View Full Version : They let media into the main restart arena and details are coming out.

07-21-2020, 08:43 PM
Many are on Twitter with videos.

The scorers table is behind glass, the “bench” is spaced out folding chairs, the media have actual proximity sensors in the press pass they have to wear that sound a brief alarm if they get too close to another press pass. One cameraman on the court and all other cameras run from the control room by remote. Apparently they caught a piped in “Defense” chant so the nba will have simulated fan noise.

Lots of details coming out and with nothing else to do and not being able to leave all the reporters are posting it.

”Black lives matter” is printed in giant letters on the whole right side of the court. I expect to hear about people turning the channel for no reason but that.

Every scrimmage game tomorrow is on league pass or nba tv by the way and league pass is still free online.

07-22-2020, 07:17 PM
Bump, because, useful.