View Full Version : Could you imagine if Jacob Blake...

08-28-2020, 12:54 AM
Was the man who single handedly ceased the NBA season in 2020?

Think about it. A know domestic abuser who had the cops called on him will be the reason basketball stopped. He's on the same tier as MLK. 25 years from now he'll be seen as an icon. And George Floyd a martyr. What a crazy thought.

08-28-2020, 12:59 AM
Was the man who single handedly ceased the NBA season in 2020?

Think about it. A know domestic abuser who had the cops called on him will be the reason basketball stopped. He's on the same tier as MLK. 25 years from now he'll be seen as an icon. And George Floyd a martyr. What a crazy thought.

This guy is Martin Loser King. F**k him. He is the exact opposite of what MLK dreamed of.

08-28-2020, 01:43 AM
u forgot to add, he's also a sexual predator, and he made blm females rooted for him.

08-28-2020, 02:20 AM
This guy is Martin Loser King. F**k him. He is the exact opposite of what MLK dreamed of.

Which is a crazy thought the people cut from the same clothe support both

08-28-2020, 02:23 AM
u forgot to add, he's also a sexual predator, and he made blm females rooted for him.

That is wild. Jacob beat feminism

08-28-2020, 02:44 AM
Shit thread lol

08-28-2020, 07:32 AM
u forgot to add, he's also a sexual predator, and he made blm females rooted for him.

People don't care about the facts in 2020. All that matters is that the police used excessive force on a black man. I thought the more alarming issue was the 17 y.o white kid shooting & killing 2 protesters without the cops even arresting him on the spot.

08-28-2020, 10:03 AM
People don't care about the facts in 2020. All that matters is that the police used excessive force on a black man. I thought the more alarming issue was the 17 y.o white kid shooting & killing 2 protesters without the cops even arresting him on the spot.

They werent protestors they were rioting felons who were attacking him.

He was given a “bad ass pass” on the shootings bc that shit was boss af.

08-28-2020, 10:06 AM
You realize it's not all about this 1 guy right? It's been boiling over, this was the tipping point.

08-28-2020, 10:12 AM
People don't care about the facts in 2020. All that matters is that the police used excessive force on a black man. I thought the more alarming issue was the 17 y.o white kid shooting & killing 2 protesters without the cops even arresting him on the spot.

That whole situation is so frustrating. More people die in the "protest" of a police shooting that didn't kill anyone.

Honestly, pretty much everyone involved in that shooting is at fault in my opinion. All the people burning down stores and looting, the people trying to defend property that isn't even theirs, the protesters that attacked the 17 year old kid, and the 17 year old kid himself for even being there...seriously I can't trust anyone who "picks a side" from that crazy incident. The only "side" people should choose is reason, and NONE of those people were acting reasonable. The one guy who was shot but didn't die literally had a handgun out while being right on top of the 17 year old kid, and when he is trying to tend to his arm wound, he is still holding the hand gun. Just crazy.

Also, even in that chaotic situation, the cops should have detained the 17 year old kid until they had things controlled, and then arrested him right then.

08-28-2020, 10:21 AM
It wont happen, the NBA players are multimillionaires and they wont allow that to happen since their income largely depends on them playing in NBA. Imagine how much $$$ would be lost if the season were to be cancelled and they wont get paid. We aint talking about $10-100 here, we talking about millions and even billions.

08-28-2020, 10:31 AM
Pretty embarrassing that athletes and Black America are making idols of such horrible people.

08-28-2020, 10:43 AM
People don't care about the facts in 2020. All that matters is that the police used excessive force on a black man. I thought the more alarming issue was the 17 y.o white kid shooting & killing 2 protesters without the cops even arresting him on the spot.

There's clear cut video evidence he was being attacked by an armed mob when he shot them.

There's zero chance the current charge sticks. And he's gonna get a SANDMAN payday at the end of it.

08-28-2020, 10:49 AM
There's clear cut video evidence he was being attacked by an armed mob when he shot them.

There's zero chance the current charge sticks. And he's gonna get a SANDMAN payday at the end of it.

I wouldn't be so sure. According to what I've read from a lot of different sources, he was in possession of his gun illegally (he is underage), and he technically crossed state lines even though it was a short distance. I think the kid was completely misguided, over his head, and should certainly see SOME jail time at a minimum. He seemed to have broke multiple laws involving a weapon, that's usually serious jail consequences. Now the "self-defense" is another story...but it will probably revolve around the first protester he killed and if that was considered perfectly legal self-defense. Also, idk the law but he may not be forgiven for self-defense since he had the gun illegally in the first place.

