View Full Version : Is promiscuity the new norm?

10-07-2020, 01:36 PM
I had a conversation with a friend in her late 30's and she shared her sexual experiences. Particularly with dating apps. She's literally banging an average of 8-10 guys a year. I find it excessive but she says through the partners she's hook up with and friends in her single circle that is about average. I'm thinking in 5 years that's about 50 people. The idea of promiscuous is as dated as cocaine being taboo.

I couldn't imagine being divorced now and rejoining single life. Then finding a partner through Tinder and knowing she banged about 50 guys (probably more) and that's normal. I'd feel like a total random.

U single kids dating, is this really normal? Are you ok starting a relationship with a girl who's banged over 50 guys?

10-07-2020, 01:44 PM
I had a conversation with a friend in her late 30's and she shared her sexual experiences. Particularly with dating apps. She's literally banging an average of 8-10 guys a year. I find it excessive but she says through the partners she's hook up with and friends in her single circle that is about average. I'm thinking in 5 years that's about 50 people. The idea of promiscuous is as dated as cocaine being taboo.

I couldn't imagine being divorced now and rejoining single life. Then finding a partner through Tinder and knowing she banged about 50 guys (probably more) and that's normal. I'd feel like a total random.

U single kids dating, is this really normal? Are you ok starting a relationship with a girl who's banged over 50 guys?

Its really difficult for people to get married these days.

10-07-2020, 01:53 PM
Its really difficult for people to get married these days.

That's why I'm glad I met my wifey when I did. Before me she had 2 partners and I had 5. So no past relationship details to really set red flags. Even if I didn't marry or divorced young I can't imagine how difficult it would be to find a woman that didn't carry a ton of sexual baggage. I'd like to say I can look past it but it would be hard. Like I said, I'd feel like a total random

Luka Doncic
10-07-2020, 02:10 PM
Tinder is fake though and they have fake profiles to lure people in. I barely have any pictures and I doubt people are liking. It says I have a lot of likes but in order to see I have to pay for the subscription and when I get a match they don't respond when I respond. They are hired models and Tinder will connect you two but to only leave you hanging. Subscribers cannot prove they are doing this. I have thought about starting a dating app years ago with this type of business model. Sadly I didn't do it and glad that there are companies that think like me.

To answer the OP, yes, it's going to be pretty common soon due to social media and it's just easier. 2 consenting adults...why not. Why not.

10-07-2020, 02:13 PM
In a lot of ways its the old norm. Being honest about it is the new norm. Girls were having trains run on them when I was in middle school. You think the guys they settled down with know about it?

Broadcasting hoe activity has become much more acceptable and that’s a big reason we know so many more women are doing what they do.

Women love dick and always have. Once they got past the old times where men totally controlled their lives they have been getting it pretty regular. Age at marriage has also gone way up. Girls aren’t married at 18-20 like the old days.

Dick obsessed women are single and sexually active for 15-20 years.

Just don’t ask about their history if you don’t wanna be hurt by the answer.

10-07-2020, 02:20 PM
It’s the old norm. Being honest about it is the new norm.

In our time you hooked up organically. But it was still viewed as promiscuous.
Like I said, it's just cocaine. People were doing it back then. Today it's the new norm for recreational drugs.

10-07-2020, 02:22 PM
OP - Yes.

^ Luka, uh, well, while they very well may have some BS match bots for you, you do realize that women are getting so many matches per day that it's basically impossible for them to keep up, right? If you're going after a hot chick on a dating app, you basically need to be a really hot guy OR DO SOMETHING TO REALLLLLLLLLLY stand out in order to get an instant response from them. They have so many choices it's mindblowing. Check this out...


That bitch is average. Imagine how many ***** are getting tossed at a smoking hot chick on an online dating app.


10-07-2020, 02:23 PM
In a lot of ways its the old norm. Being honest about it is the new norm. Girls were having trains run on them when I was in middle school. You think the guys they settled down with know about it?

Broadcasting hoe activity has become much more acceptable and that’s a big reason we know so many more women are doing what they do.

Women love dick and always have. Once they got past the old times where men totally controlled their lives they have been getting it pretty regular. Age at marriage has also gone way up. Girls aren’t married at 18-20 like the old days.

Dick obsessed women are single and sexually active for 15-20 years.

