View Full Version : Second Impeachment trial thread

02-09-2021, 02:15 PM
Lil Donny was impeached for his crime of inciting an insurrection while he was president. The trial is going on right now if you didn't know.

02-09-2021, 02:16 PM
Lil Donny was impeached for his crime of inciting an insurrection while he was president. The trial is going on right now if you didn't know.

A trial with no witnesses...

Real Men Wear Green
02-09-2021, 02:33 PM
This ismost likely a waste of time if the goal is to actually win the case. It will lead to more embarrassment but unless there is a hidden recording we haven't heard no one's mind is going to change either. The meaningful Trump prosecutions can't happen congress it's too politicized. We already know who will be for it and who will be against it and in most cases the vote will be about political party not right and wrong.

02-09-2021, 03:51 PM
Can OP even identify or explain what Trump did as President that has him so angry?

Does OP even understand his own feelings?

Seems he just clings to Trump antipathy as an escape from his own misery. He knows this is what the Wall Street Government Media wants him to feel and believe, and he hopes if he obediently conforms he might someday get in their good graces and be given some kind of prospects for mobility. What he thinks are his own feelings and beliefs, are subconsciously a desperate attempt at conformity to a dogma he’s been conditioned to, in the hopes he’ll receive inclusion and reward from the larger collective.


And so typical bladefd :lol

But boy does he have another thing comin :roll:

02-09-2021, 03:55 PM

^^^ video shown at the trial

02-09-2021, 03:58 PM
Also, same applies to real cux wear green.


02-09-2021, 04:01 PM
And of course primetime.

This kind of witch hunting is red meat for The Usual Suspects ™️

02-09-2021, 04:14 PM
I don't get it... he's already been kicked out of office and silenced by the media... erased from history by all you clowns crying.

What more do you want?

Patrick Chewing
02-09-2021, 05:00 PM
Libtards can't get enough of Donald Trump, they have to focus government resources on him even after he's out of office.

Can't wait till he releases his book. The Libtards will try to prevent it from being published because you know....Trump Derangement Syndrome is a real thing.

02-09-2021, 05:03 PM
I don't get it... he's already been kicked out of office and silenced by the media... erased from history by all you clowns crying.

What more do you want?

What else do they have?

Bladefd is a generic, soggy wristed, intellectually limited, virgin dweeb living at home with his family. They're trying to arrange a marriage for him, but since he's about the only broke Indian in America they're having some trouble.

What else does he have, if not victories over Orange Boogy Man?

How could bladefd possibly achieve a sense of satisfaction and belonging if he can't watch someone like Orange Man be hoisted up on the stake? This is his primal satisfaction. Knowing that the Blue Leaders were kind enough to make Orange Man Bad, and not Bladefd Bad. He is relieved not to be the target of ire, and he wants to prove he never should be by jumping and shrieking and pointing and howling, signaling to everyone that he belongs to the side which the Mainstream Wall Street Media has decided is good. He hopes this loyalty will be rewarded.

He cannot reward himself. He is underdeveloped physically, intellectually, and emotionally. Approval will never come from within.

It must come from the Wall Street Media and Large Government Bureuacracy. They hold the keys to his success, and he must prove himself worthy of any pittance they wish to give him (which will always be meager, but it's the best he can hope for).

Cheery ho, blade!

02-09-2021, 05:07 PM

Im Still Ballin
02-09-2021, 06:46 PM
How about another joke, Murray?

02-09-2021, 07:05 PM
Inb4 "stupid dumbocrats"

02-09-2021, 08:22 PM
Libtards can't get enough of Donald Trump, they have to focus government resources on him even after he's out of office.

Can't wait till he releases his book. The Libtards will try to prevent it from being published because you know....Trump Derangement Syndrome is a real thing.

this tool would vote for him again.

02-09-2021, 08:24 PM
I am still wondering why Trump is not arrested for accessory to murder.
5 people died during the riot and several injured he created

And NO ARREST : who is he buying out this time ??:confusedshrug:

02-09-2021, 08:47 PM
I am still wondering why Trump is not arrested for accessory to murder.
5 people died during the riot and several injured he created

And NO ARREST : who is he buying out this time ??:confusedshrug:

I have been watching a lot since Trump left --
Prices of gas went up when Trump was President...
Prices have stabilized or have gone down since Biden.

Never take a guy who says something like this seriously

Mr. Woke
02-09-2021, 08:58 PM
I'm loving it so far.

Trump is a scumbag who needs to be held accountable. There cannot be unity without accountability.

02-09-2021, 11:07 PM
democrats are wasting their time... or maybe not because they wouldn't be doing anything significant anyway.

02-09-2021, 11:26 PM
So does this mean he's not gonna be president anymore?

02-10-2021, 05:56 AM
Does this mean op will go outside and get a life afterwards?

Stanley Kobrick
02-10-2021, 06:19 AM
How about another joke, Murray?

02-10-2021, 06:40 AM
I wonder how Trump's speech could've incited something that was planned weeks before his speech

02-10-2021, 07:32 AM
What else do they have?

