View Full Version : We teamed up Lebron with Kareem and now we're going to call him goat when they win?

09-12-2020, 11:53 AM
It's fraudulent.... A scam.... DON'T GO FOR IT

Lebron refreshed his team every 4 years with a new set of prime studs - he avoided dealing with rookies or aging players - he hopped onto teams favored to win the title in Year 1 (2011, 2015), aka the easiest path possible..

and now he teams up with Kareem and we're supposed to call him the goat of he wins?.. gtfo.. I wasn't born yesterday.. heck, his Finals streak only began AFTER he formed a super-team in a conference that weak teams were routinely winning - AI, Dwight, Lebron and Kidd won with weak casts from 01-09', so obviously a super-team will win every year after that.

Ultimately, Lebron's entire resume is manufactured and I'm not falling for it because I have the eye test that never fails me - it shows that lebron isn't an elite shooter from anywhere on the floor and infact avoids contested jumpers (defers them to lesser teammates) - his weak jumpshooting skill means that he almost never "gets hot" or "takes over" so you don't need to throw bodies at him (single-coverage is optimal)... And his ball-dominance ensures that he plays the inferior brand..

so his ball-dominance and weak jumpshooting are achilles heels and result in 0*/9 (inferior brand and weak jumpshooting = zero #1 offenses and worst-ever championship record of modern era/3-pointer basketball)

09-12-2020, 11:54 AM
Are you ok?

Turbo Slayer
09-12-2020, 11:56 AM
AD is not Kareem. :facepalm

Your threads are becoming a little bit annoying...

09-12-2020, 11:56 AM
I think most posters understand this caveat by now and many if not most logical people would agree to some extent. But why do you keep having to say it? At some point it just becomes annoying and your threads turn into troll threads from LeBron fans and MJ fans.

09-12-2020, 12:03 PM
I think most posters understand this caveat by now and many if not most logical people would agree to some extent. But why do you keep having to say it? At some point it just becomes annoying and your threads turn into troll threads from LeBron fans and MJ fans.


Most people don't understand this because lebron was in the running for MVP this year

AD was a dpoy candidate, so he handles the dpoy defense for the Lakers - that alone disqualifies lebron from MVP because Giannis was the DPOY.. Giannis was clearly the MVP, yet fans and media tried to inflate lebron to a legit candidate... Yet AD leads the Lakers in.... everything except ball-dominance/assists

09-12-2020, 12:08 PM
And most people don't realize that lebron refreshed his cast with prime studs every 4 years

He landed on Year 1 favorites, aka the easiest path

So no, most people DON'T realize that this resume is manufactured and that he's a fraud

Hey Yo
09-12-2020, 12:11 PM

Most people don't understand this because lebron was in the running for MVP this year

AD was a dpoy candidate, so he handles the dpoy defense for the Lakers - that alone disqualifies lebron from MVP because Giannis was the DPOY.. Giannis was clearly the MVP, yet fans and media tried to inflate lebron to a legit candidate... Yet AD leads the Lakers in.... everything except ball-dominance/assists
In his 17th consecutive season??? That's some GOAT stuff!!

Where did MJ finish in MVP voting his 17th consecutive season?

09-12-2020, 12:11 PM
Ummmm no? Lebron is already the GOAT :lol

09-12-2020, 12:34 PM
AD=Kareem. :roll:

I think most posters understand this caveat by now and many if not most logical people would agree to some extent.

What, that LeBron has a stacked team? Every championship team is stacked, other than once a generation type teams like the 11' Mavs or 94' Rockets.

09-12-2020, 12:58 PM
Lebron's window to be GOAT already passed but he is definitely in the top 4 all time. Mount Rushmore.

Ironically to the OP's post, in my opinion Lebron is still chasing Kareem for second best all time (it's really close). Honestly if Lebron has another superstar year or two left in his career then he is without a doubt number 2 to me.

Yes, we know MJ NEVER played with anyone as good as AD...but MJ's competition was weaker than what has happened in the 2010's. OP always focuses on Lebron's teammates but ignores that his comp is better routinely than anything MJ faced in the 90's.

09-12-2020, 01:01 PM
Ad might not be Kareem but you give Kobe ad and he’s winning championships too.

09-12-2020, 01:04 PM

09-12-2020, 01:07 PM
Melting hard and it's only the 2nd round, dude sit back and watch the effing games. Maybe then you'd know how mind numbingly stupid it is to say Davis = Kareem.

09-12-2020, 01:41 PM
Let them prove something before the meltdown. They beat the 30th ranked blazers defense and up 3-1 on Mike Dumb'toni midget ball. We have yet to see them face real competition.

09-12-2020, 01:49 PM
These are the type of threads I'd expect from Lebron haters after they won the title. There is still more work to do for the Lakers to get there before you can yell and scream about him having a loaded team. Most Lebron haters are saying the Clippers will take them out which might happen. Clippers got a great team. I'd go that route before going into meltdown mode about Anthony Davis being the greatest player ever and how Lebron is just a scrub.

As for the MVP talk, Lebron isn't going to win it, but definitely deserves to be a finalist. He once again had a great year where he scored 25ppg on 51% shooting and led the league in assists on the top seeded team in the west. To do that in your 17th year is pretty impressive. Magic Johnson played with the actual Kareem had won mvps with that type of season.

09-12-2020, 01:50 PM
op, do you ever take a day off from this schtick?

09-12-2020, 02:00 PM
Prime Kareem in the playoffs with Magic Johnson from '80'-'86:

25/9/4/2 on 116 ORTG and +14 splits.

Anthony Davis in the playoffs right now:

29/11/4/2 on 133 ORTG and +29 splits

Holy shit.


I didn't even realize AD was playing that good.

09-12-2020, 02:02 PM
Ad might not be Kareem

Every metric so far has him ahead of Lakers Kareem. We'll see if he can finish strong and truly prove it, but thats what he's at right now.

