View Full Version : NBA to contribute 300 mil to black communities

12-17-2020, 06:51 PM
This is what initiative is all about - well done



12-17-2020, 06:54 PM
Excited to see what it will achieve :hammertime:

12-17-2020, 06:54 PM
Why only Black people? Why can't it just be for minority and underdeveloped communities that need it?

12-17-2020, 07:14 PM
Why only Black people? Why can't it just be for minority and underdeveloped communities that need it?

read the article ?

12-17-2020, 07:24 PM
Excited to see what it will achieve :hammertime:

at least its being funded, unlike Trump's $500 billion platinum package that he seems to have forgotten about :ohwell:

12-17-2020, 07:29 PM
These organizations align with the NBA Foundation's mission to provide skills training, mentorship, coaching and development for high school, college and midcareer Black men and women in communities across the United States and Canada.


Imagine if NASCAR or the PGA set aside grants for hundreds of millions of dollars to help poor white people across the country and proclaimed it this boldly.... of which there are many many many million poor white people. They'd be lambasted to hell.

12-17-2020, 07:35 PM

12-17-2020, 07:36 PM
ITT: Poor white ppl mad as hell :oldlol:

12-17-2020, 07:55 PM
MAGA fam malding

12-17-2020, 07:58 PM

Basketball r Us
12-17-2020, 07:59 PM

J Shuttlesworth
12-17-2020, 08:02 PM
Why only Black people? Why can't it just be for minority and underdeveloped communities that need it?

Probably because black people in large are coming from a larger history of systemic oppression which has put them at higher rate of disproportional poverty. I'm sure a large part of it stems too from our policing history which also disproportionately affects black people over other minorities.

Not to say that other minorities don't experience any systemic inequality but it makes a lot of sense why the NBA (which is pro-dominantly black) wants to help the community which they are largely coming from, and which also statistically has had it the worst out of all minority groups in the US.

12-17-2020, 08:08 PM


12-17-2020, 08:16 PM
blacks will just buy worthless shit from whites and chinese for that money anyway

12-17-2020, 10:20 PM
Probably because black people in large are coming from a larger history of systemic oppression which has put them at higher rate of disproportional poverty. I'm sure a large part of it stems too from our policing history which also disproportionately affects black people over other minorities.

Not to say that other minorities don't experience any systemic inequality but it makes a lot of sense why the NBA (which is pro-dominantly black) wants to help the community which they are largely coming from, and which also statistically has had it the worst out of all minority groups in the US.

There is no such thing as systemic inequality today. What you are referring to is hardship today due to decades of previous racism and oppression.

you make a good point but the culture is also not the best (Black fatherhood). Denzel Washington has a good bit on this. The crime rate amongst Blacks is also quite high.

Can you imagine if Nascar (whom is primarily White drivers) did the same thing for under-developed White communities like the above poster stated? I mean, White people have not been oppressed historically but you can argue there are still underdeveloped White communities, Latin communities, etc.

12-17-2020, 10:22 PM
ITT: Poor white ppl mad as hell :oldlol:

MAGA fam malding

These two posts right here is exactly whats wrong with society today unfortunately. I don't see it getting any better.

12-17-2020, 10:26 PM
Probably because black people in large are coming from a larger history of systemic oppression which has put them at higher rate of disproportional poverty. I'm sure a large part of it stems too from our policing history which also disproportionately affects black people over other minorities.

Not to say that other minorities don't experience any systemic inequality but it makes a lot of sense why the NBA (which is pro-dominantly black) wants to help the community which they are largely coming from, and which also statistically has had it the worst out of all minority groups in the US.


12-17-2020, 11:27 PM
There is no such thing as systemic inequality today. What you are referring to is hardship today due to decades of previous racism and oppression.

you make a good point but the culture is also not the best (Black fatherhood). Denzel Washington has a good bit on this. The crime rate amongst Blacks is also quite high.

Can you imagine if Nascar (whom is primarily White drivers) did the same thing for under-developed White communities like the above poster stated? I mean, White people have not been oppressed historically but you can argue there are still underdeveloped White communities, Latin communities, etc.

The issue is, lower testosterone white people tend to bond over their self appointed roles as caretakers of African Americans. It gives them a sense of purpose, a sense of unity, and a sense of good and bad, and low key a sense of power and superiority over a group they view as helpless and in need of their magnanimity.

Youre not gonna change their mind by arguing the issue logically, because they arent seeking ideas that are objectively rational. Theyre seeking to preserve ideals they are comfortable with, and which unite them with peers in their social class.

It’s like religion, but with a greater proportion of betas. It doesnt have to make “sense” and you arent going to change peoples minds by making sense. People view their own personal tendencies as virtues, and things they are uncomfortable with as vice. Regardless of whether it’s rooted in any kind reality or not.

Just gotta roll with it tbh. There is no solving it, bc again you cant change their mind simply by winning the argument intellectually. They arent playing by those rules.