Bladefd is a generic, soggy wristed, intellectually limited, virgin dweeb living at home with his family. They're trying to arrange a marriage for him, but since he's about the only broke Indian in America they're having some trouble.

What else does he have, if not victories over Orange Boogy Man?

How could bladefd possibly achieve a sense of satisfaction and belonging if he can't watch someone like Orange Man be hoisted up on the stake? This is his primal satisfaction. Knowing that the Blue Leaders were kind enough to make Orange Man Bad, and not Bladefd Bad. He is relieved not to be the target of ire, and he wants to prove he never should be by jumping and shrieking and pointing and howling, signaling to everyone that he belongs to the side which the Mainstream Wall Street Media has decided is good. He hopes this loyalty will be rewarded.

He cannot reward himself. He is underdeveloped physically, intellectually, and emotionally. Approval will never come from within.

It must come from the Wall Street Media and Large Government Bureuacracy. They hold the keys to his success, and he must prove himself worthy of any pittance they wish to give him (which will always be meager, but it's the best he can hope for).

Cheery ho, blade!


02-10-2021, 05:00 PM
I am still wondering why Trump is not arrested for accessory to murder.
5 people died during the riot and several injured he created

And NO ARREST : who is he buying out this time ??:confusedshrug:

That's because the people who have been deemed terrorists rhetorically and per Nancy and the gang were there to kill democrat politicians, is only being tried with offenses like tress passing and violent entry of a government building.
If Trump should be arrested for accessory to murder, so should everyone who were there and actually entered the buildings, which would include the fake Antifa rioters as well.



Patrick Chewing
02-10-2021, 06:18 PM
I'm loving it so far.

Trump is a scumbag who needs to be held accountable. There cannot be unity without accountability.

You need a life.

Who am I kidding. This is RRR3 we're talking about here.

Code Breaker
02-10-2021, 06:38 PM
That's because the people who have been deemed terrorists rhetorically and per Nancy and the gang were there to kill democrat politicians, is only being tried with offenses like tress passing and violent entry of a government building.
If Trump should be arrested for accessory to murder, so should everyone who were there and actually entered the buildings, which would include the fake Antifa rioters as well.



You can’t be serious majority of the mob were Trump supporters.


02-10-2021, 07:34 PM
You canÂ’t be serious majority of the mob were Trump supporters.


:oldlol: What a nice little video, telling you what happened in just a few seconds with some cool graphics.

Obviously the majority were Trump supporters, but that doesn't mean a small fraction of them weren't being led inside the Capitol building like we've seen police do in the videos.

Here's what happened:

IIRC there were about 500K Trump supporters in Washington for that rally, Trump tweeted to go to the Capitol building and protest "let your voice be heard" or some shit like that. Like he'd said previously that they should do, as it was the day arguments and evidence was supposed to be presented in Congress by Senator Hawley and Gertz.

The people went and were then allowed into the grounds by the little police that were there - there are videos of this.
Then, a small group out of the 500K entered the building - maybe a few hundred?

Congress was shut down and no evidence or arguments about election fraud was presented, instead next time they gathered it was all talk about how they were all fearful of their lives and enough is enough, and that people really need to appreciate their brave politicians.
On top of that, the event is now used to impeach Trump, making it impossible to run again.
Win win win.


A great little event to shape how people are supposed to think, well done by the establishment(not anything specifically towards democrats).

You'll say I'm crazy, but it doesn't make sense that all politicians go out there and call the people terrorists and the DOJ saying they'll do everything to get these people, and then we end up with tress passing and violent entry of a federal building.
Remember the story about the woman who stole Pelosi's laptop and were planning to sell it to Russian intelligence? Yep, arrested and released for tress passing or some shit + another small charge, definitely not as how she was presented as some riot leader with a covert plan in the MSM. :oldlol:

I'm totally OK with violent right wingers being arrested and tried for something a lot more serious than tress passing btw, but then they'd have to expose all the fake protesters there as well as the CNN journalist who were part of the crowd who stormed inside.
Also, violent BLM and Antifa rioters should be tried harshly as well for what they did over the summer, remember all the violence? What is it in total, 40 dead, lots of injuries and thousands of people out of work because the business they worked at was burnt, destroyed or had to board up? 99% of the people who did these things were either not caught, or they were let go without charge.

02-10-2021, 07:56 PM
You'll say I'm crazy,

You are.

02-10-2021, 10:06 PM
Lindsay Graham refuses to admit Trump had anything to do with January 6th insurrection :facepalm

Did the idiot not read the Trump tweets or quotes before the march on Capitol Hill? Seriously, he is everything that is wrong with politics. Trump has him by the balls.

02-10-2021, 10:45 PM
The fact we've got an impeachment "trial" going on for a person not even in office just shows you how much of a joke our system is

02-10-2021, 10:54 PM
The fact we've got an impeachment "trial" going on for a person not even in office just shows you how much of a joke our system is

That person was impeached while he was president. The trial is taking place now.

Otherwise, a politician can do something illegal today while in office today, get impeached on Monday and resign on Tuesday just a day before the trial is set to begin & get away with it.

