View Full Version : Why is LaMarcus Aldridge disliked among Portland Trail Blazers fans?

04-15-2021, 03:43 PM
I never watched LMA play for Blazers. However, LMA is one of the best & most accomplished players in their franchise history after nearly 10 years.

But whenever LMA's name is discussed among Portland fans, he is generally disliked.

As the title says, why is LMA disliked in Portland?

04-15-2021, 03:53 PM
You watch basketball today right? Do you know who Nikola Vučević is? That's lamarcus, soft as hell and empty stats. On a title team, he is probably a 4th or 5th best player.

He's a pushover, he's soft, he doesn't play defense, he's just not that good. Look at his biggest playoff series with Blazers in 2014 vs Spurs:


11 GmSc, 45% TS, 92 offensive rating.

04-15-2021, 04:38 PM
I think because he left the team to go to the Spurs.