View Full Version : Will it hurt KD if he doesn't win with this squad?

Walk on Water
03-11-2021, 12:58 AM
KD has a super team. He played with Harden and Westbrook on OKC. He has played with the Warriors. Now he's got Harden and Irving. If he gets Drummond, that's overboard. Shannon Sharpe said that KD complained about super teams. And now KD is doing it, unparalleled.

With this squad, he should be expected to win. If he loses to Lebron, that's gonna be bad for him.

03-11-2021, 01:18 AM
If they play a few years together and avoid injury, yes, it would absolutely be a terrible look if Durant/Harden/Kyrie never win a ring together

03-11-2021, 01:27 AM
If they play a few years together and avoid injury, yes, it would absolutely be a terrible look if Durant/Harden/Kyrie never win a ring together

These guys arent exactly known as mentally tough grinders either. I cant imagine them even sticking together beyond next year if they dont win a chip by then. At least one of them would probably leave or be traded by that point.

03-11-2021, 04:18 AM
Probably not because it's not like he's with a collection of winners. The Nets are all malcontents and misfits.

03-11-2021, 05:00 AM
A little bit, yes.

His teammates are flawed, but very talented. He will have excuses if he looses, but it will hurt his legacy for sure.

03-11-2021, 10:04 AM
If they fail to get out of the East this year, it stains all of them permanently.

(Although, Playoff Harden probably can't get stained much further)