09-12-2020, 02:03 PM
Prime Kareem in the playoffs with Magic Johnson from '80'-'86:

Anthony Davis in the playoffs right now:

Holy shit.


I didn't even realize AD was playing that good.
LeBron making his teammates better :applause:

09-12-2020, 02:13 PM
LeBron making his teammates better :applause:

A lot to juggle for Lebron haters right now. :roll:

09-12-2020, 02:13 PM
Prime Kareem in the playoffs with Magic Johnson from '80'-'86:

Anthony Davis in the playoffs right now:

Holy shit.


I didn't even realize AD was playing that good.

Because he isn’t. You don’t need to google to see if someone is on an all time elite level. It makes itself obvious even if nobody was recording the numbers.

09-12-2020, 02:44 PM
LeBron making his teammates better :applause:

He has played extremely well with Lebron.

But he averaged 31/13 in the playoffs with the Pelicans so he was clearly capable of it.

09-12-2020, 02:46 PM
Because he isn’t. You don’t need to google to see if someone is on an all time elite level. It makes itself obvious even if nobody was recording the numbers.

I mean... he is. He's been dominating at a level above Laker's Kareem but he has to finish it. If he busts in upcoming series... plays bad, loses etc. then yea we'd have to conclude otherwise.

09-12-2020, 02:47 PM
He has played extremely well with Lebron.

But he averaged 31/13 in the playoffs with the Pelicans so he was clearly capable of it.
His advanced playoff stats are MASSIVELY better with LeBron. Safe to say LeBron is getting him easier looks and teaching him stuff.

09-12-2020, 02:49 PM
His advanced playoff stats are MASSIVELY better with LeBron. Safe to say LeBron is getting him easier looks and teaching him stuff.

I thought LeBron "hurt" star players next to him. Interesting phenomena we have here.

09-12-2020, 02:52 PM
His advanced playoff stats are MASSIVELY better with LeBron. Safe to say LeBron is getting him easier looks and teaching him stuff.


It turns out... Lebron is a much better player than jrue holiday. Who would have thunk it, right mate?

He certainly isn't "teaching" him anything... he was already a 30+ ppg scorer double digit rebounder before Lebron. What Lebron is doing is he's making defenses focus on himself and AD, instead of AD just being targeted alone like he was in New Orleans. Less intense defensive pressure is allowing him to go off even more than he did with the Pelicans where his splits were all very positive to begin with.

09-12-2020, 02:55 PM
It is comical that we have a 24/7 crusade from MJ stans always bitching about LeBron having a great team around him (the argument being that his "casts" were vastly superior to what any other team had)--with the irony completely lost on these clowns.

Now we are hearing AD ("a guy who once finished 3rd in MVP" as 1-9ball would put it)=Kareem, a 6x MVP (more than M Jay himself!), to further this nonsense and hypocrisy.

LeBron making his teammates better


MJ stans: "MJ's teammates sucked before him, with him, and after him!"
LeBron stans: "LeBron makes his teammates better. Look at how good Davis is now!"

Which argument is stronger and smarter?

Lebron's window to be GOAT already passed

Probably--yet it is crystal clear MJ stans are laughably terrified of the LeBron threat and cracking under the rising pressure.

09-12-2020, 02:57 PM
I thought LeBron "hurt" star players next to him. Interesting phenomena we have here.

It's... but... COLLUSION!!!

09-12-2020, 04:16 PM
There are legit arguments for Kareem being the GOAT. Not saying he is, but there are arguments to support that. Davis doesn't even have an MVP or a ring. Calling him Kareem is beyond ridiculous.

09-12-2020, 04:24 PM
Prime Kareem in the playoffs with Magic Johnson from '80'-'86:

Anthony Davis in the playoffs right now:

Holy shit.


I didn't even realize AD was playing that good.

Lebrons in his late prime as was Kareem. It doesn’t work positionally but lebrons Kareem and ads magic. Still the lakers having just role players around them instead of all stars means they’re not going make any all time great team lists unless they go like 8-2 the rest of the way

09-12-2020, 04:33 PM
It's fraudulent.... A scam.... DON'T GO FOR IT

Lebron refreshed his team every 4 years with a new set of prime studs - he avoided dealing with rookies or aging players - he hopped onto teams favored to win the title in Year 1 (2011, 2015), aka the easiest path possible..

and now he teams up with Kareem and we're supposed to call him the goat of he wins?.. gtfo.. I wasn't born yesterday.. heck, his Finals streak only began AFTER he formed a super-team in a conference that weak teams were routinely winning - AI, Dwight, Lebron and Kidd won with weak casts from 01-09', so obviously a super-team will win every year after that.

Ultimately, Lebron's entire resume is manufactured and I'm not falling for it because I have the eye test that never fails me - it shows that lebron isn't an elite shooter from anywhere on the floor and infact avoids contested jumpers (defers them to lesser teammates) - his weak jumpshooting skill means that he almost never "gets hot" or "takes over" so you don't need to throw bodies at him (single-coverage is optimal)... And his ball-dominance ensures that he plays the inferior brand..

so his ball-dominance and weak jumpshooting are achilles heels and result in 0*/9 (inferior brand and weak jumpshooting = zero #1 offenses and worst-ever championship record of modern era/3-pointer basketball)

:applause: Excellent post bravo!:applause:


09-12-2020, 04:39 PM
Lebrons in his late prime as was Kareem. It doesn’t work positionally but lebrons Kareem and ads magic. Still the lakers having just role players around them instead of all stars means they’re not going make any all time great team lists unless they go like 8-2 the rest of the way

Yup... that's true although like you said it's weird from a style POV. Everybody knows AD is the driving force on the Lakers, and Lebron is his second banana, an all time great one. What remains to be seen is if AD can follow through on his performances. If they beat the Clippers, I don't see how Boston could hang with them. They have nobody to guard Davis, but Smart, Brown, and Tatum to throw at Lebron.