Just don’t ask about their history if you don’t wanna be hurt by the answer.

Except back then girls having trains run on them were far and few between. And they were hoes. Now through Tinder every single girl is getting banged by multiples, and it's normal.
True we all love sex. Women love the d. They perception on promiscuity is now non existent.

10-07-2020, 02:24 PM
It’s the old norm. Being honest about it is the new norm.

Definitely not the norm of the past. A lot of people married young and started families with a stay at home mom and working father. Most women weren't racking up digits, maybe a couple but certainly not 10 before marriage... Dude just said chicks are spreading for 10 dudes a year. That's nasty and that's why a lot of men prefer to marry when they are young before success, so they know their young wife loves them and isn't a used up ho. As for men that marry after success, they may end up up with a partner that uses them, but it will be a younger partner that hasn't slept with double digits guys. You don't turn a ho into a house wife. Who wants to be eatin roast beef daggered by a hundred dudes and bouncing around those loose sloppy sugar walls the rest they life? Huh, who!?

10-07-2020, 02:25 PM
In a lot of ways its the old norm. Being honest about it is the new norm. Girls were having trains run on them when I was in middle school. You think the guys they settled down with know about it?

Broadcasting hoe activity has become much more acceptable and that’s a big reason we know so many more women are doing what they do.

Women love dick and always have. Once they got past the old times where men totally controlled their lives they have been getting it pretty regular. Age at marriage has also gone way up. Girls aren’t married at 18-20 like the old days.

Dick obsessed women are single and sexually active for 15-20 years.

Just don’t ask about their history if you don’t wanna be hurt by the answer.

Your post is probably entirely accurate. And the "once they got past the old times where men totally controlled their lives" is one of the biggest downfalls of our society, even if you don't agree with me.

Slut shaming may not be fair, but it served its' purpose. Life isn't fair. Men and women aren't equal and the differences extend beyond the physical despite what people will say.

10-07-2020, 03:36 PM
In our time you hooked up organically. But it was still viewed as promiscuous.
Like I said, it's just cocaine. People were doing it back then. Today it's the new norm for recreational drugs.

There wasn’t the access.

There were girls I knew in the house phone days who once a number changed you may never be able to get in contact again.

Today? Every guy has the means to contact almost every girl he ever had a crush on just off social media. They don’t match up organically because they don’t need to. You can hit up like 75% of all people just off knowing their names and shoot so many shots a few have to go in.

The dms of an attractive woman are just wild. Every former coworker, high school friend, and even classmates who never had the balls to introduce themselves is in there. The internet changed the game. I’m still not on that though.

I can barely even text and make a conversation interesting. I need to be in person.

10-07-2020, 03:37 PM
Women think that shit is empowering for some weird reason

I think it’s nasty af, if a woman my age has slept with more than 15 guys I ain’t touching her hoe ass

10-07-2020, 03:45 PM
Women think that shit is empowering for some weird reason

I think it’s nasty af, if a woman my age has slept with more than 15 guys I ain’t touching her hoe ass

Social media and "celebrities " like that raggedy bitch cardi b have made it "socially acceptable ". She openly admitted to drugging men and having trannies rape them bc she had to make money somehow and she's still a popular artist, that should tell you all u need to know about how accepting society is right now lol

10-07-2020, 03:59 PM
Women think that shit is empowering for some weird reason

I think it’s nasty af, if a woman my age has slept with more than 15 guys I ain’t touching her hoe ass

Nether you nor the other 15 would know about it.

10-07-2020, 04:12 PM
Nether you nor the other 15 would know about it.

Most women’s actually don’t give a **** nowadays. Body count is a term women popularized

Ok she might deceive by lying her amount and that’s fine, but if she’s proudly rocking triple digits I wouldn’t even be in the same room as them

10-07-2020, 04:13 PM
media has pushed this filth

just look


"would you rather have an open or exclusive relationship long term"

As CB says below, there are no morals, ethics anymore.

10-07-2020, 04:14 PM
Social media and "celebrities " like that raggedy bitch cardi b have made it "socially acceptable ". She openly admitted to drugging men and having trannies rape them bc she had to make money somehow and she's still a popular artist, that should tell you all u need to know about how accepting society is right now lol

There are no morals in today’s society

10-07-2020, 04:19 PM
I think that is Tinder culture...there are a lot of people that frequent free dating apps like that, and yeah you're going to find a lot of girls that have been around. If you want a 'good girl' you could try a Christian pay site...or really any of the pay sites. Generally speaking, free sites = hookup...pay sites are where girls are looking for a husband and dishing out money for it.