02-10-2021, 10:55 PM
That person was impeached while he was president. The trial is taking place now.

Otherwise, a politician can do something illegal today while in office and resign next week just hours before he is impeached & get away with it.
Oof ladies and gentlemen the delayed justice system :oldlol:

02-10-2021, 11:08 PM
The fact we've got an impeachment "trial" going on for a person not even in office just shows you how much of a joke our system is

You think they'd miss a chance to be on TV?

02-10-2021, 11:44 PM
That person was impeached while he was president. The trial is taking place now.

Otherwise, a politician can do something illegal today while in office today, get impeached on Monday and resign on Tuesday just a day before the trial is set to begin & get away with it.

Is it a criminal prosecution? No, it's just a political spectacle bro. The point of an impeachment is to REMOVE someone from office. The man is already out of office so there's no longer any point in having this charade.

02-11-2021, 12:33 AM
Is it a criminal prosecution? No, it's just a political spectacle bro. The point of an impeachment is to REMOVE someone from office. The man is already out of office so there's no longer any point in having this charade.

It’s officer bladed, what do you expect :lol

The highlight of this morons week is watching an impeachment trial

Mr. Woke
02-11-2021, 09:47 AM
The trial is constitutional and isn't looking good for Trump at all.

However, it's pathetic how many scumbag/unpatriotic Republicans keep going to bat for him. That's why he most likely will not end up getting impeached.

Trump and his enablers need to be held accountable. More Republicans need to get with the program.

02-11-2021, 09:50 AM
Trump and his enablers need to be held accountable. More Republicans need to get with the program.

Shocking that the people who the dems have called deplorables, nazis, racists, terrorists, insurgents, seditionists...etc do not seem to be interested in getting with the dems program

Patrick Chewing
02-11-2021, 12:25 PM
Liberals wasting time and tax payer dollars. Letting the whole country down by focusing on a vendetta.

02-11-2021, 02:35 PM
Liberals wasting time and tax payer dollars. Letting the whole country down by focusing on a vendetta.

Perhaps Donny shouldn't have incited the insurrection? Trump claims to be an evangelical Christian. What would Jesus say of Trump's behavior? You think he would back Trump on this?

Mr. Woke
02-11-2021, 03:06 PM
Shocking that the people who the dems have called deplorables, nazis, racists, terrorists, insurgents, seditionists...etc do not seem to be interested in getting with the dems program

Just calling it like it is.

Republicans (as a whole) need to quit acting like sensitive snowflakes with persecution complexes.

Hopefully more Republican senators will do the right thing and vote to impeach Don the Con.

There cannot be unity without accountability.

02-11-2021, 03:13 PM
Considering how many dems are mentally ill, I guess its no surprise that they would have zero understanding of basic human psychology

Patrick Chewing
02-11-2021, 03:14 PM
Perhaps Donny shouldn't have incited the insurrection? Trump claims to be an evangelical Christian. What would Jesus say of Trump's behavior? You think he would back Trump on this?

He didn't incite an insurrection. That's what you clowns want to believe in order to paint Trump and his followers as radicals and enemies to the country. You want to take the focus away from you (who truly hate what this country stands for) and focus it on us, just so you can get us out of the way.

This impeachment sham has nothing to do with Trump.

And one more thing.......we ain't going anywhere. Our boots, your necks......sooner rather than later.

02-11-2021, 03:22 PM
First we had the Russian Hoax.
Then we had the first impeachment. (which failed)
Then we had the "mail in voting" post election count (rig)
And now we have the end of our 4 part series ~ impeachment scam part deux

Exciting times we're living in.

02-11-2021, 03:25 PM
Will the execution be televised immediately after the verdict is read? I might tune in for that otherwise not very interested in watching this.

02-11-2021, 04:19 PM
He didn't incite an insurrection. That's what you clowns want to believe in order to paint Trump and his followers as radicals and enemies to the country. You want to take the focus away from you (who truly hate what this country stands for) and focus it on us, just so you can get us out of the way.

This impeachment sham has nothing to do with Trump.

And one more thing.......we ain't going anywhere. Our boots, your necks......sooner rather than later.

You claim to be a Christian. What would Jesus say to you for threatening to kill someone?

02-11-2021, 04:32 PM
How could bladefd possibly achieve a sense of satisfaction and belonging if he can't watch someone like Orange Man be hoisted up on the stake? This is his primal satisfaction. Knowing that the Blue Leaders were kind enough to make Orange Man Bad, and not Bladefd Bad. He is relieved not to be the target of ire, and he wants to prove he never should be by jumping and shrieking and pointing and howling, signaling to everyone that he belongs to the side which the Mainstream Wall Street Media has decided is good. He hopes this loyalty will be rewarded.


I lost it at this part.

Will the execution be televised immediately after the verdict is read? I might tune in for that otherwise not very interested in watching this.

I think this is the end game for these wackos. We haven't changed a bit since the witch hunting days.

Mr. Woke
02-11-2021, 04:51 PM
Republicucks are so pathetic lol.

Trump has already suggested the idea of starting his own party, yet the dumbass Republicucks insist on defending him nonstop.