To be clear, the 17 year old is not "innocent" person in my opinion. However I do agree that the narratives that he was the instigator and went to the protests to specifically kill people is a ridiculous accusation at this point in time.

08-28-2020, 10:51 AM
You realize it's not all about this 1 guy right? It's been boiling over, this was the tipping point.

MLK wasn't just 1 person...

08-28-2020, 11:01 AM
There's clear cut video evidence he was being attacked by an armed mob when he shot them.

There's zero chance the current charge sticks. And he's gonna get a SANDMAN payday at the end of it.

Not sure about the order of events there, and he's not supposed to have a gun in the first place. Regardless of how it went down, do you think a black man could pull that shit off and not at least get detained by the police?

08-28-2020, 11:05 AM
I wouldn't be so sure. According to what I've read from a lot of different sources, he was in possession of his gun illegally (he is underage), and he technically crossed state lines even though it was a short distance. I think the kid was completely misguided, over his head, and should certainly see SOME jail time at a minimum. He seemed to have broke multiple laws involving a weapon, that's usually serious jail consequences. Now the "self-defense" is another story...but it will probably revolve around the first protester he killed and if that was considered perfectly legal self-defense. Also, idk the law but he may not be forgiven for self-defense since he had the gun illegally in the first place.

To be clear, the 17 year old is not "innocent" person in my opinion. However I do agree that the narratives that he was the instigator and went to the protests to specifically kill people is a ridiculous accusation at this point in time.

You mean the 36 YO convicted sex offender and felon Joseph Rosenbaum who was hurling molotav cocktails and charging at him while he sprinted away? With it all on tape?

The kid is going to win massive lawsuits after all this. Media's scumbag ways are going to hurt their pockets for their framing of the event. Sandman x100.

08-28-2020, 11:10 AM
You mean the 36 YO convicted sex offender and felon Joseph Rosenbaum who was hurling molotav cocktails and charging at him while he sprinted away? With it all on tape?

The kid is going to win massive lawsuits after all this. Media's scumbag ways are going to hurt their pockets for their framing of the event. Sandman x100.

The guy did NOT through a molotov cocktail...it was a plastic bag, come on man. I've seen ALL the videos release so far...and I think this first victim was an idiot. He was being very rowdy before the shooting and, get this, was actually saying "shoot me nig.ga, shoot me" to some people with guns. Not only was he antagonizing them...but he was a white guy freely saying nig.ga at a BLM movement...lol can't make that up.

But seriously, don't say he through a molotov cocktail...he was indeed chasing the 17 year old who had a gun.

08-28-2020, 12:16 PM
You mean the 36 YO convicted sex offender and felon Joseph Rosenbaum who was hurling molotav cocktails and charging at him while he sprinted away? With it all on tape?

The kid is going to win massive lawsuits after all this. Media's scumbag ways are going to hurt their pockets for their framing of the event. Sandman x100.

You have the legal acumen of daffy duck. He was charged with first-degree intentional homicide which has a mandatory life sentence if found guilty. Unless his public defender is Mark O'Mara he got problems .

08-28-2020, 12:25 PM
People don't care about the facts in 2020. All that matters is that the police used excessive force on a black man. I thought the more alarming issue was the 17 y.o white kid shooting & killing 2 protesters without the cops even arresting him on the spot.

And where are the All Lives and Blue Lives Matter fanboys on that? In fact, you see conservatives like Tucker Carlson displaying almost a support for what that sick kid did.

08-28-2020, 12:48 PM
Kyle Rittenhouse is a hero. And if these terrorists from BLM continue destroying properties of hard working American people because of some pedophiles and rapists there will be more people like Kyle who will take a stand against these terrorists, because police obviously can't do shit, because no matter what they do, they are being called out as racists by these terrorists.

08-28-2020, 01:49 PM
Pretty embarrassing that athletes and Black America are making idols of such horrible people.

