View Full Version : Fundamentals are they slipping away ?

03-13-2021, 08:47 PM

We are in 2021 season record pace to have the most 3 point attempts in league history.

So has fundamentals taken a hit , because players don't know how to shoot mid range shoots as well as the
5 not playing in the paint :confusedshrug:

If guys come down the floor and not even run a set for a 1/3 of the game , I can guarantee you careers will be
extended , and you will see guys like Lopez , AD, Joel , and maybe even Durant play into their 40's if they wish.
Why : they don't have to run the court that much for sets as well as up and down the court.
Will it hurt bball ?
What about the young players trying to break thru in the show , and they can't cause weak ass 40 year old legend is
still taking a spot.
I think something has to change , increase distance for 3 pointers and maybe add a 4 point line.
How bout add spots on the floor if a guy hits a mid range shot its 3 points :confusedshrug:

03-13-2021, 09:02 PM
As an oldschool Pacers fan its pretty frustating how someone like Sabonis doesnt have a clean jumphook or a midrange game he can rely on off the post up or why somebody who has a great looking jumpshot like Turner barely takes 15 footers and relies only on the 3pt line or going all the way for the contested drive.

Maybe the postmoves takes some skill which they need to learn but turning down open midrange shots and just floating in the 3pt line most of the time is mind boggling to me when some of the past oldschool guys on the Pacers had decent enough postmoves like Dale and Antonio and could hit the midrange J

03-13-2021, 10:22 PM
Midrange still very much exists but the precisionists of today prefer taking a few steps back for bonus points

You're not taking over games anymore on mid-range, not at the volume 3's pour in. Sure 70 point wins vs Utah in the 1998 Finals and your opponent has 13 three's combined in 6 games. That's peanuts to defend nowadays if you know your opponent isn't going to pull up. Look at the shit Ben Simmons gets, that WAS what 85% of player pre-00 were like.

The guy we heard all last season that was cut from the same cloth as MJ shot himself out the WCSF 3 games in a row, on midrange bricks. 3pt shooters enforces spacing, the more range the lineup has the harder it is to defend.

Mr. Woke
03-13-2021, 11:21 PM
The average modern NBA player is more skilled than the average NBA player of the 80s, 90s, and early 2000s.

03-14-2021, 12:33 AM

I would say the players today are skilled with dribbling, handling, and range with the shots. But big men with post moves or using their size against smaller defenders lacks the consistency that the previous eras had.

I would say it's more the IQ that changed. There are more emphasis on 3pt shot. So, they would rather step out for the 3pt shot than step in for the higher percentage shot. Mostly cuz of the value of the 3>2.

It only annoys me when the game is close. Like if you are down by 1, there's no need for a 3pt shot. Shouldn't even be the first option. Paint first, then midrange, then 3pt shot. And especially if you bricking your shot, take a few steps in and try out your luck there.

Guards are different from big men tho. There are different criteria. But it's the coaches that making the players play this way too. Some coaches are wise enough to change it a bit and play more to the strength of the team more. And have different sets. Like Kerr changed how Curry played in comparison to Mark Jackson. Borrowing from the Spurs hybrid and motion offense, he had Curry move more without the ball instead of the your traditional pg role. This made him explode and he had the green light to shoot crazy ass 3s. While with Lou this year, he is taking some triangle sets for Kawhi because he knows midrange is where he is a killer. Kerr I think did the same thing with KD.

I don't know if the league is gonn'a change it or not. I don't want to see teams going to constant shootouts of the 3pt line. I want to see more variations of how teams play and more coaches utilizes more of their team/star strength than follow a system. But I also don't want mid 00s play. But that's me personally. I dunno how the ratings are and what other ppl feel. There are times where scoring doesn't matter as much as the stars and drama tho.

How the game is played, I feel like that's subjective. It'll change again, but I dunno how.

Im Still Ballin
03-14-2021, 01:14 AM
Slipping away? What is this, a Six Flags water park?

03-14-2021, 01:47 AM

We are in 2021 season record pace to have the most 3 point attempts in league history.

So has fundamentals taken a hit , because players don't know how to shoot mid range shoots as well as the
5 not playing in the paint :confusedshrug:

If guys come down the floor and not even run a set for a 1/3 of the game , I can guarantee you careers will be
extended , and you will see guys like Lopez , AD, Joel , and maybe even Durant play into their 40's if they wish.
Why : they don't have to run the court that much for sets as well as up and down the court.
Will it hurt bball ?
What about the young players trying to break thru in the show , and they can't cause weak ass 40 year old legend is
still taking a spot.
I think something has to change , increase distance for 3 pointers and maybe add a 4 point line.
How bout add spots on the floor if a guy hits a mid range shot its 3 points :confusedshrug:

Players are becoming fundamentally better players.

Everything they do now is more fundamentally sound.

The average player is now more well rounded than their counterparts from past eras.

03-14-2021, 03:21 AM
I don't think so but I understand why some people are more interested in the play style back in the day.

Offenses are run differently now. Not so much a matter of the players not being capable of doing anything other players were doing decades ago. :confusedshrug:

It's all basketball. It will probably look a little different again in a decade.

03-15-2021, 12:40 AM
I remember Kobe learning footwork from Akeem , and MJ , Mchale all doing footwork to make shoots.
That footwork doesn't exist any more , unless you talk about Hardening's skip step or Giannis's euro step.
All that footwork leads to mid range jumpers , that are higher percentage.

I saw a game last year in the playoff's where a 2 pointer would win the game , but because the player is so programmed
at shooting the 3 .. a brick was shot.. (If I was the coach , I would of pulled out a gun)