View Full Version : What is the next step of evolution in the NBA?

Walk on Water
02-27-2021, 07:16 AM
Nowadays players are position-less, and shooting more 3s than ever. The pace is much faster. Are they going to keep evolving like this? More 3 pointers? Even more points?

We just can't keep going forward like this. People don't like it. What does Adam Silver have in mind?

Sometimes I wonder how the league would change if we just got rid of the 3 point line. Sure, guys that can shoot from distance would still be valuable because of spacing. But it wouldn't be as crucial. Maybe, they should not allow 3 pointers at certain times in the game. Like maybe no 3 pointers should allowed for 5 minutes of each quarter. We have to think of something.

02-27-2021, 03:24 PM
Shit always comes back full circle. Bring back physical defense. Even if for just a year.

02-27-2021, 05:05 PM
I think it'll go back and forward. I'm guessing we're either gonn'a wait for another player or team to counter the high pace offense to a slow and grind like it used to and revolutionize a position again.

This high pace started in 05, but it took a decade or so for teams to fully accept it.

There are pros and cons of the limitation of the 3pt line, but it might be a little bit much. The removal of the 3pt line would probably make the defense and pace like the mid 00s, nobody wants that. At best, it would be like the 70s.

But it would change how teams play. Like if they don't the 3pt in certain quarters or only in certain mins of the game. It might be too confusing for the audience tho. But the play styles would be interesting because teams would have different line ups. More 2pt specialist and potentially more big men in certain quarters or mins of the game, and then 3pt specialist in others.

I don't know if the league would go that far. They could change the rules again to allow the game be more physical. I dunno if it'll stop the 3pt shot tho. It would slow down the drive and kick out.

I know Pop and a lot of the other guys don't like the current style, but it helps to win the games. So, the limitation of the 3pt shot would increase that. But scoring would definitely decrease. Stats are gonn'a fall down.

02-27-2021, 06:00 PM
I hope the game doesn't slow to a grind like in the 90s, that was almost unwatchable. Athletes and bullies over skills. The international game seems to be fine. The NBA can borrow from the world game if it becomes to one- dimensional.

02-27-2021, 08:24 PM
I hope the game doesn't slow to a grind like in the 90s, that was almost unwatchable. Athletes and bullies over skills. The international game seems to be fine. The NBA can borrow from the world game if it becomes to one- dimensional.

Spoken like a true a true fakkit ass bish. 90's ball is actually regular basketball. You go to any hood in the world where the best ballers are and it It's resembles 90's ball more than any era. This nba isn't even real basketball anymore. You make those same calls where i'm from and nukkas are laughing your bish ass out the gym

02-27-2021, 08:29 PM
I hope the game doesn't slow to a grind like in the 90s, that was almost unwatchable. Athletes and bullies over skills. The international game seems to be fine. The NBA can borrow from the world game if it becomes to one- dimensional.

I dont think you ever really did watch it.

02-27-2021, 08:37 PM
The Nba obviously wouldnt have evolved that way if not for the game breaking rule changes that started in the mid 2000s when the defense has become too good and they needed a way to free up the stars.

I always wondered what the nba would look like if they allowed the rules to stay the same and let it evolve more organically.

02-27-2021, 08:41 PM
Spoken like a true a true fakkit ass bish. 90's ball is actually regular basketball. You go to any hood in the world where the best ballers are and it It's resembles 90's ball more than any era. This nba isn't even real basketball anymore. You make those same calls where i'm from and nukkas are laughing your bish ass out the gym

Im not even going to dignify this with a response. I regularly school retards that can't shoot and like to bump anus in the paint. Go home, your era is over tough guy. Probably an overweight, diabetes addled loser.

02-27-2021, 08:41 PM
Maybe allow two gather steps and allow the shooter to pick up a dribble and be able to continue 1x. Beyond that it is a travel.

02-27-2021, 08:43 PM
I dont think you ever really did watch it.

I clearly remember the trash basketball pat riley and the cleveland cavs provided. Scores in the 59s. No thanks.

02-27-2021, 08:48 PM
who wants to watch this trash?


90s basketball GTFOH

02-27-2021, 08:49 PM
Nowadays players are position-less, and shooting more 3s than ever. The pace is much faster. Are they going to keep evolving like this? More 3 pointers? Even more points?

We just can't keep going forward like this. People don't like it. What does Adam Silver have in mind?

Sometimes I wonder how the league would change if we just got rid of the 3 point line. Sure, guys that can shoot from distance would still be valuable because of spacing. But it wouldn't be as crucial. Maybe, they should not allow 3 pointers at certain times in the game. Like maybe no 3 pointers should allowed for 5 minutes of each quarter. We have to think of something.

They already had the league without the three point line and nobody watched.

I think the natural evolution would be to have a 4 point line.