J Shuttlesworth
12-17-2020, 11:34 PM
There is no such thing as systemic inequality today. What you are referring to is hardship today due to decades of previous racism and oppression.

you make a good point but the culture is also not the best (Black fatherhood). Denzel Washington has a good bit on this. The crime rate amongst Blacks is also quite high.

Can you imagine if Nascar (whom is primarily White drivers) did the same thing for under-developed White communities like the above poster stated? I mean, White people have not been oppressed historically but you can argue there are still underdeveloped White communities, Latin communities, etc.

There absolutely is systemic inequality today, policing being the most obvious which is backed up by virtually all police statistics. It also takes place in the criminal justice system with blacks and other people of color receiving higher sentences for the same crimes as white people. There have been actual investigations into police departments in the US where the DOJ and state judiciarys determined they couldn't find a reason other than racism for the imabalance.

As far as your second point about NASCAR, yeah it would be weird if NASCAR said "we're going to set aside money to fund white people" because as you said, white people don't have a history of being oppressed by their race in this country. Now if they were donating money to poor communities in general, and some of those communities happened to be mostly white, that wouldn't be a big deal.

It makes sense to target black communities since they have the largest history of systemic racism in this country. It also makes sense to just help poor communities in general. It doesn't make much sense to target only the white people in poor communities. Though me personally, I think the best change can come from improving poor communities and restructuring/funding their school systems. It would also help big time to not over-police poor communities.

12-17-2020, 11:36 PM
There absolutely is systemic inequality today, policing being the most obvious which is backed up by virtually all police statistics. It also takes place in the criminal justice system with blacks and other people of color receiving higher sentences for the same crimes as white people. There have been actual investigations into police departments in the US where the DOJ and state judiciarys determined they couldn't find a reason other than racism for the imabalance.

As far as your second point about NASCAR, yeah it would be weird if NASCAR said "we're going to set aside money to fund white people" because as you said, white people don't have a history of being oppressed by their race in this country. Now if they were donating money to poor communities in general, and some of those communities happened to be mostly white, that wouldn't be a big deal.

It makes sense to target black communities since they have the largest history of systemic racism in this country. It also makes sense to just help poor communities in general. It doesn't make much sense to target only the white people in poor communities. Though me personally, I think the best change can come from improving poor communities and restructuring/funding their school systems. It would also help big time to not over-police poor communities.

This is all fine, but the “help” is not intended to get them to stand on their own and compete with the people giving them the money.

The “help” is always about buying their loyalty and keeping them in place.

12-17-2020, 11:38 PM
There absolutely is systemic inequality today, policing being the most obvious which is backed up by virtually all police statistics. It also takes place in the criminal justice system with blacks and other people of color receiving higher sentences for the same crimes as white people. There have been actual investigations into police departments in the US where the DOJ and state judiciarys determined they couldn't find a reason other than racism for the imabalance.

As far as your second point about NASCAR, yeah it would be weird if NASCAR said "we're going to set aside money to fund white people" because as you said, white people don't have a history of being oppressed by their race in this country. Now if they were donating money to poor communities in general, and some of those communities happened to be mostly white, that wouldn't be a big deal.

It makes sense to target black communities since they have the largest history of systemic racism in this country. It also makes sense to just help poor communities in general. It doesn't make much sense to target only the white people in poor communities. Though me personally, I think the best change can come from improving poor communities and restructuring/funding their school systems. It would also help big time to not over-police poor communities.


12-17-2020, 11:44 PM
When you have high birth rates and low parental involvement, it simply doesnt matter how much you put into schools.

Black people are way, way, way behind as a whole, and their community is not built to move up as dramatically as it needs to just by way of donations. You would have to physically go into cities and enforce curfews, enforce reading and studying in every home, enforce nutrition, like straight up drill sergeant tons and tons of broken homes. Basically the way immigrant parents do to their kids.

Thats the ONLY way any kind of real improvement happens. PERIOD. All the money and donations and political grandstanding is just spinning tires. That is a FACT.

But it’s far too messy for the generic politically correct bozo to ever really push for those kinds of reforms. Can you imagine how much “oooh, racist!” theyd hear? Imagine weak impotent betas like RMWG or R3 or JtotheIzzo having to stand up in the face of that kind of backlash. People with lower status dont push from the front. Theyre too weak and afraid. They follow the consensus from behind.

Thats the whole conundrum on most social issues. People with the ability to lead on public reform often have no incentive, and people who claim to care the most have no ability.

J Shuttlesworth
12-17-2020, 11:44 PM
This is all fine, but the “help” is not intended to get them to stand on their own and compete with the people giving them the money.

The “help” is always about buying their loyalty and keeping them in place.

