View Full Version : Are we going to discuss the massive fraud in California with unemployment?

02-24-2021, 09:53 AM
Another democratic state in disrepair. 11B in unemployment money down the drain and now they're sending out another 600 dollar check to each individual making 30k or couples 75k or less?

California better not come begging for federal money anytime soon if the feds have to step in to bail out their massive failure.


02-24-2021, 01:37 PM
I posted about it before; nobody cares.

Gyms have been deemed non-essential here for 11 months and McDonald's=essential the whole time. #FollowTheScience

02-24-2021, 02:10 PM
It's too late to care about any of this now dawg.

Borders are dissolving. Business and property are being consolidated. Dependency is increasing. Big Brother state is commencing.

This was the PLAN of the Wall Street Government Media all along. And it worked to perfection, because the brainless sheep mobs fell for it.

Now lamb chops are on the menu, and it's too late to turn off the oven.

Get on board, or get GONE. :confusedshrug:

02-24-2021, 04:20 PM
OP - your article states that the potential frauds are under investigation. You make it sound like they are all off the hook and nothing will be done to them. In many cases, they recovered the money and people will be prosecuted. I hope the state goes after all of them and punishes them for prison sentence for fraud.

02-24-2021, 04:23 PM
OP - your article states that the potential frauds are under investigation. You make it sound like they are all off the hook and nothing will be done to them. In many cases, they recovered the money and people will be prosecuted. I hope the state goes after all of them and punishes them for prison sentence for fraud.

So they're going after people who applied for unemployment? Why? They can apply all they want, the system should have rejected them. Why was a 1 year old granted unemployment benefits? Why were prisoners? It's not the applicant that should be under investigation, it should be the public servants who've failed their duties. I don't hear any buzz about finding out who is responsible of this massive oversight, do you?

This state fails to see how a 1 year old should not be granted unemployment benefit, but wants to do mail in voting? Show some competence and maybe more people will believe fraud wont occur.

02-24-2021, 04:38 PM
They have put more safeguards into place since the initial floodgates opened last year, but it's inexcusable people got through the system and scammed it that easily. It needs to be upgraded with modern technology. Too much of America is still running old outdated systems that have not been properly cared for over the years. With the amount of money these states spend, it is completely inexcusable and one of the reasons why we have so much waste/inefficiency.

02-24-2021, 05:58 PM
They have put more safeguards into place since the initial floodgates opened last year, but it's inexcusable people got through the system and scammed it that easily. It needs to be upgraded with modern technology. Too much of America is still running old outdated systems that have not been properly cared for over the years. With the amount of money these states spend, it is completely inexcusable and one of the reasons why we have so much waste/inefficiency.

Okay, that's not what I asked. Put the meaningless PC shit aside, obviously they're going to put safeguards in place after discovering 11 billion dollars in fraud.

The question is are they investigating who is responsible for the severely flawed application process? Obviously they're correcting for the mistake, but who is responsible for this? Pointing the finger at the public desperate for money because of a state overstep in forcing closure is not the answer. People can apply to whatever they want. I can apply for food stamps, but get denied. I did not commit a crime in applying. The system worked because of those who developed it.

In this case, the system was a complete failure. Who is responsible? I don't see any other states with ANYWHERE near as much fraud.

02-24-2021, 06:44 PM
I don't know who made those systems or why this happened. Do other states use the same system? What is the fraud percentage in other states? Is California an anomaly or norm? I would need more data to guage further.

02-25-2021, 08:58 AM
I don't know who made those systems or why this happened. Do other states use the same system? What is the fraud percentage in other states? Is California an anomaly or norm? I would need more data to guage further.

‘Biggest fraud of taxpayer dollars in California history’: EDD claims
Tens of thousands of California jail and prison inmates, including serial killers, rapists, child molesters and murderers on death row, are accused of scamming California's Employment Development Department out of COVID-19-related unemployment assistance, district attorneys announced at a news conference Tuesday. Estimates of the fraud could near $1 billion and the vast majority of money taken so far will not be recouped.
