View Full Version : Players with no valid comparison.

09-08-2020, 06:54 PM
With almost everyone you can say they are a rich mans this or poor mans that. Or the next evolution...whatever.

Like Melo. I’d say the melo “type” would be Glenn Robinson at the bottom and Bernard King at the top with Melo in the middle. The Rondo “type” has an obvious best version. Jason Kidd. A few guys could be the bottom version. For a guy like Barkley you have Larry Johnson as the step down and Clarence Weatherspoon I guess as the worst version.

But some people are too unique aren’t they?

I believe so....and I can think of a couple...but I’d like to hear who comes to mind for you.

I will mention one name....

Manu. Manu has nobody else on his totem pole does he? No better version...no worse. Manu was the only Manu-ish player ever...right?

09-08-2020, 06:56 PM
Shawn Marion.

09-08-2020, 06:57 PM
For Manu I'd say Harden. Both lefites. Both euro step masters. And both 3 pt let it loose guys.

Both flopped too.

09-08-2020, 07:00 PM
I feel like Harden is too aggressive a scorer to be the step up from Manu. Though I must admit a lot of us compared the two when Harden was still a 6th man.

09-08-2020, 07:12 PM

elementally morale
09-08-2020, 07:14 PM
I think it boils down to this:

If you are a truly unique player there wasn't and won't be a former and next 'you' due to the fact that a better version of you would not be fair... like a cheatcode... and a worse version of you is just not a very good player. Examples of this are players like Pippen. A worse Pippen won't be a starter... wont't be in the league at all. And an improved Pippen is probably the best player of all time by a large margin. It rks with better players, too. Baby-Shaq is not Shaq and a better Shaq is not human.

09-08-2020, 07:18 PM
Robert Williams. Can’t really think of a player that he can be compared to. Not saying that Williams is one of a kind, I just can’t find a legit comparison.

elementally morale
09-08-2020, 07:22 PM
James Worthy is a good example. No comparison.

And I think Steph Curry is a good example, too. A player taking the shots Curry does and missing 10-15% more is not a 'worse Curry' but a bum. And a better Curry means you have to play basketball in full-court defense style for 48 minutes.

09-08-2020, 07:23 PM
Theres a lot of room for worse Pippens. The Shaq example I agree with though.

09-08-2020, 07:24 PM

09-08-2020, 07:37 PM
Players I thought of first were Shaq, Russel Westbrook, Dirk, Rasheed Wallace, Karl Anthony Towns, Charles Barkley, Kristaps Porzingis, Kevin Garnett, Rip Hamilton.

I'd argue Kristaps and Dirk are unique because Kristaps was not nearly the face up on ball player Dirk was and is a true rim protector. Maybe KAT is a bit in the Dirk mold though tbh. But KAT just shoots from such a volume from 3 and is shooting stepbacks. Dirk didn't shoot that many 3s, operated in the midrange post a lot more. KAT also isn't a great passer in the Jokic/Cousins type of vein while not being a defensive stalwart either.

Shaq and Westbrook are unique just because of their unique athleticism. Westbrook is a guard who can't shoot who averaged a 30 point triple double. Insane. Only comp I could think is D-Wade but I think they are really different players regardless. Shaq just has no comp imo.

Barkley just had such a weird body for his position. Unique kind of athelete.

Rasheed Wallace maybe you could say was a poor man's KG, but KG had the passing that makes them different from each other. KG just had a total package I don't think anyone else had - had more athleticism than Duncan more size than other great all around PFs.

Rip was kinda a weird guy because he wasn't really a 3 point shooter. Most of those run off screen guys are 3 point specialists but Rip made it work from the midrange. Wasn't that big or a terrific defender either to fit the 3D archetype - although those Pistons teams were great defensively. He still had a successful career though in his unique niche.

09-08-2020, 08:01 PM
Rip was kinda a weird guy because he wasn't really a 3 point shooter. Most of those run off screen guys are 3 point specialists but Rip made it work from the midrange. Wasn't that big or a terrific defender either to fit the 3D archetype - although those Pistons teams were great defensively. He still had a successful career though in his unique niche.