Just LOL!

Patrick Chewing
02-11-2021, 05:33 PM
You claim to be a Christian. What would Jesus say to you for threatening to kill someone?

Don't infringe on my rights and threaten my way of life. Jesus teaches you to stand up to evil, not give in to it.

02-11-2021, 05:50 PM
Don't infringe on my rights and threaten my way of life. Jesus teaches you to stand up to evil, not give in to it.

02-11-2021, 06:03 PM
Republicucks are so pathetic lol.

Trump has already suggested the idea of starting his own party, yet the dumbass Republicucks insist on defending him nonstop.

Just LOL!

That would be a great thing. How dumb are you? This two party system is the perfect way for the oligarch's to control the sheep. (you) If we actually had a competitive public market place with a bunch of parties competing that would be good. Monopolies are bad.

02-11-2021, 06:32 PM
That would be a great thing. How dumb are you? This two party system is the perfect way for the oligarch's to control the sheep. (you) If we actually had a competitive public market place with a bunch of parties competing that would be good. Monopolies are bad.

RRR is retarded...he actually believes that the two party system is actually a choice. He doesn't realize they are all from the deep state.

Mr. Woke
02-11-2021, 07:06 PM
That would be a great thing. How dumb are you? This two party system is the perfect way for the oligarch's to control the sheep. (you) If we actually had a competitive public market place with a bunch of parties competing that would be good. Monopolies are bad.

A Trump Party would steal votes from the Republican Party, and it will never be popular nationwide. The Trump Party would be a slightly more popular version of the Libertarian Party.

The Democratic Party would win even more in that scenario (if the Trump Party exists).

Quit being a brainwashed sheep who kisses Trump's ass.

02-12-2021, 12:04 AM
Don't infringe on my rights and threaten my way of life. Jesus teaches you to stand up to evil, not give in to it.

Stand up by threatening to kill someone? That hardly sounds like self-defense if the other person isn't trying to kill you.

02-12-2021, 01:10 AM
Don't infringe on my rights and threaten my way of life. Jesus teaches you to stand up to evil, not give in to it.

every true american knows exactly what jesus would do


Code Breaker
02-12-2021, 04:36 PM

This impeachment is a joke Cruz said yolo :roll:

02-12-2021, 05:28 PM
every true american knows exactly what jesus would do



02-12-2021, 08:25 PM
Cnn on meltdown today. Justifying the radical lefts actions and hypocrisy. I love it

02-12-2021, 08:27 PM
This thing is a wrap. Trump will be acquitted. Now we can move forward and look ahead to 2022 and 2024 and hopefully the Dems dont screw things up too much in the meantime.

02-12-2021, 09:28 PM
Trump is pretty much holding the Republican party hostage.

Acquit me or I start my Patriot party.
If after you acquit me and don't do what I want, I start my Patriot Party.

The way his personality is, he still might start the Patriot party out of vindictiveness even after Republicans appease to his desires.

02-12-2021, 09:32 PM
Trump is pretty much holding the Republican party hostage.

Acquit me or I start my Patriot party.
If after you acquit me and don't do what I want, I start my Patriot Party.

The way his personality is, he still might start the Patriot party out of vindictiveness even after Republicans appease to his desires.

Why are you so mad about that.

02-12-2021, 09:55 PM
Why are you so mad about that.

Say what you want about Trump, but no one else brings out the triggered in people like he does

02-12-2021, 10:03 PM
Say what you want about Trump, but no one else brings out the triggered in people like he does

Hes a god level troll

02-12-2021, 10:28 PM
Why are you so mad about that.

I don't mind him starting the Patriot party. Don't really care one way or the other.

02-13-2021, 08:43 AM
I don't mind him starting the Patriot party. Don't really care one way or the other.


You’re obsessed with the guy

Mr. Woke
02-13-2021, 10:48 AM
Lol at the pathetic Republicans who keep tap dancing for Trump!

Chick Stern
02-13-2021, 11:54 AM
I don't mind him starting the Patriot party. Don't really care one way or the other.
I believe the GOP will get on board with banning him from office. If they don’t, the split of the party will ensure the future.

Patrick Chewing
02-13-2021, 12:41 PM
The 75 million people that voted for Trump will dictate where the Party goes.

Let us be real, moderate Never-Trumpers voted for Biden this time around. If three parties go to election in 2024, and Trump keeps his 75 million, this only hurts the Democrats as their votes will be split between true Blue Democrats, and the RINO's that voted for them in 2020.

02-13-2021, 01:40 PM
The 75 million people that voted for Trump will dictate where the Party goes.

Let us be real, moderate Never-Trumpers voted for Biden this time around. If three parties go to election in 2024, and Trump keeps his 75 million, this only hurts the Democrats as their votes will be split between true Blue Democrats, and the RINO's that voted for them in 2020.

Never thought of that angle

Code Breaker
02-13-2021, 02:15 PM
Dems voted to call witnesses and the GOP punked them to stand down and they buckled. Even when the Dems gain control the Senate the GOP runs circles around them :roll:

02-13-2021, 03:32 PM
The 75 million people that voted for Trump will dictate where the Party goes.

