View Full Version : Tom Chambers a few months before being the first unrestricted FA in history.

11-23-2020, 04:40 PM
First star player eligible to walk without his team being allowed to match the deal or get required compensation(why all old deals appeared to be trades). Before that it was unheard of to lose a star for nothing. Anyway....


Solid game. He’s more famous for :


of course.

And he was quickly placed on Kevin Johnson’s back pocket to be drug to wins. Not that everyone realized it immediately since there was a lot of the 3ball style points only evaluation. Local media eventually turned on him and complained about his pay and unreliable nature but....he was briefly the test case for a whole new concept....walking out and leaving your previous team in shambles*.

*In theory. Seattle was fine without him.

Hey Yo
11-23-2020, 05:00 PM
Always loved that dunk. While MJ's FT dunk was more of straight line... Chambers keeps soaring higher with that floating hang time.

As far UFA goes, MJ would have been eligible in 92' I believe. Always wondered who would advise him to sign an 8yr deal through 96' instead of having his last year on the contract expire his first year of eligibility to gain a nice raise?

11-24-2020, 01:00 AM
TC balled no doubt ... many games his stats jumped out , and it all looked very very natural ..
No hero ball / no flash ... just a W
Just the opposite of another stat guy Pistol Pete.

11-24-2020, 01:33 AM
I've been trying to find a Chambers basketball card from his 1998 Immortal Season when Chambers finished with FG%....100%......2P%....100%.....FT%....100%.....e FG%.....100% on 6pt/2trb/2stl average. Might be greatest statistical season ever I guess. Seems to be a rare card as I haven't been able to find one with those actual stats on the back Then I'll get that sucker signed. It will be worth a lot of money one day. Watch.