View Full Version : The Rashard Lewis contract is frightening.

07-04-2007, 11:09 PM
Here's how it's breaking down for those of you not understanding it completely or not paying attention.

Rashard Lewis was their #1 choice in free agency above all else including retaining their own guys and is the only guy they have truly pursued. Gerald Wallace was the backup plan and could still possibly be in the plans if Darko doesn't work out.


Here's their plan, as obvious to anyone following the situation... and it's a dangerous one they're playing with Darko, mind you, but it's what they're doing.

1) Extend the qualifying offer to Darko, thus making him a restricted free agent so that if you are not able to lure a top FA, you have Darko to fall back on with an absolute guarantee he won't be playing elsewhere next season.

2) Get a commitment from a Top FA.

3) Once step two is done, remove Darko's qualifying offer because if he were to accept it, it would have interfered with the ability to sign a top FA that has committed , as they would no longer be able to clear capsace to sign the top FA outright and the top FA's previous team would have no incentive to do a S&T.

Removing his qualifying offer has absolutely nothing to do with anything else, and definitely is not a sign the Magic don't want him. All it's a sign of is that the Magic value their top FA more than Darko. However, the Magic still want Darko.

3) Do a S&T with the previous team of the top FA in exchange for expiring contracts so that we still have the ability to put ourselves well under the cap (10+ million).

4) Sign Darko Milcic to a multi-year deal. If this falls through, renounce him & Grant Hill and use the remaining capspace to make another run at yet another big to semi big FA.

5) Once and if Darko is signed, they'll still have the MLE due to the fact that they never went under the cap because they did a S&T for their top FA & re-signed Darko without fully renouncing his rights, thus his caphold never came off the books and like I said, they never made it under the cap.

6) Sign a MLE contract player.

7) Sign Dwight Howard to a maximum contract extension (the only guarantee to happen this summer besides getting Rashard at this point).

It's a game of risk with Darko basically, but it's one that they thought out well and have played well other than Darko's agent having a hissyfit, to this point. The reason that it was played well is because not enough teams have capspace to truly make a run at Darko and they know this. There are a few but there have been no true reports of them being interested. And the Magic can and would beat the MLE considering they still have bird rights (ability to sign Darko for as much as they want). True, he's not restricted. But they can still out offer anyone, and they will if they are able to do a S&T with Seattle. If they have to sign Rashard outright, then Darko is gone and the whole offseason plan falls apart. But you're still getting a currently better player in Rashard over Darko and a consistent three point threat & scorer in the starting lineup, neither of which were anywhere to be found on the Magic's roster last season.

So there you have it. That's what we're currently trying to do.

07-04-2007, 11:17 PM
Also, I'd like to add that while they are grossly overpaying for Rashard, it was now or never. They had to use the capspace they were going to be able to create this summer, or never use it. Reason being is that once Dwight Howard's max extension kicks in, there will not be another chance at signing a truly top free agent outright for the foreseeable future, as they won't be under the cap in a long, long time.

So it's either... play around and pay Rashard(or another top fa) about what he should be making and just hope he signs here and that the Sonics(or the top fa's team) don't offer more... and possibly lose that capspace for 6+ years thus not using it, or overpay and guarantee yourself that you're going to get something out of your ability to create capspace.

That's why he's so overpaid. Not saying I agree with it, but it's the reason.

07-04-2007, 11:20 PM
Not saying I agree with it, but it's the reason.

do u agree with it?

07-04-2007, 11:22 PM
do u agree with it?

Let's put it this way, there's no way in hell Rashard Lewis is worth 15 million a year. However, if they're able to retain Darko, it will have been a good move.

If they're not, it will have been a bad move to pay Rashard that much. Simple as that.

07-04-2007, 11:26 PM
I think Otis knew Darko's agent would react like this. he would have to... who wouldnt crack if they got apparently screwed over or lied to? But I think Otis believes he can smoothe talk him back into a deal, because he must have known he would crack it.

07-04-2007, 11:27 PM
Mr. V -

Do you see Howard becoming a true #1 option-type guy in the post for the Magic this season? If not, how soon?

07-04-2007, 11:39 PM
Mr. V -

Do you see Howard becoming a true #1 option-type guy in the post for the Magic this season? If not, how soon?

Brian Hill was so predictable offensively it's insanely hard to tell. He literally made every player on the Magic worse offensively than they are capable of. And that's not an exaggeration in the slightest. Probably the only guy that it didn't effect was Grant Hill because all he did was play 1 on 1 basketball with isolation plays repeatedly called for him all game long, and he was still effective at is because well, he's Grant Hill. He has one of the best midrange games in the league.

One thing is for sure, Dwight is better in the post than the average poster will give him credit for, and he will be better this year. His PPG may even raise as high as 19 or 20 on sheer athleticism alone and the coach not being inept offensively. He's improving slowly but steadily with passing out of the double team, but that aspect of it aside, he still has problems with guards coming down to swipe at the ball while he battles the post player guarding him.

The turnovers from guards doubling down is truly all he needs to improve to become a 20 ppg scorer. Hell, he averaged 18 last year.

But as far as first option material, it's tough to say... it's doubtful at this point that he's ever going to be an elite scorer unless the right coach gets ahold of him. The Magic brought in Patrick Ewing as their big man coach. Somehow I don't see that doing the trick.

If he does eventually develop into a primary offensive weapon, it'll probably be 2-3 years from now.

One thing is for sure. He's no Shaq. I think prime PPG we're looking at 25 per game, which is still pretty good. Of course that would change with a guy like Nash by his side.

Take Your Lumps
07-05-2007, 01:38 AM
I would be VERY surprised if SEA/ORL can't agree to a S&T.

It's a win-win-win.

1. Rashard would get his extra year on his deal.

2. Seattle would clear out cap space for next year and get something in return for Shard.

3. Darko would have a chance at coming back for more $ than anywhere else.

I think if it falls through, it will be because Seattle may want a young piece of Orlando's core like Ariza or Redick.

07-05-2007, 11:09 AM
bump... for retards like Genitalia.. I mean... Wogitalia

07-05-2007, 11:15 AM
Also, apparently Turkoglu is in the plans to move if they can get someone that's going to fill a need considering Turkoglu & Lewis are extremely similar players. Turkoglu is a better defender than Lewis, a lot less consistent offensively, and is also getting paid a hell of a lot less.

So, he's not that unattractive a piece for teams to trade for.

If Artest for Turkoglu goes down, Otis Smith is a ****ing genius.

07-05-2007, 11:21 AM
i haven't seen a lot of orlando games except the stinkers in the playoffs this past season. how good is nelson? do you feel like he's the right playmaker to put with shard and dwight?

07-05-2007, 11:26 AM
i haven't seen a lot of orlando games except the stinkers in the playoffs this past season. how good is nelson? do you feel like he's the right playmaker to put with shard and dwight?

Jameer has the potential to shoot the lights out from deep, and when he puts his mind to it nobody can stop him from driving to the basket.

He's a player that, again, I can't tell you how good he's going to be offensively due to the fact that Brian Hill ran that team into the ground on that side of the ball last year.

He's got a few problems though. If his shot isn't falling and he's not penetrating, he's virtually useless. Below average defender. He's not the best passer in the world.

The Magic could use an upgrade at PG. Nelson settles for the jumper far too much, which he didn't make much of at all last year. If he can get back on track to where he was a couple of years ago, then he's definitely worth keeping. If he plays like he did last year, however, then he's bench material and they need to make a move.

07-05-2007, 11:34 AM
The only problem with this 'master plan' is that Orlando has no assets that Seattle would covet in a sign and trade(Seattles is not going to take on salary just for the sake on taking on salary)...They would have to entice them with at the very least JJ Reddick and a future first added on to some fillers...

Take Your Lumps
07-05-2007, 11:49 AM
Orlando has no assets that Seattle would covet in a sign and trade(Seattles is not going to take on salary just for the sake on taking on salary)

They will if they're expirers that will give them flexibility to keep rebuilding next FA class.

07-05-2007, 11:53 AM
The only problem with this 'master plan' is that Orlando has no assets that Seattle would covet in a sign and trade(Seattles is not going to take on salary just for the sake on taking on salary)...They would have to entice them with at the very least JJ Reddick and a future first added on to some fillers...

They are going to take on expiring deals from the Magic for the sake of clearing long term salary. His name is Earl Watson. And they want to get rid of him and his long term deal.

Thank you.

07-05-2007, 12:22 PM
as they would no longer be able to clear capsace to sign the top FA outright and the top FA's previous team would have no incentive to do a S&T.