09-12-2020, 04:53 PM
There are legit arguments for Kareem being the GOAT. Not saying he is, but there are arguments to support that. Davis doesn't even have an MVP or a ring. Calling him Kareem is beyond ridiculous.


Lebrons in his late prime as was Kareem. It doesn’t work positionally but lebrons Kareem and ads magic. Still the lakers having just role players around them instead of all stars means they’re not going make any all time great team lists unless they go like 8-2 the rest of the way

In the career stages sense but Kareem, LeBron, Magic, AD. One of these things is not like the others.

09-12-2020, 04:58 PM
Melting hard and it's only the 2nd round, dude sit back and watch the effing games. Maybe then you'd know how mind numbingly

stupid it is to say Davis = Kareem.

You don't like the Kareem comparison?.. You're right.. Kareem's PER is dwarfed by AD (#3 all-time)... How about we use Hakeem, or Robinson, Malone.... Any all-time dominant big - AD/Lebron is like teaming up Malone/Barkley, at WORST.. but closer to Hakeem or Kareem for AD

09-12-2020, 05:04 PM
What has AD done that warrants being mentioned in the same sentence as Kareem?

09-12-2020, 05:12 PM
Yup... that's true although like you said it's weird from a style POV. Everybody knows AD is the driving force on the Lakers, and Lebron is his second banana, an all time great one. What remains to be seen is if AD can follow through on his performances. If they beat the Clippers, I don't see how Boston could hang with them. They have nobody to guard Davis, but Smart, Brown, and Tatum to throw at Lebron.

But you know that’s not true haha. Lebron was more of a driving force during the regular season. Ad is better during playoffs so far but lebron doesn’t have no case(you seen the pipm numbers). Playmaking definitely matters when it comes to helping teams win.

Thing with Kareem/magic is magic wasn’t always the driving force either. Kareem was for some early years. It’s also not safe to assume the Celtics win. The heat do have wing defenders in crowder iggy butler to throw at bron but bams not an easy matchup for ad. I do agree ad has a better chance at winning fmvp and guess that’s all that will matter

09-12-2020, 05:15 PM
Magic won 3 MVP's and was top 3 in MVP 9x (vs. Davis "a guy who once finished 3rd in MVP" as 1-9ball would put it). What has Davis done in 8 seasons to be equated to Magic Johnson let alone the GOAT KAJ?

If AD=Magic or AD=Kareem, this is the GOAT era and LeBron is the GOAT if Kareem/Magic is a "sidekick" to 35 year old LeBron. #Agendaboomerang :oldlol:

09-12-2020, 05:17 PM
Lebron was more of a driving force during the regular season. Ad is better during playoffs so far

I agree with that. I've always held the playoffs in higher regard than the regular season though.

09-12-2020, 05:18 PM
It's fraudulent.... A scam.... DON'T GO FOR IT

Lebron refreshed his team every 4 years with a new set of prime studs - he avoided dealing with rookies or aging players - he hopped onto teams favored to win the title in Year 1 (2011, 2015), aka the easiest path possible..

and now he teams up with Kareem and we're supposed to call him the goat of he wins?.. gtfo.. I wasn't born yesterday.. heck, his Finals streak only began AFTER he formed a super-team in a conference that weak teams were routinely winning - AI, Dwight, Lebron and Kidd won with weak casts from 01-09', so obviously a super-team will win every year after that.

Ultimately, Lebron's entire resume is manufactured and I'm not falling for it because I have the eye test that never fails me - it shows that lebron isn't an elite shooter from anywhere on the floor and infact avoids contested jumpers (defers them to lesser teammates) - his weak jumpshooting skill means that he almost never "gets hot" or "takes over" so you don't need to throw bodies at him (single-coverage is optimal)... And his ball-dominance ensures that he plays the inferior brand..

so his ball-dominance and weak jumpshooting are achilles heels and result in 0*/9 (inferior brand and weak jumpshooting = zero #1 offenses and worst-ever championship record of modern era/3-pointer basketball)

come on bruh ad is no kareem. He's just playing in an era with suspect bigs.

Spurs m8
09-12-2020, 05:19 PM
Lebron refreshed his team every 4 years with a new set of prime studs - he avoided dealing with rookies or aging players - he hopped onto teams favored to win the title in Year 1 (2011, 2015), aka the easiest path possible..

This part is extremely weak of our PED abusing, collusion loving friend

09-12-2020, 05:22 PM
I agree with that. I've always held the playoffs in higher regard than the regular season though.

And over the past 8 seasons, Lebron has won 21 playoff series and AD 2...

09-12-2020, 05:26 PM
And over the past 8 seasons, Lebron has won 21 playoff series and AD 2...

Compare their teams and conferences and you'll see why that is.

The Lakers couldn't even make the playoffs last year without AD.

09-12-2020, 05:30 PM
I agree with that. I've always held the playoffs in higher regard than the regular season though.

Alright fair enough. There’s a pretty good chance ad is the best player throughout the run. In that way I guess ad/bron are still like late magic/Kareem with the young guy being more of a driving force while the old guys still clearly top 5

09-12-2020, 05:34 PM
I mean... he is. He's been dominating at a level above Laker's Kareem but he has to finish it. If he busts in upcoming series... plays bad, loses etc. then yea we'd have to conclude otherwise.

Just because there is a rough max production level that’s realistic doesn’t mean everyone producing it is an equal. And that’s in the same league. 40 years apart? It’s barely even worth it to compare numbers to begin with.

Hey Yo
09-12-2020, 05:41 PM
This part is extremely weak of our PED abusing, collusion loving friend

LOL @ you changing your screen name again.


09-12-2020, 05:47 PM
AD had as many seasons finishing in the lottery as he did playoff wins in New Orleans, let's pump the breaks on the Kareem comparisons :lol

09-12-2020, 05:49 PM
LOL @ you changing your screen name again.


