View Full Version : Did Portland already clinch a "Playout Spot" as the 9th seed?

08-09-2020, 08:21 PM
Im asking because how they tied with a Sixers team without Ben Simmons and Joel Embiid? Do they have anything to play for?:oldlol:

08-09-2020, 08:31 PM
The same team that lost to the Clippers bench..

But NBA analysts swear they are a threat to the Lakers :roll:

08-09-2020, 08:32 PM
The same team that lost to the Clippers bench..

But NBA analysts swear they are a threat to the Lakers :roll:

dont talk trash too soon...

blazers would probably beat the lakers in a series if it was played right this second... lakers cant guard any perimeter players so dont confuse the sixers defense and clippers defense even without kawhi for the lakers garbage perimeter defense....

08-09-2020, 08:39 PM
dont talk trash too soon...

blazers would probably beat the lakers in a series if it was played right this second... lakers cant guard any perimeter players so dont confuse the sixers defense and clippers defense even without kawhi for the lakers garbage perimeter defense....

Right now, the Suns scare me more than the Blazers. Lakers dont really play seriously, they the 1st seed. Youd be a fool to think they are going to stay at the same level heading on to the playoffs.

However the Blazers are actually trying hard because they want to make the playoffs yet they struggle against an Embiid/Simmons less Sixers and lost to the Flippers bench, talk about a THREAT lmao :lol

08-09-2020, 08:42 PM
Right now, the Suns scare me more than the Blazers. Lakers dont really play seriously, they the 1st seed. Youd be a fool to think they are going to stay at the same level heading on to the playoffs.

However the Blazers are actually trying hard because they want to make the playoffs yet they struggle against an Embiid/Simmons less Sixers and lost to the Flippers bench, talk about a THREAT lmao :lol

lakers have zero perimeter defense and their role-players outside of caruso are a turnover waiting to happen if they have to do anything on offense - and turnovers are exactly how you give a jumpshooting team like the blazers momentum....

these same blazers that are struggling against the sixers would light the lakers up....

08-09-2020, 08:44 PM
lakers have zero perimeter defense and their role-players outside of caruso are a turnover waiting to happen if they have to do anything on offense - and turnovers are exactly how you give a jumpshooting team like the blazers momentum....

these same blazers that are struggling against the sixers would light the lakers up....

Yeah... As long as you believe it

08-09-2020, 08:45 PM
Yeah... As long as you believe it

just watch. lakers will struggle with guards all playoffs.

08-09-2020, 08:48 PM
Damn, looks like portland wouldn't win this game since the sixers managed to catch up.

08-09-2020, 09:01 PM
just watch. lakers will struggle with guards all playoffs.

What happened to Kawhi not getting a ring this year? You already shitting your pants about the Blazers baby boi?

08-09-2020, 09:05 PM
What happened to Kawhi not getting a ring this year? You already shitting your pants about the Blazers baby boi?

Im still rooting for lebron...

08-09-2020, 09:10 PM
i dont understand this narrative "Blazers is a scary team, no one wanna face them at round".
is they are so scary, they wouldnt be in 8/9th spot.

08-09-2020, 09:13 PM
i dont understand this narrative "Blazers is a scary team, no one wanna face them at round".
is they are so scary, they wouldnt be in 8/9th spot.

its about the matchup right? blazers weren't healthy so their record doesnt mean that much - now they are healthy. they needed nurkic back who was their only good big. well he's healthy now.

more importantly - who on the lakers plays perimeter defense?

the blazers have lillard melo and cj - holy shit its going to be hilarious watching kcp and danny green trying to guard lillard and cj :roll:

08-09-2020, 09:14 PM
i dont understand this narrative "Blazers is a scary team, no one wanna face them at round".
is they are so scary, they wouldnt be in 8/9th spot.

Lillard/McCollum vs Rondo/Waiters/JR Smith

Nurkic is finally healthy.

Slimmed down Melo playing with a chip on his shoulder.

Also they have Mario the same guy who blocked the shit out of LeBron at the Garden.

LeBron stans trembling at this potential matchup.

08-09-2020, 09:22 PM
Lillard/McCollum vs Rondo/Waiters/JR Smith

Nurkic is finally healthy.

Slimmed down Melo playing with a chip on his shoulder.

Also they have Mario the same guy who blocked the shit out of LeBron at the Garden.

LeBron stans trembling at this potential matchup.

its moreso the fact that lakers shooters are all struggling right now and their offense sucks - they are missing every open shot and turning it over nonstop.

those are going to turn into transition threes on the other end in the playoffs.

you miss an open shot, they run it down, pass the ball around, and shoot an open three.

thats a recipe for failure when your perimeter defense sucks - which is the case right now.

08-09-2020, 09:28 PM
I dont know if its fear with the blazers and lillard but its definitely respect. like he said.

if you arent worried about the blazers then you arent paying attention because he is a coldblooded killer who can capitalize on the lakers shitty play

08-09-2020, 09:41 PM
I dont know if its fear with the blazers and lillard but its definitely respect. like he said.

if you arent worried about the blazers then you arent paying attention because he is a coldblooded killer who can capitalize on the lakers shitty play

The big problem is our defense. They can’t get stops. We have two reliable bench players. Whiteside playing lazy since the start so really we have one good bench player. Blazers have no reliable depth.

08-09-2020, 09:47 PM
I dont know if its fear with the blazers and lillard but its definitely respect. like he said.

if you arent worried about the blazers then you arent paying attention because he is a coldblooded killer who can capitalize on the lakers shitty play


Can't ever sleep on a Dame led team. Dude shreds...

08-09-2020, 10:14 PM
i dont understand this narrative "Blazers is a scary team, no one wanna face them at round".
is they are so scary, they wouldnt be in 8/9th spot.

You're severely underestimating the addition of Nurkic. He's a guy that's a good defender, a capable scorer who could average 18-20 ppg on good efficiency and can pass the ball really well for a big man. He meng makes it so he can also be a second option. I think Nurk can be at least a top 25 player and a legit top 5 center and all-star talent. CJ can be hot and cold because he relies on his jumper too much. Now, with Nurk also able to get 20-25 points on any given night, CJ's scoring droughts aren't so harmful. And so when he's going and CJ's not, Portland's offense can survive. And then you've got Melo who's been solid and can space the floor, along with Gary Trent. Overall this makes the Blazers a way better team. There's a reason they won 53 games last year.

I think the Lakers will beat them, but it could be a harder first-round series.

08-09-2020, 10:24 PM
You knew Dame was gonna come out big after yesterday's performance.

After all that hoopla, he drops a 50 piece. Killer DNA. Definitely want to see Portland in the playoffs.

08-10-2020, 03:44 AM
i dont understand this narrative "Blazers is a scary team, no one wanna face them at round".
is they are so scary, they wouldnt be in 8/9th spot.

Well that’s pretty dumb logic

Would they have also not made a WCF?

08-10-2020, 03:56 AM
Kcp, Danny, and Caruso are the lakers perimeter defenders and all pretty good. The lakers certainly have flaws but perimeter defense and defense in general shouldn’t be one of them

08-13-2020, 05:08 PM
Grizzlies & Suns currently winning their matchups

Not looking good for Portland, if they don't beat the red hot Nets they're out

08-13-2020, 05:46 PM
Don't be so retarded. They haven't started the game yet.