Sorry for not following, but what was the incentive and how does it get taken away?

07-05-2007, 12:30 PM
i haven't seen a lot of orlando games except the stinkers in the playoffs this past season. how good is nelson? do you feel like he's the right playmaker to put with shard and dwight?

I think Jameer would be better suited to come off the bench and be the shoot first option that he is. Similar to Earl Boykins he can come in and light it up and not be too concerned with running the offense which is certainly not his strong suit. That being said PG was my first priority for the Magic this off-season.

Lewis is ok but too much like Turk to justify $9M more/season. Especially if that signing causes them to not be able to re-sign Darko. Battie, Bo Outlaw and Pat Garrity will not cut it anymore.

07-05-2007, 12:56 PM
Sorry for not following, but what was the incentive and how does it get taken away?


If the Magic can't clear capspace, then they can't sign the top free agent from the other team. In which case, the team of the top free agent would have no reason to do a sign and trade.

The reason they have to do a sign and trade with the Magic now, is because the Magic can clear all the capspace they need at the drop of a hat with the position they're in... and instead of losing their free agent for nothing, they can get expiring deals, probably future picks and unload a contract they don't like.

07-05-2007, 01:54 PM

If the Magic can't clear capspace, then they can't sign the top free agent from the other team. In which case, the team of the top free agent would have no reason to do a sign and trade.

The reason they have to do a sign and trade with the Magic now, is because the Magic can clear all the capspace they need at the drop of a hat with the position they're in... and instead of losing their free agent for nothing, they can get expiring deals, probably future picks and unload a contract they don't like.
and why would the Magic wanna give up picks and take on bad contracts? it doesn't give them any more cap room.

07-05-2007, 02:18 PM
and why would the Magic wanna give up picks and take on bad contracts? it doesn't give them any more cap room.


Because if they don't do it via S&T, they can't retain Darko because they will have to renounce him completely to clear the capspace to sign Lewis outright.

Take Your Lumps
07-06-2007, 01:03 AM
I think the Magic should go after Maggette.....and make sure they resign Darko by signing/trading their expirers to Seattle (garrity, arroyo or dooling).


Hedo + Diener



Corey just doesn't seem to fit on the Clippers....he would be a great fit in Orlando.

Hedo might be able to start over Tim Thomas over there and Travis Diener would give LA some much needed PG help.

Best case scenario:


07-06-2007, 02:35 PM
How is Milicic worth taking on Lewis at that price?

07-08-2007, 01:37 PM
It seems that Rashard Lewis is going to play with Magic next season.

Which numbers do you think he will have?

In my opinion, he will decrease his rpg (this is Howard's aim ), but he could improve the ppg from 22 to 28.

What do you think?

07-10-2007, 04:21 AM
I think he will be about 26 ppg but he will help Howards ppg rise becasue teams wont be able to throw double teams at him everytime because Lewis will make them pay.....Hopefully

07-10-2007, 05:02 AM
i think he's gonna lead the league in scoring since he came to Orlando :lol:

07-10-2007, 05:16 AM
yea i dunno i think his scorings gonna decrease towards 19 ppg or something we'll see

07-10-2007, 05:55 AM
In my opinion, he will decrease his rpg (this is Howard's aim ), but he could improve the ppg from 22 to 28.

yea i dunno i think his scorings gonna decrease towards 19 ppg or something we'll see
23-24ppg seems realistic.
Yes, he got 22 ppg last year, but Allen was injured and he was on a contract year...

07-10-2007, 06:16 AM
In my opinion, he will decrease his rpg (this is Howard's aim ), but he could improve the ppg from 22 to 28.

Dwight is a great guy. Interesting to hear that he aims to lower a teammate's stats. I aim to out live my 8 year old neice.

Lewis will never average 28 a season, 26 is a real push.

07-10-2007, 07:52 AM

07-10-2007, 07:57 AM
i think JJ Reddick's gonna improve...
He can't get worse

07-10-2007, 08:41 AM

07-10-2007, 03:23 PM

By John Denton
ORLANDO _ Darko Milicic’s time with the Orlando Magic is apparently over.

``He’s moved on and we’ve moved on, too,’’ Magic general manager Otis Smith said Tuesday.

The Magic withdrew a $6.8 million qualifying offer from Milicic last week, making him an unrestricted free agent. The Magic had still hoped to retain the 22-year-old Serbian center, but those plans to a major detour when Marc Cornstein, Milicic’s agent, blasted the Magic for not courting his client harder.

Smith hasn’t talked to Cornstein and has instead left the negotiating to assistant general manager Dave Twardzik. He is in Las Vegas, scouting the summer league there, and has held several conversations with Cornstein.

The Magic pursued coveted free-agent forward Rashard Lewis on July 1 and reached an agreement with him last week on a maximum contract. Lewis, who turns 28 next month, will officially sign a five- or six-year deal with the Magic on Wednesday.

``We hope to sign a big free agent tomorrow and then that leaves Darko free and clear,’’ said Smith, who isn’t allowed to talk about Lewis until the league’s moratorium is lifted tonight at midnight.

To land Lewis, the Magic still have to clear cap room. One possible option would be renouncing Milicic, meaning the Magic give up all their rights to him.

The Magic have tried to execute a sign-and-trade deal with Milicic around the league, but no team has been willing to offer him a contract starting at more than the mid-level exception ($5.5 million). Milicic can get that deal without needing sign-and-trade assistance from the Magic.

``There just hasn’t been a deal come up that makes sense to us,’’ Smith said.

The exact worth of Lewis’ deal is still unknown because the NBA won't announce the new salary-cap figures until today. Lewis and the Magic agreed last week that he would receive a maximum contract, meaning he will be entitled to 30 percent of next year's salary cap.

If the cap is set at $56 million, as Magic officials expect, that would mean Lewis' starting salary would be $16.8 million. His yearly pay would rise all the way to $22.1 million by the 2011-2012 season when he will be 32 years old. If he signs with the Magic for five years, he's entitled to 8 percent annual raises and his contract would be worth $97.4 million.

If Orlando can execute a sign-and-trade with Seattle, it would be extremely beneficial to Lewis. That kind of deal would give Lewis 10.5 percent annual raises, meaning his contract would go from $16.8 million to $18.5 million to $20.3 million to $22 million to $23.8 million to $25.6 million. The six-year pact would be worth a staggering $127.2 million.

Magic franchise center Dwight Howard is expected to sign his five-year contract extension on Thursday. Howard will get at least $85 million, and the fifth year will be at Howard’s option. The exact amount of his contract won’t be decided until next July when the salary cap for the 2008-09 season is set.

So, let me get this straight. We're going to let Darko walk for nothing in return. We gave up a 1st rounder to see Brian Hill bench him for a year and a half? I can't begin to describe how incredibly shortsighted that is.

And that's just the half of it. So apparently we're going to try to give Lewis a $127 million contract? Yeah, that's genius.

Otis Smith, I thought you were a genius. Turns out you're a moron.

Magic OUT

Magic IN
Rashard Lewis at $127 million

How the **** is that going to make us a better team? If we're a better team next year it'll be because of Stan Van Gundy, not because of roster changes. Roster wise, we just took a step in the WRONG ****ING DIRECTION.

Ok, so we were thin enough inside. Now we have nobody except Dwight. You've got to be ****ing kidding me. Rashard ****ing Lewis for $127 million? Eat **** and die *******. **** YOU!

I hope Otis Smith gets his foot run over by a bus.

07-10-2007, 03:27 PM
Holy ****. 127million? For Rashard Lewis? Huh?

I thought he was getting 15mil a year, which is too much, but 21mil?

That's ridiculous on so many levels. Even if it doesn't happen, who would even think about giving him that?

07-10-2007, 03:31 PM
Oh no. How will the Magic EVER replace a player like Milicic?

07-10-2007, 03:33 PM
:roll: Rashard Lewis contract

07-10-2007, 03:35 PM
Well he's officially in the Ugly Contracts group, next to Larry Hughes, Nene, etc.

07-10-2007, 03:36 PM

07-10-2007, 03:37 PM
beyond ridiculous... magic fans had better hope they're only signing shard to a 5 year pact... potentially paying 25 million for a single season of what lewis brings to the table is mind boggling.

07-10-2007, 03:37 PM

GOBB, you need to stfu.


HaNdLe ThE RoCk
07-10-2007, 03:39 PM
talk about over paid, damn lewis.