Pretty embarrassing you think mass protests are about specific incidents and not that those incidents are the tipping points. Maybe listen to black people on why they protest. It isn't life is perfect and then they saw George Floyd get killed. It is they have experienced police brutality or seen others experience it and seen the cops get away with it. Hell, one of my best friends is from Nigeria and has a PHD. He is the farthest thing from a criminal you will ever meet and he has been pulled over a few times and followed by police other times because he is successful and drives a nice car.

On top of all that, there needs to be serious police reform if you think it is ok for a cop to shoot a guy 7x just because he is a criminal. Committing a crime should not be a death sentence.

08-28-2020, 02:11 PM

So this is the anti protestor's hero? He just did what they wish they had the balls to do.

08-28-2020, 02:12 PM
Flawed people's lives matter too. Maybe he was going for his knife or gun. But should you shoot someone just for reaching? What if he wasn't going for a weapon at all? What if he was going for his wallet/registration? What if he forgot to set the parking brake on his car and went to set it? The cops shouldn't shoot someone just because they appeared to be reaching for something. Until cops have a weapon drawn at them or they are being physically attacked, they shouldn't be shooting anyone.

08-28-2020, 02:23 PM
Flawed people's lives matter too. Maybe he was going for his knife or gun. But should you shoot someone just for reaching? What if he wasn't going for a weapon at all? What if he was going for his wallet/registration? What if he forgot to set the parking brake on his car and went to set it? The cops shouldn't shoot someone just because they appeared to be reaching for something. Until cops have a weapon drawn at them or they are being physically attacked, they shouldn't be shooting anyone.

Black flawed males, it's too much, their behaviour is the real issue, ****ing behave.. or get shot 7 times or get a knee pushed on your neck. Behave, clean up the black community. There's a million black males in prison, they didn't get shot.. the problem is the million black criminals in prison. No need to check for your WaLlEt aNd ReGiStRaTiOn after wrestling with cops and them trying to taser you.

08-28-2020, 02:40 PM
Black flawed males, it's too much, their behaviour is the real issue, ****ing behave.. or get shot 7 times or get a knee pushed on your neck. Behave, clean up the black community. There's a million black males in prison, they didn't get shot.. the problem is the million black criminals in prison. No need to check for your WaLlEt aNd ReGiStRaTiOn after wrestling with cops and them trying to taser you.

White people on this board don’t care about innocent blood being shed as long as it is not their blood. I care about my people that’s why it hurts. Because the crooked cops got me under surveillance as it is.

08-28-2020, 02:50 PM
Pretty embarrassing you think mass protests are about specific incidents and not that those incidents are the tipping points. Maybe listen to black people on why they protest. It isn't life is perfect and then they saw George Floyd get killed. It is they have experienced police brutality or seen others experience it and seen the cops get away with it. Hell, one of my best friends is from Nigeria and has a PHD. He is the farthest thing from a criminal you will ever meet and he has been pulled over a few times and followed by police other times because he is successful and drives a nice car.

On top of all that, there needs to be serious police reform if you think it is ok for a cop to shoot a guy 7x just because he is a criminal. Committing a crime should not be a death sentence.

Don't you see how misguided that is though? Think about it. To the people BLM are trying to convince they use these "tipping points" as unsavory type people? Not to mention drawing the conclusion with no evidence. And when evidence comes out it's immediately ignored and those who side with evidence are ousted?

These protests should start from correcting the problem within. Because had the NBA closed down being sparked by the Blake incident, we'll look back on it and shake our heads over how poor our judgments are. hindsight is 20/20

Patrick Chewing
08-28-2020, 02:50 PM
Only in America can a convicted criminal who resists arrest and reach for a weapon stop the NBA dead in its tracks.

08-28-2020, 02:55 PM
It probably all started because Mike Breen's call on Luka's game winner. Breen gave Luka a double "Bang bang". When does Breen ever give black players a bang two different times? Black game winners matter.

08-28-2020, 02:56 PM
People don't care about the facts in 2020. All that matters is that the police used excessive force on a black man. I thought the more alarming issue was the 17 y.o white kid shooting & killing 2 protesters without the cops even arresting him on the spot.

A case in point regarding how cops treat whites and blacks

They get water and Burger King for mass murderers that are white, and murder petty criminal that are black

Patrick Chewing
08-28-2020, 03:05 PM
A case in point regarding how cops treat whites and blacks

They get water and Burger King for mass murderers that are white, and murder petty criminal that are black

That's a lot of Black people that are killed then, seeing as Blacks commit a lot of crime in this country. Can you point me to all the bodies? Cause the bodies must be piling up by now if cops are just killing Blacks for anything. What are some of the names of the Blacks being killed? You know, besides the same three or four that get recycled on a daily basis by you people. What are their names? Let's hear them.

