View Full Version : Where do you rank 2020 LeBron in Lakers history?

12-12-2020, 03:29 AM
Was he the best Lakers ever (not greatest)?

Or maybe you think '99 Shaq was better? Or Kobe or Magic?

Where do you rank 2020 Lebron as a Lakers?

12-12-2020, 08:15 AM
2020 LeBron is the biggest superstar the Lakers have ever had on their team.

He's at the height of his powers right now and he's increasingly thought of as the greatest player of all time.

This is the start of a new era of domination for the Lake Show.

12-12-2020, 12:07 PM
One of the greatest individual Laker player seasons ever.

I don't have a ranking, but compared to Shaq 2000, Magic 1987, and others, it'd be crazy to leave it out of the conversation for greatest individual Laker player seasons ever. Especially considering all the doubt from the off-season all the way through the run to the Finals he proved wrong, it being the longest season in the history of the NBA and he still outlasted teams with leaders that were half his NBA age and excepted to dominate his team, and that he romped through the playoffs without his starting perimeter 3&D guy, going up against BubbleMVP-Dame, scoring leader Harden, comeback kid Murray, and monster competitor Butler.

Talk overall legacy all you want, but this Laker season for Lebron was one of the best.

12-12-2020, 01:08 PM
As much as I like LeBron, without seeing Wilt, KAJ or Magic, IMO Shaq's 2000 season was the best season ever by a Laker. However, Kobe's 2010 run and this year's Lebron's run are pretty amazing as well, but not at Shaq's level, whose season was one of most dominants ever.

12-12-2020, 04:50 PM
Hot take

2020 LeBron > peak Magic

LeBron does everything better than Magic outside of passing and even that's debatable

12-13-2020, 02:41 PM
10' kobe
20' bran
00' shaq

all in tens

all in order

all in baybeeeeeeeeeee