07-10-2007, 03:40 PM
Well he's officially in the Ugly Contracts group, next to Larry Hughes, Nene, etc.

I wouldn't put Nene in a group with those guys at all. He signed an incentive laced 6 year 60 mil contract and he didn't even get the 10 mil last year, and in the first year of that contract I think he proved that he can be the player they want him to be.

07-10-2007, 03:41 PM
Max contract to a second option...:roll:

07-10-2007, 03:41 PM
I wouldn't put Nene in a group with those guys at all. He signed an incentive laced 6 year 60 mil contract and he didn't even get the 10 mil last year, and in the first year of that contract I think he proved that he can be the player they want him to be.
True. He's producing good numbers and is very young, though Hughes' is just hideous.

07-10-2007, 03:44 PM
Reminds me of the Knicks giving Houston that 100 mill... Another big contract for a non impact non franchise player... This is what makes the NBA so terrible.

They should have been honest with Darko's agent about the scheme and promised him the 6 mill contract if they really wanted him back. But apparantly he's just not that good or worth it....


07-10-2007, 03:48 PM
I thought the reported deal was 5 years in between 75-80 million dollars? Those figures into the article are ridiculous. And the sign and trade one is absurd...

07-10-2007, 03:48 PM
A max contract to Rashard is a massive mistake. 5 years for 75 was bad enough, but now it looks like it's going to be 5 for 97 million. Horrible.

Losing the draft pick isn't that big a deal. It turned into Rodney Stucky/Nick Young. Not something to kill yourself over.

Losing Darko sucks though, since they probably could have kept him if they just made him a priority. If they had signed Darko to a deal that starts at 7 million, how much cap space would they have had left for Rashard? Looks like only 10 million. What they should have done was trade Arroyo to a team that could absorb his salary. That would have freed up another four million.

07-10-2007, 03:50 PM
well, that 15 mil. a year contract doesn't look so terrible now:lol:

07-10-2007, 03:55 PM
:oldlol:@ the Magic if they think they can get DHoward to sign for 85 million after giving Shard 127.

127 million over 6 years would put him in the KG/Shaq contract range.

07-10-2007, 03:56 PM
Here's how it's breaking down for those of you not understanding it completely or not paying attention.

Maybe you should take your own advice? :confusedshrug:

07-10-2007, 03:56 PM
A max contract to Rashard is a massive mistake. 5 years for 75 was bad enough, but now it looks like it's going to be 5 for 97 million. Horrible.

Losing the draft pick isn't that big a deal. It turned into Rodney Stucky/Nick Young. Not something to kill yourself over.

Losing Darko sucks though, since they probably could have kept him if they just made him a priority. If they had signed Darko to a deal that starts at 7 million, how much cap space would they have had left for Rashard? Looks like only 10 million. What they should have done was trade Arroyo to a team that could absorb his salary. That would have freed up another four million.

i like that idea... even if 10 mill is all they could have offered shard... where else other than seattle is he going to get more? he would have been in a situation like bonzi was last year... either accept the 10 mill, or take your chances that some team will try to work out a S&T that can get you the $$$ you're looking for... and we all know how it turned out for bonzi, who has since damaged his reputation beyone repair for what he pulled in Houston.

if not for the fact that they still have dwight howard, the magic would have lost every fan they have after this blunder.

07-10-2007, 04:01 PM
any way the magic can get out of this shard agreement and lock up gerald wallace for the 6 years 60 million he seems to be looking for? seems like a much better option for the magic at this point.

07-10-2007, 04:11 PM
any way the magic can get out of this shard agreement and lock up gerald wallace for the 6 years 60 million he seems to be looking for? seems like a much better option for the magic at this point.

Yup and use the extra money they would have tossed Shard to add another FA. Makes too much sense tho right?

07-10-2007, 04:15 PM
otis smith: "i have a cunning plan":lol:

07-10-2007, 04:17 PM
Yup and use the extra money they would have tossed Shard to add another FA. Makes too much sense tho right?

i agree, it makes WAAY too much sense.

07-10-2007, 04:20 PM
$127 million contract?

If this is true, then Otis Smith is truely a moron. Shard will be the highest paid player, Kobe second and I think its Shaq next.

Da KO King
07-10-2007, 05:04 PM
How many games have you watched in which Milicic played? Be honest. And good job ignoring the $127 million blunder being made. Great. You're an awesome poster. **** yourself.
Actually, you should cut him some slack. The title is misleading. It reads as though Smith is a moron for letting Darko walk.

I understand the real issue at hand is the money paid to Rashard Lewis but that's not really clear when you read the title and the first half of the article.

07-10-2007, 05:11 PM
Actually, you should cut him some slack. The title is misleading. It reads as though Smith is a moron for letting Darko walk.

I understand the real issue at hand is the money paid to Rashard Lewis but that's not really clear when you read the title and the first half of the article.

The issue is both. Ok. They're both incredibly stupid.

The Darko decision will haunt us if he turns into a star... he's already a solid player. But in the long term all we gave up was a mid first round pick for him that we'd have probably blown anyways. If he stays like he is right now for the rest of his career I'll be ok with it but I highly doubt he will.

Secondly, and yes this is the main part, Rashard ****ing Lewis getting $127 million is the biggest ****ing mistake this franchise could make. That's 6 years of hell, and probably another 5 or 6 on top of that of rebuilding.

Talk about a franchise crippler.

And **** only knows if he gets injured. ****.

07-10-2007, 05:13 PM
magic fans oughtta be pissed. with that ridiculous signing, team management just locked their franchise up to possibly half a decade of mediocrity.

07-10-2007, 05:13 PM
Why do these owners let these morons runs their franchises?

07-10-2007, 05:15 PM
and old people have the selfish audicity to tell kids to stay in school and not go to the pros to get a slice of the fat pie...

07-10-2007, 05:22 PM
:oldlol:@ the Magic if they think they can get DHoward to sign for 85 million after giving Shard 127.

why not, it's not like any other team can offer more than 85.

07-10-2007, 05:39 PM
Even if the Sonics and Magic want to do a sign and trade, Lewis should still only get five years. It's not like he's going to get a better offer than a five year max with 10.5% raises. I mean, the Magic are still gettting raped in that scenario, there's no reason for them to let Shard analyze them for that additional 6th year. What's he going to do? Say "no" to their 5 year, 100+ million dollar offer?

07-10-2007, 06:00 PM
Ok, Otis Smith is a retard, but you're just as dumb. What the hell does Rashard's contract have to do with Dwight's? NOTHING.

Do you think Dwight's ego will get in the way? Guess what? 85 is the MAXIMUM AMOUNT OF MONEY THAT DWIGHT CAN POSSIBLY GET.

Even if he waits till NEXT offseason (he won't... he's extending with us on Thursday), he STILL will not be able to get 127 million because he hasn't been in the league long enough.


Forgot that he was still on his rook contract. My bad.

Second of all, I'm not just as dumb as Smith because I laugh and hang up when Shard's agent tells me he wants 127 million over 6 years.

And third, http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/showthread.php?t=48402

07-10-2007, 06:26 PM
32 year old Rashard makin 22 mil? thats what KG will be makin when hes 32


07-10-2007, 06:29 PM

If they were smart, they could have gotten Gerald who is twice the player Lewis is. I'm pretty sure Kobe makes less than Rashard now.

07-10-2007, 06:30 PM
I want Darko in Phoenix.

Any takers for Kurt Thomas? How about it, Orlando, want another solid veteran big man?

07-10-2007, 06:32 PM
Lewis is balling.:lol: :lol:

07-10-2007, 07:37 PM
So let me get this correct, not signing Darko for 10 million annually makes Smith a moron.

I'm thinking. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ............................................
I still don't see your point, maybe I should think some more.............................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ..............I'm trying to remember three positive things Darko has done during his career............................................ .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ..............
Sorry man, I can't think of two positive things Darko has done. :rollingeyes:

07-10-2007, 07:59 PM
If this is true, then Otis Smith is truely a moron. Shard will be the highest paid player, Kobe second and I think its Shaq next.

Im pretty sure KG is #1. ********* show's several players above Shaq and Kobe actually.

07-10-2007, 08:00 PM
I still don't get how not paying Darko 10 million a year makes someone a moron.

07-10-2007, 08:18 PM
this reminds me when the idiot Rangers owner Tom Hicks let Scott Boras talk him into signing A-Rod for something like $80 million higher than anyone else and in the process crippling a team that really didn't need him.

No way in hell anyone else would have given Lewis that cash. I doubt he would have even got the full offer from Seattle. He has one bad ass agent.