The acceptance of porn probably is big here too...I know the current trend is to blame Cardi B but all these teens today have gangbangs one click away in their pockets...Cardi B is Mr Rogers to what kids are really looking at. When I was in high school, porn was a fcking difficult thing to find...today we are living in a world of porn addicts.

10-07-2020, 04:45 PM
The data suggests that that people are having less sex now than 10 years ago. There's a lot of info out there suggesting that millenials are having the least amount of sex for their age in generations. And there's all sorts or theories about it, too many other things to do, being socially stunted due to an online existence, urge resistance built up by growing up with an unlimited supply of accessible pornography, pressure built up by that pornography. I personally doubt any of that is true, and generally doubt the data, although one theory that intrigues me is the relationship to the economy and more people of the younger generation living at home longer than ever before.

I'm 43 and have been pretty shocked how easy Tinder has been. I do wonder how much of it seems unusually permiscuous to guys like myself, KBlaze, or Hateraid, who I think we're all relatively similar in age, and the 90s were a rough period for this stuff. I think I was a sophomore in HS when Magic Johnson was diagnosed with AIDS. There was a real movement against sex for about a decade there, and it sort of overlapped with my time in HS and college. It wasn't the party 80s, or free wheeling 70s. And I'd think the simple fact that it's easier to connect with people now than it ever has been would push things forward further.

10-07-2020, 04:51 PM
Nether you nor the other 15 would know about it.

So she is also a liar? Lyin ho's, man... dating in 2020 scary af

10-07-2020, 04:59 PM
You know grown ups these days are kind of fragile for this thing, dummy.

Lakers Legend#32
10-07-2020, 05:14 PM
Three years is a long time to be married.

10-07-2020, 05:26 PM
I never figured kblaze for a liar.
I seriously doubt chicks got trains run on them in highschool

Blaze i think you might be gullible

10-07-2020, 11:30 PM
I never figured kblaze for a liar.
I seriously doubt chicks got trains run on them in highschool

Blaze i think you might be gullible

You dont think people ran trains on girls in high school?

Not even middle.....you dont think trains happened from 15-18?

I dont know what to say to that.

10-07-2020, 11:33 PM
Most women’s actually don’t give a **** nowadays. Body count is a term women popularized

Ok she might deceive by lying her amount and that’s fine, but if she’s proudly rocking triple digits I wouldn’t even be in the same room as them

I feel like 100 would be a stretch even for really active women who stay single. Well....15-35....5 a year? Its not impossible obviously but something would likely be wrong to have no periods of real relationships to break that up.

100 im sure is really rare.


I think we would be annoyed to know how often it happens.

People stay single too long these days.

10-08-2020, 12:06 AM
You dont think people ran trains on girls in high school?

Not even middle.....you dont think trains happened from 15-18?

I dont know what to say to that.

You were lied to and you believed it. Were you there? Wheres the proof. Im sure it was a rumor

Im so nba'd out
10-08-2020, 07:10 AM
I had a conversation with a friend in her late 30's and she shared her sexual experiences. Particularly with dating apps. She's literally banging an average of 8-10 guys a year. I find it excessive but she says through the partners she's hook up with and friends in her single circle that is about average. I'm thinking in 5 years that's about 50 people. The idea of promiscuous is as dated as cocaine being taboo.

I couldn't imagine being divorced now and rejoining single life. Then finding a partner through Tinder and knowing she banged about 50 guys (probably more) and that's normal. I'd feel like a total random.

U single kids dating, is this really normal? Are you ok starting a relationship with a girl who's banged over 50 guys?

crazy thing is....she lied to you bro. Times it by 5 (or 10 sometimes) and thats what the number really is. just like with guys you divided by 2 and thats what their number really is

10-08-2020, 07:20 AM
That's why I'm glad I met my wifey when I did. Before me she had 2 partners and I had 5. So no past relationship details to really set red flags. Even if I didn't marry or divorced young I can't imagine how difficult it would be to find a woman that didn't carry a ton of sexual baggage. I'd like to say I can look past it but it would be hard. Like I said, I'd feel like a total random

Agree with a bit of this, but if I got divorced down the track I couldn’t see myself marrying again, nor would I be interested in one of those blended family messes..