08-28-2020, 04:17 PM
There's clear cut video evidence he was being attacked by an armed mob when he shot them.

There's zero chance the current charge sticks. And he's gonna get a SANDMAN payday at the end of it.

Sandman likely settled for extremely little (compared to his insane demands) There's a reason he didn't announce the amount he actually got. I read a lawyer's breakdown of the case, and apparently he would have to prove that the news agencies were purposefully and maliciously publishing false information. Apparently this is really hard to prove, which is why those types of defamation cases are rare. Then the amount of the payout (if he won a trial) would be based on his potential lost earnings. For example, of you defamed LeBron and got him wrongfully fired from the NBA, he would get a much larger payout from you compared to say, me (because my lost earnings would be much lower). Unless this high school kid can prove he was on track to make millions (and the defamation will prevent him from doing it) he won't get millions.

The lawyer predicted Sandman got like $50k in the end.

08-28-2020, 04:30 PM
HL Mencken once said that “the trouble with fighting for human freedom is that one spends most of one's time defending scoundrels. For it is against scoundrels that oppressive laws are first aimed, and oppression must be stopped at the beginning if it is to be stopped at all.”

08-28-2020, 04:36 PM
HL Mencken once said that “the trouble with fighting for human freedom is that one spends most of one's time defending scoundrels. For it is against scoundrels that oppressive laws are first aimed, and oppression must be stopped at the beginning if it is to be stopped at all.”

Haha... reminds me of this book, which I love:


Spurs m8
08-29-2020, 06:55 AM
You realize it's not all about this 1 guy right? It's been boiling over, this was the tipping point.

The tipping point should be a legitimate death though...

They using this for divide and rioting....they don't care about black lives...THIS is what people should be mad about as well.

08-29-2020, 07:20 AM
Jacob's parents


08-29-2020, 08:03 AM
Jacob's parents


Damn... total ether. Even the guys parents know whats up.

08-29-2020, 09:40 AM
Damn... total ether. Even the guys parents know whats up.

The mother made a distinction between BLM and the rioters, claiming she was disgusted with BLM is false.
People like you are so caught up in being anti-BLM, you fail to understand most people who are fighting against inequality do so peacefully. That is Jacobs mother and Attorney Ben Grump, not mother and father. His father spoke at the March on Washington yesterday.
The ether you speak about is only in your mind! In real life this is not a game, peoples lives have been tragically destroyed by an act that should not have happened. The ether is this country is tearing itself apart through tribalism.

08-29-2020, 09:54 AM
The mother made a distinction between BLM and the rioters, claiming she was disgusted with BLM is false.
People like you are so caught up in being anti-BLM, you fail to understand most people who are fighting against inequality do so peacefully. That is Jacobs mother and Attorney Ben Grump, not mother and father. His father spoke at the March on Washington yesterday.
The ether you speak about is only in your mind! In real life this is not a game, peoples lives have been tragically destroyed by an act that should not have happened. The ether is this country is tearing itself apart through tribalism.

Man.. I had a feeling that pedophile rapist didn't have a father or had a weak one.

08-29-2020, 10:25 AM
Man.. I had a feeling that pedophile rapist didn't have a father or had a weak one.

I bet you don't even know that raping black women used to be legal. Rapist and pedophiles could brutalize and violate women and still be considered upstanding citizens back in the day. I guess you are not familiar with "He that is without sin among you let him first cast a stone"

08-29-2020, 10:29 AM
I bet you don't even know that raping black women used to be legal. Rapist and pedophiles could brutalize and violate women and still be considered upstanding citizens back in the day. I guess you are not familiar with "He that is without sin among you let him first cast a stone"


Patrick Chewing
08-29-2020, 11:14 AM
How many Black people were shot by cops today? Seeing as many of you believe they are being hunted daily. Where the bodies at?

08-29-2020, 01:37 PM
Jacob's parents


Even mama knows the truth. Wow. 2 minutes and 36 seconds of pure ether.

"As his mother, please do not burn up buildings or cause havoc. Do not use my child or his tragedy to react in that manner, it is just not acceptable. It is not helping Jacob."