07-10-2007, 08:25 PM
umm rashard lewis is not signing for 127 mill unless a s&t goes through it's more like 95-97 million for 5 years

07-10-2007, 08:25 PM
I still don't get how not signing Darko makes someone a moron, maybe I gotta sleep on it.

07-10-2007, 09:18 PM
:oldlol:@ the Magic if they think they can get DHoward to sign for 85 million after giving Shard 127.

127 million over 6 years would put him in the KG/Shaq contract range.

how can they be so dumb? I thought the franchise was building around Howard :confusedshrug:

07-10-2007, 09:20 PM
i am hoping that the bobcats go after darko, we need a skilled center to come in and allow emeka to go back to the 4

07-11-2007, 12:41 AM

07-11-2007, 12:53 AM
I don't know if this has been posted already but ESPN is reporting crazy money for Reshard Lewis.

look down at free agents...http://sports.espn.go.com/nba/news/story?page=orlandosummerleaguesday2

07-11-2007, 12:55 AM
second highest paid if so and expect him to be a 25 scoring guy for a while.

07-11-2007, 12:57 AM
Otis Smith? Plan?:oldlol:

07-11-2007, 01:20 AM

07-11-2007, 01:22 AM
Well if they went for GWallace who else would they get with their money thats available. Again, they need to spend the cash before they get tied up with Jameer and ofcourse Howard

07-11-2007, 01:25 AM
26+points 6+rpg 1.5stlsprg 5assist.

dude will have breakout soon and prove to everyone that orlando didnt overpay him

07-11-2007, 01:39 AM
The 127 million is only if Rashard gets a SNT to Orlando, it's more likely that he will be getting the 97 million (which is still nuts) since he's getting the 8% increase every year as well. I wish I could get 8% rise per year.

07-11-2007, 01:42 AM
If Shard is worth 97 mil how much should Dwight get paid? 200 mil and part ownership?

07-11-2007, 01:55 AM
26+points 6+rpg 1.5stlsprg 5assist.

dude will have breakout soon and prove to everyone that orlando didnt overpay him
I agree with the points and Reb's, but he wont average that many assists. Never has averaged over 2.4 per game.
Also, no matter how you look at it, he is not worth 6 years/126 million.

07-11-2007, 02:03 AM
hahah i hope this singing goes through since i hate the magic anyways i hope they get locked up with this ridilciulous contract that will screw their team over for a decade....

i hope settle does the S N T .... settle should do it that will put a dagger in the magic's heart for sure if they did .....plus they get players back too !

they should steal some picks away from the magic as well.

07-11-2007, 02:04 AM
FREE-AGENT BUZZ: With the Magic being key players in this month's free-agent sweepstakes, their imminent acquisition of coveted small forward Rashard Lewis has been all the buzz of the summer league.

Lewis' agent, Tony Dutt, was at the camp Monday, finalizing the negotiations with the Magic. Lewis is expected in town Wednesday, the first day that free agents can sign contracts, to ink a six-year megadeal with the Magic.

Orlando has agreed to a sign-and-trade deal with the Seattle SuperSonics that will allow Lewis to make $126.4 million over the next six seasons, according to NBA sources who requested anonymity. The Magic will send back a second-round pick to the Sonics.


terrible plan if true.

07-11-2007, 02:11 AM
I love being a Magic fan. Always making the right moves.

Please bring back the hockey guy. He has made our only good draft moves and our only good FA moves since we let Shaq walk.

A pack of monkeys would do a better job than Magic management has. Signing Shard to that kind of money is like making a pact that you will never be better than average. You can have 3rd to 4th scorer type players eating half the cap for half a decade, it's worse than making the Grant Hill signing knowing he would be injured, it basically guarentees the same thing. Would have been better offer resigning Hill for that type of money, better player still and at least he will probably have retired by the time we are giving him the kind of money that Jordan made.

Young HkM
07-11-2007, 02:24 AM
There's no way he averages 28ppg. I'll give him 25ppg at most.

07-11-2007, 02:41 AM

07-11-2007, 02:46 AM
I'm having an awfully hard time understanding why anyone would compete against themselves when signing a free agent?

I mean what's the freakin point of offering Rashard even more money; it's not like he would be stupid enough to hold out hostage and say, "Pay me 100M+ over 5 or 6 years, or I will sign for the MLE with another team."

I mean no other team with cap is interested in Rashard and most teams don't have treasure to offer for Rashard Lewis, so why are the Magic insistent on outbidding themselves?

I guess it's hard to understand idiotic moves, but oh well I'm not a Magic fan, so I don't really care.

07-11-2007, 02:49 AM
I'm having an awfully hard time understanding why anyone would compete against themselves when signing a free agent?

I mean what's the freakin point of offering Rashard even more money; it's not like he would be stupid enough to hold out hostage and say, "Pay me 100M+ over 5 or 6 years, or I will sign for the MLE with another team."

I mean no other team with cap is interested in Rashard and most teams don't have treasure to offer for Rashard Lewis, so why are the Magic insistent on outbidding themselves?

I guess it's hard to understand idiotic moves, but oh well I'm not a Magic fan, so I don't really care.

Good point. Nobody else with money wants him, definately not for that much. I doubt even Seattle wants him back, that is unless they could get an amazing price on him and they'd still probably look to trade him later.

07-11-2007, 03:06 AM

ouch... a 6'10" guy's not gonna get this little rebounds i feel... and i think he'll distribute the ball more as he's gonna get more attention defensively... unlike in his Seattle years cause there's Ray Allen...

The Hurricane
07-11-2007, 03:51 AM
I just saw espn said he will get his deal through sign and trade for 126 million over 6 years..... are you kidding me.....?

07-11-2007, 03:52 AM
I just saw espn said he will get his deal through sign and trade for 126 million over 6 years..... are you kidding me.....?
Am i missing something and they're trading for KG or what???

07-11-2007, 03:54 AM

07-11-2007, 03:55 AM
21 mil a year? thats absurd....Is that the highest in the league? must be close.

Put Back Dunk
07-11-2007, 03:59 AM
I doubt Rashard Lewis has been in the league long enough to be 'grandfathered in' under the old CBA, so he has a limit to how much he can make. The max contract for someone with his experience is about $15 million per year I believe.

07-11-2007, 04:10 AM
21 mil a year? thats absurd....Is that the highest in the league? must be close.

well players like Chris Webber and Derek Anderson are making 15 mill a year from previous contracts. I would say Rashard Lewis is way more valuable then both those players.

07-11-2007, 04:15 AM
If Orlando can execute a sign-and-trade with Seattle, it would be extremely beneficial to Lewis. That kind of deal would give Lewis 10.5 percent annual raises, meaning his contract would go from $16.8 million to $18.5 million to $20.3 million to $22 million to $23.8 million to $25.6 million. The six-year pact would be worth a staggering $127.2 million.

Got this of another thread.

Who knows what they're thinking.

07-11-2007, 04:18 AM
Ive seen a few places say its possible by the numbers.

MAITLAND, Fla. -- The Orlando Magic are gearing up for a big day on Wednesday afternoon, getting ready to announce the signing of Rashard Lewis, their highest profile acquisition since throwing money at Grant Hill and Tracy McGrady in 2000. Advertisement

Throwing money around would be an accurate term for what Orlando is doing to get Lewis, because thanks to new salary cap adjustments, the Magic can hand him considerably more money than the five-year, $75 million deal that was originally rumored to have lured him to central Florida.

In fact, if a rumored sign-and-trade deal comes to fruition, Lewis' contract could approach over $110 million for six years.

Because he's coming into the Magic as a nine-year veteran, he can command as much as 30 percent of Orlando's salary cap and would be entitled to 8 percent raises on a yearly basis. Lewis' deal would be worth as much as $97.4 over five years, and considerably more if a deal between the Magic and Sonics is reached.

At least 3 counting the one posted before me.

07-11-2007, 04:25 AM
well players like Chris Webber and Derek Anderson are making 15 mill a year from previous contracts. I would say Rashard Lewis is way more valuable then both those players.

Webber got his though when he was a superstar... and I doubt Derek Anderson is getting 15m per year.

Orlando must be gambling on Rashard being a superstar to pay him that money.

07-11-2007, 04:26 AM
well players like Chris Webber and Derek Anderson are making 15 mill a year from previous contracts. I would say Rashard Lewis is way more valuable then both those players.
Webber deserved it when he signed.
As for Anderson... are you sure? :wtf:

07-11-2007, 04:30 AM
Webber got his though when he was a superstar... and I doubt Derek Anderson is getting 15m per year.