Let us be real, moderate Never-Trumpers voted for Biden this time around. If three parties go to election in 2024, and Trump keeps his 75 million, this only hurts the Democrats as their votes will be split between true Blue Democrats, and the RINO's that voted for them in 2020.

Very few Republicans voted for Biden afaik. Many of them just didn't vote

02-13-2021, 03:35 PM
Dems voted to call witnesses and the GOP punked them to stand down and they buckled. Even when the Dems gain control the Senate the GOP runs circles around them :roll:

Democrats don't have much choice because they know they don't have the Republican votes and can't wait forever with Biden's agenda on the sideline.

02-13-2021, 04:01 PM
Trump lawyer just trashed those who marched in the name of Trump :oldlol:

Boy are they going to flip on Lil Donny but they are in a cult so who knows

02-13-2021, 05:10 PM
Trump lawyer just trashed those who marched in the name of Trump :oldlol:

Boy are they going to flip on Lil Donny but they are in a cult so who knows

Says the orange man bad cultist

Patrick Chewing
02-13-2021, 05:15 PM


02-13-2021, 05:22 PM
Haha damn, the Democrats are like the Buffalo Bills of impeachment hearings

02-13-2021, 05:29 PM



Someone’s fuming in their basement right now preparing an essay!

02-13-2021, 05:44 PM
Brady wins #7, Cuomo exposed, Newsom recall, Lincoln Project pedo funding, and last but not least, the greatest president of our lifetime has been acquitted, again. One hell of a week for conservatives. :cheers:

02-13-2021, 05:50 PM
Btw, those 7 RINOs who voted against Trump essentially announced their retirement. RINOs GTFO! MAGA ONLY!

Code Breaker
02-13-2021, 06:30 PM
Btw, those 7 RINOs who voted against Trump essentially announced their retirement. RINOs GTFO! MAGA ONLY!

Cult45 I wish he runs again just to see him lose again :roll:

02-13-2021, 06:30 PM
Libs right now:



02-13-2021, 06:33 PM
Just shows what a ****ing clown show circus sham it all was from the start. I have to hand it to them though, the COVID orchestration and framing was brilliant. It got them the office back, because without COVID hysteria, there's no push for mail in voting, and with no post election mail in voting counting (never been done before), Trump wins on election night by almost every swing state.

02-13-2021, 06:36 PM
Just shows what a ****ing clown show circus sham it all was from the start. I have to hand it to them though, the COVID orchestration and framing was brilliant. It got them the office back, because without COVID hysteria, there's no push for mail in voting, and with no post election mail in voting counting (never been done before), Trump wins on election night by almost every swing state.

Yep. Election reform is key for 2024. If mail in voting is allowed again, the Dems will just cook up as many ballots as they need to win again.

02-13-2021, 06:37 PM
Just shows what a ****ing clown show circus sham it all was from the start. I have to hand it to them though, the COVID orchestration and framing was brilliant. It got them the office back, because without COVID hysteria, there's no push for mail in voting, and with no post election mail in voting counting (never been done before), Trump wins on election night by almost every swing state.

That covid changed the old people vote. So many people got duped and thought biden actually had a plan

02-13-2021, 07:00 PM
When is the 3rd Trump Impeachment "Trial" set to air?

Code Breaker
02-13-2021, 07:15 PM
Yep. Election reform is key for 2024. If mail in voting is allowed again, the Dems will just cook up as many ballots as they need to win again.

This why Dems and Independents don’t take you Reps seriously. Still complaining about a election you lost convincingly. Yet you call Dems the real snow flakes :roll:

02-13-2021, 08:28 PM
When is the 3rd Trump Impeachment "Trial" set to air?
Once he turns 75 later this year

02-13-2021, 08:29 PM
This why Dems and Independents don’t take you Reps seriously. Still complaining about a election you lost convincingly. Yet you call Dems the real snow flakes :roll:
They will never learn to move on from this heartbreaking loss. Just goes to show how iconic it is.

02-13-2021, 10:16 PM
Libs right now:



Who was a one-term president? Who is the president now? Who has the majority in both houses? Who is facing multiple investigations and lawsuits at present? Who is going to get their taxes made public when those lawsuits begin?

02-13-2021, 10:18 PM
Who was a one-term president? Who is the president now? Who has the majority in both houses? Who is facing multiple investigations and lawsuits at present? Who is going to get their taxes made public when those lawsuits begin?

Unfortunately for you, tax returns are not admissible in court. See standard oil vs webb

02-13-2021, 11:24 PM
America is a joke.

Your democracy is a stupid fraud lie ... Deception of the masses ...

Patrick Chewing
02-13-2021, 11:29 PM

Someone’s fuming in their basement right now preparing an essay!



02-14-2021, 12:15 AM



Now he’s crying about trumps tax returns:roll:

Long Duck Dong
02-14-2021, 11:59 AM
Who was a one-term president? Who is the president now? Who has the majority in both houses? Who is facing multiple investigations and lawsuits at present? Who is going to get their taxes made public when those lawsuits begin?

