View Full Version : BREAKING: Lou Will, Pat Bev etc upset Kawhi got pref treatment

10-15-2020, 11:25 PM

damn he commuted from San Diego to LA every day?
thats brutal

10-15-2020, 11:34 PM
Pat Bevs was missing games in the playoffs and Lou didn't get to the bubble until late after going to Magic city.

10-15-2020, 11:35 PM
Pack your bags and get the hell out then. Doesn't sound like Beverly, he was saying kawhi is the best player in the NBA. Beverly needs to be reduced to a backup anyway, he's a 3 and d guy that pretends to be point guard.

I'm not sold that Lou can actually be a rotation player on a title contender, so he for sure has to go. I will be pissed if Lou/Harrell are both on the team next season.

10-15-2020, 11:36 PM
Wow what a cancer. Killed the Clips chemistry & aspirations in 1 season.

J Shuttlesworth
10-15-2020, 11:56 PM
Wow what a cancer. Killed the Clips chemistry & aspirations in 1 season.

This. Wow

10-15-2020, 11:59 PM
Kawhi is such a cancer

10-16-2020, 12:03 AM
Not surprising. If I was a player putting my body on the line night in and night out having Kawhi coast through the season load managing would piss me off. The fact teams stand for that nonsense is disrespectful to the game. If you want to sit out, you don't get paid. This isn't little league.

10-16-2020, 12:04 AM
Kawhi is such a cancer

He is pure trash. I've never had less respect for a player more. Any player who load manages like he does should not get paid.

10-16-2020, 12:06 AM
Kawhi is such a cancer

Any Player that led the U.S in basketball to a bronze medal in basketball is pure trash and should be condemned. Which is what happens in many countries nowadays especially Korea.

10-16-2020, 12:10 AM
If a guy you worked with could just not show up at his leisure and be late all the time and the rest of you had to wait for him you would be annoyed too.

Doesnt matter who is best at basketball in a personal situation. These are grown men. Pro ballers and millionaires all. You think they think someone is just superior to them man to man because he can play? You know theres a pecking order but that alpha/beta basketball shit fans talking about from the laptop their parents bought them for school isn’t as simple in real life.

You being the best player on a team doesn’t mean people have to fall in line personally. If they feel disrespected and don’t buy in you will always lose.

Disrespect the lesser players your team will fail if they don’t bring it on the court. In the end your greatness is dependent on the team wanting to help you win together.

Its all a factor. You lose the “little” people it doesn’t matter how nice your pull-up game is.

J Shuttlesworth
10-16-2020, 01:08 AM
Embarrassing. Kawhit/Kawh1/11 is a diva

10-16-2020, 01:10 AM
Kawhi reducing bev from all star to scrub just like MJ did to bj

10-16-2020, 01:14 AM
I heard it was the same in Toronto too but they sucked it up because they knew they needed him to win a title.

10-16-2020, 01:48 AM
Kawhi soo good

10-16-2020, 01:55 AM
Not a surprise in the slightest. Terrible leadership, locker room cancer and choker. I would have less of a problem with it if he were able to back it up with his play, but he doesn’t do that either. His defense is just purely reputation now and when he has to carry the load offensively man drops 12 points in a game 7.

Balmer must be livid. Mortgaging his future for this.

10-16-2020, 01:59 AM
If a guy you worked with could just not show up at his leisure and be late all the time and the rest of you had to wait for him you would be annoyed too.

Doesnt matter who is best at basketball in a personal situation. These are grown men. Pro ballers and millionaires all. You think they think someone is just superior to them man to man because he can play? You know theres a pecking order but that alpha/beta basketball shit fans talking about from the laptop their parents bought them for school isn’t as simple in real life.

You being the best player on a team doesn’t mean people have to fall in line personally. If they feel disrespected and don’t buy in you will always lose.

Disrespect the lesser players your team will fail if they don’t bring it on the court. In the end your greatness is dependent on the team wanting to help you win together.

Its all a factor. You lose the “little” people it doesn’t matter how nice your pull-up game is.

good point. plus, i would say kawhi should lead by example. every former teammate of lebron praises his work ethic and how serious he takes winning. if you're trying to win a title, you wouldn't be showing up late to anything regarding basketball.

10-16-2020, 02:33 AM

We see why they fell apart in the bubble. It was less a team than a collection of individuals whose only commonality was sharing the same uniform and getting paid by the same owner. Like Kblaze said, you may be better on the court but being treated better? No self respecting man in any occupation will idly stand by for that shit. If anything the stars should be treated worse. Give them 15 laps when everyone else does 10. Poor leadership and Kawhis style ( by on-court play) didn't galvanize the troops. You want to feel like your best guys are in the trenches with you.

