View Full Version : You guys can never just sit back and appreciate greatness

Smook A.
10-12-2020, 07:20 PM
As soon as LeBron won his 4th title, everyone just went right to the discussion of Jordan vs LeBron again. I see why it sparked another debate, but it's such a distraction because if you're on one side, you're going to belittle the other player no matter what and doing that just makes you forget all the great things they've done. I'm tired of seeing die-hard Jordan fans saying LeBron can't be in the GOAT conversation because of his finals losses. I'm tired of seeing Bronsexuals saying Jordan played in a weak era and that he wasn't doing anything before Scottie.

"Oh b-b-but LeBron has lost 6 finals"... He's made 10 finals and won 4. On 3 different teams. That's very impressive
"Jordan was 1-9 before Scottie"... He faced a legendary Celtics team and a very talented Bucks team. Bulls stood no chance
"Kobe won 3 rings because of Shaq"... Shaq wouldn't have won those 3 rings without Kobe

LeBron's GREAT
Jordan's GREAT
Kobe's GREAT

Just stfu and appreciate greatness. You won't ever see a player like LeBron again, guaranteed. At the same time, quit overlooking all the legendary things MJ, Kobe, and other legends did. They were all great in their own way, and in their own generation. If you have Jordan as the GOAT, don't go around talking garbage about LeBron while he's doing all these great things. You look stupid, and you sound dumb as hell. The same goes for those die-hard LeBron fans when they try to discredit Jordan

10-12-2020, 07:23 PM
Cmon dude, what legendary things did Kobe do?

Smook A.
10-12-2020, 07:24 PM
Cmon dude, what legendary things did Kobe do?

You can't be serious

10-12-2020, 07:29 PM
You can't be serious

You gotta keep in mind who you're talking to. :lol

10-12-2020, 07:31 PM
If it was greatness than I'd appreciate it

But teaming up with the #2 player (best help possible) isn't impressive

This isn't the first time.. 2010 Wade was #2 in BPM, PER, VORP and WS/48, so he was the #2 player (best help possible)

10-12-2020, 07:32 PM
I still can't believe that this team:

did what this team couldn't:

10-12-2020, 07:41 PM
agreed. i do wonder what's the cutoff for a guy who should be criticized as much as he should be appreciated however. like dwight and melo are 1st ballot hofers but they also were on teams with chemistry issues and their play always was open to legit criticisms. I personally would go a lot worse than those two.

10-12-2020, 07:43 PM
It was a nice little run to show his mental toughness. They were all trapped in a bubble. The mental part of the game was what mattered because of that. So LeBron won the "only strong can survive" prison bubble format only. Next year he will lose to Kawhi on regular hoops and the bubble will be looked at as a fluke.

10-12-2020, 08:08 PM
As soon as LeBron won his 4th title, everyone just went right to the discussion of Jordan vs LeBron again. I see why it sparked another debate, but it's such a distraction because if you're on one side, you're going to belittle the other player no matter what and doing that just makes you forget all the great things they've done. I'm tired of seeing die-hard Jordan fans saying LeBron can't be in the GOAT conversation because of his finals losses. I'm tired of seeing Bronsexuals saying Jordan played in a weak era and that he wasn't doing anything before Scottie.

"Oh b-b-but LeBron has lost 6 finals"... He's made 10 finals and won 4. On 3 different teams. That's very impressive
"Jordan was 1-9 before Scottie"... He faced a legendary Celtics team and a very talented Bucks team. Bulls stood no chance
"Kobe won 3 rings because of Shaq"... Shaq wouldn't have won those 3 rings without Kobe

LeBron's GREAT
Jordan's GREAT
Kobe's GREAT

Just stfu and appreciate greatness. You won't ever see a player like LeBron again, guaranteed. At the same time, quit overlooking all the legendary things MJ, Kobe, and other legends did. They were all great in their own way, and in their own generation. If you have Jordan as the GOAT, don't go around talking garbage about LeBron while he's doing all these great things. You look stupid, and you sound dumb as hell. The same goes for those die-hard LeBron fans when they try to discredit Jordan
While i like the idea for harmony or peace, too bad people here just don't have the decency and discipline to respect each of these atgs but then again, what can you expect. The mudslinging will just continue to go on as usual, sadly. Being more civilized in discussions is just a thing of the past nowadays.

10-12-2020, 08:21 PM
There's nothing wrong with saying lebron is great

Just not compared to Jordan - Jordan was superior on so many levels - he simply played a superior way

Specifically, his shooting touch/off-ball ability allowed the best strategy (ball movement) that excelled on the championship level, thereby providing the highest long-run championship expectation.. aka best player

His on-ball/off-ball style fit with a wider range of teammates, which also enhanced team ceiling along with the superior ball movement brand.