Go to the election thread if you want to gloat. This is the impeachment thread and left is melting down hard again and so are you. :lol Because Trump did lose I didn't think ya'lls tears would be that bad but it's a river of tears, especially by Hollywood, over his acquittal, and we are delightfully swimming in it.


The thing that still amazes me by the left. They are in SHOCK that a lot of people don't agree with them. I mean you tried and failed but to act like everyone should agree in lockstep or the sky is falling continues to amaze me. It's a clear mental disorder.

Mr. Woke
02-14-2021, 03:26 PM
I wasn't surprised that he got acquitted again.

The problem was that too many Republican senators acted like complete cowards and refused to hold him accountable.

Trumpism is a clear mental disorder.

However, there are other investigations that are currently going on.

02-14-2021, 03:36 PM
I wasn't surprised that he got acquitted again.

The problem was that too many Republican senators acted like complete cowards and refused to hold him accountable.

Trumpism is a clear mental disorder.

However, there are other investigations that are currently going on.

sounds like you still have TDS...that is a mental disorder.

02-14-2021, 05:57 PM
Go to the election thread if you want to gloat. This is the impeachment thread and left is melting down hard again and so are you. :lol Because Trump did lose I didn't think ya'lls tears would be that bad but it's a river of tears, especially by Hollywood, over his acquittal, and we are delightfully swimming in it.


The thing that still amazes me by the left. They are in SHOCK that a lot of people don't agree with them. I mean you tried and failed but to act like everyone should agree in lockstep or the sky is falling continues to amaze me. It's a clear mental disorder.

I expected the vote to fail. Republicans are now in a fight for their very existence. Trump has been threatening to start Patriot party for months now and he could easily take away half of the Republicans with him then the Republican party dies in 2022 midterms. They have signed a deal with the devil that forces them to protect him. They will have a rough time stopping the individual states though from prosecuting him.

Even Mitch destroyed Trump yesterday but only voted to acquit because of the patriot party threat. If they don't acquit then patriot party is guaranteed. He still might start it out of spite

02-14-2021, 06:07 PM
I expected the vote to fail. Republicans are now in a fight for their very existence. Trump has been threatening to start Patriot party for months now and he could easily take away half of the Republicans with him then the Republican party dies in 2022 midterms. They have signed a deal with the devil that forces them to protect him. They will have a rough time stopping the individual states though from prosecuting him

You can tell how empty Bladefd’s life is by his continued obsession with hunting the Orange witch.

This is the only thing hes got to make him forget hes a virgin who cant afford internet and lives with his parents.

Orange witch blood = opiate of the masses :confusedshrug:

02-14-2021, 07:22 PM
February 2021

Dem voters: Medicare For All, $2000 checks, UBI!!

Dem politicians: Orange man bad!

02-14-2021, 09:49 PM
February 2021

Dem voters: Medicare For All, $2000 checks, UBI!!

Dem politicians: Orange man bad!

They got duped to hell

Lakers Legend#32
02-14-2021, 10:55 PM
This is a great day for 30% of Murica.

02-15-2021, 12:29 AM
I expected the vote to fail. Republicans are now in a fight for their very existence. Trump has been threatening to start Patriot party for months now and he could easily take away half of the Republicans with him then the Republican party dies in 2022 midterms. They have signed a deal with the devil that forces them to protect him. They will have a rough time stopping the individual states though from prosecuting him.

Even Mitch destroyed Trump yesterday but only voted to acquit because of the patriot party threat. If they don't acquit then patriot party is guaranteed. He still might start it out of spite

They're afraid of him starting his own party to run for presidency yet didn't vote for a impeachment which would've meant he couldn't have run? He's for more dangerous to the GOP now than he would've been if impeached.

02-15-2021, 12:38 AM
They're afraid of him starting his own party to run for presidency yet didn't vote for a impeachment which would've meant he couldn't have run? He's for more dangerous to the GOP now than he would've been if impeached.

They would have been guaranteed to lose half their base to his new party if he was convicted. He would run someone else around him like Don Jr or someone with close views to him (Trump would still be constantly in his ears).

Even with the acquittal, I'm still not convinced Trump will re-run in 2024. He will just tighten the noose over the Republican party and gain even more control over it now.

It's a lose-lose situation for them. Convict & be damned. Don't convict & be damned. The latter at least buys them time and gives hope on the chance that Trump doesn't tighten the noose.

Lakers Legend#32
02-15-2021, 03:08 AM
Hate to break up the MAGA circle jerk, but a majority of the senate voted to convict his orange, criminal, fat, ass.

02-15-2021, 05:42 PM
The GOP tied their fortunes to a failed POTUS...good. Dude is done politically, 40% ain't winning shit for the foreseeable future. Hope he does start his Patriot Party (pee pee lol), split the rightwing turd vote :hammertime:

02-16-2021, 02:17 AM
The GOP tied their fortunes to a failed POTUS...good. Dude is done politically, 40% ain't winning shit for the foreseeable future. Hope he does start his Patriot Party (pee pee lol), split the rightwing turd vote :hammertime:

Is it rude if i asked you who that girl is on the picture?

