View Full Version : Would you say that Lebron and AD are the two best players in the league?

Ben Simmons
10-24-2020, 07:07 PM
Obviously assuming KD isnt what he use to be because of his achilles injury.

Lebron isnt that controversial, but do you think AD is up there? His defense in the regular season was slightly overrated (still came in 2nd in DPOY) because he played a lot of the 4 spot. The Lakers actually had a better defense without him due to Lebron, Caruso, and Dwight leading the bench unit. But in the playoffs when he isnt preserving himself he was the 5 more often and proved to be the best defensive player in the league. Unlike Gobert he can come up high and guard the perimeter. He can switch onto wings and guards for extended periods.

He was a below average shooter from midrange and 3 in the regular season. But in the playoffs was around 50% from mid and 40% from 3. Is this sustainable? Probably not, but it's not like he had any fluke series. Been dominate everytime he was in the playoffs

He was actually so good at the midrange when he normally isnt that he could actually lead the team without Lebron on the court. In the regular season those minutes were terrible nomatter the lineup. Now some of this has to do with Playoff Rondo who is terrible in the regular season but could actually get Davis the ball in the playoffs. But even without Rondo he was scoring so well they were fine with him and Caruso running stuff who is below average offensively on his own. So that argument goes out the window.

What do you think? Would you say Lebron and AD were the two best players in the league?

Bonus: Were they better than Kobe and Shaq?

Might take them over the 2000 and 2004 Kobe and Shaq but not the middle years.