that will force the hand. You don’t have to work for anything

There are more workers than companies. If you don't take the job another guy will and you will starve.

07-21-2020, 04:51 PM
Western and northern europe is more regulated than the US and people still have the same amount of wealth.

There are more workers than companies. If you don't take the job another guy will and you will starve.
How did it get like that? The middle class payed for WW2 out of their own pockets. since government has gotten so big there is no middle class. A lot of people think a socialist society just hands out money but where does that money come from? You.

07-21-2020, 04:54 PM
How do you identify politically?

i dont identify either way. i only really talk politics with you guys because in person if I say what I think I'll probably lose my job.... so I have to toe the line.

07-21-2020, 04:56 PM
What do you mean? If a company is offering more than another company than that will force the hand. You don’t have to work for anything

The problem becomes when one company takes over everything and removes competition. That's why governments have monopoly laws... to not allow that to happen, but in a pure capitalist society those laws dont exist and eventually every company will be usurped by a monopoly player ala walmart or amazon. We're currently in the process of this occuring.

07-21-2020, 04:59 PM
That's how it should be

If you do nothing to contribute to society then you shouldn't be sat collecting pay checks from the government
Agree. This whole Robin Hood politics is stupid

07-21-2020, 05:03 PM
i dont identify either way. i only really talk politics with you guys because in person if I say what I think I'll probably lose my job.... so I have to toe the line.
Come on over to the leftist side bro. You know you want to.

Btw I didn’t mean Democrat or Republican. I’m currently still a registered Democrat but I will probably change that unless it will prevents me from voting in primaries. I don’t identify with either political party although there are some members of the Democratic Party I like (AOC, Ilhan Omar, other progressives)

07-21-2020, 05:03 PM
That's how it should be

If you do nothing to contribute to society then you shouldn't be sat collecting pay checks from the government

The point is without government intervention, there will be no choice of employment for you. Everything will come down to one or two companies paying the same paltry rates. That's why monopoly laws exist, to spur competition and fair wages. I live in NJ. The government broke a massive AT&T hub up over this. Without that government institution and regulation? The end result will be slavery... asia like sweat shops where you perform the only work available to you ~ aka intense labor, or die.

07-21-2020, 07:38 PM
That's exactly the point. In pure capitalist society the worker doesnt have any choice but to be "willing to work for that amount". It's either that or starve since hypothetically there is no government welfare or support. You either work the theoretical mines for a pittance, or... starve. That's capitalism end stage.

There is a certain similarity between a pure capitalist 'right' society and a pure socialist 'left' society. Both have an end stage where the workers work for either a tiny wage or starve.

This is why you need a hybrid system that is both part capitalist, part socialist but with focus on people's rights/freedoms. That's what America has been thus far. You don't want too extremist of a single system, any system.

07-21-2020, 08:55 PM
There is a certain similarity between a pure capitalist 'right' society and a pure socialist 'left' society. Both have an end stage where the workers work for either a tiny wage or starve.

This is why you need a hybrid system that is both part capitalist, part socialist but with focus on people's rights/freedoms. That's what America has been thus far. You don't want too extremist of a single system, any system.
Lol America is way too capitalistic.

07-21-2020, 09:03 PM
Lol America is way too capitalistic.

They are not capitalistic. Oligarchs

07-21-2020, 10:48 PM
Lol America is way too capitalistic.

Certainly has become that way last 30-35 years leading up to Reagan. Before Reagan, we had somewhat of a healthy balance. Corporations had plenty of power before Reagan but not enough power to make the average person feel as if they were drowning

07-22-2020, 12:20 AM
How did it get like that? The middle class payed for WW2 out of their own pockets. since government has gotten so big there is no middle class. A lot of people think a socialist society just hands out money but where does that money come from? You.

The afforementioned countries aren't socialist. That's what americans don't get. Anything left from their turbo capitalism is socialist. It's called social market economy. It's capatalism with social safety measures. Of course I pay for it. I basically provide for 1 about 1 jobless person each month with my social security and tax payments? But you know what? It's great not to get into unbearable debt when I have to go to the ER.

07-22-2020, 12:22 AM

07-22-2020, 05:14 AM
I would agree but not unchecked free market capitalism. There still needs to be some socialism and government regulations.

07-22-2020, 06:08 PM
I believe capitalism is a great system which propels everybody forward as you are rewarded based on what you have contributed. A contribution can also be a pure idea. I think that while I do not want over-regulation from the government, you still need some regulation because if you don't have some regulation then it can turn into craziness.

Think about how advanced we have become since United States has been around and using capitalism. it was thousands of years where there was very little advancement, some but very little. Since the United States formed and was using a capitalist system, there has been humongous advancements. Cars, airplanes, machines, etc. Really think how far society has advanced since United States capitalism which is mixed system but you still need some government regulations. But it shows how capitalism can advance life fairly quickly

07-22-2020, 07:45 PM
I believe capitalism is a great system which propels everybody forward as you are rewarded based on what you have contributed. A contribution can also be a pure idea. I think that while I do not want over-regulation from the government, you still need some regulation because if you don't have some regulation then it can turn into craziness.

Think about how advanced we have become since United States has been around and using capitalism. it was thousands of years where there was very little advancement, some but very little. Since the United States formed and was using a capitalist system, there has been humongous advancements. Cars, airplanes, machines, etc. Really think how far society has advanced since United States capitalism which is mixed system but you still need some government regulations. But it shows how capitalism can advance life fairly quickly
+1 Bingo.

Rovo hit the nail on the head. :applause:

07-22-2020, 08:27 PM
I would agree but not unchecked free market capitalism. There still needs to be some socialism and government regulations.
I concur. Some balancing is necessary.

07-22-2020, 11:31 PM
I believe capitalism is a great system which propels everybody forward as you are rewarded based on what you have contributed. A contribution can also be a pure idea. I think that while I do not want over-regulation from the government, you still need some regulation because if you don't have some regulation then it can turn into craziness.

Think about how advanced we have become since United States has been around and using capitalism. it was thousands of years where there was very little advancement, some but very little. Since the United States formed and was using a capitalist system, there has been humongous advancements. Cars, airplanes, machines, etc. Really think how far society has advanced since United States capitalism which is mixed system but you still need some government regulations. But it shows how capitalism can advance life fairly quickly

Great post, wood read again +1