02-16-2021, 06:12 AM
Its hilarious seeing dems celebrate the idea of Trump starting a third party because they think it would split the rightwing vote and result in dems unchallenged supremacy.

First of all, the republican split already happened. Every republican who hates Trump and his politics already left the party to vote for Hillary in 2016 or Biden in 2020... like 80% of existing republicans support Trump, and I would bet that a lot of the remaining 20% that dont like Trump would still rather support him than join the party of Nancy Pelosi and AOC.

Secondly, how many dem voters are totally disgruntled by the fact that the party has blatantly cheated Bernie 2x in a row? How many dem voters are disgruntled by the fact that the party abandons their left-wing rhetoric and votes in favor of their oligarch donors once they take power? How loyal are these voters? How loyal will these voters be when a populist 3rd party pops up?

Anyway, the most important thing to keep in mind is that while ~25% of the country identifies as dem or republican, the remaining ~50% consider themselves independent. Any third party that can capture a large percentage of team red or blue could become unstoppable if they could get support from a large segment of independents.

02-16-2021, 10:25 AM
Secondly, how many dem voters are totally disgruntled by the fact that the party has blatantly cheated Bernie 2x in a row? How many dem voters are disgruntled by the fact that the party abandons their left-wing rhetoric and votes in favor of their oligarch donors once they take power? How loyal are these voters? How loyal will these voters be when a populist 3rd party pops up?

Unfortunately, most probably never will see the light. They've been conditioned to believe that Democrats are the "good guys", and no amount of reasoning (reasoning isn't their strong suit) will convince them otherwise, so they'll stay on the plantation voting Democrat. I gotta admit, that's one hell of a grift the Dems have going. Make all kinds of promises, deliver basically zero other than a few scraps, and run off with all the money. They even got people voting against their own interests.

Code Breaker
02-16-2021, 11:27 AM
Republican Party is going to be lost without Trump. It’s a pretty dumb Strategy to put all your eggs on a guy that can be convicted by GA, NY or the DOJ. Not to mention he’ll be near 80 when 2024 rolls around. Again if Trumpism was so strong why did they lose the WH, Senate, and Congress recently :oldlol:

02-16-2021, 11:39 AM
Trump will be 78 in 2024 and I dont think he needs all the bs that will come with being POTUS. I would love it if someone like DeSantis won with Trump as his VP. The VP doesn't do anything anyway. Trump could take it easy, play golf, send out "mean" tweets, and hold rallies where he trolls the left. That would be a glorious outcome that everyone should be happy with.

02-16-2021, 12:30 PM
Trump will be 78 in 2024 and I dont think he needs all the bs that will come with being POTUS. I would love it if someone like DeSantis won with Trump as his VP. The VP doesn't do anything anyway. Trump could take it easy, play golf, send out "mean" tweets, and hold rallies where he trolls the left. That would be a glorious outcome that everyone should be happy with.

everyone except trump. trump would never play second fiddle.

Code Breaker
02-16-2021, 12:39 PM
Ron Desantis? he may be popular among Republicans (not hard to do) but I doubt he’ll be popular among independents, Dems obviously. Tbh looking at the 2024 Republican nominees it’s pretty damn weak. It’s so weak Trump Jr is polling only second to his father :oldlol:

02-16-2021, 01:04 PM
Ron Desantis? he may be popular among Republicans (not hard to do) but I doubt he’ll be popular among independents, Dems obviously. Tbh looking at the 2024 Republican nominees it’s pretty damn weak. It’s so weak Trump Jr is polling only second to his father :oldlol:

And you are going to run biden or harris in 2024? Ahahha. Give me a break. So many peopple already regret their vote

02-16-2021, 01:12 PM
Desantis probably has more independent appeal than any potential GOP candidate not named Donald Trump, and his approval rate is one of the highest of any governor nationwide

Patrick Chewing
02-16-2021, 01:36 PM
Ron Desantis? he may be popular among Republicans (not hard to do) but I doubt he’ll be popular among independents, Dems obviously. Tbh looking at the 2024 Republican nominees it’s pretty damn weak. It’s so weak Trump Jr is polling only second to his father :oldlol:

You're out of touch with American politics and out of your league here. For having the third most populated state and full of senior citizens, he's handled that state better than any governor out there.

If you can run Florida, you can run the country.

Code Breaker
02-16-2021, 02:05 PM
You're out of touch with American politics and out of your league here. For having the third most populated state and full of senior citizens, he's handled that state better than any governor out there.

If you can run Florida, you can run the country.

I’m I wrong that he’s mainly popular among Republicans? You’re overestimating his popularity among all voters not just Republicans. He barely won his election for Governor by less than 40k votes. There’s no question he has suppressed the real Covid numbers similar to what Cuomo has done in NY.

02-16-2021, 02:35 PM
I’m I wrong that he’s mainly popular among Republicans? You’re overestimating his popularity among all voters not just Republicans. He barely won his election for Governor by less than 40k votes. There’s no question he has suppressed the real Covid numbers similar to what Cuomo has done in NY.

Proof of suppression?