Guess it depends on the age of separation also.
Might be one of those single and mingling fiends lol

Annnd you know the rule of numbers, if she says 2 it’s really 6, and if you say 5 it’s really 1.6. Which is maybe 1 in reality:lol:cheers:

10-08-2020, 07:28 AM
You dont think people ran trains on girls in high school?

Not even middle.....you dont think trains happened from 15-18?

I dont know what to say to that.

definitely not where im from

high school?


i will say there were a few sluts taking dck from a lot of people, but trains? no, lol

10-08-2020, 08:13 AM
If Kblaze talking about inner city schools then he not lying, I knew a few hoes that were ran through in high school

10-08-2020, 10:33 AM
Your post is probably entirely accurate. And the "once they got past the old times where men totally controlled their lives" is one of the biggest downfalls of our society, even if you don't agree with me.

Slut shaming may not be fair, but it served its' purpose. Life isn't fair. Men and women aren't equal and the differences extend beyond the physical despite what people will say.

Patriarchal societies where women are under the protection and leadership of men, who adhere to higher principles, are more successful in the long run

10-08-2020, 10:44 AM
definitely not where im from

high school?


i will say there were a few sluts taking dck from a lot of people, but trains? no, lol

In african american and hispanic communities it's not uncommon at all for girls to get pregnant in high school... I'd imagine Germany has a much higher standard of society.

10-08-2020, 10:58 AM
I'd imagine Germany has a much higher standard of society.


Now she is both EU communist dictator that's flooded Germany and the rest of europe with 3rd world terrorists cult members that hate their guts and want to outbreed them until they have the numbers to overthrow the people and become an Islamic state. Until then the people will call themselves white racists allowing their women to be raped.

10-08-2020, 08:49 PM
Are you talking about men or women?

10-09-2020, 05:47 PM
definitely not where im from

high school?


i will say there were a few sluts taking dck from a lot of people, but trains? no, lol

Happened to two chicks at my high school

10-10-2020, 09:28 AM
its just gross. what is in it for your life partner when 50 other dudes have used your body? your personality?

10-10-2020, 10:02 PM
Once tinder happened I knew we were ****ed

10-10-2020, 10:11 PM
People have needs. Is it just a women thing? I def don't hoe around and when I get married, I expect her to have done the same. I get it that's getting harder and harder nowadays, you're seen as abnormal if you tell someone you haven't had a shit ton of experience :lol so just make shit up to feel comfortable.

10-11-2020, 12:31 AM
There is a lot of chicks that slept with very few guys in their lifetime like under 5. Then you have some that slept with 10-20 ish and then you have a few that slept with hundreds like drug addicts, escorts etc. A lot of really hot girls like those 9's and 10's that get the most attention from guys often have very low numbers. They've learned to protect themselves. In fact a lot of hotties that I went to high school with for instance were mostly huge teases. A lot of them graduated virgins or had a bf then around age 20 they found a more permanent bf and they got married.

The media these days, instagram, FB, etc. all makes girls want to validate themselves. What they seek is attention. The super hotties don't need to **** guys to get tons of attention. Hell they get taken on vacations, get expensive gifts and of course endless compliments by their guy friends, poor saps that got friend-zoned. Sometimes these guys are so mislead that they tell the girls they just want to be friends thinking "One day we'll be together...". Women are super manipulative and just go along with it. Problem is the average looking chick won't get nearly the same attention as the hottie. Guys won't do anything for her unless she puts out... and so they put out. But despite the pessimism in this thread, let this 33 year old man tell you. There is a lot of decent girls out there who just want to find honest love and aren't seeking validation.

10-11-2020, 03:02 PM
There is a lot of chicks that slept with very few guys in their lifetime like under 5. Then you have some that slept with 10-20 ish and then you have a few that slept with hundreds like drug addicts, escorts etc. A lot of really hot girls like those 9's and 10's that get the most attention from guys often have very low numbers. They've learned to protect themselves. In fact a lot of hotties that I went to high school with for instance were mostly huge teases. A lot of them graduated virgins or had a bf then around age 20 they found a more permanent bf and they got married.

