View Full Version : THE LAST DANCE | Michael Jordan's ALL BULLYING & INSULTS to his teammates & everyone

08-25-2020, 06:32 AM
I made compilation of all of his insults and bullying to his teammates from THE LAST DANCE, I doubt anyone of this pus.ies of today's NBA would handle this haha, I guess they would just leave the team hahahah.


08-25-2020, 06:48 AM
Different era. Now everybody is more fragile. He would also call someone white boy and and that would be in national news.

08-25-2020, 06:53 AM
Already starting slurring his words at 35.. not remotely witty or endearing at all either

Jordan really is an embarrassment as a human. Worst GM/Owner in sports history. He's so dumb.

08-25-2020, 06:58 AM
Different era. Now everybody is more fragile. He would also call someone white boy and and that would be in national news.

I dont think he ever called anyone like that, trust me I would know because Toni Kukoc is from my country; Croatia.

And I watched all sorts of thing Toni was saying, but Jordan was never toying with someone's race.


Chest Rockwell
08-25-2020, 08:59 AM
Socially liberal person here.

New school NBA fans are such *******. A mirror image of the league today.

It’s basketball. They’re adults. They compete.

Used to anyhow.

08-25-2020, 11:57 AM
I dont think he ever called anyone like that, trust me I would know because Toni Kukoc is from my country; Croatia.

And I watched all sorts of thing Toni was saying, but Jordan was never toying with someone's race.


Yes. Jordan was a cut throat savage who would die fighting for victory but he would never cut any corners when it came to the rules or integrity of the sport. He was the baddest mofo on the planet but only when he had to be otherwise he was a saint. He fucced everyone in the ass on the court but off the court he would save himself only for his wife.

Socially liberal person here.

New school NBA fans are such *******. A mirror image of the league today.

It’s basketball. They’re adults. They compete.

Used to anyhow.

Nothing to do with fans. It's the league that doesn't want anything escalating to anywhere near another brawl or any other kind of PR disaster. The 80s NBA was too oblivious to its own image to care. Ignorance was bliss.

08-25-2020, 12:06 PM
One day Jordan was walking down a hallway and Stacy King was approaching him with a box in his hand. Jordan says "I hope you got a jump shot in there". :oldlol:

08-25-2020, 12:10 PM
MJ really shows the price one has to pay to rise to extreme power... basically have to sell your soul and be a negative entity. Instead of being caring, friendly, generous he's selfish, mean, and degrading. Basically like a negative force or evil spirit. Thats what it takes to get to the top though, you have to step on and kill a lot. Karma is a bitch though it all comes around.

Chest Rockwell
08-25-2020, 05:52 PM
MJ really shows the price one has to pay to rise to extreme power... basically have to sell your soul and be a negative entity. Instead of being caring, friendly, generous he's selfish, mean, and degrading. Basically like a negative force or evil spirit. Thats what it takes to get to the top though, you have to step on and kill a lot. Karma is a bitch though it all comes around.

What price has he paid? Please enlighten us. Because I think Mike seems to be in a pretty decent spot in life: then, now, and very likely forever. This karma that you speak of, I got news for ya: Michael Jordan, he got nuthin’ to worry about in that regard.

A negative force or evil spirit? You serious, chief? Hardly.

It appears you’re unable to separate Michael Jordan the basketball player and his drive to reach for everything within himself to lead his team and organization to success on the court (winning basketball games) and the measures he took to get them there — from Michael Jordan the human being.

What you have to understand is, Michael Jordan, the professional basketball player, he was a tough operator. He took a no nonsense approach towards his job and the ultimate fruits of labor that his job stood to bear. He was insatiable in his work ethic towards maximizing the most optimal output out of his God given talent and to which the direct results of said God given talent potentially stood towards the success of his team.

And it is because of this, Jordan held others within his orbit - mainly his teammates, coaches and team executives - to those same standards of excellence, thus demanding them into account towards that strive for excellence and the common goal of winning, the ultimate task at hand.

Jordan’s professional motivation came from a righteous place. He wasn’t tough on teammates and those involved within the operation towards winning basketball games simply because he was some ornery asshole. But rather on the contrary, his motives consisted of a blend of a deep personal drive to push himself to be the best basketball player he could possibly be and a deep sense of reciprocity towards the organization who the drafted him and the city and fans who embraced him and supported him as one of their own — (to which, regardless of anything else, his teammates and those within the organization are highly grateful for, whether then or now upon reflection in retrospect)

And as for MJ, the guy, the man, the person?...

Those who have gotten to know him and/or who have become close with him personally over the years, those that know Michael JorDan beyond the surface...they paint the opposite picture as to which you describe. Fiercely loyal, thoughtful, caring, attentive, highly generous, introspective, honest: these are some of the words and adjectives of those who have actually gotten to know Jordan use to describe him. Now, do they consider Mike to be stubborn on top of those things, and often times to a fault? Sure. But stubborn in contrast to everything else...I’d estimate that falls quite a ways short of an “evil force”.

It appears you choose to cling onto the ill-conceived perception of those who like to spout off and speculate about Michael Jordan the person from a distance. It’s easy for one to buy into the narrative that one wants to be true, all the while completely disregarding what the reality actually is or to what that reality may prospectively even be.

And almost unanimously, when one does this, there is an agenda they foster that can explain-away the speculative perceptions they vehemently harbor.

So I ask you, what is yours? Agenda that is. This wouldn’t be a LeBron thing, now would it now?

08-25-2020, 11:46 PM
Already starting slurring his words at 35.. not remotely witty or endearing at all either

Jordan really is an embarrassment as a human. Worst GM/Owner in sports history. He's so dumb.


08-25-2020, 11:50 PM

Yet you went out of your way to respond to his dumb post...so who is seething? Also, do even post anymore if it isn’t sucking Jordsns dick? I can’t remember you making a decent post in years.

08-25-2020, 11:50 PM
Check this video out. Some meaningless Japanese game but when sh*t starts to get real and you can SEE MJ rise to the occasion and try to win at all costs. That's what made him the GOAT. Competitive to an unhealthy level.


08-25-2020, 11:51 PM
Yet you went out of your way to respond to his dumb post...so who is seething? Also, do even post anymore if it isn’t sucking Jordsns dick? I can’t remember you making a decent post in years.

Hey babyboi.

08-26-2020, 12:12 AM
Yet you went out of your way to respond to his dumb post...so who is seething? Also, do even post anymore if it isn’t sucking Jordsns dick? I can’t remember you making a decent post in years.

It's 3balls alt so...:lol