Code Breaker
02-16-2021, 02:56 PM
Proof of suppression?


She was Releasing more accurate Covid information than what the State was releasing. I don’t Condone her actions to do it illegally by I do believe they suppressed data to look better. I do want to say many States probably did this blue or red because how can you monitor if the info is correct or not?

02-16-2021, 03:10 PM

She was Releasing more accurate Covid information than what the State was releasing. I don’t Condone her actions to do it illegally by I do believe they suppressed data to look better. I do want to say many States probably did this blue or red because how can you monitor if the info is correct or not?


your example of suppressed data is a woman who, according to your own article - was fired in may of 2020 for a repeated pattern of insubordination, and was then was arrested in december 2020 after she "used the emergency broadcast system to send a mass text calling on civil servants to speak out against how Florida was managing its response"

How exactly was the data she released more accurate than the state data? We both know you cant prove this claim, but I would still love to see you try :oldlol:

Code Breaker
02-16-2021, 03:40 PM

your example of suppressed data is a woman who, according to your own article - was fired in may of 2020 for a repeated pattern of insubordination, and was then was arrested in december 2020 after she "used the emergency broadcast system to send a mass text calling on civil servants to speak out against how Florida was managing its response"

How exactly was the data she released more accurate than the state data? We both know you cant prove this claim, but I would still love to see you try :oldlol:

I don’t get why you can’t fathom a State can manipulate it’s data. It didn’t take me long to get tons of articles on them suppressing data.

Oct. 24 – ten days before the presidential election – Florida temporarily stopped including backlogged COVID-19 deaths in its daily tally of coronavirus fatalities. Two weeks after the election, the state again started consistently reporting the backlogged deaths, which are more than a month old. By not including backlogged deaths for that roughly three-week period, an “astonishing pattern” emerged, resulting in a “mysterious gap” in COVID-19 deaths,

There’s no question the real numbers are higher it’s definitely not the ones they got listed for the public to see.


02-16-2021, 04:08 PM
I don’t get why you can’t fathom a State can manipulate it’s data. It didn’t take me long to get tons of articles on them suppressing data.

Oct. 24 – ten days before the presidential election – Florida temporarily stopped including backlogged COVID-19 deaths in its daily tally of coronavirus fatalities. Two weeks after the election, the state again started consistently reporting the backlogged deaths, which are more than a month old. By not including backlogged deaths for that roughly three-week period, an “astonishing pattern” emerged, resulting in a “mysterious gap” in COVID-19 deaths,

There’s no question the real numbers are higher it’s definitely not the ones they got listed for the public to see.


Of course a state can manipulate data... there are countless examples of that, the most egregious being NY and CA

Anyway the woman you referenced was fired in may 2020, and she illegally sent out her emergency broadcast (that triggered the police raid and criminal charges) in december 2020... I will ask again - how exactly was the data she released more accurate than the state data?

If the state was ignoring backlogged deaths for weeks as you claim, why wasnt there a huge spike in deaths after the election when the numbers were finally accounted for? The article you link here makes it crystal clear that post election the numbers were significantly down vs pre-election, so when exactly was the supposed backlog added to the states accounting?

02-16-2021, 04:38 PM
You're out of touch with American politics and out of your league here. For having the third most populated state and full of senior citizens, he's handled that state better than any governor out there.

If you can run Florida, you can run the country.

If you are so confident then I hope it will be DeSantis running for Republican side in 2024. It will be hilarious as he gets destroyed. I welcome his self-destruction and meltdown.

As long as Biden and Harris are nowhere near re-running. It's time for a new young candidate on Democrat side.

Patrick Chewing
02-16-2021, 04:47 PM
If you are so confident then I hope it will be DeSantis running for Republican side in 2024. It will be hilarious as he gets destroyed. I welcome his self-destruction and meltdown.

As long as Biden and Harris are nowhere near re-running. It's time for a new young candidate on Democrat side.

Destroyed by who? You don't even have a candidate yet. And why are you giving up on Biden and Harris?? :oldlol:

02-16-2021, 04:56 PM
Destroyed by who? You don't even have a candidate yet. And why are you giving up on Biden and Harris?? :oldlol:

DeSantis is not very intelligent. I have seen him argue before. Just trash for brains. If he is the best candidate you have, I welcome it.

Patrick Chewing
02-16-2021, 04:58 PM
DeSantis is not very intelligent. I have seen him argue before. Just trash for brains. If he is the best candidate you have, I welcome it.

DeSantis wins, you leave the board for good.

02-16-2021, 04:58 PM
DeSantis wins, you leave the board for good.

Make sure this includes his 1000 alts.

02-16-2021, 04:59 PM
Destroyed by who? You don't even have a candidate yet. And why are you giving up on Biden and Harris?? :oldlol:

Cmon man! Just need to get trump outta there! That’ll fix everything and blade won’t be a total loser anymore... oh wait

02-16-2021, 05:00 PM
Make sure this includes his 1000 alts.

R3 and highweight make up 90% of the posters here:oldlol:

02-16-2021, 08:30 PM
DeSantis wins, you leave the board for good.

Bring it on.