02-27-2021, 08:52 PM
Some mood swings became apparent itt

02-27-2021, 08:53 PM

More trash. Bulls were fine though.

02-27-2021, 08:56 PM

02-27-2021, 08:57 PM
who wants to watch this trash?


90s basketball GTFOH

Seeing the Bulls lose like this after years of dominance was very very satisfying back then even if the main guys were not there anymore.

02-27-2021, 08:57 PM

02-27-2021, 09:04 PM
Im not even going to dignify this with a response. I regularly school retards that can't shoot and like to bump anus in the paint. Go home, your era is over tough guy. Probably an overweight, diabetes addled loser.

But u did fakkit. And it's so obvious why so many guys are crushing it now. Literally anyone with a green a light who can come off a screen and somewhat consistently hit a a three jumper or floater can get 20 now. It's way to easy.

That said i'm not saying they suck or are worse than previous era's. They're jusr taking advantage of these wack defensive rules

02-27-2021, 09:05 PM
But u did fakkit. And it's so obvious why so many guys are crushing it now. Literally anyone with a green a light who can come off a screen and somewhat consistently hit a a three jumper or floater can get 20 now. It's way to easy.

That said i'm not saying they suck or are worse than previous era's. They're jusr taking advantage of these wack defensive rules

youre a homosexual. obviously the point of the thread is how to fix it and you come in with your low iq rants. re ****in tarded

02-27-2021, 09:09 PM

This is BronBron23 right here

Spurs m8
02-27-2021, 09:19 PM
One team up one end of the court

Other team up the other end.

Take turns in scoring without any defenders.

02-27-2021, 09:20 PM
youre a homosexual. obviously the point of the thread is how to fix it and you come in with your low iq rants. re ****in tarded

I told yall dummies how to fix it. Just them play real ball. It's that hard fakkit

02-28-2021, 03:07 AM
Would love to see them get fans back in arenas beyond 500 people, As a start.

Other than that just playing basketball and not making it about the topics they are. They think this is what the culture wants but it’s actually losing culture. The NBA is taboo in circles now, niche.

If it was just about the game, not a lot needs to evolve. Some of the most insane shot creators of all time playing right now but the convo is not about that. Social media is some for blame, guys thinks they need to be influencers and not just play. That isn’t all their fault.

A lot of today’s players are so mixed up mentally. Rupals mentally.

Aside from all that I guess guys playing a little more defense but that probably hurts their longevity like it did guys of the past who took charges and had more physical play and burned out quickly

02-28-2021, 05:38 AM
They should just do whatever encourages OP to make more amazing threads tbh

02-28-2021, 06:07 AM
vagine is precious. save the precious vagine from being penetrated by the large cox

Mask the Embiid
02-28-2021, 10:06 AM
4-1(where 4 people guard the perimeter and one person stays near the paint) Zone defense is the next evolution

and you live with the worst shooter on the court making close-out contested 3's.

or just some type of zone (maybe 1-3-1)....just anything but the same ole weak ass 2-3 or 3-2

02-28-2021, 10:11 AM
They'll keep shooting 3 pointers more and more because that's what the math says to do.

When you have a bunch of guys that can shoot 35+ percent from three you're going to score more points and there is less chance of having a turnover.

02-28-2021, 11:17 AM
They'll keep shooting 3 pointers more and more because that's what the math says to do.

When you have a bunch of guys that can shoot 35+ percent from three you're going to score more points and there is less chance of having a turnover.

Yeah but the math only works because of the rules. Let defenders play real physical defence agian and those threes become a bad shot again. The difference between defense allowed in the post qnd defense allowed on the perimeter is like night and day now. Defenders can bang, hold, hand check and contest in the offensive players space all day. You can't do any of that on the perimeter anymore.

02-28-2021, 11:21 AM
evolution? :biggums:

02-28-2021, 11:53 AM
Yeah but the math only works because of the rules. Let defenders play real physical defence agian and those threes become a bad shot again. The difference between defense allowed in the post qnd defense allowed on the perimeter is like night and day now. Defenders can bang, hold, hand check and contest in the offensive players space all day. You can't do any of that on the perimeter anymore.

No. Playing tight D on the perimeter is hard work. Who the hell is going to do that when guys are playing at 80% max in the regular season so they can pace themselves and stay healthy?

Back in the day you could play aggresive like that near the 3 point line because if someone blew by you they would run right into the interior defense. The skill sets were more specialized and having guys hanging out near the paint made help defense more viable. Now if you take your man off the dribble(even the big guys can do this now) you have a clean look at the cup because all of the other defenders have to try and run back from the 3 point line to intercept you and at that point you can just pass to the now wide open teammate. A lot of teams barely even bother with help D.

Changing the rules to allow more contact will not change the way the game is played, the skill sets of players are totally different than they were 20-30 years ago.

In college you still see teams D up hard because there are fewer games and there's less shooting talent per team.