10-16-2020, 02:44 AM
I'm relieved this cancer has been exposed for what he truly is. And I'm thankful that Load Management will no longer be tolerated.
Him winning with the Raptors created the wrong precedent that Load Management should be normalized if your star can carry you and win in the Playoffs.
Imagine if this cancer won again with the Clippers, Load Management will then be totally normalized and every player/team in the league will do it too.

10-16-2020, 02:50 AM
I find the load management tolerable especially if they were begging him to join them previously to make them relevant. They knew what they were getting on that front beforehand. Being regularly tardy though is unprofessional.

10-16-2020, 03:16 AM
I find the load management tolerable especially if they were begging him to join them previously to make them relevant. They knew what they were getting on that front beforehand. Being regularly tardy though is unprofessional.

Problem with Kawhis load management is reportedly sitting out games where he otherwise was medically cleared, to decrease the likelihood of reinjury/worsening injury. That was never gonna fly with your Harrell/Bev types who have to scratch and claw for their place in the league. Winning the title would have been the only way that situation smoothed out in an 'ends justified the means' way. It was worse that PG13 was apparently getting similar treatment, when he doesn't even have any chips to at least give him some degree or cred beyond being an all-star with a history of playoff underperformance.

10-16-2020, 03:36 AM
I find the load management tolerable especially if they were begging him to join them previously to make them relevant. They knew what they were getting on that front beforehand. Being regularly tardy though is unprofessional.

On the contrary, the front office knew what they were getting into. That doesn't mean the core of players just have to accept that. Guys like Beverley didn't make it because of their talent. In fact, the front office should have known that types like Beverley wouldn't be much appreciative of a guy just taking nights off whenever he damn pleases. It's not rocket science to come up with that thought.

10-16-2020, 07:43 AM
Trade those bums

10-16-2020, 08:33 AM
Lou Will was all time bad in the playoffs. HUGE negative splits. He shot like shit, and couldn't guard a cone. Hell, I bet I could get a bucket on him. It's always funny how these regular season chuckers that cant play D get exposed in the playoffs. The guy is straight garbage impact wise. And beverly is a thug clown. I would take it further, but I must control myself lol.

10-16-2020, 09:03 AM
At least Lou Williams laces em up and plays basketball.

Kawhi has a sore bum and he sits, forcing his team to win games for him while he sits there like a dumb mute.

10-16-2020, 09:10 AM

damn he commuted from San Diego to LA every day?
thats brutal

I'm pretty sure he took a heli

I remember when the Kobe's passing happened reading about how Kawhi also shared the same charter company or pilot.

Hey Yo
10-16-2020, 11:00 AM
Not surprising. If I was a player putting my body on the line night in and night out having Kawhi coast through the season load managing would piss me off. The fact teams stand for that nonsense is disrespectful to the game. If you want to sit out, you don't get paid. This isn't little league.
I still say that was a big part of the reason why LeBron left Miami. Wade missed 28gms in 2014, some due to injury but mostly just load managing in hopes of being healthy throughout the postseason.

10-16-2020, 11:12 AM

damn he commuted from San Diego to LA every day?
thats brutal

I doubt he drove

10-16-2020, 11:15 AM
Wow what a cancer. Killed the Clips chemistry & aspirations in 1 season.

Teammates hate him.

Demanded the Clips make the most lopsided trade in NBA history. This is like the Herschel Walker trade in terms of assets swapped.

The guy he wanted to play with so badly infected him with Playoff Kawhit syndrome.

Get's his coach fired.

Beg's LeGOAT's coach to come help him.

Jesus. Haven't seen a player tear down a team so quickly

J Shuttlesworth
10-16-2020, 12:04 PM
Not a surprise in the slightest. Terrible leadership, locker room cancer and choker. I would have less of a problem with it if he were able to back it up with his play, but he doesn’t do that either. His defense is just purely reputation now and when he has to carry the load offensively man drops 12 points in a game 7.

Balmer must be livid. Mortgaging his future for this.

Lou Will was all time bad in the playoffs. HUGE negative splits. He shot like shit, and couldn't guard a cone. Hell, I bet I could get a bucket on him. It's always funny how these regular season chuckers that cant play D get exposed in the playoffs. The guy is straight garbage impact wise. And beverly is a thug clown. I would take it further, but I must control myself lol.