Orlando must be gambling on Rashard being a superstar to pay him that money.

Exactly, most people considered Chris to be nearly as good as KG who made about the same amount of money. He made the Kings a winner and losing him would've really hurt the franchise(although that deal did hurt us even more but we got a WCF appearance out of it and almost a title, hindsight's 20/20 you can't predict injuries).

I think Otis Smith is insane. He could easily have Rashard for 15 million$ or a bit less, why the hell is he just throwing money at him for the hell of it? It's like he's saying "HERE RASHARD HERE'S SOME FREE CASH". What type of dumbass gm is he?

07-11-2007, 04:32 AM
Yeah ofcourse he's been in the league long enough to get that type deal. I think you have to be in the league for 8 years, maybe 7.

But the fact that they're make Rashard Lewis, whom nobody in their right mind believe is a top 20 player right now, one of the top paid players in the league is ridiculous.

I can see if there was a bidding war for him, but its not, and they could probably get him for considerably less. I don't see anybody paying him 15 mil a year, nobody else atleast. Charlotte has pretty much decided where their money is going and they don't need him at all since they got Jrich and will probably keep Wallace. Seattle has already replaced him with his double :D from the draft and wouldn't pay near that much for him anymore.

It's just nuts

07-11-2007, 04:50 AM
5 players currently earn over 20 mil a year.


Everyone else is under 20 mill

07-11-2007, 04:53 AM
That's just ridicluous.

The Spurs starting starting 5 (if u put Ginobili in there) minus Duncan, makes somewhere close to that guaranteed...

07-11-2007, 04:55 AM
Webber deserved it when he signed.
As for Anderson... are you sure? :wtf:

Derek Anderson is owed money by both Portland and Miami. On top of what he is getting paid now. I saw him on a list of highest salaries in the NBA.

07-11-2007, 05:05 AM
thats some crazy ass money man...

07-11-2007, 05:06 AM
D. Anderson salary history


Estimated salaries are marked with an asterisk (*).

About salary data
1997-98 $1,107,240
1998-99 $1,273,000
1999-00 $1,439,400
2000-01 $2,250,000
2001-02 $6,495,000
2002-03 $7,144,500
2003-04 $7,794,000
2004-05 $8,443,500
2005-06 $1,670,000
2006-07 $901,397
Career (may be incomplete) $38,518,037

Not 15, at least not 15 per year

07-11-2007, 05:14 AM
Really hope this doesn't have a ripple effect.

07-11-2007, 05:19 AM
So this means that Seattle now have a ubber trade exception, good for them.

07-11-2007, 05:24 AM
This kind of reckless overpaying makes me heave.
Ok, they really want him, and he'd even be a good fit there, but they don't need him THAT badly.

07-11-2007, 05:33 AM
they can seriously give him a decent size contract then use the rest for a decent pg, instead of using jameer nelson.

Put Back Dunk
07-11-2007, 05:33 AM
This kind of reckless overpaying makes me heave.
Ok, they really want him, and he'd even be a good fit there, but they don't need him THAT badly.

And you'd think Orlando would atleast learn from their own mistakes when it comes to spending big money on free agents. Chances are Lewis will either be often injured (Grant Hill) or demand a trade a few years from now if the Magic suck (T-Mac).

07-11-2007, 05:35 AM
This is great.

I mean, how did this happen? In a few years Rashard Lewis has the highest salary in the league. What?


07-11-2007, 05:40 AM
You've got to be ****ing kidding me. Rashard ****ing Lewis for $127 million? Eat **** and die *******. **** YOU!

I hope Otis Smith gets his foot run over by a bus.

lol kind of a step backward from eating sh!t and dying to just getting a foot run over eh? :lol:

07-11-2007, 05:43 AM
i am hoping that the bobcats go after darko, we need a skilled center to come in and allow emeka to go back to the 4

And how does that involve Darko?

Darko gives you five fouls, and man, does he give them quick. In the meantime he'll get you some rebounds and a block or two, but he's not worth any amount of major money at the moment.

Put Back Dunk
07-11-2007, 05:46 AM
they can seriously give him a decent size contract then use the rest for a decent pg, instead of using jameer nelson.

They'll probably use the rest of the money to resign Darko if they can. They have about 15-16 million under the cap now that they renounced Darko's qualifying offer so they could easily work out a S&T deal with Seattle for Rashard without sending any contracts back. But because Darko is now an unrestricted free agent they have to sign him with money under the cap - that's why they're trying to stuff some expiring contracts into the S&T.

07-11-2007, 05:51 AM
Isn't today (7/11) the first day that free agents can actually sign their contracts? Should be interesting to see if everything goes down as reported.

On a side note, the J.J. Ridick story is interesting in that link.


07-11-2007, 06:04 AM
The only way he will be worth that 127 million deal or even the 97 million deal is if he puts up Kobe or McGrady like numbers AND the Magic get into the playoffs. Look at Garnett, lots of people are still say he's overpaid.

07-11-2007, 06:06 AM
Lewis' first-year salary with the Magic will be $16.68 million -- the maximum allowable for a player with nine years of NBA experience. From there, he'll get 10.5 percent annual raises. That will take the deal to a mind-boggling $25.2 million for the 2012-13 season.

:eek: :confusedshrug:

07-11-2007, 07:28 AM
Does anyone know why michael finely is getting paid so much cause all he is is a role player

07-11-2007, 07:32 AM
Doesn't Howards extention kick in after next season though? So they HAD to sign someone this offseason, overpaying or not.

Lewis agent probably played on this and hardballed them. He is a very good player and he will probably fit in well in ORL too. Nothing like him on the market this season, an established top-level player (not counting Vince Carter, which I don't really think they wanted, and Wallace, which doesn't really fit them since they needed a top scorer)

If they can afford the money, why not pay it. It's not like they were going to have cap room or sign any better players anyway. Their other needs can be fixed with exceptions, trades and drafting.

25 million is still retarded though, but that's another subject

07-11-2007, 07:39 AM
Does anyone know why michael finely is getting paid so much cause all he is is a role player

His contract with the spurs is only minor but because the Mavs brought him out he is still getting max level money from them ontop of his contract with the spurs.

07-11-2007, 07:53 AM
Finley isn't getting paid 20 mil a year. His salary remaining from the Mavs is a little over 18 mill according to the contract, but according to a stipulation in his contract, if Finley were ever to get waived, he would get the remainder of his salary over a period of 10 years which comes out to about 5 mil a year. That was one of the biggest reasons Mavs waived him when given the chance under the amnesty. Instead of paying some 50+ mil over 3 years, Cuban gets to pay it over 10 and avoid paying Luxury Tax on the amount of salary Finley is owed. Cuban gets to keep the money invested, earn a healthy return on it, and spread the payments out and as the time goes on the value of 5 mil gets smaller and smaller while the return earned on the invested money keeps getting compounded.

So right now Finley is just making 5 mil + whatever the Spurs are paying him. Not 20 mil. The 18 mil number on the Mavs is just there for salary cap purposes.

07-11-2007, 08:49 AM
i'm gonna start calling rashard allan houston jr. from now on.

either that or "the highway robber"

John Starks
07-11-2007, 09:25 AM
The Allan Houston signing was, in fact, a better signing than this one. Dude just came off leading the team to the Finals. He was the best player on the floor for the K in the SA series and made the big shot in the Miami series. Signing AH could be explained with "We'll pay whatever it takes to keep our title contender together".

This Lewis deal makes 0 sense. Even the biggest optimist cannot project that R.Lewis will lead this team to a championship, or the finals, or even the ECF. You are paying for the 2nd round - and that's the optimist.

07-11-2007, 09:38 AM
Magic should have backed out and just gone after Gerald Wallace for half the price.

07-11-2007, 09:39 AM
Magic Should have traded JJ Reddick to the Cleveland Cavaliers.

Kebab Stall
07-11-2007, 09:43 AM
Magic Should have traded JJ Reddick to the Cleveland Cavaliers.
If it was up to you, Cavs would have a 25 man roster. You seem to want anyone and everyone on the Cavs.

07-11-2007, 09:44 AM
Magic Should have traded JJ Reddick to the Cleveland Cavaliers.
and taken who the bad contract of hughes? or the old legs of eric snow??

07-11-2007, 09:47 AM
and taken who the bad contract of hughes? or the old legs of eric snow??