Should change it to Lebron h8

09-12-2020, 05:53 PM
AD=Kareem. Damn, this era is by far the most stacked in NBA history if Kareem would go from 6x MVP to one 3rd place and one 5th place finish in this era. LeBron won 4 MVP's in an era where Kareem hasn't won any?

09-12-2020, 06:03 PM
Good post OP. Lebron is a serial team-hopper and front-runner. NBA's two most historic franchises in Lakers and Boston were literally battling to trade their entire teams for Davis, and we're supposed to just ignore this fact or the fact that Davis is top three all-time in PER. Davis just falls right into Lebron's lap just like Bosh and Love (two other top five PER guys when they signed with LeNBA) and everybody's supposed to just pat Lebron on the back and pretend that the league isn't stacking the deck for the dude. It's not just the top players. Lebron has gone through more teammates than a New York hotdog stand does customers. He's traded his entire team TWICE, lol. The whole thing is just a shameless ring chasing and ratings grab, competition and parity be damned on the part of NBA.

09-12-2020, 06:12 PM
come on bruh ad is no kareem. He's just playing in an era with suspect bigs.
Man, this proves that op is just utterly delusional.

09-12-2020, 06:42 PM
AD=Kareem. Damn, this era is by far the most stacked in NBA history if Kareem would go from 6x MVP to one 3rd place and one 5th place finish in this era. LeBron won 4 MVP's in an era where Kareem hasn't won any?

This will be ignored.

09-12-2020, 06:56 PM
Fun fact fellas.

Kareem wasn't winning MVP's during the Showtime Laker's Dynasty. He won one in 1980 but had to sit out the championship game while a rookie Magic took his place at center. And won them the ring on his back against a Dr. J led Sixers squad. Kareem won his MVP's in the 70's. When he barely won shit. You can look at the playoff production & impact right now. AD is simply way better.

He has to finish it... but as of today it's not an argument. I'm still chuckling at the sight of Kareem trying to slide and recover on today's perimeter offenses. That slow, bald, goggle wearing mfer wouldn't be able to keep up with a paper bag. :lol

09-12-2020, 07:01 PM
This will be ignored.

Yup. They wrap themselves into contradiction after contradiction because all they care about is furthering an agenda at a given moment. They never stop to think about how what they are saying squares with what they said in the past. They can't answer how the implication of their hype of Davis is this era must be the GOAT era if a Kareem level player is being debated as maybe not even top 5 (LeBron, Kawhi, Giannis, Luka, Harden, AD--one player has to be voted off "Top 5" island) or how the implication by OP and his followers like ttrols that Pippen=Iggy means the 90's must have been a trash era where an Iggy level player would be a MVP candidate.

09-12-2020, 07:18 PM
Ha! Anthony Davis is suddenly as great as Kareem Abdul-Jabbar now to LeBron's haters. AD is a legit GOAT candidate to these people.

They're like, "Jordan, Russell, Kareem, Wilt and Anthony Davis."


Turbo Slayer
09-12-2020, 07:19 PM
Fun fact fellas.

Kareem wasn't winning MVP's during the Showtime Laker's Dynasty. He won one in 1980 but had to sit out the championship game while a rookie Magic took his place at center. And won them the ring on his back against a Dr. J led Sixers squad. Kareem won his MVP's in the 70's. When he barely won shit. You can look at the playoff production & impact right now. AD is simply way better.

He has to finish it... but as of today it's not an argument. I'm still chuckling at the sight of Kareem trying to slide and recover on today's perimeter offenses. That slow, bald, goggle wearing mfer wouldn't be able to keep up with a paper bag. :lol

Kareem wasn't winning MVP's during the Showtime Laker's Dynasty. You just contradicted your first sentence. You just said,¨He won one in 1980¨. That means he did won one MVP on the Showtime Lakers. :facepalm

He won one in 1980 but had to sit out the championship game while a rookie Magic took his place at center. And won them the ring on his back against a Dr. J led Sixers squad. You are conveniently ignoring that Kareem suffered a sprained ankle injury in Game 5. And he still came back in the 4th qtr hitting shots. He put up 40 points and 15 rebounds in that game. Kareem had a good case for winning Finals MVP in 1980.

Kareem won his MVP's in the 70's. When he barely won shit. You can look at the playoff production & impact right now. AD is simply way better.

09-12-2020, 07:22 PM
You just contradicted your first sentence. You just said,¨He won one in 1980¨. That means he did won one MVP on the Showtime Lakers. :facepalm

You are conveniently ignoring that Kareem suffered a sprained ankle injury in Game 5. And he still came back in the 4th qtr hitting shots. He put up 40 points and 15 rebounds in that game. Kareem had a good case for winning Finals MVP in 1980.


His point is stupid. Kareem is one of the greatest ever who won a title before going to LA. At the same time they really weren't the showtime Lakers until Pat Riley took over.

09-12-2020, 07:28 PM
Good post OP. Lebron is a serial team-hopper and front-runner. NBA's two most historic franchises in Lakers and Boston were literally battling to trade their entire teams for Davis, and we're supposed to just ignore this fact or the fact that Davis is top three all-time in PER. Davis just falls right into Lebron's lap just like Bosh and Love (two other top five PER guys when they signed with LeNBA) and everybody's supposed to just pat Lebron on the back and pretend that the league isn't stacking the deck for the dude. It's not just the top players. Lebron has gone through more teammates than a New York hotdog stand does customers. He's traded his entire team TWICE, lol. The whole thing is just a shameless ring chasing and ratings grab, competition and parity be damned on the part of NBA.
Lebron literally "team hopped" from conference champion Cavs team to a garbage Lakers franchise that were coming off 5 losing seasons. The Brow was hardly put in his lap. They had to trade two former top 2 picks and the 4th pick to get him along with other picks.