Yeah I don't disagree that companies can be disingenuous with their donations and use it more of a virtual signaling. It really depends on how those funds are being used. I don't know the specifics of this plan by the NBA. Companies largely just have profits as their incentive. 300 mil is a pretty huge chunk though. Hopefully they can actually make a small difference but remains to be seen.

12-17-2020, 11:52 PM
Yeah I don't disagree that companies can be disingenuous with their donations and use it more of a virtual signaling. It really depends on how those funds are being used. I don't know the specifics of this plan by the NBA. Companies largely just have profits as their incentive. 300 mil is a pretty huge chunk though. Hopefully they can actually make a small difference but remains to be seen.

I think it’s mainly an imagine thing, but I also dont doubt many NBA execs feel this is a good, useful, important way to make a difference.

But in reality it’s useless. Think of the extraordinary amount of ‘foundations’ athletes and celebrities and etc have been spearheading since the 80s. Billions and billions and billions have been donated. More billions have been provided by the govt.

And yet... these communities are still impoverished?


12-17-2020, 11:56 PM
Aaaaaand nothing will happen.

12-18-2020, 12:00 AM
I suspect the timing here has to do with the fact theyre toning down all the BLM affiliation this season after the ratings bombed last year, so they wanna make sure everyone knows theyre still woke.

Theyre trying to appease sjw’s AND get their ratings back.

Mask the Embiid
12-18-2020, 12:03 AM
Aaaaaand nothing will happen.

That boston inside of you is boiling....aint it boy? :oldlol:


12-18-2020, 12:17 AM
When you have high birth rates and low parental involvement, it simply doesnt matter how much you put into schools.

Black people are way, way, way behind as a whole, and their community is not built to move up as dramatically as it needs to just by way of donations. You would have to physically go into cities and enforce curfews, enforce reading and studying in every home, enforce nutrition, like straight up drill sergeant tons and tons of broken homes. Basically the way immigrant parents do to their kids.

Thats the ONLY way any kind of real improvement happens. PERIOD. All the money and donations and political grandstanding is just spinning tires. That is a FACT.

But it’s far too messy for the generic politically correct bozo to ever really push for those kinds of reforms. Can you imagine how much “oooh, racist!” theyd hear? Imagine weak impotent betas like RMWG or R3 or JtotheIzzo having to stand up in the face of that kind of backlash. People with lower status dont push from the front. Theyre too weak and afraid. They follow the consensus from behind.

Thats the whole conundrum on most social issues. People with the ability to lead on public reform often have no incentive, and people who claim to care the most have no ability.
pretty good accessment. I still believe the NBA as a whole are targeting this money for the unfortunate if I am allowed to
say that.. .which would be Blacks, Latino's and even Mexican and white descents.
I will just say it's a starting point .

12-18-2020, 04:26 AM
Why only Black people? Why can't it just be for minority and underdeveloped communities that need it?

Because they hate everyone who is not black.

12-18-2020, 04:30 AM
There absolutely is systemic inequality today, policing being the most obvious which is backed up by virtually all police statistics. It also takes place in the criminal justice system with blacks and other people of color receiving higher sentences for the same crimes as white people. There have been actual investigations into police departments in the US where the DOJ and state judiciarys determined they couldn't find a reason other than racism for the imabalance.

As far as your second point about NASCAR, yeah it would be weird if NASCAR said "we're going to set aside money to fund white people" because as you said, white people don't have a history of being oppressed by their race in this country. Now if they were donating money to poor communities in general, and some of those communities happened to be mostly white, that wouldn't be a big deal.

It makes sense to target black communities since they have the largest history of systemic racism in this country. It also makes sense to just help poor communities in general. It doesn't make much sense to target only the white people in poor communities. Though me personally, I think the best change can come from improving poor communities and restructuring/funding their school systems. It would also help big time to not over-police poor communities.


12-18-2020, 07:34 AM
There absolutely is systemic inequality today, policing being the most obvious which is backed up by virtually all police statistics. It also takes place in the criminal justice system with blacks and other people of color receiving higher sentences for the same crimes as white people. There have been actual investigations into police departments in the US where the DOJ and state judiciarys determined they couldn't find a reason other than racism for the imabalance.

As far as your second point about NASCAR, yeah it would be weird if NASCAR said "we're going to set aside money to fund white people" because as you said, white people don't have a history of being oppressed by their race in this country. Now if they were donating money to poor communities in general, and some of those communities happened to be mostly white, that wouldn't be a big deal.

It makes sense to target black communities since they have the largest history of systemic racism in this country. It also makes sense to just help poor communities in general. It doesn't make much sense to target only the white people in poor communities. Though me personally, I think the best change can come from improving poor communities and restructuring/funding their school systems. It would also help big time to not over-police poor communities.

Sorry I didn't read past your first sentence. View the DoJ statistics available online on crime by demographics. Also view the amount of unarmed shootings by demographic. There is no reason to be this ignorant in today's age of internet.

12-18-2020, 09:18 AM
More systematic racism towards non-black minorities.