Imagine how much your bitch ass would be criticizing Bron if this report was about him. Here you are ignoring Kawhis lack of leadership and toxic relationship with teammates and just criticizing Lou Williams instead. You are such a weaselly little shit

10-16-2020, 12:15 PM
Teammates and coaches hate Kawhit. Hes the prototypical diva who lacks self-awareness and emotional intelligence. When Pop comes out and speaks on his locker room presence and LACK of leadership - that's an automatic red flag that hes garbage ... but we on here have known this for years

Kawhit is cancer. This is why he'll never be a top 3 player. He's not even in my top 10. He's done.

Stanley Kobrick
10-16-2020, 12:16 PM
shame on you kawhi

10-16-2020, 12:20 PM
I don't blame Kawhi. The book has been out on him for years now; he's going to load manage so if you sign him you have to be ok with that. You want to marry a girl but she has a history of going on a lot of "business trips" and spending all of your money, you can't be mad when she turns out to be exactly that.

How can you be a GM and not gauge the temperature of the locker room before making this signing? Or maybe West just said that Kawhi's too good for it to matter.

10-16-2020, 01:26 PM
Lou Will was all time bad in the playoffs. HUGE negative splits. He shot like shit, and couldn't guard a cone. Hell, I bet I could get a bucket on him. It's always funny how these regular season chuckers that cant play D get exposed in the playoffs. The guy is straight garbage impact wise. And beverly is a thug clown. I would take it further, but I must control myself lol.

Lou Williams took two games off the warriors last year damn near personally. Put up like 35/10 off the bench both of those games when they should have been swept. He hardly got exposed. He’s a career 6/7th man. He’s not supposed to be doing superstar numbers.

Besides the question was one of chemistry and respect which I assure you....doesn’t factor in whatever splits you have in mind. This isn’t that part of the game. It’s the other part. The equally and sometimes more important part. The “secret” as Isiah put it. Winning isn’t all about who is best at basketball. If your teammates sincerely don’t **** with you....you don’t win. They can not like you but respect you. If they don’t like or respect you you’re done no matter how much time you put in the gym.

Everyone is at the mercy of their role players wanting the team to win and wanting to support them. Now I’m not saying the Clippers don’t like or support him. They could easily win next year and make it a non story. I’m saying...IF that’s a problem...it’s a big one.

Being good at basketball does not on its own make people respect or like you.

If the way the team treats him makes teammates not buy in fully that is something to address.

10-16-2020, 01:29 PM
Imagine how much your bitch ass would be criticizing Bron if this report was about him. Here you are ignoring Kawhis lack of leadership and toxic relationship with teammates and just criticizing Lou Williams instead. You are such a weaselly little shit
ttrolls is a joke. Dude has completely lost it.

10-16-2020, 01:40 PM
Lou Williams took two games off the warriors last year damn near personally. Put up like 35/10 off the bench both of those games when they should have been swept. He hardly got exposed. He’s a career 6/7th man. He’s not supposed to be doing superstar numbers.

Hmm, I think he's starting to think he is bigger than he is, or as my dad would say, getting too big for his britches. He's also rumored to be the one that's mentioned that he's better than PG13. Lou Will is the role player that thinks he deserves more than being a role player.

Lou Will was great for that team that faced GSW, but is just not a good fit for this current team. He's never going to be ok with Kawhi and PG13 getting more shine than him.

10-16-2020, 02:06 PM
Lou Williams took two games off the warriors last year damn near personally. Put up like 35/10 off the bench both of those games when they should have been swept. He hardly got exposed. He’s a career 6/7th man. He’s not supposed to be doing superstar numbers.

Besides the question was one of chemistry and respect which I assure you....doesn’t factor in whatever splits you have in mind. This isn’t that part of the game. It’s the other part. The equally and sometimes more important part. The “secret” as Isiah put it. Winning isn’t all about who is best at basketball. If your teammates sincerely don’t **** with you....you don’t win. They can not like you but respect you. If they don’t like or respect you you’re done no matter how much time you put in the gym.

Everyone is at the mercy of their role players wanting the team to win and wanting to support them. Now I’m not saying the Clippers don’t like or support him. They could easily win next year and make it a non story. I’m saying...IF that’s a problem...it’s a big one.

Being good at basketball does not on its own make people respect or like you.

If the way the team treats him makes teammates not buy in fully that is something to address.