JJ Reddick would probably become a bench warmer in the Orlando Magic next year we can trade some of our future draft pick. Cavs really need a scorer beside Lebron James, Gibson, Hughes and Z. JJ Reddick can earn decent minutes playing for the Cavalierts.

07-11-2007, 09:49 AM
If it was up to you, Cavs would have a 25 man roster. You seem to want anyone and everyone on the Cavs.

IF i am the GM of the Cavaliers i would probably build this team into a championship contender but Danny Ferry done a very poor job improving this team in the off season.

Kebab Stall
07-11-2007, 09:56 AM
IF i am the GM of the Cavaliers i would probably build this team into a championship contender but Danny Ferry done a very poor job improving this team in the off season.
I don't know what they plan on doing this offseason, or what they have already done but the Cavs are already champhionship contenders.

07-11-2007, 09:58 AM
I don't know what they plan on doing this offseason, or what they have already done but the Cavs are already champhionship contenders.

Here is KG 21's Idea from the other forum.


I am a bit concern with the inactivity of GM Ferry to sign or trade players. The Bulls has made some tweaks and they're active on the FA market, the Pistons has done some minor tweaks by getting 2 1st Round Draft Pick and they are both good pick. But the Cavs has done nothing at this point. They are not even on the running for some 2nd tier FA's.

Are the Cavs management visiting this site to look for some inputs of Cavs fans??? I am suggesting this to Mr. Ferry...

* TRY, JUST HAVE AN EFFORT TO TRY, make an offer to the Grizz for a sign & trade scenario for Varejao and then package him with Hughes, Snow & Wesley & Newble (both has expiring contract though only approx. 5M but still has some value) for Memphis' Swift, Miller & Stoudemire. The Grizz may like this trade because they are actively pursuing Varejao but since he's a RFA, the Cavs can match any offer by the Memphis. So they may be willing for a S&T. Hughes has still some value even though he's not that explosive anymore because of injuries. Only problem is he has bigger contract than Miller (36M (3yrs) to Miller's 26 (3yrs). Miller will be much cheaper & an upgrade to the Sg spot that we lack of consistent shooting. Grizz would like to get rid of Damon because they have Conley & Lowry to run the point now so Snow would be a perfect mentor for them. Contract will not be an issue since they both have 2yrs left though Snow has bigger contract (9M against 14M for Snow). But we have the expiring contract of Newble (3.4M) and Wesley (1.75) to compensate the difference.

* Since the MLE salary has rise to 5.3M, why not offer that MLE to Darko. Lets say 5 yrs 30M for him. Only 2 teams (Grizz & Bucks) has a bigger amount to offer so we have a chance to sign him because he wants to start. He's a good defender & has a decent & improving inside game. #1 & #2 overall pick being teammates. Why not??? I know some of the fans will say he's a bust but with that amount, he's worth the gamble. If we can give Snow that amount, why not to younger & better Milicic. He's young & still developing. He'll gonna be a polish force 2-3 yrs from now if we can team him up with LBJ. A possible insurance for Z because I think Z is 1 injury away from being done.I really believe that, 1 major injury away and he's done.We need insurance on the center spot.


Gooden/Darko (we can start Darko because Drew is more of an energy guy, he loves to come off the bench)

* The salary cap gets smaller and the team gets better in all position including the bench. This deal isnt that hard to pull-off. Only a minor tweak but it will certainly make the Cavs a lot better. Hope Memphis will take it if FERRY offers it.

* We have to do this because Detroit & Chicago are better that us right now line-up wise. We have to defend the East & try to win it all.

* Detroit Line-Up are still good enough to win the East.


* Bulls Line-Up are way better than us man to man. Plus they have experience under their belt now. They can win the East also. They are not done dealing.


To all the Cavaliers fans i hope we can e-mail Danny Ferry and tell him to make a huge player movement this off season.

07-11-2007, 10:01 AM
IF i am the GM of the Cavaliers i would probably build this team into a championship contender but Danny Ferry done a very poor job improving this team in the off season.
We're not dealing with trading cards. Being an NBA GM isn't an average joe's job.

07-11-2007, 10:02 AM
dayyymmmm soooo who are the sonics going to trade along with lewis???

and who will the magic send...Hedo is probably the first on out of there

that also means Sonics roster would be sooo crowded...but at least PJ gets more Vets to help him and make his job somewhat more easier

07-11-2007, 10:05 AM
rashard lewis is going to have greater average salary than lebron james:applause: and for almost a third

07-11-2007, 10:10 AM
TRY, JUST HAVE AN EFFORT TO TRY, make an offer to the Grizz for a sign & trade scenario for Varejao and then package him with Hughes, Snow & Wesley & Newble (both has expiring contract though only approx. 5M but still has some value) for Memphis' Swift, Miller & Stoudemire. The Grizz may like this trade because they are actively pursuing Varejao but since he's a RFA, the Cavs can match any offer by the Memphis. So they may be willing for a S&T. Hughes has still some value even though he's not that explosive anymore because of injuries. Only problem is he has bigger contract than Miller (36M (3yrs) to Miller's 26 (3yrs). Miller will be much cheaper & an upgrade to the Sg spot that we lack of consistent shooting. Grizz would like to get rid of Damon because they have Conley & Lowry to run the point now so Snow would be a perfect mentor for them. Contract will not be an issue since they both have 2yrs left though Snow has bigger contract (9M against 14M for Snow). But we have the expiring contract of Newble (3.4M) and Wesley (1.75) to compensate the difference.

if u think grizz will take on Hughes u have got to be kidding...i mean i kno u didnt make this up but this doesnt make any sense what so ever to me ..frankly this is terrible...Grizz can break the bank for Varejao causing the Cavs to miss out on him because they dnt have that much money to spend...so if the grizz can do that on their own PLEASE tell me why in the hell they'll wanna help the cavs out by taking on hughes???? lol clearly up capspace for cavs and give them Miller??? which imo Miller>>>>>>Hughes ..he ACTUALLY has a jumpshot

07-11-2007, 10:18 AM
Actually YOU are retared because people rant and never look at facts. Note, i think he's overpaid too...BUT

1) Darko is not worth $10 a year and thats what hes asking
2) They did a sign and trade with seattle btw. Seattle gets the trade exemption and a pick. Does no one check these things?
3) They still can resign darko.
4) All players are slotted with what they can make. Dwight can't go somewhere else and get more now. Not more than Orlando can pay. So how does the value of Lewis's contract matter at all?

07-11-2007, 10:29 AM
miller's last season >>>>>>>> hughes' last season
miller's contract >>>>>>>>> hughes' contract
miller's jumpshot >>>>>>>>> hughes' jumpshot

who'd even consider that deal? varejao isn't tim duncan, you know?

07-11-2007, 10:37 AM
2) They did a sign and trade with seattle btw. Seattle gets the trade exemption and a pick.

I forgot about the trade exception this would create for Seattle. A massive exception like that could actually be useful if Seattle can find the right move to make during the season.

As for the deal, if true it's incredibly dumb. Why six years instead of five? Five's horribe enough. They just signed an untradeable player, (unless he transforms into a top 5 player in the league) which is never a good thing.

07-11-2007, 10:41 AM
So this means that Seattle now have a ubber trade exception, good for them.

Can they spend that trade exception to chase a free agent or can you not combine it with players?

Put Back Dunk
07-11-2007, 10:44 AM
Can they spend that trade exception to chase a free agent or can you not combine it with players?

Trade Exceptions can only be combined with draft picks, but the TE for Rashard Lewis will be about $16mill so they should be able to do a S&T with it for a big name free agent next summer (if they don't do a regular trade with it this year). Lots of big names coming up next year too.

07-11-2007, 11:03 AM
Can they spend that trade exception to chase a free agent or can you not combine it with players?

you cant combine it but this one is so freaking huge it probably doesn't matter.

07-11-2007, 11:13 AM
you cant combine it but this one is so freaking huge it probably doesn't matter.

Anyone except KG would work salary wise.

07-11-2007, 11:17 AM
What happened here is pretty simple... Rashard's agent saw weakness in Orlando's GM and ate him for lunch.

It's a good move on Rashard's part and a horrible move on the part of whoever is president of the Magic. All I want to know is who made the decision to put a sucker in charge of all basketball operations. It's the worst mistake you can make.

They had Shard in the bag for the gross overestimate of 5 yrs 75 mil. That's too much money but it's tolerable when you consider the Magic's dire straights, the fact that they need to sign someone this offseason, the fact that Shard fits in with the team perfectly, and the fact that he's the best free agent available. But this rumor, if true, is horrible.

