View Full Version : Wilt Chamberlain's All Fat-Team from 1997

07-27-2020, 12:36 AM
Let me introduce my All-Fat team:Carl Herrera is one of my forwards, and Kevin Duckworth is the other. My choice for center is the new guy from the Boston Celtics, Thomas Hamilton. The next two play the forward position,too even though they are centers:Brian Williams, the young man from Los Angeles who plays with the Clippers and Anthony ''Pig'' Miller from the Los Angeles Lakers.(Pig is such a great-and appropriate name,I'm tempted to apply it the the whole team ''The Piggys.'')

Coming off the bench,I have 295-to 300-pound Stanley Roberts,formerly of the Clippers. Althrough Stanley weighs slightly more now,he has been fluctuating between 330 and 300 pounds for the last 2 to 3 years. He gets suspended for being too heavy, and he never loses much weight -but they still pay him big money for his big size.

Another of my bench warmers would be Victor Alexander. He is six-foot nine and weighs in at about 290 pounds, though they say he only weighs 265. As bench warmers these guys are perfect. Just the two of them will fill the whole bench. No point in trying for more depth there is no room for for anyone else.

The Big O once stood for the great Oscar Robertson but now the term refers to the great big Oliver Miller the first member of my All-Fat Team. He was impressively large in 95-96 and was formally listed as weighing at 290 pounds. I guarantee,however that it has been many a month since he was that slender. A better guess would be that he now weighs in at closer to 330 or 340 pounds.

07-27-2020, 12:44 AM
Man is Wilt a savage in his books god this just makes me :lol

I have some more stuff from his books that he said that is just comedy gold

07-27-2020, 01:03 AM
Sometimes you just gotta.

07-27-2020, 04:08 AM
I imagine if Wilt cracked jokes about infanticide you'd laugh because your such a Wilt fan.

Too be honest I might laugh, if the jokes were funny.

07-27-2020, 09:12 AM
Actually, he offers some valuable insight on the real weight of the "heavyweights" of that era. Not for mocking, just for info's sake. I find his figures much more reliable than the "official" BS posted on media.

I imagine if Wilt cracked jokes about infanticide you'd laugh because your such a Wilt fan.

That would be a first, because, after all, most ISH members are known for their superior wit and their low levels of tolerance towards "inappropriate" humor.