But yeah Anthony Davis is a great player. It takes great players to win in the NBA. For some reason Lebron gets penalized for having great teammates, but Michael Jordan playing on a 55 win team without him doesn't or Kawhi whose team was the 2 seed in the East after he left and 17-5 without him during his title season with them. If the Clippers win the title, it will be another season where Kawhi was on a great team. If Boston wins the title they'll have won it with 2 all stars, a first team all nba defensive player and two other guys that have been or will be all stars in Gordon Hayward and Jaylen Brown. Nobody wins a title alone.

Turbo Slayer
09-12-2020, 07:31 PM
Lebron literally "team hopped" from conference champion Cavs team to a garbage Lakers franchise that were coming off 5 losing seasons. The Brow was hardly put in his lap. They had to trade two former top 2 picks and the 4th pick to get him along with other picks.

But yeah Anthony Davis is a great player. It takes great players to win in the NBA. For some reason Lebron gets penalized for having great teammates, but Michael Jordan playing on a 55 win team without him doesn't or Kawhi whose team was the 2 seed in the East after he left and 17-5 without him during his title season with them. If the Clippers win the title, it will be another season where Kawhi was on a great team. If Boston wins the title they'll have won it with 2 all stars, a first team all nba defensive player and two other guys that have been or will be all stars in Gordon Hayward and Jaylen Brown. Nobody wins a title alone. Not to mention the Lakers lost Lonzo Ball, Hart, and Ingram just to acquire AD. If you take AD or LeBron off the Lakers become significantly worse.

09-12-2020, 07:34 PM
Good post OP. Lebron is a serial team-hopper and front-runner. NBA's two most historic franchises in Lakers and Boston were literally battling to trade their entire teams for Davis, and we're supposed to just ignore this fact or the fact that Davis is top three all-time in PER. Davis just falls right into Lebron's lap just like Bosh and Love (two other top five PER guys when they signed with LeNBA) and everybody's supposed to just pat Lebron on the back and pretend that the league isn't stacking the deck for the dude. It's not just the top players. Lebron has gone through more teammates than a New York hotdog stand does customers. He's traded his entire team TWICE, lol. The whole thing is just a shameless ring chasing and ratings grab, competition and parity be damned on the part of NBA.
Why did he choose to hop on teams with former fmvps in the last 10 years by the time he joined them tho?

09-12-2020, 07:34 PM
Ha! Anthony Davis is suddenly as great as Kareem Abdul-Jabbar now to LeBron's haters. AD is a legit GOAT candidate to these people.

They're like, "Jordan, Russell, Kareem, Wilt and Anthony Davis."


And on cue:

You can look at the playoff production & impact right now. AD is simply way better.


You just contradicted your first sentence. You just said,¨He won one in 1980¨. That means he did won one MVP on the Showtime Lakers.


The core question: are they dumb enough to think AD=KAJ or are they simply willing to say anything to further an anti-LeBron agenda?

We often hear the "very fine people on both sides" shtick but I don't see LeBron stans doing anything comparable to saying AD=Kareem.

Not to mention the Lakers lost Lonzo Ball, Hart, and Ingram just to acquire AD. If you take AD or LeBron the Lakers become significantly worse.

Don't bring facts and context into an agenda thread! :oldlol:

It takes great players to win in the NBA. For some reason Lebron gets penalized for having great teammates, but Michael Jordan playing on a 55 win team without him doesn't or Kawhi whose team was the 2 seed in the East after he left and 17-5 without him during his title season with them. If the Clippers win the title, it will be another season where Kawhi was on a great team. If Boston wins the title they'll have won it with 2 all stars, a first team all nba defensive player and two other guys that have been or will be all stars in Gordon Hayward and Jaylen Brown. Nobody wins a title alone.

According to these stans, one player won 6 rings alone...so LeBron is a fraud for playing with good players. A true GOAT would win 6 rangz all by himself.

Why did he choose to hop on teams with former fmvps in the last 10 years he joined them tho?

In Jordanstan, where Irving, Bosh, Love, and Davis all have FMVP's.

09-12-2020, 08:11 PM
Bron= Magic on steroids
And 20 other players being better than Pippen.

Holy fvck the current league is stacked as fvck :biggums::biggums::biggums:

09-12-2020, 08:43 PM
holy shit how shook can someone be :oldlol:

OP always embarrassing and always shook

09-12-2020, 08:50 PM
holy shit how shook can someone be :oldlol:

OP always embarrassing and always shook

Can you imagine what we will hear tomorrow morning after the Lakers reach the WCF? :oldlol:

09-12-2020, 08:54 PM
AD is not Kareem. :facepalm

Your threads are becoming a little bit annoying...

Agreed. He should be IP banned.

09-12-2020, 09:19 PM
Can you imagine what we will hear tomorrow morning after the Lakers reach the WCF? :oldlol:

he's such an embarrassment man.

what a lunatic. :oldlol:

09-12-2020, 09:29 PM
babyboi is having a meltdown.

You lose again:lebronamazed::hammertime:

09-12-2020, 09:32 PM
he's such an embarrassment man.

what a lunatic. :oldlol:


I bet he had another AD=Kareem thread ready to go but "Kareem" is complicating that by being 1 for 2 after half a game.

09-12-2020, 09:33 PM
AD with 6pts at half. Kareem tho

09-12-2020, 09:35 PM
AD with 6pts at half. Kareem tho
The lakers should unretire number '33' at this point

Turbo Slayer
09-12-2020, 09:41 PM
¨Kareem" tho!!!


09-12-2020, 09:55 PM
Kareem.... A.Davis.... this is the first and last time we will see a human being make that comparison...

09-12-2020, 09:58 PM
Kareem.... A.Davis.... this is the first and last time we will see a human being make that comparison...

Nah, tpols one upped his hero 3ball: whereas 1-9ball said Davis=Kareem, Tpols said Davis>Kareem. :lol

09-12-2020, 10:02 PM
Bron= Magic on steroids
And 20 other players being better than Pippen.

