View Full Version : Boycott watching NBA ever again, if players dont return playing

08-26-2020, 05:59 PM
If they quit on us fans, if they cancel season. We should never bother watching this game again. They don't deserve to be paid millions, to stay home.

08-26-2020, 07:11 PM
You really hopped on a 13 year old alt to make 2 attention-whoring threads lol?

08-26-2020, 07:12 PM

08-26-2020, 07:12 PM

08-26-2020, 07:15 PM
This is a Asterick season anyway without the fans in the stands it just isn't the same.

Mask the Embiid
08-26-2020, 07:16 PM

08-26-2020, 07:18 PM
OP your thread title is an oxymoron.

How can you watch a game if there are no games to watch?

How can you not watch a game that does not exist?

Hamtaro CP3KDKG
08-26-2020, 07:18 PM
Yeah like boycotting the NFL during Kaep... oh wait

yall aint finna do shit. We all know that. No one is boycotting shit

When the NBA or NFL come back on everyone will tune in

08-26-2020, 07:18 PM
yup... would never watch again.

there's plenty of other sports and shows to watch.

Once you get used to watching new things, the old desire to watch what you used to will fade away.

08-26-2020, 07:20 PM
I'm leading towards that direction too.

I'm hoping Godwhi and a few other teams (Heat, Mavericks, Denver) don't leave the bubble.

Very disappointed in Toronto considering I love them. Didn't know I was backing a bunch of baby back bitches.

Mask the Embiid
08-26-2020, 07:23 PM
yup... would never watch again.

there's plenty of other sports and shows to watch.

Once you get used to watching new things, the old desire to watch what you used to will fade away.

can you stop posting here too please.no need to be on a forum of a sport you no longer watch :oldlol:

matter fact everyone who no longer supports the nba...stop posting here...This is your 1st step to prove you are done with the nba...bye bye you will be missed but i think we will survive

tired of seeing u pieces of shit just run ur mouth on the internet all day...back up your words....stop fking post here!get the fk out

08-26-2020, 07:27 PM
can you stop posting here too please.no need to be on a forum of a sport you no longer watch :oldlol:

matter fact everyone who no longer supports the nba...stop posting here...This is your 1st step to prove you are done with the nba...bye bye you will be missed but i think we will survive

*jeff faints*

08-26-2020, 07:28 PM
Work you slaves!

Entertain us! Dance for us! How dare you interrupt our entertainment!

08-26-2020, 07:29 PM
Good. I actually hope the NBA loses a percentage of its fanbase. Lower Bowl tickets are expensive as hell and I can't wait for them to get cheaper by all these supposed fans abandoning ship.

08-26-2020, 07:31 PM
Work you slaves!

Entertain us! Dance for us! How dare you interrupt our entertainment!

If nba players are slaves for working less than 6months of the year what does that make all of us poor people?

08-26-2020, 07:35 PM
Work you slaves!

Entertain us! Dance for us! How dare you interrupt our entertainment!

Rough life those millionaire celebrities get to live, unlike the rest of us.

34-24 Footwork
08-26-2020, 07:35 PM
If nba players are slaves for working less than 6months of the year what does that make all of us poor people?

It makes you a laborer just like them.

08-26-2020, 07:38 PM
Work you slaves!

Entertain us! Dance for us! How dare you interrupt our entertainment!

Slaves lol?

They get paid millions to play ball, it's their job to play.

08-26-2020, 07:38 PM
They should of boycotted when they black balled iverson. Now we fighting for something bigger.

08-26-2020, 07:41 PM
NBA players are in the top 1% of wealth.


lmao.... yall are clowns.

08-26-2020, 07:43 PM
Work you slaves!

Entertain us! Dance for us! How dare you interrupt our entertainment!

Is it really too much to ask basketball players to play basketball?

Dr. Cheesesteak
08-26-2020, 07:46 PM
I'm not boycotting the NBA. That implies some sort of principle I believe in that they have to change for me. I don't care if their players boycott games. Good for them, honestly. But I'm just tired of this narrative in general. I'm gonna get back into UEFA or migrate to NHL b/c those sports/leagues are just more quaint to experience.

08-26-2020, 08:14 PM
*jeff faints*

dude is so ****ing dumb lol...

This board will fade quicker than the NBA if they keep this up.

08-26-2020, 08:16 PM
Slaves lol?

They get paid millions to play ball, it's their job to play.

Doesn't mean they're robots just there to entertain and jump through hoops for you.

And they get paid that money because the generate multiple times more in revenue for owners from their hard work and talent.

08-26-2020, 08:19 PM
Doesn't mean they're robots just there to entertain and jump through hoops for you.

And they get paid that money because the generate multiple times more in revenue for owners from their hard work and talent.

And it doesn't mean they're slaves either.

Your "woke" take was laughable.

08-26-2020, 08:22 PM
Work you slaves!

Entertain us! Dance for us! How dare you interrupt our entertainment!


08-26-2020, 08:23 PM
Work you slaves!

Entertain us! Dance for us! How dare you interrupt our entertainment!
Seriously, slaves? They get paid millions of dollars to play a children's game. And they actually have the ability to boycott their job without consequence, if anyone on here tried to boycott their job to protest police reform they'd be fired within a week.

08-26-2020, 08:25 PM
I'm not boycotting the NBA. That implies some sort of principle I believe in that they have to change for me. I don't care if their players boycott games. Good for them, honestly. But I'm just tired of this narrative in general. I'm gonna get back into UEFA or migrate to NHL b/c those sports/leagues are just more quaint to experience.

Yeah, I'm not really down with sports being political platforms. I can get that shit anytime from 24/7 news, social media or IRL.