Plus, as someone else mentioned, I'm concerned about the ripple effect this could have on the rest of the league. Rashard isn't even all-star level and he has the highest contract signed since Kobe Bryant's. What is next year's free agent class going to do? Why wouldn't they highball? Now we could be at the point where someone will bite because it's better than nothing (even though it's actually not).

I consider this signing disastrous. Rashard isn't that good. Just because you have the money does *NOT* mean you have to spend it! Also, f you have that mentality, and your target player's agent reads it, you're going to give up every dollar. This is a terrible signing and someone should be fired over it, preferably before it goes final. I say bail: offer him 5 yrs 60 mil, take it or leave it.

07-11-2007, 11:30 AM
Plus, as someone else mentioned, I'm concerned about the ripple effect this could have on the rest of the league. Rashard isn't even all-star level and he has the highest contract signed since Kobe Bryant's. What is next year's free agent class going to do? Why wouldn't they highball? Now we could be at the point where someone will bite because it's better than nothing (even though it's actually not).

There won't be a ripple effect. Smart GMs will make smart decisions, while dumb GMs screw up. Smart GMs don't look at this signing and think "Damn, now I'm going to spend a fortune to get my guy." They look at this signing and think, "Damn, Otis Smith is crippling Orlando's payroll flexibility Larry Hughes style."

Vince got four years for 60 million. Not cheap but reasonable. Rod Thorn is smart. Billups got four years for 46 million. Still not cheap, but very very reasonable. Dumars is smart.

You only need to worry about the Shard signing if you think your team has a dumb GM, as only idiots do things like this.

07-11-2007, 12:09 PM
Depends on what Memphis is trying to do. If they're trying to win now (they're holding Gasol in his prime?!?), they won't do this. If they're rebuilding around Gay and Conley Jr., they might take it if the Cavs throw in future picks (which Memphis should do because Cavs are clearly trying to win now...)

07-11-2007, 12:28 PM
What the fck...?

07-11-2007, 12:56 PM
You only need to worry about the Shard signing if you think your team has a dumb GM, as only idiots do things like this.

If your team has a dumb GM (ie. the Timberwolves), it's not like you weren't worried before this.

So nothing changes.

07-11-2007, 12:57 PM
Lewis is the next KG.

07-11-2007, 12:58 PM
who were the players involved the sign and trade??

i seen hippos
07-11-2007, 01:15 PM
I'm just smilling realizing that Ford's and Bosh's combined 4 year contracts only amount to $91 million and they both better at their positions than Lewis and don't get injured (Ford's spinal injury is different since those aren't reocurring as far as I understand).

And we don't have to re-sign Bargnani for another 4 years.

Our core who at some point in their contracts can all be more valuable than Lewis will combine for $121 mil...compared to Lewis getting that alone...plus whatever Dwight gets.


It's clear they have to go the Phoenix route now and stack the starting lineup and have no bench...not enough money for any sort of depth.

07-11-2007, 01:23 PM
It's clear they have to go the Phoenix route now and stack the starting lineup and have no bench...not enough money for any sort of depth.

They can't even do that. Phoenix doesn't have any players at the price that Rashard will have in 2 years. Phoenix can at least go a respectable 7-8 deep with 3 max players.

Orlando will essentially be a 2-man team. To me they look like a team that will battle for the last few spots in the East playoffs so they won't have any good draft picks and of course, not much money to spend either. Unless Howard turns into Shaq (I don't see that happening), it'll be many years of mediocrity for Orlando... which is great for us fans of other East teams! :D

07-11-2007, 01:24 PM
a fool and there money are easily parted

i seen hippos
07-11-2007, 01:33 PM
They can't even do that. Phoenix doesn't have any players at the price that Rashard will have in 2 years.

Orlando will essentially be a 2-man team. To me they look like a team that will battle for the last few spots in the East playoffs so they won't have any good draft picks and of course, not much money to spend either. Unless Howard turns into Shaq (I don't see that happening), it'll be many years or mediocrity for Orlando... which is great for us fans of other East teams! :D

Well if you take Howard's first of his new contract (after this season) and Lewis' second year salaries and use this year's cap, they would have 21-22 mil left I believe. They have 20 mil tied up to 5 other player and that's not including Nelson Q offer. So ya, the 2008/2009 season will be interesting.

But after that say 36 mil or so is tied up between those two and 13.5 mil for Battie and Turk (can't assume they'll be traded). Leaves about 8 mil or so depending on the cap in 2009/2010.

Still ugly.....so I guess you're right until the 2010/2011 season or if trades are made.....:roll:

07-11-2007, 01:37 PM
This contract will go down as one of the worst ever. Plus it cost them Darko and Grant Hill.

Otis Smith announced yesterday that they have ceased negotiations with Darko and renounced his rights so they get nothing when he signs somewhere else. The sign and trade to get Rashard the extra year is the dumbest move I've ever seen a GM make even dumber than McHale signing an under the table deal with Joe Smith and that should've cost him his job.


Although once Lewis signs this deal it doesn't matter who the GM is because they won't be able to sign anyone for 6 yrs.

i seen hippos
07-11-2007, 01:41 PM
So let's say by the 2010/2011 season where outside of those two, Orlando has 19 mil in cap space or perhaps Smith makes some deals to counter this insane contract earlier on, what should they do?

If they stack the starting lineup (say put another 14-15 mil in it), they would have about 4-5 mil for a maximum of 10 other players. If they try to go for more depth they have 19 mil for 13 players. We have to assume like most teams that the bottom 4-5 players won't break the million dollar mark per year.

I don't know which one is better. 2 players and possibly 13 scrubs or a strong starting linup and 10 players who are even worse than scrubs.

07-11-2007, 01:49 PM

ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) -- Rashard Lewis formally joined the Orlando Magic on Wednesday, leaving the Seattle SuperSonics after nine seasons when the teams completed a sign-and-trade deal for the high-scoring forward.

The Magic sent Seattle a conditional second-round pick, while the SuperSonics earned a trade exception believed to be in the $9 million range.

Lewis agreed to terms with the Magic earlier this month, yet no deal could be closed until Wednesday, the first day that the league's free agent moratorium was lifted. The six-year deal -- Lewis agreed to a five-year pact, but the sign-and-trade allows an extra year to be worked into the contract -- is expected to be worth at least $110 million.
"Rashard is a young, athletic forward and a proven scorer in this league," Orlando general manager Otis Smith said. "We feel his skills will be a tremendous addition to our team and we are very excited to have him join the Magic family."

Lewis averaged a career-best 22.4 points last season for Seattle, where he spent his first nine years after jumping straight to the NBA from high school and going early in the second round of the 1998 draft. He's averaged more than 20 points in each of the last three seasons, and is the SuperSonics' all-time leader in 3-point field goals with 973.

Lewis' acquisition is the first formal move in what could be a busy week for the Magic, who reportedly plan to announce an $85 million, five-year extension with All-Star center Dwight Howard on Thursday.

07-11-2007, 01:51 PM
The Sonics get a huge trade exception in return that they can use on another player.

07-11-2007, 01:51 PM

Time to edit 2K7 rosters.

07-11-2007, 01:52 PM
The Sonics get a huge trade exception in return that they can use on another player.
yeah i was thinking about that. good deal for the sonics.

07-11-2007, 01:55 PM
The TE is not that big.....

The Sonics have agreed to sign forward Rashard Lewis to a six-year contract worth the NBA maximum and then send him to the Orlando Magic for a conditional second-round pick and a trade exception worth between $9 million and $9.5 million, the PI has learned. Seattle Post-Intelligencer

07-11-2007, 01:57 PM

07-11-2007, 01:58 PM
well players like Chris Webber and Derek Anderson are making 15 mill a year from previous contracts. I would say Rashard Lewis is way more valuable then both those players.
One of the dumber things I've read in some time.

When Webber got that contract, he was worth it.

07-11-2007, 02:00 PM
so they can pile a big stupid contract for darko on top of this big stupid contract. YAH!

07-11-2007, 02:00 PM
How long have I advocated the elimination of guaranteed contracts? I believe the current CBA expires in 4 years, and you can bet Stern has that day circled on his calander. Orlando finally had a bit of flexibility after Hill's deal came off the books (Im sure Magic fans were delighted to wait seven years for that), and they recklessly tie up their newfound cap freedom by throwing it out the window for someone who plays no D, is not a good rebounder for his size, and wasn't even the best player on one of the worst teams in the league. He has played in one all-star game (2005), where he scored 2 points. Hes not even a top 50 player.

