View Full Version : After all these Hornet/Bobcat blunders does low IQ MJ appreciate Krause more?

11-21-2020, 02:40 PM
Jerry Krause, Chicago Bulls GM, got MJ everyone he needed to win. We saw the results without Krause building MJ a strong team:

3 years
• 1 playoff win, 9 losses
• 1-9
• Zero 1st round wins

Does MJ's front office experiences remind him of his 1-9 days? Are these flashbacks for him? Does he appreciate Krause more now?

11-21-2020, 11:58 PM
I want to say yes. MJ is finally realizing how hard it is to build a team. LeGM is the goat at this obviously, on the other hand, MJ is a failure at this.

11-22-2020, 12:14 AM
MJ got one of the lowest IQ's in history.


Turning down 6 draft picks (4 1st round picks) from the Celtics for the 9th overall in the 2015 draft. Who did he draft? Frank Kaminsky

Jared Jeffries

etc, etc

11-22-2020, 12:49 AM
Krause was a shit gm that did nothing without Mike

Only MJ could win with that kind of 1-man scoring distribution - virtually everyone else needed an equal scoring partner

For example, Duncan had guys like Parker and Kawhi outscore him... Magic had Kareem and Worthy outscore him... Kobe had Shaq and vice versa... Lebron had Wade and AD outscore him, while Kyrie matched him

And on and on ... McHale and Parish and Cornbread outscored Bird... Only MJ had 1-man scoring distribution (no teammate scored anywhere near him)

11-22-2020, 01:30 AM
Why did you delete your thread?

11-22-2020, 03:07 AM
If Lamelo busts, I think it's time for MJ to give up his GMing. But maybe Lamelo will become a stud and redeem him, who knows.