But whatever, the players can do what they want. Covid already threw a giant wrench into 2020.

08-26-2020, 08:26 PM
Stand for something or fall for anything. F a job. Down to die for everything I represent.

08-26-2020, 08:26 PM
And it doesn't mean they're slaves either.

Your "woke" take was laughable.

I'm saying yelling at them and throwing a hissy fit and demanding they go back to amusing you for 2 1/2 hours a day doesn't have to be their priority at all times.

08-26-2020, 08:30 PM
And they get paid that money because the generate multiple times more in revenue for owners from their hard work and talent.

They're free to go form their own league with Kyrie as commissioner. But they're going to have to build the league up from scratch just like the owners did back when guys survived on other jobs in the offseason.

08-26-2020, 08:43 PM
I'm saying yelling at them and throwing a hissy fit and demanding they go back to amusing you for 2 1/2 hours a day doesn't have to be their priority at all times.

Well unlike you, I don't obsess over Jordan/NBA.

I only took issue with your dumb example.

Fact is they're paid to do a job (handsomely) AND unlike us don't face repercussions under a boycott. So yeah, comparing them to "slaves" is still a laughable take.

08-26-2020, 08:53 PM
Man who yall fooling. You might make it a week or 2 but you'd be back.

08-26-2020, 09:13 PM
You really hopped on a 13 year old alt to make 2 attention-whoring threads lol?

Right? 9 postal since 2007. How'd you even remember the login

Dr. Cheesesteak
08-26-2020, 09:17 PM
Man who yall fooling. You might make it a week or 2 but you'd be back.
You might be right. But during that 4-month break, I was completely fine w/o any games or news. I started watching other things. Even when the restart started, I was skeptical I'd be that interested. Of course, I was. I love basketball, and I love watching the best players play and best coaches coach. But knowing now I can easily survive w/o it, it won't be as challenging to just focus on international club soccer (which would be right up there w/ NBA if it wasn't for the lack of coverage here in the US. When Fox Soccer Channel was around, it was my #1 sports channel), or try something new in my life and dive into the NHL, or just get back into the NFL (at least the players can't afford to boycott entire games).

08-26-2020, 09:18 PM
How many of you old enough to remember the 94 World Series being called off and all the otmuteated fans claiming they would never watch again?

Next thing you know stadiums packed while McGuire and Sosa chase the home run record.

Fans aren’t quitting anything. They just reeeeeeally need the world to know how they feel even though they are using that freedom to complain about other people letting the world know how they feel.

08-26-2020, 09:23 PM
How many of you old enough to remember the 94 World Series being called off and all the otmuteated fans claiming they would never watch again?

Next thing you know stadiums packed while McGuire and Sosa chase the home run record.

Fans aren’t quitting anything. They just reeeeeeally need the world to know how they feel even though they are using that freedom to complain about other people letting the world know how they feel.

I definitely agree with your point in the short term and with hard-core fans like us on message boards, but casual fans...they definitely can quit watching. Just the nature of trends...you have to zoom out to see them...and with so many options for entertainment beyond sports, there should be real worry about the future of some of the leagues.


08-26-2020, 09:51 PM
The consistent message I hear is they are rich, they are complaining.

Some of you need hobbies lol... I love watching sports but there are other things fun to do. You could play the sport, or be useful to society.

08-26-2020, 09:53 PM
You might be right. But during that 4-month break, I was completely fine w/o any games or news. I started watching other things. Even when the restart started, I was skeptical I'd be that interested. Of course, I was. I love basketball, and I love watching the best players play and best coaches coach. But knowing now I can easily survive w/o it, it won't be as challenging to just focus on international club soccer (which would be right up there w/ NBA if it wasn't for the lack of coverage here in the US. When Fox Soccer Channel was around, it was my #1 sports channel), or try something new in my life and dive into the NHL, or just get back into the NFL (at least the players can't afford to boycott entire games).

i feel ya buddy. Not sure nba fans can get into soccer. Going from a game that has hundreds of points to one that sometimes dosn't have any is a tough transition.

Dr. Cheesesteak
08-26-2020, 10:45 PM
i feel ya buddy. Not sure nba fans can get into soccer. Going from a game that has hundreds of points to one that sometimes dosn't have any is a tough transition.
Makes me curious what it is about specific sports that ppl enjoy. The thing I like about basketball and soccer is the freeflowing action. It isn't play-by-play like football or baseball. Which is why I think hockey would translate well to me (plus, I loved the old SNES NHL games lol). Also, I started watching pro Rocket League after picking it up more serious over the sheltering. It's a great e-sport to watch, freeflowing action just like the aforementioned sports.

But you're right. Americans in general have always been put off by soccer's low scores. Whenever the World Cup was around, ppl/forums/social media would always be like "I can't watch a game where 2-0 is an insurmountable lead." But those same tools think 14-0 in an NFL game is still a close game... :facepalm

So maybe it is the actual digits of the score that they care about, instead of the concept of the scores themselves. Granted, I am aware that scoring a goal in soccer is hard than a TD in football. But still! :D

08-26-2020, 10:48 PM
Reports coming in that the Lakers and Clippers voted to boycott the rest of the season and walked out of player meeting.

08-26-2020, 10:53 PM
Where did you read that?

08-27-2020, 02:11 AM
I'm leading towards that direction too.

I'm hoping Godwhi and a few other teams (Heat, Mavericks, Denver) don't leave the bubble.

Very disappointed in Toronto considering I love them. Didn't know I was backing a bunch of baby back bitches.

You watch enough good films to not think this narrowly. Not about agreeing with their choice.

To never watch again because they're not playing due to thinking a way you aren't...that's not good.

It isnt.