If you think the current economic landscape will last in the NBA, you're crazy. Changes are coming.

07-11-2007, 02:01 PM

07-11-2007, 02:01 PM
You know whats crazy?

Opening another topic on this while there already are about seven.

07-11-2007, 02:03 PM
My topic is more about drawing attention to the flawed system as a whole.

07-11-2007, 02:07 PM
Otis Smith just blew by Thomas and Ainge as the worst GM in the NBA.

The funny thing is that Lewis will be getting paid more than Howard. What a sport!

07-11-2007, 02:11 PM
Derek Anderson never got 15 million a year. He left the Spurs in 2001 to sign a six-year deal for the MLE with Portland. When SA agreed to a sign and trade, the value of Anderson's deal increased slightly, to about 45 million. SA received Steve Smith in exchange.

07-11-2007, 02:43 PM
Off the top of my head the only players to ever make 25 million in a single season are Shaq, Jordan, and KG. Houston may have but I dont think so.

07-11-2007, 02:49 PM
Rashard is not worth 15 Million a year or however much he is getting paid, and Darko certainly does not deserve 10 million a year for looking dumbfounded every time he is on the court.

07-11-2007, 02:50 PM
Off the top of my head the only players to ever make 25 million in a single season are Shaq, Jordan, and KG. Houston may have but I dont think so.

Chris Webber and Allan Houston got paid as much as 20 million a year, pretty close though.

07-11-2007, 03:08 PM
What's truly unbelievable to me is the 6th year of the contract. That means that Otis Smith was dumb enough to fall for the idea that there was another team out there willing to max out Shard, AND produce a sign and trade that would have appealed to Seattle. Call a bluff man, Jesus. And if there actually WAS that .0000001% chance out there that Shard's agent was telling the truth...friggin let Shard go. Go get Gerald Wallace instead, and re-sign Darko as a bonus.

The TE is not that big.....

The Sonics have agreed to sign forward Rashard Lewis to a six-year contract worth the NBA maximum and then send him to the Orlando Magic for a conditional second-round pick and a trade exception worth between $9 million and $9.5 million, the PI has learned. Seattle Post-Intelligencer

^^^Something's not right there. The trade exception should be 16 million if that's what Shard's starting salary is going to be. Unless the Magic are shipping out somebody in the sign and trade...

07-11-2007, 03:14 PM
that's alot of $ for this guy, but maybe the magic know something that everybody else doesn't?

07-11-2007, 03:25 PM
that's alot of $ for this guy, but maybe the magic know something that everybody else doesn't?

Maybe they know how to convert Lewis in the best forward in the league :lol: :lol:

07-11-2007, 03:26 PM
$18.333.333 p.a.

:oldlol: :oldlol: :oldlol:

Unbelievable. Smith must also be his agent.

07-11-2007, 06:01 PM
that's alot of $ for this guy, but maybe the magic know something that everybody else doesn't?

Like what, he posseses a stone which he will touch and magically he will become, Michael Jordan?

07-11-2007, 06:08 PM
Like what, he posseses a stone which he will touch and magically he will become, Michael Jordan?

You mean these?


Maybe he stole those sneakers from little bow wow? Otis you sneaky devil, you're the only one who knows. Now the contract makes sense.

07-11-2007, 06:22 PM
You mean these?


Maybe he stole those sneakers from little bow wow? Otis you sneaky devil, you're the only one who knows. Now the contract makes sense.

:oldlol: :applause:

07-11-2007, 06:23 PM
From the main menu "Badly overpaid"

I agree completely

07-11-2007, 06:25 PM
I'm not totally clear on the shard contract. it's a 127 mil for 6 years right? so yeah that's a 21.6 mil average per year, but on some other threads I saw figures like 15 mil first season, so is the contract extremely backloaded and incentive/bonus laden?

Now don't get me wrong, I live in Seattle and for the last 4 years Shard has been my favorite player to watch. When he is hot, he is one of the most unstoppable players on the offensive end in the game. He isn't in the same league as a Kobe, but he compares favorable to just about anyone else.

However Rashard has some major issues that I would be upset about if I was a magic fan. Rashard is 28 almost 29 I believe. He's rail thin and every season for the last 3/4 years he has been getting tendinitis and inflammation in his joints and knees.

I honestly think this could turn out to be Grant Hill x2 for the Magic, except that in his prime Hill was a better player, worthy of max money.

Rashard isn't really a playmaker and he is a horrible defender. For a 6'10 forward he plays terrible D. Not just rebounds but Man to man as well. He plays a little better team defense in the open court, getting a decent amount of steals.

For a max money player, Rashard is not at all a team leader, at least vocally.He's very lax and soft spoken.

I have to say I'm sad to see him go, but I would have been sick to see him stay at that Shaq/Kobe/Iverson/Garnett price tag.


What does this sign and trade mean for my Sonics?

It sounds like a 2nd round pick and a 9.5 mil trade exceptiom?


07-11-2007, 06:30 PM
if he gets this kind of money he will be known as the most supremely overated and overpaid player in recent memories. Orlando you have done enough dumb mistakes already in the past like letting Shaq go as a FA and not getting anything in return and now you're gonna give Lewis a 100 + million when he's not even a top 20 talent in the league.

People will just do this at you :oldlol: even your fans :lol:

07-11-2007, 06:30 PM
^^^Something's not right there. The trade exception should be 16 million if that's what Shard's starting salary is going to be. Unless the Magic are shipping out somebody in the sign and trade...

I'm not sure what the exact rule is, but the Suns only got back half of Joe Johnson's salary in his S&T to Atlanta.

07-11-2007, 06:32 PM
It sounds like a 2nd round pick and a 9.5 mil trade exceptiom?

The exception should be much bigger unless the Sonics are getting a player from the Magic. I don't understand why 9 million is being reported.

OH yeah! BYC. Since he's base year, Shard only counts as half his new salary, or his previous salary, whichever is greater. Now it makes sense.

07-11-2007, 09:02 PM
If JJ Redick is not starting for Magic, they are gonna miss the playoffs.

07-11-2007, 09:05 PM
If JJ Redick is not starting for Magic, they are gonna miss the playoffs.

They wont make it anyway.

Bahamian Balla
07-11-2007, 09:16 PM
Rashard lewis contract is a laughing stock. He is the second coming of Jermaine O'neal and Allan Houston. Not to mention Ray Allen. I would never give these player the max. only Duncan,healthy prime Shaq James & Ming would get that money. i am a Knicks fan but even we would not have given Lewis this money. Also we were never going to trade away our pieces just for him.Wish the Knicks had gotten Darko instead of Fat Randolph.

07-11-2007, 09:43 PM
What's truly unbelievable to me is the 6th year of the contract. That means that Otis Smith was dumb enough to fall for the idea that there was another team out there willing to max out Shard, AND produce a sign and trade that would have appealed to Seattle. Call a bluff man, Jesus. And if there actually WAS that .0000001% chance out there that Shard's agent was telling the truth...friggin let Shard go. Go get Gerald Wallace instead, and re-sign Darko as a bonus.

^^^Something's not right there. The trade exception should be 16 million if that's what Shard's starting salary is going to be. Unless the Magic are shipping out somebody in the sign and trade...

I agree 100%. This deal has chance to go down in the annals. Talk about hitting the Otis Smith Powerball. The Sonics & his agent have to be laughing the rear end off. :roll:

07-12-2007, 12:25 AM
Well that worked out well. :oldlol:

Nice Masterplan.

07-12-2007, 12:36 AM
I think Rashard Lewis should also thank Billy Donovan for the contract. Psychologically Smith didn't want to lose Rashard like he lost Donovan so he gave into every whim of Dutt(Shard's agent). It's all psychological...and Shard cashed out big time.:cheers:

07-12-2007, 12:59 AM
Rashard or his agent must have pictures of Otis Smith or their owner doing something illegal. This is terrible. I dont' think anyone would have come within 5 million dollars annually of what he's paying him. Its terrible.

07-12-2007, 01:13 AM
I think Rashard Lewis should also thank Billy Donovan for the contract. Psychologically Smith didn't want to lose Rashard like he lost Donovan so he gave into every whim of Dutt(Shard's agent). It's all psychological...and Shard cashed out big time.:cheers:

That's exactly right. However, GM's are paid to be poker players. This guy did the equivalent of folding before the hand was dealt.

01-16-2022, 12:23 AM
Not anymore

01-16-2022, 02:00 AM
Vendetta nailed allot of his analysis on the magic in this thread