View Full Version : Trump and his all-out campaign to destroy MS-13

07-21-2020, 01:38 AM
a vile and evil gang of people.


We’ve taken them out by the thousands.

While radical left-wing politicians have fought to open borders and welfare for illegal aliens, my administration has fought for safe streets. We want security for our people. We want the rule of law. We want law and order.

In the last three years, ICE has deported over 16,000 gang members and arrested over 2,000 members of MS-13. Think of those numbers: 16,000 and arrested over 2,000 members of MS-13. We’ve also deported a lot of the MS-13s out of our country.

We believe the monsters who murder children should be put to death. We seem to have quite a good agreement on that. These people murder children and they do it as slowly and viciously as possible. We will not allow these animals to terrorize our communities. And my administration will not rest until every member of MS-13 is brought to justice.

We’ve done a great job with MS-13, but now we’re stepping it up even to a higher level. This has never happened before. There’s never been any move like this before. Much of it’s already taken place; otherwise we wouldn’t be talking about it.

So when Biden and the radical left want to open borders for MS-13 and others, we want strong borders, we want — as I’ve said, we want borders. Without borders, you don’t have a country. And we have a great country, and it’s coming back stronger than ever, from job numbers to every other number. It’s coming back stronger than ever before.


I'm telling you, this guy is doing an amazing job.

This is Trump's true character. When it comes to vile acts against innocent people, most people don't like it, but they put it to the side, don't think about it, go watch a movie. But I'm telling you, this is Trump's main motivation. To stop such evil.

Too bad this type of initiative isn't talked about and doesn't really make the news.

MS-13 is somewhat unique in this sense: They have the street savagery that you would see in a gang; is not driven by commercial interests the way, for example, the Mafia traditionally was. It’s about honor of being the most savage, bloodthirsty person you can be and building up a reputation as a killer. So this is, in some ways, is a death cult.

And then they use the terror that they cause by their savagery to extort. And they’ve gotten increasingly into human trafficking and now narcotics trafficking. But that’s a sideline, to some extent, to their basic purpose, which is violence, terrorizing people.

07-21-2020, 06:11 AM
777 Trumpets is doing what God intended.

Trump is not perfect. Trump is completely flawed. Trump is doing his best.

Trump is the only president I like after having reviewed history. The other one might be JFK, but he took advantage of mkultra. So, I have no sympathy for him.

Trump 2020

07-21-2020, 10:06 PM
The only real flaw that I see is that he's a little overweight. That's not ideal. In terms of his personality, saying, doing certain things, it's a flaw in the sense that it makes certain people hate him. But the reality from my point of view is that he's doing, saying certain things specifically to win at the end. He's a master at getting into the news, which is highly important. He had already won, but my favorite example was making Mitt Romney have dinner with him, with the possible expectation of getting a high position in his cabinet. This was after Mitt, for over a year had repeatedly said bad things about him. Trump knew full well that Mitt is a piece of shit and he's not going to give him anything. But the media had no choice but to follow it, have Trump's name out there, and talk non stop about it. The Trump's fundamentals are solid.