Holy fvck the current league is stacked as fvck :biggums::biggums::biggums:

Obviously you are making fun of the idiot that is OP, but there has never been a time in league history that there were 10 players in the league better than peak Scottie Pippen at the same time, let alone 20.

So if his contention is that there are 20 players better than Pippen in the league right now, it is indeed stacked af.

09-12-2020, 10:06 PM
So if his contention is that there are 20 players better than Pippen in the league right now, it is indeed stacked af.

His contention (and that of disciples of 3ball like tpols) is Pippen is Iggy, and we know what Iggy was in this era...

09-12-2020, 10:12 PM
Nah, tpols one upped his hero 3ball: whereas 1-9ball said Davis=Kareem, Tpols said Davis>Kareem. :lol

lol, tpols is a legendary ish troll, 10 straight years, the goat .... But 3ball is dead on actually serious, thats the scary part...

09-12-2020, 10:17 PM
Not sure about that. 3ball's disciples tpols and IMKobe follow him from thread to thread and echo whatever he says. They provide him valuable air cover in thread after thread as fellow idiots in the "strength in numbers" sense. I doubt it is an act. He is equally as nutty and he isn't an original troll. He simply follows what his alpha 3ball says. Like Davis and KAJ. He would never have said it if his leader didn't say it first.

09-12-2020, 10:59 PM
You make a thread claiming AD is Kareem, he goes on to have by far his worst game of the playoffs, karma for being such an insufferable troll :lol

09-12-2020, 11:06 PM
You make a thread claiming AD is Kareem, he goes on to have by far his worst game of the playoffs, karma for being such an insufferable troll :lol


LeBron going to his 11th conference finals. Are we ready for the meltdown from 1-9ball that we will see tomorrow morning?

09-12-2020, 11:09 PM
You don't like the Kareem comparison?.. You're right.. Kareem's PER is dwarfed by AD (#3 all-time)... How about we use Hakeem, or Robinson, Malone.... Any all-time dominant big - AD/Lebron is like teaming up Malone/Barkley, at WORST.. but closer to Hakeem or Kareem for AD

No problem with the comparison and no problem citing its bum **** stupidity either. By your own projection the 90s were such a superior era to the current one (as long as it's not scottie...smdh) that all those guys are 30 ppg players easy now right? So the 80s were unanimously an even better era than the 90s? To match Kareems 80s numbers Davis gotta put up like 40 and 15 as an average right?

09-12-2020, 11:12 PM
It is comical that we have a 24/7 crusade from MJ stans always bitching about LeBron having a great team around him (the argument being that his "casts" were vastly superior to what any other team had)--with the irony completely lost on these clowns.

That's not the argument. The argument is about the artificial make up of a super-team largely refined and/or perfected with the LeBron system (to bring stars together on one team in order to win a title). It's also distasteful to do tampering during the season, throw your teammates under the bus and request their trading, and even get called out and requested to be fined for such tampering like what happened all last year with Anthony Davis.

It's one of the reasons people don't hold in high regard LeBron's first title or his title in Cleveland, both of which come off of the strength of all-star off season, free agent acquisitions. But it's also why guys like KD get discredited and even, to an extent, KG, Allen, and Pierce. Unfortunately, Kevin Durant's titles will just never be highly regarded, ever. And that's his own fault.

Sure championship teams tend to be stacked, and in some cases much more than their opponents. But the arguments against creating super-teams is different to that and isn't something suddenly trumped up by MJ fans. This is something that was heavily criticized in 2010 when Bosh and LeBron went to Miami by just about everyone except LeBron fans.

Now we are hearing AD ("a guy who once finished 3rd in MVP" as 1-9ball would put it)=Kareem, a 6x MVP (more than M Jay himself!), to further this nonsense and hypocrisy.

Yea the comparison is ridiculous. AD is nowhere near Kareem, at least not yet. He has a long way to go though and is still young. A lot can happen in the next 5-6 years, though I don't think he will ever reach such heights.

k 96
09-12-2020, 11:14 PM
LeHype 3 of 9 James will be gifted another title this year. He can thank ESPN and Anthony Davis for his
ATRISK Championship. PATHETIC punk, ALWAYS gets carried like the ROLE PLAYER he is.

09-12-2020, 11:20 PM
The argument is about the artificial make up of a super-team largely refined and/or perfected with the LeBron system (to bring stars together on one team in order to win a title).

Three superstars were traded (they didn't get Davis for free) this off season: George, Westbrook, and Davis. There was criticism of only one of these acquisitions because it involved LeBron's team (nothing about peak Kawhi or peak Harden--only 35 year old LeBron). Most of the LeBron hate comes from two large fan bases, one insecure and increasingly shook about their guy being surpassed and the other bitter that their guy got surpassed many years ago. How many random fans outside of these two fan bases do you see crusading against LeBron on here? These are fans of players who spent their primes on the best teams of their era--LeBron played against the best team of his--so their crocodile tears aren't taken seriously.

It's one of the reasons people don't hold in high regard LeBron's first title or his title in Cleveland

Those people are called LeBron haters. No one else cares. That is one reason KD did what he did. He saw that eventually the anger subsides and people just remember who the champ was.

09-12-2020, 11:31 PM
Three superstars were traded (they didn't get Davis for free) this off season: George, Westbrook, and Davis. There was criticism of only one of these acquisitions because it involved LeBron's team (nothing about peak Kawhi or peak Harden--only 35 year old LeBron). Most of the LeBron hate comes from two large fan bases, one insecure and increasingly shook about their guy being surpassed and the other bitter that their guy got surpassed many years ago. How many random fans outside of these two fan bases do you see crusading against LeBron on here? These are fans of players who spent their primes on the best teams of their era--LeBron played against the best team of his--so their crocodile tears aren't taken seriously.

