View Full Version : It still feels like Trump is president

01-23-2021, 07:59 PM
Maybe its just me, but it feels Trump is still president and that he is taking a long vacation and that Biden is just a poor stand in for the time being.

Like a bad substitute teacher. I'm sure we all had that substitute teacher growing up. The one who appeared out of nowhere one day and would stand in front of the class and pretend he understood what he was supposed to be teaching, but even as a kid you could clearly see he had no clue what he was doing. Remember that guy? That's Biden.

01-23-2021, 08:23 PM
This sounds like a Walk on Water post, but you're actually serious.

Would love to hear you read this nonsense in your stupid Boston accent.

01-23-2021, 08:25 PM
Maybe its just me, but it feels Trump is still president and that he is taking a long vacation and that Biden is just a poor stand in for the time being.

Like a bad substitute teacher. I'm sure we all had that substitute teacher growing up. The one who appeared out of nowhere one day and would stand in front of the class and pretend he understood what he was supposed to be teaching, but even as a kid you could clearly see he had no clue what he was doing. Remember that guy? That's Biden.

Then you woke with a hard on but realized Trump got his ass handed to him IRL by a senile guy :(

01-23-2021, 08:54 PM
This sounds like a Walk on Water post, but you're actually serious.

Would love to hear you read this nonsense in your stupid Boston accent.


01-23-2021, 08:57 PM
This sounds like a Walk on Water post, but you're actually serious.

Would love to hear you read this nonsense in your stupid Boston accent.

Just sharing a thought. Biden doesn't feel like a real president. He's that bad substitute teacher that actually makes you miss having a real teacher. And I dont have a Boston accent; we dont all talk like people in Boston movies.

01-23-2021, 08:57 PM
Yeah but that was four years ago.

01-24-2021, 04:40 AM
Then you woke with a hard on but realized Trump got his ass handed to him IRL by a senile guy :(

Yea, all these threads of how incompetent Biden is, yet these same clowns glazing over the fact that Trump lost to him. If Biden is so incompetent, what does that tell you about Trump?? :oldlol:

01-24-2021, 04:42 AM
Just sharing a thought. Biden doesn't feel like a real president. He's that bad substitute teacher that actually makes you miss having a real teacher. And I dont have a Boston accent; we dont all talk like people in Boston movies.

A real president, like Trump? The same guy who lost the house, senate and presidency in just 2 years?? :roll:

Patrick Chewing
01-24-2021, 09:19 AM
Yea, all these threads of how incompetent Biden is, yet these same clowns glazing over the fact that Trump lost to him. If Biden is so incompetent, what does that tell you about Trump?? :oldlol:

It tells us more about the people that voted for that incompetent buffoon. That they were too stupid to realize what a poor choice they were making. This isn’t a reflection of Trump, it’s a reflection of you clowns. You snowflakes were so offended by Trump and his mean tweets that you went out to vote for one of the worst candidates ever.

Like, grow a pair of balls and suck it up. Now y’all will have to suffer as well with whatever radical changes this administration makes. All because Trump was a big bad meanie and your feelings were hurt.

01-24-2021, 11:47 AM
A real president, like Trump? The same guy who lost the house, senate and presidency in just 2 years?? :roll:

OP thinks being Presidential is acting like a hormonal 14 year old teenage girl and governing through tweets.

Code Breaker
01-24-2021, 12:50 PM
Seems to me your still coping :roll:

01-24-2021, 03:50 PM
That's because deep down you know this was a stolen election involving massive voter fraud. You know it, I know it, the media knows it, Biden and the Ugandan giant Kamala knows it, and deep down all the Trump haters on ISH know it.

Every decision, executive order that Biden and the people controlling him make is illegal. So the natural feeling is that Biden is illegitimate and Trump is the president.

He will return, whether it's in a month or in four years.

01-24-2021, 05:15 PM
That's because deep down you know this was a stolen election involving massive voter fraud. You know it, I know it, the media knows it, Biden and the Ugandan giant Kamala knows it, and deep down all the Trump haters on ISH know it.

Every decision, executive order that Biden and the people controlling him make is illegal. So the natural feeling is that Biden is illegitimate and Trump is the president.

He will return, whether it's in a month or in four years.

Cmon man

01-24-2021, 08:28 PM
It tells us more about the people that voted for that incompetent buffoon. That they were too stupid to realize what a poor choice they were making. This isn’t a reflection of Trump, it’s a reflection of you clowns. You snowflakes were so offended by Trump and his mean tweets that you went out to vote for one of the worst candidates ever.

Like, grow a pair of balls and suck it up. Now y’all will have to suffer as well with whatever radical changes this administration makes. All because Trump was a big bad meanie and your feelings were hurt.

You're a ****ing idiot.

Walk on Water
01-25-2021, 02:27 AM
Could it be that it hasn't hit you yet?

01-25-2021, 04:05 AM
We need more Walk on Water threads. They were always thought provoking. ISH hasn't been the same.

01-25-2021, 04:59 AM
Yea, all these threads of how incompetent Biden is, yet these same clowns glazing over the fact that Trump lost to him. If Biden is so incompetent, what does that tell you about Trump?? :oldlol:

Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups. - George Carlin

01-25-2021, 11:20 AM
Maybe its just me, but it feels Trump is still president and that he is taking a long vacation and that Biden is just a poor stand in for the time being.

Like a bad substitute teacher. I'm sure we all had that substitute teacher growing up. The one who appeared out of nowhere one day and would stand in front of the class and pretend he understood what he was supposed to be teaching, but even as a kid you could clearly see he had no clue what he was doing. Remember that guy? That's Biden.

your thoughts are based on when the republican party put a noose around Trumps mouth prior to election time , to try and get conservatives to vote for him lmao .... this is how life is after a nut case was running our country.