The media these days, instagram, FB, etc. all makes girls want to validate themselves. What they seek is attention. The super hotties don't need to **** guys to get tons of attention. Hell they get taken on vacations, get expensive gifts and of course endless compliments by their guy friends, poor saps that got friend-zoned. Sometimes these guys are so mislead that they tell the girls they just want to be friends thinking "One day we'll be together...". Women are super manipulative and just go along with it. Problem is the average looking chick won't get nearly the same attention as the hottie. Guys won't do anything for her unless she puts out... and so they put out. But despite the pessimism in this thread, let this 33 year old man tell you. There is a lot of decent girls out there who just want to find honest love and aren't seeking validation.

You're right.

If you think there aren't any decent chicks out there, you're not looking in the right places.

Lakers Legend#32
10-11-2020, 11:58 PM
Well the first lady is a whore.

10-12-2020, 01:14 AM
You're right.

If you think there aren't any decent chicks out there, you're not looking in the right places.

Yea man. If you're hitting up bars and clubs like I did for most of my 20's, you aren't trying the right places.

Lakers Legend#32
10-13-2020, 02:43 AM
You know Melania has at least a couple side guys.

10-13-2020, 02:51 AM
Why does she rent free inside your head? Lmao.

10-14-2020, 12:24 PM
definitely not where im from

high school?


i will say there were a few sluts taking dck from a lot of people, but trains? no, lol
Oh my Jesus lord god almighty.

One day you realize it is insane for you think this and that day you will be in deep pain.

10-16-2020, 07:42 AM
In a lot of ways its the old norm. Being honest about it is the new norm. Girls were having trains run on them when I was in middle school. You think the guys they settled down with know about it?

Broadcasting hoe activity has become much more acceptable and that’s a big reason we know so many more women are doing what they do.

Women love dick and always have. Once they got past the old times where men totally controlled their lives they have been getting it pretty regular. Age at marriage has also gone way up. Girls aren’t married at 18-20 like the old days.

Dick obsessed women are single and sexually active for 15-20 years.

Just don’t ask about their history if you don’t wanna be hurt by the answer.

I agree with this. Most guys who think their wives were innocent are mistaken. Most chicks have banged more random guys than they can count.

10-16-2020, 07:44 AM

Now she is both EU communist dictator that's flooded Germany and the rest of europe with 3rd world terrorists cult members that hate their guts and want to outbreed them until they have the numbers to overthrow the people and become an Islamic state. Until then the people will call themselves white racists allowing their women to be raped.

biggest terrorist are right wing white nuts who spread hatred of Blacks, Muslims, and other minorities. You might be one of those terrorist lovers, judging from this post. But this isnt about the terrorist thats in office in the US, its about promiscuity.

Stick to the thread topic.

10-16-2020, 02:26 PM
There is a lot of chicks that slept with very few guys in their lifetime like under 5. Then you have some that slept with 10-20 ish and then you have a few that slept with hundreds like drug addicts, escorts etc. A lot of really hot girls like those 9's and 10's that get the most attention from guys often have very low numbers. They've learned to protect themselves. In fact a lot of hotties that I went to high school with for instance were mostly huge teases. A lot of them graduated virgins or had a bf then around age 20 they found a more permanent bf and they got married.

The media these days, instagram, FB, etc. all makes girls want to validate themselves. What they seek is attention. The super hotties don't need to **** guys to get tons of attention. Hell they get taken on vacations, get expensive gifts and of course endless compliments by their guy friends, poor saps that got friend-zoned. Sometimes these guys are so mislead that they tell the girls they just want to be friends thinking "One day we'll be together...". Women are super manipulative and just go along with it. Problem is the average looking chick won't get nearly the same attention as the hottie. Guys won't do anything for her unless she puts out... and so they put out. But despite the pessimism in this thread, let this 33 year old man tell you. There is a lot of decent girls out there who just want to find honest love and aren't seeking validation.

The question really isn't are their non-promiscuous women out there. There obviously is. The question is that promiscuity is the new normal.

10-17-2020, 09:56 AM
The question really isn't are their non-promiscuous women out there. There obviously is. The question is that promiscuity is the new normal.

if its not it will be. I once got into an argument with 2 girls because I said I wouldn't date neither of them because of their high body count. They were claiming it was sexist patriarchal bs or whatever, so this shit is reaching the real world. This aint twitter only woke mentality.