Yea I agree with that. But again, the issue here now shifts slightly to LeBron's incessant attempts at luring the best and brightest stars alongside with him in order to achieve a title. Last year was chaos and the discord in the LAL locker room was controversial by mid-season. So much for him taking the young guys (Kuzma, Ball, Ingram) under his wings, which was discussed with Magic Johnson prior to signing?

Not saying he HAD to honor that. But it quickly went from that to joining forces with AD. I think the criticisms after the season was over wasn't warranted, given the fact that they came off the strength of trades and other teams were basically pulling the same style of trades.

But the damage was already done. The 2019 fiasco; the 2014 signing and bringing Kevin Love; the 2010 signing and Bosh signing. The precedent was set long before.

Those people are called LeBron haters. No one else cares. That is one reason KD did what he did. He saw that eventually the anger subsides and people just remember who the champ was.

The anger does subside. But the titles don't weigh as heavily on the scales when it's all said and done. That's all. This doesn't take away from who KD is as a player. The same with LeBron. They're both phenomenal and LeBron is top 5 on anyone's list. KD top 25 arguably. But the chips matter when we weigh them against other accomplished all time greats.

09-12-2020, 11:34 PM
LeHype 3 of 9 James will be gifted another title this year. He can thank ESPN and Anthony Davis for his
ATRISK Championship. PATHETIC punk, ALWAYS gets carried like the ROLE PLAYER he is.

But he's not a "role player." That's a ridiculous take. He's still, arguably, the best player in the game. Even if you don't consider him as such, he's top 3 at the very least. If LeBron didn't win a title this year, he would still be top 5 all-time, period.

09-12-2020, 11:34 PM
Yea I agree with that. But again, the issue here now shifts slightly to LeBron's incessant attempts at luring the best and brightest stars alongside with him in order to achieve a title. Last year was chaos and the discord in the LAL locker room was controversial by mid-season. So much for him taking the young guys (Kuzma, Ball, Ingram) under his wings, which was discussed with Magic Johnson prior to signing?

Not saying he HAD to honor that. But it quickly went from that to joining forces with AD. I think the criticisms after the season was over wasn't warranted, given the fact that they came off the strength of trades and other teams were basically pulling the same style of trades.

But the damage was already done. The 2019 fiasco; the 2014 signing and bringing Kevin Love; the 2010 signing and Bosh signing. The precedent was set long before.

The anger does subside. But the titles don't weigh as heavily on the scales when it's all said and done. That's all. This doesn't take away from who KD is as a player. The same with LeBron. They're both phenomenal and LeBron is top 5 on anyone's list. KD top 25 arguably. But the chips matter when we weigh them against other accomplished all time greats.

Lol KD is DEFINITELY in the top 20, arguably top 15.

09-12-2020, 11:40 PM
Lol KD is DEFINITELY in the top 20, arguably top 15.

K, top 20. Makes no difference to me, really. The point still remains the same.

09-12-2020, 11:48 PM
They all do it now. We are hearing about Giannis going to GS, DAL, TOR, MIA--all already good teams. Kawhi basically ordered the Clippers to mortgage their future as a condition for signing. He got zero flack for it.

No one rates rings on a sliding scale. They should look at context of difficulty (which includes comp and the strength of the winning team relative to the league at the time) but no one does. They simply tally rings.

I was surprised at how quickly the KD stuff largely went away. To the extent it still exists, no way it does 20 years from now. Just look at the revisionism we see here about stuff from past eras. KD doesn't have a massive fan base to help him do this but he isn't relevant enough to have a massive fan base target him to discredit him either. We have seen the success Jordan and Kobe stans have had with revising history. LeBron has the fan base to do the same, provided there is enough time elapsed to allow chicanery to stick with a younger generation. I am not sure how the three mega fan bases shake out in relative size but I suspect on social media and places like ISH LeBron has the largest, if only due to age and the demographics of these places.

09-13-2020, 12:03 AM
But he's not a "role player." That's a ridiculous take. He's still, arguably, the best player in the game. Even if you don't consider him as such, he's top 3 at the very least. If LeBron didn't win a title this year, he would still be top 5 all-time, period.

No point in responding to an obvious troll.

09-13-2020, 12:08 AM
They all do it now. We are hearing about Giannis going to GS, DAL, TOR, MIA--all already good teams. Kawhi basically ordered the Clippers to mortgage their future as a condition for signing. He got zero flack for it.

No one rates rings on a sliding scale. They should look at context of difficulty (which includes comp and the strength of the winning team relative to the league at the time) but no one does. They simply tally rings.

I was surprised at how quickly the KD stuff largely went away. To the extent it still exists, no way it does 20 years from now. Just look at the revisionism we see here about stuff from past eras. KD doesn't have a massive fan base to help him do this but he isn't relevant enough to have a massive fan base target him to discredit him either. We have seen the success Jordan and Kobe stans have had with revising history. LeBron has the fan base to do the same, provided there is enough time elapsed to allow chicanery to stick with a younger generation. I am not sure how the three mega fan bases shake out in relative size but I suspect on social media and places like ISH LeBron has the largest, if only due to age and the demographics of these places.

I don't know about that. Lebron has a ton of haters and there are still a ton of Jordan cultists out there. Kobe obviously has a giant fanbase.

And yeah as for strength of difficulty it is hard to argue the 2016 Finals Lebron had any advantage going against a team with 3 all nba players on it including the MVP as well as Iguodala who was all nba just two years earlier and was the reigning finals mvp. Going against that 73 win team he led the series in all 5 major statistical categories. He didn't win a title the next two years, but the Warriors got even better and his team at least in 2018 got significantly worse. Lebron does have 2011 that will haunt his resume and the unlikelihood that he will get to 6 rings.

09-13-2020, 12:17 AM
Are you ok?

09-13-2020, 12:23 AM


09-13-2020, 02:07 AM

Yeah, Op? You sure you wanna say that?