And that's represented in the splits. In games 2 and 5 last year against the warriors Lou Will scored on 130+ ORTG.

In the other games? I know you like FG% so...


That sucks... and his defensive metrics even in the wins were some of the worst on the team. There are plenty of 6th men that gave better impact than that. In recent years they have given it to these flashy scorer types that always bomb out in the playoffs ~ Lou Will, Jamal Crawford, Eric Gordon, JR Smith... but before that you had guys like manu, iggy, harden, odom, terry who ALL had great positive impact and splits in big playoff runs. Lou Will is in the negative. He is a negative asset cloaked in fancy scoring ability.

10-16-2020, 02:11 PM
Lou Williams took two games off the warriors last year damn near personally. Put up like 35/10 off the bench both of those games when they should have been swept. He hardly got exposed. He’s a career 6/7th man. He’s not supposed to be doing superstar numbers.

Besides the question was one of chemistry and respect which I assure you....doesn’t factor in whatever splits you have in mind. This isn’t that part of the game. It’s the other part. The equally and sometimes more important part. The “secret” as Isiah put it. Winning isn’t all about who is best at basketball. If your teammates sincerely don’t **** with you....you don’t win. They can not like you but respect you. If they don’t like or respect you you’re done no matter how much time you put in the gym.

Everyone is at the mercy of their role players wanting the team to win and wanting to support them. Now I’m not saying the Clippers don’t like or support him. They could easily win next year and make it a non story. I’m saying...IF that’s a problem...it’s a big one.

Being good at basketball does not on its own make people respect or like you.

If the way the team treats him makes teammates not buy in fully that is something to address.

10-16-2020, 02:21 PM
You missed game 1 when he had 25/9 on 52% not that it matters. That series averages often include both great and bad games is hardly newsworthy. Not that your or anyone’s opinion on Lou is central to the issue anyway. It’s entirely possible Lou Williams is more respected personally than Leonard is in that locker room and if you think that’s a function of stats you are missing a lot about what makes teams great.

Basketball r Us
10-16-2020, 02:24 PM
What a headcase !!

10-16-2020, 02:30 PM
So he has 3 good offensive games, 3 horrible ones... and plays bad defense in all 6. That was without Kawhi "ruining" the locker room. People can talk grown man this grown man that, the fact of the matter is the dude is way worse of a basketball player than he himself and others think he is. They need to ship his ass out for anybody that can play some defense and not play like a brandon jennings clone.

10-16-2020, 02:39 PM
Being good at basketball does not on its own make people respect or like you.

The way fans talk, including on ISH, you would think basketball teams were like military or police like hierarchies. There is the "alpha" (the "captain" of the precinct), there is the "beta" (the "lieutenant") and then a bunch of rank-and-file role players. The alpha gives orders to the beta who transmits orders to the rank-and-a-file. That is not anywhere close to how basketball teams works. As you noted, these are highly successful people. Even "scrubs" are millionaires and among the 300-400 best basketball players on the planet. They dominated every level they were in until the NBA. They aren't going to roll over because Kawhi is great. The fan (mis)conception also conveniently ignores the existence of a head coach, assistant coaches, and a front office. The guy telling everyone would to do is mainly the head coach.

ttrolls is a joke. Dude has completely lost it.

LeBron broke him.

10-16-2020, 02:46 PM
Lou Will shot 35% from the field and 15% from 3pt against the Nuggets.


Beverly, despite being annoying, actually played very well.

10-16-2020, 02:47 PM
So he has 3 good offensive games, 3 horrible ones... and plays bad defense in all 6. That was without Kawhi "ruining" the locker room. People can talk grown man this grown man that, the fact of the matter is the dude is way worse of a basketball player than he himself and others think he is. They need to ship his ass out for anybody that can play some defense and not play like a brandon jennings clone.

Exactly. I mean everybody knows that Lou is a total zero on defense. However, Lou's scoring efficiency actually declines in playoffs as well. Don't forget the warriors had a 122 offensive rating vs clippers in that 1st round series. That's laughably bad, I doubt anybody has ever won a series and allowed that high of an offensive rating. Lou/Harrell dynamic doesn't work in the playoffs. 1 win was also a 30 point comeback, so warriors just slept on them. Kawhi still had these stooges as a top 5 defensive team in regular season.

You want to surround kawhi with defensive role players who understand their role, Lou/Harrell are the opposite of that. Even Beverly doesn't seem to understand his role with all the trash talking he does, you're not Gary Payton you bum.