Rip patterned his whole Nba game from Miller just without the three. It helps that they had the same coach (Larry Brown) that pushed him to play that way.

If Rip Hamilton never existed I would say Reggie Miller was a player with no valid comparison which makes it hard to explain his type of "effectiveness" to most people unless you watched him a ton of times in his prime.

09-08-2020, 08:07 PM
Davis Bertans. What other big has such a quick trigger catch and shoot game?

09-08-2020, 08:14 PM
Players I thought of first were Shaq, Russel Westbrook, Dirk, Rasheed Wallace, Karl Anthony Towns, Charles Barkley, Kristaps Porzingis, Kevin Garnett, Rip Hamilton.

I'd argue Kristaps and Dirk are unique because Kristaps was not nearly the face up on ball player Dirk was and is a true rim protector. Maybe KAT is a bit in the Dirk mold though tbh. But KAT just shoots from such a volume from 3 and is shooting stepbacks. Dirk didn't shoot that many 3s, operated in the midrange post a lot more. KAT also isn't a great passer in the Jokic/Cousins type of vein while not being a defensive stalwart either.

Shaq and Westbrook are unique just because of their unique athleticism. Westbrook is a guard who can't shoot who averaged a 30 point triple double. Insane. Only comp I could think is D-Wade but I think they are really different players regardless. Shaq just has no comp imo.

Barkley just had such a weird body for his position. Unique kind of athelete.

Rasheed Wallace maybe you could say was a poor man's KG, but KG had the passing that makes them different from each other. KG just had a total package I don't think anyone else had - had more athleticism than Duncan more size than other great all around PFs.

Rip was kinda a weird guy because he wasn't really a 3 point shooter. Most of those run off screen guys are 3 point specialists but Rip made it work from the midrange. Wasn't that big or a terrific defender either to fit the 3D archetype - although those Pistons teams were great defensively. He still had a successful career though in his unique niche.

Rasheed and KG?

Stanley Kobrick
09-08-2020, 08:17 PM
i always though kobe was a unique player with his own style. practically invented post play for guards and the godfather of footwork

09-08-2020, 08:36 PM
Mark Jackson was the smallest guy on the floor (atleast height wise) posting up all the time. His scoring arsenal was more suited for a big player with his array of hookshots and other post moves. Andre Miller played similar but he was more polished in his game. He also reminds me of Magic but that dude was 6'9" so the post game is not surprising.

09-08-2020, 09:15 PM
Manu I would say was Pippen. Best realistic sidekick you can have unless its like a Durant Warriors situation. Both great ball handlers-passers and tough/clutch.

Horace Grant was Al Horford

Dragic is a poor man's Gail Goodrich?

09-08-2020, 09:21 PM
Avy says it all

Chris Paul

Goat mid range, amazing passer and defender, can score 20 at will

No one can pass, defend, and score like him in that combo for a 6-foot guy

09-08-2020, 09:25 PM

Particularly if he develops an outside shot.

I know some people like to draw vague or minor parallels to Kemp and Bron but I feel like this kid is a hybrid of his own ilk.

09-08-2020, 09:27 PM

Particularly if he develops an outside shot.

I know some people like to draw vague or minor parallels to Kemp and Bron but I feel like this kid is a hybrid of his own ilk.

Reminds me more of granmama LJ than anyone else

09-08-2020, 09:44 PM
Manu might well be the only Manu.

Manu is Han Solo. He's MIA most of the time (relative to talent level) but he's utterly fearless and has an uncanny ability to pull off surprising and risky moves. He throws a wrench into the machine and disrupts just enough to tip the scales in favor of his team.

That's the exact opposite of Harden. Harden is Vader. Cold, steady dominance, but at the end of the day he just isn't the guy who's going to win. He has a way of manipulating the situation to look invincible, but the more intense and personal things get, the more clear it becomes that he's just a man.

09-08-2020, 10:20 PM
I would say KAJ. No other player resembles his game. Same as shaq. I dont think any other center has played as powerfully as he has.