LBJ & AD vs Rockets

Davis: 130
LeBron: 129

Davis: 62
LeBron: 52

Davis: 20
LeBron: 37

Davis: 4
LeBron: 10

Davis: 7
LeBron: 9

Davis: 20
LeBron: 21

Davis: 1.0
LeBron: 1.76

Davis: 60%
LeBron: 51%

Davis: 24.1
LeBron: 24.5

09-13-2020, 02:51 AM
Three superstars were traded (they didn't get Davis for free) this off season: George, Westbrook, and Davis. There was criticism of only one of these acquisitions because it involved LeBron's team (nothing about peak Kawhi or peak Harden--only 35 year old LeBron). Most of the LeBron hate comes from two large fan bases, one insecure and increasingly shook about their guy being surpassed and the other bitter that their guy got surpassed many years ago. How many random fans outside of these two fan bases do you see crusading against LeBron on here? These are fans of players who spent their primes on the best teams of their era--LeBron played against the best team of his--so their crocodile tears aren't taken seriously.

Those people are called LeBron haters. No one else cares. That is one reason KD did what he did. He saw that eventually the anger subsides and people just remember who the champ was.

wut? Without league intervention Lakers wouldnt have Davis. The league gave NO the 1st pick/zion in exchange of NO giving Davis to the lakers. So who wouldnt hate on Lebron on that. Weve seen lebron being gifted in 2016 and 2012 and now theyre gifting him AD. Its obvious that hes manufactured by the league thats why we hate on him coz hes a fraud. And the result speaks for itself. Lowest ratings since 1930s. That tells you that silver/lebron is a massive failure.

Spurs m8
09-13-2020, 03:36 AM
wut? Without league intervention Lakers wouldnt have Davis. The league gave NO the 1st pick/zion in exchange of NO giving Davis to the lakers. So who wouldnt hate on Lebron on that. Weve seen lebron being gifted in 2016 and 2012 and now theyre gifting him AD. Its obvious that hes manufactured by the league thats why we hate on him coz hes a fraud. And the result speaks for itself. Lowest ratings since 1930s. That tells you that silver/lebron is a massive failure.

You are one of my fave posters....always on the money

09-13-2020, 04:13 AM

Yeah, Op? You sure you wanna say that?

LBJ & AD vs Rockets

Davis: 127
LeBron: 129

Davis: 62
LeBron: 52

Davis: 20
LeBron: 37

Davis: 4
LeBron: 10

Davis: 7
LeBron: 9

Davis: 20
LeBron: 21

Davis: 1.0
LeBron: 1.76

Davis: 61%
LeBron: 57%

Davis: 24.1
LeBron: 24.5

FTFY... LeBron actually scored more than AD and efficiency was much closer when taking 3's into account.

But stats aside, LeBron was the undeniable player of the series based purely on eye test and impact.

09-13-2020, 04:17 AM
Lebron literally "team hopped" from conference champion Cavs team to a garbage Lakers franchise that were coming off 5 losing seasons. The Brow was hardly put in his lap. They had to trade two former top 2 picks and the 4th pick to get him along with other picks.

But yeah Anthony Davis is a great player. It takes great players to win in the NBA. For some reason Lebron gets penalized for having great teammates, but Michael Jordan playing on a 55 win team without him doesn't or Kawhi whose team was the 2 seed in the East after he left and 17-5 without him during his title season with them. If the Clippers win the title, it will be another season where Kawhi was on a great team. If Boston wins the title they'll have won it with 2 all stars, a first team all nba defensive player and two other guys that have been or will be all stars in Gordon Hayward and Jaylen Brown. Nobody wins a title alone.

Gimme a break, man. Like those Cavs teams were winning anything after Kyrie left. The media was already reporting Davis's desire to sign with LA before Lebron dropped Cleveland. The Davis thing was already baked-in to the Lebron to LA deal from the very the start. 100 percent Lebron signed with LA knowing that Lakers were getting Davis. In case you haven't been paying attention every decision that LeNBA makes is so boorishly telegraphed by the NBA league offices and LeAdam Silverbron that you would have to utterly clueless not to see it coming a mile away. So LA trades away their whole team and bam! The Pelicans, who obviously got shafted because they could have gotten a lot more talent out of Boston, win the lottery and the Zion sweepstakes.

Same thing happened with The Return. All of 2014 Lebron was rumored to be returning to Cleveland. Cleveland wins lottery and drafts Wiggins in June, and just like that a few days after draft Lebron announces. Almost immediately the NBA has this huge three-team lined up to get Kevin Love in a Cleveland uniform, the perfect PF for Lebron ball. Whole thing happened in like less than a month and like Moses parting the Red Sea Lebron goes seamlessly from an aging superteam capable of getting to the Finals to the young superteam capable of making the Finals. No coaching or development needed.

09-13-2020, 06:08 AM
You are one of my fave posters....always on the money


09-13-2020, 08:49 AM
now he has kareem and magic in ad and rondo :roll:

09-13-2020, 11:27 AM
He might not be Kareem but he is better than Pau Gasol that’s for sure

09-13-2020, 11:33 AM
He might not be Kareem but he is better than Pau Gasol that’s for sure

For sure--but different eras. In this era guys like George, Westbrook, and Davis are "sidekicks." Gasol was in a finals where Rashard Lewis was the "sidekick."

09-13-2020, 11:53 AM
now he has kareem and magic in ad and rondo :roll:


LeElevate does it again

09-13-2020, 11:54 AM
For sure--but different eras. In this era guys like George, Westbrook, and Davis are "sidekicks." Gasol was in a finals where Rashard Lewis was the "sidekick."

You forgot Garnett got injured didn’t you. They don’t make the finals if he is healthy

05-23-2021, 07:22 PM
Remember when 3ball said LeBron elevated AD into Kareem but MJ only elevated Pippen into Dillon Brooks.

Damn :(

05-23-2021, 08:39 PM
Kareem is a 6x MVP