View Full Version : Toni Kukoc 1 on 1 with Oscar Schmidt (Oscar is Legendary Brazilian player)

11-01-2020, 06:33 AM
Legendary duel.

Oscar Schmidt is Hall of Famer, and the best Brazilian player ever. That guy...just couldn't miss. You need to see it for yourself.

And about Toni... you know all about Toni :)


11-01-2020, 06:59 AM
He is German

11-01-2020, 07:29 AM
He is German


He is Brazilian with German ancestry FROM BRAZIL.

There are many Brazilians with German ancestry in south Brazil, that's like if you would say that THERE IS NO AMERICAN in USA except native americans, going by your analogy, there is no american except native americans.

So all whites from USA should go back to Europe, and all Blacks from USA should go back to Africa, I repeat; going by your analogy about Schmidt.

So please do me a favor, research something outside of USA, I am european myself, but Oscar is Brazilian, he cannot be German, only a Brazilian with German ancestry.

11-01-2020, 07:29 AM
I had to RE-UPLOAD video, here it is:


11-01-2020, 07:37 AM
It's funny how you triggered by that :oldlol:

anyway he got German roots so he is German

11-01-2020, 07:40 AM
It's funny how you triggered by that :oldlol:

anyway he got German roots so he is German

LOL Im not triggered, I dont have any reason what so ever to defend Brazil, Im just defending common sence.

As I've said, going by your analogy no one is Brazilian in Brazil except native indians.

All whites there (germans, italians, portugese) should go back to Europe, all black in Brazil should go back to Africa (by your analogy) and all mixed people in Brazil should go where exactly? What are they? LOL

P.S. He does have german roots, but that's usual thing in Brazil, it doesnt make him German, just Brazilian with german roots.

Just like there is Americans with Italian or Polish roots, but never the less they're Americans.

11-01-2020, 09:20 AM
It's funny how you triggered by that :oldlol:

anyway he got German roots so he is German

Lol at this dumbshit logic.

11-01-2020, 09:23 AM
Lol at this dumbshit logic.


11-01-2020, 09:27 AM
LOL Im not triggered, I dont have any reason what so ever to defend Brazil, Im just defending common sence.

As I've said, going by your analogy no one is Brazilian in Brazil except native indians.

All whites there (germans, italians, portugese) should go back to Europe, all black in Brazil should go back to Africa (by your analogy) and all mixed people in Brazil should go where exactly? What are they? LOL

P.S. He does have german roots, but that's usual thing in Brazil, it doesnt make him German, just Brazilian with german roots.

Just like there is Americans with Italian or Polish roots, but never the less they're Americans.

Genetically he clearly is German.

Same way genetically a guy like Giannis isn't Greek... he's Nigerian.

11-01-2020, 09:40 AM
It's funny how you triggered by that :oldlol:

anyway he got German roots so he is German


11-01-2020, 09:48 AM

Well don't place your bets on that just yet.

It's called: THEORY out of africa, THEORY.

I am Archaeologist myself, and that THEORY out of Africa is pushed by one part of scientists (leftists), another theory is: Multi-regional evolution.

Which means, we are SAME species, BUT...

We evolved from Homo Erectus on different continent.

Which means EuroAsian Homo Sapiens (mongol and white race) evolved separately from African Homo Sapiens.

There are plenty of evidences for this in China and across Asia.

So please, be open minded and remember: it's called THEORY with reason. NOT FACT.

11-01-2020, 09:50 AM
Genetically he clearly is German.

Same way genetically a guy like Giannis isn't Greek... he's Nigerian.

Well genetically (and I repeat, I am Archaeologist and Historian, also know some of genetic research): NO ONE IN USA IS AMERICAN by genetics except Native americans.

So I dont see a point in calling Oscar as German, nationality IS ONE THING and ethnic background IS TOTALLY ANOTHER.

Oscar is Brazilian BY HIS NATIONALITY, but his ancestry (ethnicity) is german, yes.

11-01-2020, 09:59 AM
Well genetically (and I repeat, I am Archaeologist and Historian, also know some of genetic research): NO ONE IN USA IS AMERICAN by genetics except Native americans.

So I dont see a point in calling Oscar as German, nationality IS ONE THING and ethnic background IS TOTALLY ANOTHER.

Oscar is Brazilian BY HIS NATIONALITY, but his ancestry (ethnicity) is german, yes.

Thats all anybody's saying. According to his bio it looks like his grandfather left germany because of world war 1 hell. A lot of pure germans and italians in southern south america are there because of world war 1 and world war 2.

11-01-2020, 10:03 AM
Thats all anybody's saying. According to his bio it looks like his grandfather left germany because of world war 1 hell. A lot of pure germans and italians in southern south america are there because of world war 1 and world war 2.

So what? They are there, nevermind of reason :).

Millions of Italians also left southern Italy in early 20th century because of various reasons, does that mean they're not Americans today? Ofcourse not.

Look, both you and me know that both Brazilian and American nations are ARTIFICIAL in comparison to European nations, but hey... I respect their sence of nationality, even though it is not based on anything ethnically.

It's totally artificially created sence of nationality, based ON NOTHING what so ever, their only legacy are ex colonies of England and Portugal, that's it.