Jordan was also a superior leader, where teammate stats grew by leaps and bounds alongside him, and role players like Paxson and Kerr were elevated to have their "Jordan moments".. meanwhile, the story of lebron's career is that he needs more help and teammates let him down - lebron simply DOESN'T elevate teammates, hence they consistently underperform with no Paxson/Kerr moments.. only failure

10-12-2020, 08:24 PM
There's nothing wrong with saying lebron is great

Just not compared to Jordan - Jordan was superior on so many levels - he simply played a superior way

Specifically, his shooting touch/off-ball ability allowed the best strategy (ball movement) that excelled on the championship level, thereby providing the highest long-run championship expectation.. aka best player

His on-ball/off-ball style fit with a wider range of teammates, which also enhanced team ceiling along with the superior ball movement brand.

Jordan was also a superior leader, where teammate stats grew by leaps and bounds alongside him, and role players like Paxson and Kerr were elevated to have their "Jordan moments".. meanwhile, the story of lebron's career is that he needs more help and teammates let him down - lebron simply DOESN'T elevate teammates, hence they consistently underperform with no Paxson/Kerr moments.. only failure
LeBron is a better 3PT shooter than Jordan.

10-12-2020, 08:31 PM
LeBron is a better 3PT shooter than Jordan.

No he isn't

MJ simply chose not to shoot them

he attempted 1.5 or less every year (bailouts), except 90' and 93' when he decided to take 3+ attempts.. so MJ always shot well whenever he had any kind of volume

Jordan woke out of bed (never practiced threes) and shot 35.2% on 2.1 attempts in the 85-93' Playoffs.. his goat form allowed accuracy despite no practice.. but he always shot well if he took 10 attempts of something - if he took 10 threes a game, he'd hit 4+ and be Klay Thompson mixed with Vince Carter - that's what he was in the 92' Finals

10-12-2020, 08:33 PM
No he isn't

MJ simply chose not to shoot them

he attempted 1.5 or less every year (bailouts), except 90' and 93' when he decided to take 3+ attempts.. so MJ always shot well whenever he had any kind of volume

Jordan woke out of bed (never practiced threes) and shot 35.2% on 2.1 attempts in the 85-93' Playoffs.. his goat form allowed accuracy despite no practice.. but he always shot well if he took 10 attempts of something - if he took 10 threes a game, he'd hit 4+
2.1 attempts lol. Pathetic. LeBron MADE 2.1 3s per game in the playoffs just this year.

10-12-2020, 08:35 PM
Yeah, he was superior because he was smaller and lighter yet he can also play any positions in the court from pg to center. He's a perennial rebounder and shot blocker as well despite his petite 6'6 220 lbs. frame.

10-12-2020, 08:40 PM
3Ball: Jordan played superior ball movement style. Also 3Ball: Jordan carried biggest scoring load ever. Well if that's the case then that ball movement did f*** all good, because he didn't need it to score, and his teammates couldn't score despite all that ball movement.

10-12-2020, 09:27 PM
No he isn't

MJ simply chose not to shoot them

If he were great at them and chose not to shoot them then that would make him an idiot, which I don't think he is.

He wasn't very good at them, so he chose not to take them.

10-12-2020, 09:30 PM
If he were great at them and chose not to shoot them then that would make him an idiot, which I don't think he is.

He wasn't very good at them, so he chose not to take them.

Bingo. You don’t think MJ would want to score more points efficiently if he could?

10-12-2020, 09:32 PM
MJ simply chose not to shoot them

By that logic, Lebron simply chose not to win more rings. Therefore he’s better.

10-12-2020, 09:43 PM
No he isn't

MJ simply chose not to shoot them

he attempted 1.5 or less every year (bailouts), except 90' and 93' when he decided to take 3+ attempts.. so MJ always shot well whenever he had any kind of volume

Jordan woke out of bed (never practiced threes) and shot 35.2% on 2.1 attempts in the 85-93' Playoffs.. his goat form allowed accuracy despite no practice.. but he always shot well if he took 10 attempts of something - if he took 10 threes a game, he'd hit 4+ and be Klay Thompson mixed with Vince Carter - that's what he was in the 92' Finals


Mr. Woke
10-12-2020, 09:47 PM
Some people are simply miserable.

10-12-2020, 09:49 PM
It was a nice little run to show his mental toughness. They were all trapped in a bubble. The mental part of the game was what mattered because of that. So LeBron won the "only strong can survive" prison bubble format only. Next year he will lose to Kawhi on regular hoops and the bubble will be looked at as a fluke.

Oh please #2 got prison bottomed by the Nuggets 3 games in a row and was so humiliated he scored 2 points in 2nd half of game 7.